Golden Pupil

Chapter 716 Take the pulse

"Religious Administration? What are they looking for me for? Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled with the phone. He has never heard of this institution at all, let alone do anything with them.

"Brother Hao. I have something important to do now. Let them come in the afternoon.......

Zhuang Rui is now immersed in the happiness of being a father, even if the emperor comes to look for him. Then we have to wait until the inspection is over with my daughter-in-law.

"Fourth brother. What does this religious administration do? Zhuang Rui hung up the phone. Carefully take the car out of the garage. Since I heard the news of Qin Xuanbing's pregnancy. Zhuang Rui has become more and more careful. Women need to be taken care of, and the one in the stomach needs to be taken care of.

"The Religious Administration is in charge of those monks and Taoists, er. They don't care except communist beliefs. Other people who spread their faith are under their control..."

Ouyang Jun tossed Zhuang Rui early in the morning. I'm very dissatisfied. I will look at Zhuang Rui with a suspicious face. He said, "You didn't hook up with the nun of the Kun Taoist Academy and was snitched up, did you?"

"What are you talking about? If you talk nonsense again, I'll talk to my sister-in-law later...

Zhuang Rui's face turned green as said by Ouyang Jun. Is there such a person? No matter what you do, you won't go to the nun. By the way, Zhuang Rui thinks he is a long-haired person.

Quietly looking at Qin Xuanbing sitting on the co-pilot, Zhuang Rui said, "Daughter-in-law. Don't listen to my brother's nonsense. He doesn't have a good word in his mouth..."

Mr. Gu Long, the martial arts master in Taiwan, once said: There are many women in the world who don't eat. But there are almost no women who are not jealous.

Although Qin Xuanbing is not a person with a chicken belly. But this is your pregnant woman's mind. It's hard to think about, and the mentality is not the same as usual. Last night, Zhuang Rui was picked up by Miss Qin and recalled the past of his relationship with Officer Miao.

It's okay. Qin Xuanbing just squeezed her lips and smiled there, and did not answer Ouyang Jun's words. It makes Zhuang Rui feel at ease. Although I haven't done anything bad. But it doesn't mean that he didn't think about it, just like a person who didn't commit a crime. I went into the bureau to see the police. I will still feel scared.

So when it comes to this topic, a man will feel a little guilty.

"Fourth brother. According to what you said. The Religious Administration is in charge of those monks and Taoists, right?

Zhuang Rui changed the topic, and about Ouyang Jun's mouth, if we continue to discuss it. Maybe I can say something unpleasant.

"Yes. It also includes Islam and so on, but in China. There are mainly two sects of Buddhism and Taoism. Because of the Tibetan lama. Both of them focus on some Buddhism. I haven't had any contact with them, or not. Shall I ask someone to ask you?"

The braids in Ouyang Jun's hand were caught a lot by Zhuang Rui. At this time, he didn't dare to tease Zhuang Rui anymore. He honestly said what he knew.

"Zhuang Rui. Don't you know the Buddha of Jokhang Temple? Could it be that he was looking for you? Qin Xuanbing heard the word Tibet from Ouyang Jun, and immediately remembered his trip to Tibet with Zhuang Rui and others.

"Impossible. Send me the living Buddha of Tianzhu. It's been dead for a long time. Don't scare me...

Zhuang Rui was shocked by what Qin Xuanbing said. The driver's hand was stunned. Because of the strong Balozhu Living Buddha. It was as early as half a year after sending him Tianzhu. It's already dead. It has been almost a year now. Is it rare to ask someone to find him in a dream?

"I haven't heard you talk about it..." Qin Xuanbing was stunned when she heard the words. She didn't know about it yet.

"I also saw it occasionally in the news. Never mind. If they really have something to do, they will definitely come again in the afternoon. Why don't you ask them?

Zhuang Rui shook his head, put this out of his mind, and focused on driving.

"Dean Zhou, this is my cousin. This is my sister-in-law. It should be pregnant. Take them to have a look, that's right. Is Dr. Xiaoyu still there? Zhuang Rui and others went to the PLA General Hospital, with the background of Ouyang Army. Naturally, I went directly to the dean's office first.

If Ouyang Jun hadn't told Zhuang Rui and Zhuang Rui, he would not have seen that this old doctor in a white coat and kind eyebrows was actually a major general.

Dr. Yu asked by Ouyang Jun is a female doctor who has been seeing Xu Qing. There is no man in the world. He will generously find a male doctor to see his daughter-in-law's gynecological treatment.

In fact, Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun both understand. Qin Xuanbing only needs to do some tests now. Both male and female doctors don't care, but according to Ouyang Jun. Let a doctor see you from the beginning. You will know more about the situation of pregnant women. What's wrong? It can be solved in time. "What's the matter? You can't see a doctor if you come to me? You boy. It's just a lot of things...

President Zhou seemed to be very familiar with Ouyang Jun. After scolding him with a smile, he turned to look at Qin Xuanbing. He said, "Girl. Sit down, what are the symptoms? Tell me first.

