Golden Pupil

Chapter 626 Chapter 627 Foreign Antique Shops (Upper and Lower)

Although he did not see the Greek words found by Hugo and did not hit the 13-ton bronze bell that smashed by Casimoro and broke his eardrums, Notre Dame de Paris still gave Zhuang Rui a mysterious feeling.

After coming down from the bell tower, Zhuang Rui saw a sculpture stored in the glass cabinet, and his face was slightly shocked. He looked at Qin Dongbing and asked, "Wingbing, what's wrong with this statue?"

This sculpture shows the extremely sad scene of the Virgin Mary holding her dead son in her arms after Jesus Christ was crucified. The Virgin Mary lowered her eyes and looked at Jesus in her arms with infinite sadness. Her expression was very vivid, and the marble was given vitality in the hands of the artist.

What shocked Zhuang Rui was not the expressive power of this sculpture, but because the interior of the sculpture that Zhuang Rui saw through the glass contained an extremely strong purple aura. If calculated according to time, it should be a work of the 14th-15th centuries.

Since Zhuang Rui began to pay attention to playing with antiques, he has always been exposed to domestic objects. Although he had seen foreign oil paintings and luxury goods when he was in the Zhonghai pawnshop, there was no aura in those things. Even if there were, they were some gems.

For example, this sculpture, which is 100% carved by manpower, is the first foreign work of art with aura that Zhuang Rui has seen. The richness of the aura in it is no less than Zhuang Rui's "Ding Light Sword".

When Zhuang Rui came out this time, he also wanted to know whether there would be aura in foreign "ancient" works of art. Now Zhuang Rui knows that art really knows no borders. I'm afraid the value of this sculpture will not be lower than any of his collections.

"Zhuang Rui, don't you know this? This is the treasure of Notre Dame de Paris, Michelangelo's sculpture when he was 25 years old..."

Qin Xiaobing was a little surprised by Zhuang Rui's questioning. He smiled and said, "As soon as this work came out, it caused a huge sensation. People don't believe that such an excellent work will come from a 25-year-old young man.

To this end, Michelangelo engraved his name on the belt on the chest of the Virgin Mary in the statue, which is also the only signed work in his life. .......”,

Listening to Qin Yingbing's words, Zhuang Rui put his hand on the glass and couldn't wait to smash the glass with a hammer and carry the sculpture inside. It is estimated that this is what the Eight-Nation Alliance did in Beijing.

Of course, this mind can only be thought-thought. I'm afraid those big-nosed French **s will not understand Zhuang Rui's Chinese culture.

After leaving Notre Dame de Paris, Qin Dongbing took Zhuang Rui to the Jimei Museum in Paris. Qin Dongbing had been here before. She knew that there were many Chinese cultural relics here and thought Zhuang Rui would like them.

After each person spent six euros to enter the Jimei Museum, when he saw the first item on the wall, Zhuang Rui's face immediately became a little ugly.

It is a picture of Amitabha's Western Pure Land Change. From the perspective of style, Zhuang Rui can recognize it at a glance. This is a product of China's prosperous Tang Dynasty from the prosperous Tang Dynasty of Dunhuang, and the Puxian Bodhisattva Riding Elephant and the Foot Seng Statue next to it represent the masterpieces of the influence

Walking in this museum, it's like being in China. Almost all the collections are from China.

The jade carving placed under the glass cover, the tiger walks sideways on the clouds, the body line is engraved, simple and fluent, full of momentum, wild and mysterious. It is obviously a work of the Western Han Dynasty. If it is auctioned in China, it will be worth at least more than 50 million yuan.

And the double beast ears, four-legged square seat, the top cover has been lost, the mouth is decorated with a circle of phoenix patterns, and the abdomen is a bronze ware composed of hooked thunder patterns. From Zhuang Rui's eyes, it should belong to the late Yin and Shang works, and it is also a priceless treasure.

Qin Yibing, who followed Zhuang Rui, didn't know that Zhuang Rui looked at these precious cultural relics and was more angry. Those Buddha heads, which were obviously taken down by violence, were stored in the glass and hung on the wall. Zhuang Rui's heart was blocked.

Through the observation of aura in his eyes, Zhuang Rui knew that all these objects were real, and their origin, needless to say, were taken away by these foreign devils who knocked on the door of China with guns and cannons. When he appreciated his national treasures in foreign countries, Zhuang Rui had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

In fact, the objects here were not only stolen from the catastrophe that year, but also many so-called adventurers who were smuggled from China at low prices during the chaos in China.

