Golden Pupil

Chapter 799 Jianghu Technique

After Xu Guoqing didn't expect Zhuang Rui to say this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He looked embarrassed and muttered, "Get up... Isn't this a lie..."

Xu Guoqing is still very confident about his skills. The Tang Sancai he burned can definitely be faked.

Moreover, Xu Guoqing also knows some methods of making old ancient porcelain. After knowing that his porcelain is old, it is difficult to detect the authenticity unless he uses instruments.

But Xu Guoqing also has the bottom line of being a man, that is, he can't use his own skills to deceive others, which is also the main reason why the porcelain he has fired for more than ten years is only given away and not for sale. Zhuang Rui's words made him a little resistant.

"Yes, it's a lie, but I cheated the foreigners..." Zhuang Rui's expression is very frank. Zhuang Rui has seen a lot about the tricks of antiques, but as the saying goes, there is also a way to steal. What Zhuang Rui can do is to deceive foreigners who deliberately inflate the price of Chinese antiques.

"Xu Gong, you don't know much about the antique market..."

Zhuang Rui was still not relieved when he saw Xu Guoqing's face, and then said, "More than a hundred years ago, foreigners used guns to plunder Chinese art.

And what about now? These foreign devils use the ball in the plate to defraud a large amount of wealth belonging to the Chinese people through the patriotism of the Chinese people and the antiques they plundered in the past. In this way, I have a clear conscience.........

At a London auction last month, a piece of blue and white porcelain, which was supposed to be a ghost valley down the mountain, turned into another figure Yuan Qinghua can, which was auctioned away by an anonymous buyer with more than 10 million British dollars.

This has also set off the auction of Chinese art in the international auction. For more than a month, the rich in China have repeatedly taken action. Although they have auctioned a lot of precious Chinese cultural relics, the price they pay is also unimaginable.

Zhuang Rui once talked about these things with Uncle De on the phone. Uncle De, who had been hanging out in the world since he was a child, saw through the tricks in it at a glance," he said bluntly. This is the game done by the people of the international auction house, which is based on the statement that Zhuang Rui had rolled balls in the plate just now

"Rolling ball in the disk? What do you mean..."

Zhuang Rui forgot, "Master Xu in front of him, not to mention wandering around the world, even the people in the antique industry are not. Naturally, he doesn't know the meaning of rolling balls in the plate.

"Ha ha, these are some Jianghu means in the eight gates before liberation. Let me tell you..."

Zhuang Rui is lucky to worship a master like Uncle De, and he also knows a little about the Jianghu Gate. The so-called rolling ball in the plate understands "bead" in the meaning of the word, which is a pearl, which is a precious meaning.

And the word ",..." is equivalent to "fried", and the word, the ball refers to the hype of this precious Zhuzi through some kind of packaging publicity, so that its market value is much higher than the stolen value of the artifact itself, which is a bit like the practice of launching new people in the entertainment industry.

Of course, the hype here are all precious antiques with thousands of years of history.

And the word "pan..." mentioned above refers to these precious antiques, which are in the hands of those who hype.

No matter how these things are fried, how high the price is, and what tricks can be fried, it is under their control, just like taking a handful of pearls and throwing them into a high-mouth plate. No matter how you swing, the beads are rolling in the plate." This is called rolling in the plate. Bead.

And when some kind of hyped object has reached a sky-high price, those who master the artifacts begin to release these things in the international market to absorb the money of buyers. Although this practice was popular in the world earlier, those foreign auction house giants are also playing well.

For example, in the past two months, there are international speculators in London in the United Kingdom, Tokyo in Japan, and Xianglin in Germany, including the auction in Paris, France, where Zhuang Rui participated.

Although the auction in Paris, France, was ruined by Zhuang Rui, several other international auctions really heated up China's ancient porcelain.

First of all, it is Yuanqinghua. While hype, many foreign so-called historical research experts have given the conclusion that there are no more than 300 Yuanqinghua in the world, and most of them are in foreign museums.

