Golden Pupil

Chapter 601 Master Ge Next

"Boss, although you are open for business, you can't do it in the dark."

"Yes, let's buy the seal. This seal engraving should be regarded as a service, right? Is there a charge?"

There were all kinds of doubts in the noisy crowd. Of course, it was all caused by Zhuang Rui's charging standard.

The average person's name is two or three words, plus the seal or Jianyu, you need to engrave three or four words, that is to say, not counting the seal money, the seal engraving alone needs to cost one or two thousand. No wonder these people have opinions.

Not to mention them, even Zhao Hanxuan and Ge ** are now stunned by Zhuang Rui's idea. The streets are full of computer carvings. Can you do the opposite?

Ge ** was afraid that Zhuang Rui would not get off the stage, so he pulled Zhuang Rui from behind and whispered, "Xiao Zhuang, this... Engraving is my job, so don't charge extra..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, "You have to charge, and you will raise the price in the future, Ge**, don't worry about this..."

"Everyone, please be quiet first and listen to me..."

Zhuang Rui walked to the crowd and waited until it was quiet. Then he said, "Everyone knows that now the streets are full of computers**, and there are fewer and fewer private stamps. What's the reason for this? That one said..."

"What's so strange about this? Who still uses a private seal now..."

"Yes, except for the official seal and financial seal, private seals are used less and less..."

"Young man, does this have anything to do with **'s demand for money? To be honest..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's question, everyone gave all kinds of answers, but they didn't get to the point, because they didn't think about it.

"Ha ha, everyone still hasn't answered why there are fewer and fewer private seals. In my opinion, this is a loss of culture. Modern people choose more convenient signatures and fingerprints, but they have left behind the most authentic seals in ancient times..."

Zhuang Rui's words made everyone's face gradually become solemn.

"And ** craftsmanship has existed since ancient times. Most of the calligraphers and painters are also masters of seal carving. Let's not mention the ancient times, in the Qing Dynasty, the seal engraving seals of those gold and stone people are also difficult to find.

But in modern times, everyone, can you still find a handmade ** stall on the street?

When talking about this, Zhuang Rui's tone suddenly raised and said loudly, "I tell you, there are no more or very few. In the future, the Yu paintings you write will be stamped with machine-processed seals. Is that still our culture? Is that still something inherited from our ancestors?

Hearing this, the look on many people's faces became thoughtful. Zhuang Rui is right. Calligraphy and painting pay attention to a kind of artistic conception. If mechanically processed things are used on it, it is indeed a disgrace to the art of calligraphy and painting.

"Modern machinery has given us a lot of convenience, which is undeniable, but we also have many excellent handicrafts, so it is lost. Isn't it sad for everyone?

Look at the computer in Junmantai Street** "A seal can be issued in minutes, but it is a dead thing. Can it be compared with Mr. Ge's handicraft?

Handwork** can also make some anti-counterfeiting marks that are difficult to imitate according to your requirements, which is also incomparable to computers. I hope you can think about it seriously.

Another point is that everyone has witnessed Mr. Ge's craftsmanship. The seal he carved is not only practical, but also has collection value, 500 yuan per word. In my opinion, it is not expensive!

Perhaps in the future, the seal of Xuan Ruizhai will become 5,000 words. For the inheritance of traditional culture, I feel that it is also not expensive!"

After Zhuang Rui finished his words, Xuan Ruizhai became silent, and people were digesting what he had just said.

After a full few minutes, a applause sounded. Slowly, the applause became louder, and everyone applauded.

"This young man is right. Modern people are too utilitarian and impetuous. They don't attach so much importance to the previous cultural inheritance..."

A 60-year-old table tennis man in the crowd stood up and was the first to agree with Zhuang Rui's point of view, and then said, "I want to order a chicken blood stone seal, 4 words, a deposit of 2,000 yuan. I'll pay it today..."

Someone has to take the lead in everything. With the old man's behavior, people who were not worth it in their hearts have also joined the ranks of custom-made chicken blood stone seals.

In fact, one or two thousand yuan is not something for people who like antique painting. What's more, a seal can accompany them for a lifetime, and it is not a consumable product. After figured out this link, everyone is still willing to spend the money.

"Monkey, go and register for Lao Zhao. He has no vision at all..."

Zhuang Rui saw that Zhao Hanxuan was a little busy and quickly kicked the monkey. The monkey woke up like a dream and agreed to run over to help.

How did Zhuang Rui know that the monkey was just trying to raise it. Brother Zhuang can really fool. No wonder he has such a big family property at such a young age. He dares to deceive people to death without losing his life.