President Zhou is in his fifties. Sit in his seat. The main service object. Naturally, the highest levels in the 49th City are the medical staff on Yuquan Mountain. Most of them are his men. He is no stranger to the Ouyang family.

"I just feel like vomiting these days. I didn't eat spicy food before. Now I just want to eat, and I can't eat anything else..." Qin Xuanbing's reaction in the past few days. I told Dean Zhou.

"Hey hey, brother, sour men and hot women, you must be a daughter..."

After hearing Qin Xuanbing's words, before President Zhou could speak, Ouyang Jun proudly showed off in front of Zhuang Rui. Who let Xu Jing have a son in his stomach? "Don't listen to him. This is a folk saying, and there is no scientific basis. Well, I stretched out my right hand...

President Zhou stared at Ouyang Jun with dissatisfaction. Then take out a wrist pad and put it on the table. He motioned Qin Xuanbing to put his hand on it.

"The pulse?.

Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment. As a Chinese, he naturally knew about traditional Chinese medicine. However, in the modern society where Western medicine is in charge, it is just a matter of hearing. Zhuang Rui is so big. It's the first time I've seen traditional Chinese medicine take the pulse.

"Fourth brother. Can this work?

Zhuang Rui quietly pulled Ouyang Jun and asked in a low voice. It's not that Zhuang Rui doesn't believe in traditional Chinese medicine. It's really Western medicine from childhood. I suddenly saw such a person playing traditional Chinese medicine. I don't have enough confidence in it.

With a few fingers, you can know whether the body is sick or not, in the eyes of outsiders. It's amazing.

"Don't worry. President Zhou comes from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and he is also a national engineering academician. This is not to sell Dali pills on the street. Your sister-in-law is the pulse given by Dean Zhou first. ".

Ouyang Jun is full of confidence in President Zhou. Without three or three, he dares not go up to Liangshan. It's not enough to sit in this position just by bragging.

"Stinky boy. I'm not choreographing again?,

Dean Zhou put three fingers of his right hand on Qin Xuanbing's wrist for a while. He raised his head and scolded Ouyang Jun and said, "Change your hand again...,

Zhuang Rui is a little novel. He opened his mouth and asked, "Dean Zhou, why do you have to take the pulse with both hands? .

"Hehe, the pulse of the left hand corresponds to the heart, liver and kidney. The right hand corresponds to the lung, spleen and kidney (life). Of course, both hands are needed...,

After President Zhou answered Zhuang Rui with a smile. He began to pay attention to Qin Xuanbing's pulse. After a few minutes. I just took my hand off.

Seeing that the pulse was finished, Zhuang Rui asked anxiously, "How about Dean Zhou?" Is Xuanbing pregnant?.

Dean Zhou nodded with a smile and said, "Young man, congratulations. This girl's pulse is strong. As smooth as a ball, it is a happy pulse..."

"Really?, Zhuang Rui heard this. I was so happy that I didn't know the southeast and northwest, but I immediately asked a stupid question: "Dean Zhou. Is that a man or a woman?

"Zhuang Rui..."

Now even Qin Xuanbing can't listen to it. She has just had a pregnancy reaction, let alone take her pulse. Even if you do a B-ultrasound, I'm afraid you can't identify men and women.


Dean Zhou laughed loudly when he heard the words. He patted Zhuang Rui on the shoulder and said, "Young man, don't worry, go back and have a good rest, and be careful not to forgive. Well, try not to do strenuous aerobic exercise."

, "Thank you, thank you, President Zhou...,

In fact, Zhuang Rui really doesn't care much about men and women. He just asked by the way.

After saying goodbye to Dean Zhou. Get in the car. Ouyang Jun looked at Zhuang Rui with a bad smile and said, "Wu'er. Remember, don't do strenuous aerobic exercise...

"No, Xuanbing is at most doing shackles. Isn't that fierce?"

Zhuang Rui didn't hear Ouyang Jun's meaning at first, but when he saw his smiling face. I immediately understood. This brother dares to be disrespectful for the old.

Qin Xuanbing is more careful than Zhuang Rui and understands it. A good-looking face turned red.

"D. I'll go back and tell my sister-in-law. Brother, you often do strenuous aerobic exercise during this period...

Zhuang Rui's words made Ouyang Jun suffer. He just said that he was happy, but he forgot that his brother had pinched himself a lot.

The two brothers returned to the quadrangle courtyard. The updated news of Qin Xuanbing's pregnancy book website was confirmed from Zhuang Rui's mouth, and he immediately upgraded and began to enjoy the meeting of Xu Daxing. Now it's good, in Zhuang Rui's courtyard. Unexpectedly, there are three pregnant women.

After lunch. Qin Xuanbing, who was not used to taking a nap, was also pulled to ** by Zhuang Rui. Of course, she just let her rest.

After Qin Xuanbing fell asleep, Zhuang Rui carefully released a trace of aura to Qin Xuanbing's body.

But Zhuang Rui is afraid of something unexpected. Reiki entered the position of Qin Xuanbing's body, not in the lower abdomen.

Zhuang Rui just finished talking, in the walkie-talkie in the outer room. The voice of the former dragon came: "Boss. Those people came again in the morning. Would you like to meet?