As soon as the news came out, many collectors and businessmen in China who claim to have strong national self-esteem, patriotism and meaningless vanity competed to fight. For a while, the foreign auction market was full of Chinese art, and all kinds of special sessions were emerging one after another.

Uncle De once roughly counted that in the past two or three months, those international speculators who have picked up Chinese antiques have at least taken away no less than two billion dollars of wealth from the Chinese, and this is just the beginning.

Rich people play collection, mostly for face. Together with this atmosphere, I'm afraid that more people will participate in it. Of course, there are also some people who really want to contribute to the return of the national treasure, but their behavior has boosted the arrogance of those international speculators to a certain extent.

According to Uncle De's estimate, it will take at least two or three years for this hot wind to subside. At that time, the price of these antiques will fall significantly, and those so-called "collections..." can rationally view antique collection and investment.

"Xu Gong, now those foreigners are using this method to plunder the wealth belonging to the Chinese people, but Tang Sancai has always been highly respected by foreign collectors in the international market, and domestic collectors do not pay much attention to it.

That's why I have the idea of taking your work to the international shooting. Foreign speculators can pay from our pockets. Why can't we pay him back?" After saying the above reasons, Zhuang Rui sincerely looked at Xu Guoqing. If he can't get Xu Guoqing's consent, Zhuang Rui will not go. After all, it is disrespectful to the owner of the work.

To be honest, Zhuang Rui is not short of money, and he did not have this idea for money. It's really too much for those foreigners.

For example, the behavior of foreigners is equivalent to robbing something from your home, and then letting you use it several times or even more than ten times higher than this thing, and then buy it back. This is simply robbing money. Even the pirates in the Caribbean are not so cruel!

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Xu Guoqing was silent. He did not expect that there was such a strange thing in antique houses and international auction houses. Xu Guoqing was just a person who imitated ancient porcelain because of his personal hobbies. These things made his mind a little confused for a moment.

"What if these things are bought by people in China..." Xu Guoqing suddenly asked a question.

When Zhuang Rui heard the words, he curled his lips and said, "Xu Da. This money is better for us to make money than for foreigners to make money, and I will invest a large part of this money in your laboratory. If you can imitate the porcelain of the five official kilns of the Song Dynasty, then I can break the situation of those speculators and make them unable to hype Chinese porcelain ghosts anymore..."

The reason why Zhuang Rui did not say that all the funds obtained would be used for Xu Guoqing's laboratory is that he also needs costs, and all the risks are borne by Zhuang Rui. He has to leave some money to subsidize the museum, right?

"Well, as long as you can cheat the foreign devils, I'll do this. Brother Zhuang, you only bought eight three-color figurines, and there are still many power left. I'll give it to you later, so I don't have to count the money..."

After thinking about it in his heart for a long time, Xu Guoqing finally nodded heavily and agreed with Zhuang Rui's approach. As long as he didn't harm his own people, what did the foreign devil have to do with him?


Zhuang Rui was overjoyed to hear the words, "Brother Xu, you can save the 500,000 yuan for your sister-in-law and children first. In addition, I will invest another 10 million RMP in your laboratory. You can continue to study Cizhou porcelain. If you can succeed, then let those little Japanese taste the power made in China..."

The Japanese most admire the porcelain of Cizhou Kiln. If it can really be fired successfully, Zhuang Rui is sure to sweep a lot of wealth in Japan and deceive Japan. He has no psychological burden at all.

Zhuang Rui's words made the careless Xu Guoqing laugh out loud. The anger of the little devils suffered today was vented in laughter.

"Yes, Brother Xu, the laboratory is said to be my investment, and no one will ask about it.

But you can only know and I know about selling these porcelain abroad. You can't let the third person know, even if it's sister-in-law's child, can't let them know, because it involves..."

Zhuang Rui speaks very seriously. He takes fake antiques and sells them abroad, which is very risky, and the probability of being found is also very high.

Because if you accidentally break the porcelain, you can distinguish between old porcelain and new porcelain from the fracture. Although this possibility is small, it is not something that will never happen. In case it is noticed, it will definitely be investigated in China.