Just like the ** king of Dunhuang in those years (that's how to call that guy). In order to covet four horseshoe silver and 200 taels of silver, 24 boxes of sutra scrolls and box of Buddha paintings were sold to Stein, an English-Hungarian, leaving only the Mogao Grottoes murals. ( I'm so angry that I can't wait to pull the Taoist out and whip the corpse)

Some Chinese tourists in the museum pointed out the things that originally belonged to his own country in a fuss. Zhuang Rui even turned out the 18 generations of the braided ancestors of the Qing Dynasty who made evil in those years and scolded them.

"No, it's boring..."

Zhuang Rui is a little uninterested. Compared with many precious Chinese cultural relics placed in foreign museums for people to visit, Zhuang Rui hopes that they are foreign works of art and can be placed in Chinese museums.

It's just that although China is much more developed than before, its comprehensive national strength is still not good. If it can often show its muscles like American sticks, perhaps the so-called "Eight-Nation Alliance" will automatically return the property looted more than a century ago to China.

"What's the matter, honey? These things are the most precious cultural relics. Don't you like them?"

Qin Yingbing grew up in Hong Kong and studied abroad for a long time. She didn't know much about the history of China, so she couldn't understand Zhuang Rui's mood at this moment.

"It's precious, and I like it very much, but I prefer them to store them in Chinese museums rather than put them here. This only shows one problem, that these things were robbed by robbers!"

Zhuang Rui was a little excited, and his words were very loud. Many Chinese tourists around him heard it, and everyone's faces showed a thoughtful look. Zhuang Rui's words also touched their hearts, and there was no longer that kind of excited expression on their faces.

"Sorry, Rui, I don't know these..."

When Qin Dongbing saw Zhuang Rui's excited appearance, he apologized to Zhuang Rui with some guilt.

"Hehe, it's none of your business. It's okay. Let's go..."

Zhuang Rui hugged Qin Yubing with a smile, put his right hand on her soft waist, and took Qin Yibing out of the museum.

"That's right, Yingbing, are there any antique shops in Paris? Is it something like our "Xuan Rui Zhai" that specializes in selling old things?

After walking out of the museum, Zhuang Rui's heart moved. Since the aura in his eyes can distinguish foreign works of art, why can't he pick up leaks on Taobao abroad?

As long as it is mustard, there are always some pearls and dust. Maybe some treasures will be left in the folk. Zhuang Rui's "Dingguang Sword" and the dragon mouth black pottery were all found in the antique market.

"Antique shop? I really don't know. Let me think about it..."

Qin Dongbing has not paid attention to these things before. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he thought for a while and suddenly said, "I remember that there seems to be a street in the sixth district, which sells some strange things. Why don't we go and have a look?"

After Qin Yingbing finished speaking, she said, "But Zhuang Rui, I'm not sure it's an antique shop..."

Zhuang Rui knew that he was not in a good mood today, which affected Qin Dongbing. He was also a little embarrassed. At that moment, he took Qin Yingbing's hand and said, "It's okay. Let's go and have a look. Anyway, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower have been there. Let's take it as shopping..." The sixth district of Paris, also known as the "Luxembourg District", is located on the south bank of the Seine-Marne. There are many shops, cinemas, theaters, etc., and the vast Luxembourg Park is also in this area.

Like French colleges, architecture colleges, dentists, minerals and many primary and secondary schools, the Senate building of France is located in the Luxembourg Park, and the cultural atmosphere is extremely strong.

Zhuang Rui and the others are now in the 16th district. It took more than half an hour to find the place mentioned by Qin Dongbing.

According to the introduction of the French driver who can speak English, this place is called Vikawa Street, which is an extremely quiet street full of the literary and artistic atmosphere of the left bank. He doesn't know what medical antiques are, but he knows that there are many long-standing things there.

Walking hand in hand with Qin Yibing in this obviously not many streets, Zhuang Rui feels that although it is not as famous as the Eiffel Tower of Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Fragrant Street and other scenic spots, it has its intellectual and emotional side, exuding a different Parisian romantic style.

On both sides of the street, there are some shops with classical decoration style, which is Zhuang Rui's mind and pulls Qin Dongbing's family around.

Qin Dongbing took a big-nosed Pinocchio puppet in "Pinocchio" and looked at Zhuang Rui. He said unabashedly in his eyes, "Zhuang Rui, this cute sail..."


Zhuang Rui nodded heavily. He didn't know whether he was right or wrong to come here, because after shopping for a long time, most of the objects in these stores were interesting things. Although there were also imitation Renaissance oil paintings and some works of art, they obviously did not meet Zhuang Rui's requirements.

