Golden Pupil

Chapter 617 Lion Button Chapter 2

Zhuang Rui entered the old man's room. The old man was making tea with joy. When he saw Zhuang Rui come in, he nodded, pointed to the opposite chair, and said, "Sit down. What's the bastard looking for you for? If you can't help, don't help..."

Gu Tianfeng knows Zhuang Rui's background. In China, he dares not say that there is nothing that can't be done, but I'm afraid there are really not many things that the Ouyang family can't do. Gu Tianfeng is afraid that his son will make some excessive demands, which makes it difficult for Zhuang Rui to do.

Of course, the son is still his own relative, and the old man also has something to say. Don't help if you can't help. There is no need to say more about what can help.

"Uncle Gu, it's not a big deal. Brother Yun's business is in the off-season during this period. Let me introduce some work. It happens that the fourth brother has a project and let him pick it up. This is a serious business..."

When Zhuang Rui saw that the old man was very serious, he quickly explained that it was nothing at all. It's better to give Ouyang Jun's work to anyone. It's better to take advantage of his own people.

"Well, follow the rules, don't break the rules..."

As soon as Gu Tianfeng heard that it was this string, he didn't say anything more. He opened the drawer of the table on the other side where he was sitting, took out a palm-sized red sandalwood box from it, and pushed it in front of Zhuang Rui.

"Look, this is the big red robe chicken blood stone material carved out, and the old man's craftsmanship hasn't been put down yet..."

The old man seems to be very satisfied with this work, and his words are full of a little complaence.

"Hey hey, of course, my uncle is the famous southern capital and northern ancient..."

After a small flattery, Zhuang Rui took the seemingly red sandalwood box on the table in his hand.

"What? Uncle, this thing is old, isn't it?

When Zhuang Rui picked up the box, he felt quite heavy when he bought it. Looking at it with aura, not to mention that it was really a box made of red sandalwood, and the lines were clear and delicate. It was still the best small leaf red sandalwood, which was worth a lot.

Although this box is not big, it is at least before the Republic of China. From the perspective of antiques, it is an old object. Zhuang Rui estimated to be about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

It is a very cautious thing and a very important step for the ancients to print after finishing calligraphy and painting, so they are also very concerned about the requirements and storage of the seal. This red sandalwood box, with machine buttons, is obviously specially made to place the seal.

"Well, what I met in my early years has been here for decades. Now I don't need it, I'll give it to you..."

When the old man spoke, it was obvious that there was a trace of reluctance and melancholy. Zhuang Rui could see that this red sandalwood box was definitely the old man's favorite.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, "Uncle, I can't accept this item. You'd better keep it for yourself..."

"Bullshit, do I have a thousand? It is said that if it is retired, my old man will not issue another identification certificate. Do you still want this thing?

When the old man heard Zhuang Rui's words, his voice suddenly raised, but then he sighed and said, "Your boy is spiritual and lucky with jade, but he is too old and too late to get started. Otherwise, all the craftsmanship of my northern sculptor will be passed on to you..."

To learn the carving process, you need to have profound calligraphy and painting skills, and then you need to exercise the flexibility of your hands from an early age. Zhuang Rui's bones have long grown up, so you can only engrave a seal to play. If you want to learn to carve, it is almost impossible.

Although Gu Tianfeng also has many disciples in his life, the carving style of the Northern School has become a foreministic conclusion, and there are no people among his disciples who can take the lead, so the old man sighs this.

"Hey hey! Uncle, with your body, you still have at least thirty or fifty years of life. What's the hurry? When I give birth to my son, let him learn from you the sculptor of the Northern School. At that time, I will pass this red sandalwood box to Jia for you..."

When Zhuang Rui saw that the old man was a little depressed, he quickly said to change the topic, and Zhuang Rui really had the idea that "divination children can learn seal engraving. On the one hand, it can cultivate hands-on ability, and on the other hand, it will cultivate his sentiment and make people calm. If Zhuang Rui has a son, he will definitely

"Hehe, son of a bitch, don't tease me, open it and have a look..."

Gu Tianfeng was amused by Zhuang Rui's words. At this time, Gu Yun also came in with his son. As the saying goes, it was a marriage. When the old man saw his grandson, he immediately smiled.

Zhuang Rui smiled, opened the box in his hand, and was immediately attracted by the rectangular chicken blood stone seal.

This seal is no longer in its original shape. It has become square. At its top, the shape of a lion play ball is carved with round carving. As the button of the seal, and the middle is hollowed out, it can be worn with a ribbon and tied around the waist. It is a typical Northern school carving, and the knife method is extremely fine.

After picking up the seal from the silk mat in the box, it felt slightly warm in the cold. Between the edges and corners of the seal, it felt smooth and comfortable, and did not look abrupt, which made Zhuang Rui feel very comfortable. One

Observe the seal in your hand carefully. The texture is pure and soft, and the chicken blood is sprinkled, like splashing ink. The layers are clear, and the blood color is bright red and sharp, as if it is about to jump out. Looking closely, Zhuang Rui's heart is shocked.