Zhuang Rui's family is closely guarded, but he is not afraid of the revenge of those people, but Xu Guoqing can't do it. In case someone gets angry with him, it is equivalent to hurting him.

The reason why Zhuang Rui didn't tell Li Dali and Yu Zhengjun about this is that although the two have a lot of contacts, they have contact with miscellaneous people, and their mouth may not be kept secret. Zhuang Rui doesn't want to put two time bombs around him.

As for how to get these items to foreign auction houses, Zhuang Rui has already had an idea in mind. He is going to use his own private plane to transport the things ready to enter the foreign auction site to Myanmar and let Hu Rong deal with it.

As we all know, since the Han and Tang Dynasties, Myanmar has been a vassal state of China. A lot of these artifacts have been passed on. If you get foreign auction objects from Burmese people, the credibility will also be improved a lot, just like in the early days, people thought that foreign antiques must

With Hu Rong's power and relationship in Myanmar, if you find a middleman, you can take these things to a big auction house in Hong Kong or the United Kingdom and the United States to carry out the entrusted auction business. Zhuang Rui himself will never show up in this process.

In this way, even if these things are identified as fake, it can't be traced to Zhuang Rui's head. With Hu Rong's means, he can definitely wipe the beginning and tail clean.

However, Zhuang Rui still asked Xu Guoqing to keep it secret. After all, the foreigner's money... That's also money. If it is spread, Zhuang Rui's face in the international art market is gone at all.

And if those domestic collectors buy the quality products sold by Zhuang Rui, I'm afraid they won't be good.

Zhuang Rui has old and young, but he doesn't want to cause those troubles. He simply makes things clear at the beginning. If Xu Guoqing's mouth is not strict, he would rather not do this.

"Eh, I know. I won't even say..."

After realizing the importance of confidentiality, Xu Guoqing jokingly said the classic quotations of the fat man in the movie Party A and Party B.

Xu Guoqing is usually a stuffy gourd. In addition to talking to his wife, he has no communication with his son. After all, his wife is not interested in these things at all, and it is useless to say it.

"Well, Xugong, in this laboratory, you use land to share shares, accounting for 40% of the shares, and I invest 10 million, accounting for 60% of the shares. In the future, the output value of these utensils will be distributed in this proportion.

Well, in addition, you withdraw 100,000 yuan from this 10 million yuan every month, which is regarded as a salary, Brother Xu, what do you think..." The brothers still have to settle the accounts clearly. Zhuang Rui is to standardize everything first, so as to avoid confusion at that time, involving money, husband and wife turn against each other and brothers. There are countless.

Xu Guoqing's shabby factory, except for the location money, can be used to sell rags. Zhuang Rui took out 1,000 yuan of real gold and silver, as long as 60% of the shares, it is already very kind.

"Say, brother, I'm going to dinner without your money. It's up to you!"

Xu Guoqing has always had no idea about money, otherwise he would not have ruined more than 10 million yuan of family wealth. Zhuang Rui gave him 200,000 yuan a month for living expenses, and Xu Guoqing was already quite satisfied.

He and Xu Guoqing have been talking about after three o'clock in the middle of the night. After Zhuang Rui drafted an agreement by hand, he began to fall asleep. He slept very sweetly. In the morning, after 1 o'clock, he was woken up by Peng Fei knocking on the door.

"Mayor Xue" Why are you here? I'm thinking of calling you to say goodbye. By the way, where is Peng Fei and Xu Gong?"

After Zhuang Rui went out, he found that the mayor of Shishi was also waiting outside the door, which surprised him that civil servants didn't have to work?

Peng Fei replied, "Brother Zhuang, Xu Gong said that he would be busy rebuilding the laboratory. I'll go back first and contact you by phone..."

"Mr. Zhuang, I'm here to inform you about the results of yesterday's handling of Xugong...

Mayor Xue also knew a lot of people in Beijing. After inquired about Zhuang Rui's origin yesterday, the mayor's meeting was held early this morning. He wanted to give Zhuang Rui a satisfactory answer before Zhuang Rui left.