After shopping for more than an hour, Zhuang Rui didn't get anything, but his hand was full of gadgets bought by Qin Dongbing.

Chapter 627 Foreign Antique Shops

"Next door, why didn't the old boy Hitler blow up Paris?"

After Zhuang Rui walked out of a store, he scolded indignantly in his heart. In those years, the little Japan destroyed China to be devastated. Hitler, who was also occupied Paris. Why didn't he rob it all?

I just heard the boss's wife with a waist thicker than a bucket say that the street was built in 16 years and had experienced two world wars without any damage, which made Zhuang Rui very unbalanced.

Compared with Hitler, who has a little artistic temperament and loves beautiful architecture, the Japanese emperor is simply a bastard

"Zhuang Rui, come and have a look at this house. There are a lot of Chinese things in it..."

Zhuang Ji, who didn't want to visit much anymore, after hearing Qin Dongbing's cry, he chased after him bravely. This is also coming by himself. He can't spoil his wife's interest, can he?

"Huh? It's really..."

Zhuang Rui entered the store and glanced at it. The area of the store was not small. It was divided into five or six areas 1 where the door was first entered. All of them were Chinese handicrafts. Of course, before Zhuang Rui used Reiki identification, these things could only be called handicrafts. You know, "Made in China" is very powerful.

Many friends who travel abroad saw some very exquisite handicrafts. At that time, they were going to buy them and bring them back to China as a souvenir. Who knew that when they were shown to their friends in China, the few English letters under those handicrafts clearly explained the source of these things.

Sure enough, under Zhuang Rui's careful identification, these things are exported to domestic sales, either used to fool foreigners who don't understand Chinese culture, or to deal with those Chinese who come to Taobao abroad. Anyway, none of the seemingly exquisite things are true.

On the other side, there are some European medieval cold weapons and armor, as well as many spears, halberd, warhammers, tomahawks and bows and arrows. However, Zhuang Rui can see that even if he does not use aura, it can be seen from the pulp of these things that they are all modern handicrafts.

On both sides of the corridor, there are glass windows with closed earth locks, in which there are many handicrafts of various styles, including lacquerware such as Japanese paper fans and dressing boxes. On those paper fans, they are painted with spring palace pictures. It seems that this should be the earliest prototype of the Japanese v industry.

There are all kinds of lighters in the glass window that have faded, even the ancient revolver and rotary wheel flin pistol, which are neatly discharged in the glass window.

These objects made Zhuang Rui observe them very carefully, but to his disappointment, they looked quite like things for some years, but they were actually modern handicrafts.

Judging from the appearance and pulp alone, Zhuang Rui can't distinguish the age of these objects, but under the observation of Reiki, it is naturally difficult to hide the authenticity of these things. Zhuang Rui did not expect that this fake piracy is also popular in Europe?

To the innermost part of the shop are some Renaissance works at the end of the 12th century. Of course, the most conspicuous are the oil paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, but I know that these things must be fake.

In addition, under the oil paintings hanging on the wall, there are many watches that seem to be from the 18th and 19th century, including pocket watches and wall clocks. There are various styles, about 50 or 60 yuan. On each watch, there is a small label indicating the price.

"Huh? This watch is good..."

Zhuang Rui pointed to a pocket watch with a silver chain in the glass cabinet and said in English to the middle-aged French man who had been looking at him, "Can you understand English? Please take out that watch. I want to have a look..."

"Of course I can understand, sir. I'm happy to help you..."

The middle-aged man politely bent down to Zhuang Rui, took out a bunch of keys from his waist, opened the glass cabinet, and took out the pocket watch that Zhuang Rui wanted to see.

This middle-aged man's name is Renault. When he was in his grandfather's grandfather's generation, this store existed. It has been almost a century now. Renault is also a foreign antique businessman. As soon as Zhuang Rui entered the store, he paid attention to it. This seemingly young man should be a win

Since the beginning of the 21st century, China's consumption capacity has been greatly improved. Nowadays, foreign businessmen will no longer think that it is the Japanese who are generous. On the contrary, many foreign businessmen have learned a few words in Chinese to communicate with those Chinese tycoons.

Naturally, Zhuang Rui didn't know what the middle-aged shopkeeper was thinking. At this moment, he focused on the pocket watch.

The silver chain on the pocket watch has become a little dim and slightly grayed because of oxidation. On the surface of the pocket watch, there is a pattern of enamel figure, with three colors of red, black and yellow. The figure on it wears an 18th-century costume, and the image is extremely realistic.