"Xiaozhuang, this big red robe material is excellent. If it is too carved, it will lose its nature, so I only made one for you to show its true nature..."

The old man who was teasing his grandson explained to Zhuang Rui, and then said, "This seal can also be called ** blood lion button seal. I also referred to the shape of Mr. He Jingguo's old seal in the Chinese Seal Stone Atlas. You are not satisfied..."

As the saying goes, the epee has no edge, and it is a great coincidence. At the level of craftsmanship of the ancient man, the simpler the work is, the more you can see the old man's high craftsmanship. This seal seems simple, but between the knife and pens, it shows magnificent and exquisite.

"Hehe, satisfied, satisfied..."

Zhuang Rui said the truth, as the old man said, the natural chicken blood on this seal, too much carving and artificial factors will only destroy the overall feeling of the whole seal, which is just right now.

"Xiaoyun, go get a book and get a piece of white paper..."

Gu Tianfeng told his son to get something, but he wanted Zhuang Rui to see the seal face. For the seal, this is the most important thing., the most *fast

"Uncle, your printing mud is not simply roaring..."

After Gu Yun took the paper, Zhuang Rui opened the clay box placed next to the seal. Suddenly, a faint fragrance came into his nose and stared at it. The mud was red but not irritable, quiet and elegant, delicate and thick, which can definitely be called the best.

The importance of printing mud to the seal is naturally self-evident. It can directly affect the effect expressed by the seal art. A good printing mud and the bowl is bright and calm in calligraphy and painting, with a three-dimensional sense. The longer the time, the color will be.

For the poor printing mud, after the bell is printed, the color is gray or light, and some oil stains are leached, making the printing text blurred.

People who make good use of late printing choose printing mud, just like good calligraphers choose pen and ink. Its quality will directly affect the value of calligraphy and painting and its artistic effect.

Some friends' impression of printing mud is the kind sold in the stationery store. In fact, this understanding is wrong.

The printing mud sold in the stationery store is thick, oily and floating in color, which cannot express the original appearance of the seal. Therefore, it cannot be called printing mud at all, but can only be called printing color.

As long as you know some common sense, you will not use it as a seal pattern or calligraphy and painting.

"Hehe, this is the printing mud made by Lihuazhai, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province a few years ago. Their recipe for printing mud is very famous in China. It was given to me by an old friend. A good seal must be well matched with printing mud. It's cheaper for you..."

Although Gu Tianfeng said it lightly, Zhuang Rui knew that such a small box of printing clay was absolutely valuable, especially the one specially used as a gift. I'm afraid the price is about 1,000 yuan and 5 grams.

Even the old man's red sandalwood box worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan has been collected, and Zhuang Rui will not be pretentious. At that moment, he held two fingers in each hand, and dipped it on the printing mud in a balanced manner. Then he stroked the white paper on the book with his hand and pressed it down. After feeling >

A "Zhuang Mi Qing Appreciation"

Four bright, beautiful, quiet and elegant seal characters, leaping on the paper, the traces of the body lines are ancient and vigorous, giving Zhuang Rui the subtle feeling of six kinds of gold casting jade. The so-called "between square inches, the weather is thousands of", which is nothing more than this.

Zhuang Rui can see that this inscription engraving took a lot of time. He used two knife methods: punching knife and cutting knife. The punching knife was refreshing. ** When the seal was engraved, it was completed in one go, showing a strong momentum.

In the subtleties, the old man combines the knife technique and cuts continuously with a short-range shredded knife, one step at a time, showing the strength of condensation, thickness and stability. The combination of these two knife methods shows the highest level in the seal engraving process.

With this skill, Zhuang Rui can conclude that he is afraid that Master Ge, who was invited by Xuan Ruizhai, is still inferior to the ancient man in this seal carving skill.

The yin and yang text of the seal is also very exquisite. Different words represent different functions, such as name seal, book seal, and signature seal, also known as "flower seal". It is the seal signed by carving flowers and writing names, which makes it difficult for people to imitate. In ancient times, it was used as a voucher for trust.

In addition, there is the seal of the pavilion. The ancients often named their own rooms and often made seals from it. The "Xuanrui seal" originally engraved by Master Ge belongs to the seal of the pavilion.

The four words "Zhuang Rui Qing Appreciation" need not need to ask, it definitely means that this seal belongs to the collection and appreciation seal.

This kind of seal is mostly used for bell cover calligraphy and painting cultural relics. For example, the painting of Lang Shining identified by Zhuang Rui for the master also uses this kind of seal. The bell seal on the soil is: silent tasting, which means the same as "Zhuang Ruiqing Appreciation". C