"Ge**, you...what's wrong with you?"

After Zhuang Rui delivered this speech, when he was about to greet Ge **, he found that the old man who was standing behind him was already in tears and could not be himself.

"Xiaozhuang, okay, well said, you can say this, old man, I just don't want a penny, I'll do it for you for nothing, then I'll admit it..."

To be honest, Ge ** was really moved by Zhuang Rui's words. In the 1970s and 1980s, handmade ** was extremely prosperous. Although it was mostly the official seal of some units, it was not a problem to maintain the food and clothing of the whole family with this skill.

It's just that after the rise of machines in the 1990s, almost overnight, handmade ** disappeared into the streets and alleys. For these veteran craftsmen, the loss in their hearts is difficult to express in words.

What's more, the fan has also broken the door to eat the board. Ge ** himself has been handed down for three generations, all of which are from the Jinshi family. This is an ancestral craft, but in his generation, his son is unwilling to learn this craft. The grandchildren are even more clenuous about going abroad, which makes Ge ** entangled. Seeing the skills left by his ancestors, he is about to be cut off in his own hands.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words today, the old man met a bosom friend. As he said, even if Zhuang Rui didn't pay him, Ge ** was willing to do it, just for nothing else, just to be happy.

"Ge**, talk inside, how can you do it without paying..."

Zhuang Rui smiled. The old man has been depressed for a long time. He can't take it seriously. If he really doesn't pay, Zhuang Rui can't get over himself. There are too many guests outside, and Zhuang Rui took Ge** to the inner room.

After sitting down, Zhuang Rui said, "Ge**, the basic salary we agreed is still 5,000, but you engrave a seal for each seal, and you charge 300 yuan per word. Do you think it's okay to divide it?"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Ge ** quickly stood up and refused, "What? No, no, Xiaozhuang, the salary of 5,000 yuan is no longer low. I'm going to see you at this commission..."

Ge** is also very famous in the gold and stone seal engraving industry in the capital. With his family craftsmanship, he has carved private seals for many senior officials, and even engraved seals for some foreign friends.

It's just that there was no money to take ** at that time, three or five yuan each. Later, after the manual seal engraving was replaced by the computer **, these craftsmen almost couldn't even eat a mouthful of rice, and some young people changed their hands one after another, so the old man lived a relatively poor life.

If the grandson didn't want to go abroad and his family couldn't afford the money, the old man would not have come out to work at such an old age. Of course, what he just said was also said in a turbulent mood. As Zhuang Rui thought, it was not true.

"Ge**, you make money by your craftsmanship. You don't have to lose this money. Don't refuse. Just do what I said. This is a partnership.

At the way, if you are always free, let's see who is more skillful in the store. It's okay to bring an apprentice. Let's carry forward the handmade seal engraving process together!"

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and gave this matter. He thought of more than Ge **. Now people who like antique painting will not be short of this little money. When this matter spreads, I'm afraid someone will come to ask for Yu.

Zhuang Rui wants to make this trend popular in the antique circle, so that those real and fake collectors are proud of the private seal of Xuan Ruizhai.

Experts such as Jin Pangzi and Mr. Sun, Zhuang Rui is going to send a private seal to each of them and go out to appreciate the objects in the future. If the experts don't take out Ge**'s private seal, they will be embarrassed to sign the identification certificate.

With this gimmick, you can definitely start the name of "Xuan Ruizhai". Nowadays, fame and fortune have always been tied together. If you have a son's name, are you afraid that you don't have money to make money?

"Okay, okay, Xiaozhuang, this love, I'll take the old man, you can rest assured..."

Ge** does need money now. At present, he has not refused any more, but he has regarded the seal engraving process as a career in his heart, and he no longer has the mentality of setting up roadside stalls in those years.

"Hey, Boss Zhuang, it's too bad for you not to give a speech, haha..."

After Zhuang Rui and Ge ** talked, Zhao Hanxuan pushed the door in. When he met, he made a joke with Zhuang Rui, and then said, "$-ηё first release! A total of 11 people have ordered chicken blood stone seals. The materials they want are from high-end to low-end. Just now, the deposit alone charged more than 8,000 yuan..."

"Ha ha, Lao Zhao, this good day is still to come, but you can order a computer ** machine later..."

Zhuang Rui's words made Zhao Hanxuan and Ge ** a little confused. They are ready to carry forward the traditional craft here. Why did they order to buy a computer?

P: The second update, but there are about 40 monthly tickets left to be updated. Guys, awesome, I want to break out, give me some motivation!!! Y