After Zhuang Rui pressed the top of the pocket watch, the cover bounced up, which was very sensitive and did not become dull because of the passage of time. It seemed to be well maintained. Of course, the pointer inside had stopped turning, because it was indeed an antique pocket watch.

"Ty thousand euros?"

Looking at the steps on the silver chain, Zhuang Rui couldn't help frowning. He could see with Reiki that although Xue Jin had Reiki in this watch, it was only white and not very thick. In other words, the value is not very high.

In China, there are also Western watches that are not left during the reign of Kangxi Qianlong. The price is generally about 100,000 RB. This watch is marked at 20,000 euros, which is more than Zhuang Rui's psychological price. In line, although this is a "one glance" object, it is a sky-high price.

"Can this thing be cheaper?"

Zhuang Ruiyang raised the enamel silk watch in his hand and asked Renault.

Reno shrugged his shoulders, shook his head and said, "Oh, no, sir, this watch was left by my grandfather. It costs at least 20,000 euros. It can't be cheaper..."

"Damn it, why do you have the same tone as those profiteers in China? It's either the ancestor or grandpa. Has the foreigner set up a stall in Pan's home and received professional training?

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard Renault's English with a French accent, he scolded his mother in his heart. I guess the Frenchman was also an authentic French cultural relic dealer.

"Well, since it was left by your grandfather, the gentleman does not take his favor, so I won't buy it. Please continue to keep it in memory of your grandfather..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head and handed the pocket watch to Renault. He came to pick up leaks, not to pick up garbage. This thing is only worth more than 100,000 yuan in China. He spent 200,000 yuan abroad to buy it. Isn't he sick?

"Oh, sir, if you really want it, the price is still negotiable. I believe my grandfather is in heaven, and I also hope that what he likes can have a good home..."

When Renault saw Zhuang Rui, he did not hesitate to return the pocket watch to himself. He knew that the price of 20,000 euros scared Zhuang Rui. He knew in his heart that although this thing was in the eighteenth and ninth centuries, there were many things left in Europe, and the price was actually not very high, that is, about 4,000 to 5,000 euros.

", you can't say that. If your grandfather knew that you had sold this thing, he would definitely scold your grandson for being unfilial..."

After hearing Renault's words, Zhuang Rui almost laughed in his heart. He was so idle that he was in pain. Today, he was full of anger again, so he simply had a pastime.

Zhuang Rui has heard before that foreigners have never taken his family seriously. If you praise his mother for being good-looking and want to have some super-friendly relationship with his mother, I guess the old man will rush to give you a vertebrae. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Zhuang Rui's words were said in English, and Renault couldn't hear that his grandson was swearing. At that moment, he took his pocket watch and said, "Six thousand euros, sir, this is the lowest price..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head. He was really not very interested in this thing. If he bought it for 10,000 euros and could buy 1 million RB when he returned to China, Zhuang Rui would still consider it, but the difference of tens of thousands of yuan may still be smashed in his hand. Zhuang Rui will not do this business.

Just as he was about to say no, Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered something and said, "Let's discuss this thing later. Is there only these things in your store? Are there any more old objects? Or some damaged oil paintings, books and so on?

Zhuang Rui suddenly thought that there are often people who come to buy and sell antiques in Panjiayuan. This street is Panjiayuan in Paris. Maybe he will not be able to live a long life. Foreigners who live so well don't come to sell things?

"Oh, no, sir, your words are my insult. You know, my store is the largest art store in Paris. Of course, it's not only these things, but also a lot of valuable goods in the warehouse..."

It may be that Zhuang Rui's expression of meaning is not clear, which makes this name and appearance similar to the French big-nosed actor to Renault. He became a little excited and chatted to correct Zhuang Rui's mistakes, and a few words of French came out of his mouth from time to time.

"Sir, I think you misunderstood me. I mean, I don't like anything here. If you have something I like in your warehouse, then the money... is definitely not asking..."

When Zhuang Rui heard that there was a warehouse in this store, his eyes suddenly lit up. In domestic antique shops, good things are never put on the shelf. They are all placed in secret warehouses or safes. Anyway, most of Zhuang Rui's treasures are in the basement.

Zhuang Rui just doesn't know that the owners of antique shops in France also have this habit?

After clarifying his meaning, Zhuang Rui also took out a gold card of a famous Swiss bank and shook it at Renault. If the other party knew the goods, he should know that the overdraft amount of this card could reach 5 million euros.

P: The two chapters have been updated together. I guess I can get home tomorrow, and I'm ready to start to break out. Let's see if there are still monthly tickets. Let's take a look at a few, and the recommended tickets are also needed. E