Golden Pupil

Chapter 812 Diamond Trading on

Peng Fei, forget it, don't be like this kind of person, one by one, one by one...

Zhuang Rui grabbed Peng Fei. He knew that the boy's mood was a little unstable. Maybe he really dared to kill the black servant.

Although Johannesburg is very chaotic, it is always one of the most important cities in South Africa. I'm afraid it can't be good to kill people brazenly. If it is changed to another African country, killing people is not a big deal at all. A gold bar can be eliminated.

However, Zhuang Rui came to participate in the diamond fair, not to measure the fairness of African laws, which stopped Peng Fei.

"Lao He, please contact Hong Kong Qin's Jewelry to complain to the headquarters of this hotel!" Zhuang Rui turned his head and said to He Shuang that this hotel is also a world-renowned five-star hotel chain. If you complain to their headquarters, he will at least give an explanation.

"Okay, Mr. Zhuang..."

He Shuang and others finally saw what the Sin City is. Before they lived there, they had a series of troubles. Looking at the indignant eyes of the black waiter when he left, they looked like they refused to give up.

After the explanation, Zhuang Rui did not go to the service desk to check in, but pulled Peng Fei and sat down on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

Zhuang Rui is going to wait for the manager of this hotel to come forward, otherwise he will offend black people in South Africa, and I don't know how much trouble there will be in the future.

"I'm sorry, are you guests from Hong Kong?" Qin's jewelry is very efficient." About 20 minutes later, a white man in his forties. He hurried to Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui looked up at the middle-aged man, frowned and said, "Yes, it's also my complaint about your hotel. Your employees blackmailed us." I need a solution..."

"I'm John, the executive director of this hotel. This matter is our fault. I will give some satisfactory answers..."

As the manager of this hotel, John naturally knows the temperament of those black employees, and he is also a little helpless. This international hotel chain has thousands of families all over the world. How can he be thrown to work in Africa, a place where he can't lay eggs?

"I have a lot of questions about whether your hotel can ensure the safety of guests. I'm considering whether to change to another hotel..."

Zhuang Rui is not threatening John. He really feels that it is very unsafe here. He was robbed at the door. "Then he entered the door and there was no extortion. This is simply an unheard-of thing.

Even before coming, Zhuang Rui had learned that the security in Johannesburg was not good, but he didn't expect that it would be so bad?

"Sir, the floor of the hotel room is not allowed for those damn niggs to enter. Please rest assured that there will be no problem..."

John explained to Zhuang Rui in a low voice, "It turns out that not only this hotel, but also all hotels in Johannesburg have this problem.

If black people are not allowed to work in the hotel, this hotel will definitely be in trouble, so the manager has no choice but to hand over the work of driving or doorman to black people. As for the interior of the hotel, these people are strictly prohibited from entering.

But these black people are also good and bad, and the hotel will also arrange different jobs according to their performance. For example, the driver who just picked up Zhuang Rui and others is very good. If the doorman is asked to pick them up, it is estimated that the boy can pull several people into the thief's nest.

"Okay" but the three rooms originally booked need to be changed, and the remaining two rooms need to be changed to suites..."

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment, and I guess other hotels in Johannesburg are not much better." However, when these things happened, he did not dare to let Liuli and Tianya live alone. He simply changed to a suite and let He Shuang and Ding Hao also live in it.

"Okay, sir, I'll handle it for you..." John knew he was at a loss, so he helped Zhuang Rui go through the formalities in person and sent several people into the elevator.

"Lao He, pay attention to safety" You don't have to go out these days. When I finish my business, I'll take you shopping later..." The two suites are not far away, before Zhuang Rui enters the room." Zhuang Rui told several people that it's better to be careful in such a place.

"I know, Mr. Zhuang, don't worry..."

He Shuang agreed. He also saw what had just happened, and now let them go out. I'm afraid several people don't have the courage to do so.

"Brother Zhuang, it's a Hong Kong phone..." As soon as he entered his room, the brick-like satellite phone in Peng Fei's hand rang." Every time Zhuang Rui went out, he would bring two, one for the crew, and the other was held by Peng Fei.

In many areas like Africa, mobile phones are not allowed. Zhuang Ruiping has a satellite phone to contact his family.

"Xiao Rui, has it been solved..."

Qin Haoran's voice came from the phone, with a slight apology.

"Dad, it's okay. Mingyou, I'll go to the trading market and try to return to Beijing after the bid opens on Friday. First... If it hadn't been for my father-in-law's personal visit to Beijing, Zhuang Rui really didn't want to stay here for a day.

"Well, the company also has some relationship in Johannesburg." I've contacted you, and a diamond supplier will pick you up tomorrow. Just leave your itinerary for the next few days to them to arrange, and they will also be responsible for the safety..."

That happened just now, but it scared Qin Haoran a lot. If something happens to his son-in-law in South Africa, not only his wife and daughter can't forgive himself, but I'm afraid that even Chun's jewelry business in the mainland will not be able to continue.

To be honest, Qin Haoran regretted letting Zhuang Rui come. Although there are a lot of 200 million euros, Zhuang Rui's lives are worth more than 200 million euros!

After Qin Haoran broke out in a cold sweat, he quickly contacted a powerful diamond company in South Africa, which was paid by Qin's jewelry and shouldered on the company's two cars and several security personnel.

"Dad, I'll be careful, don't worry..."

Zhuang Rui recognized the worry in his father-in-law's words, comforted him a few words, and then hung up the phone.

The next morning, Zhuang Rui received a call from the security personnel sent by the diamond company. They were already waiting at the door of the hotel. Starting from today, they will be responsible for all the itineraries after Zhuang Rui leaves the hotel.

"Hello, Mr. Zhuang, my name is George. I am responsible for the security work before you leave Johannesburg..."

After Zhuang Rui walked out of the hotel with Zhang Fei, a 35- or 16-year-old white man immediately greeted him. Although the man was wearing a suit and leather shoes, Zhuang Rui could feel the explosive power from the bulging muscles on his chest. This buddy was definitely not a writer.

Peng Fei's eyes were looking at the man's waist, slightly raised out, and his eyes couldn't help narrowing. With Peng Fei's experience, he could tell at a glance that it was a pistol, and from the size of the gun, he could see the powerful desert eagle.

After George introduced himself, the three people who followed him immediately stood beside Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei in a triangle. Obviously, these people were well-trained professional bodyguards.

"Mr. Fengzhi, please..."

Zhuang Rui and George shook hands and got into the car behind. George and a bodyguard followed, while the other two bodyguards got on the first car.

Qin Haoran really attaches great importance to the safety of his son-in-law. In front of him is a VOLVO bulletproof car, and in the back, Zhuang Rui and others are riding a Hummer.

After getting on the car, George introduced to Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei. Both cars are bulletproof and modified. As long as they don't use weapons such as rocket launchers, ordinary submachine guns will not be enough to break the defense of these two cars for a while.

On the way to the Diamond Exchange, Zhuang Rui and George talked about the situation in South Africa, which gave Zhuang Rui a better understanding of where he was.

Due to the out-of-control gun control in South Africa, many criminal gangs are more powerful than police officers. It only costs $100 to buy a submachine gun here, and there are two magazines with 30 bullets, and $500 is enough for a maid killer.

It's really like in the movie. After the gunfight, you can't hear the sound of the police car. If the police car is going to say it early, it will stop by the roadside to smoke a cigarette and wait for a while.

Because of the huge amount of diamonds and gold transactions, it is the main target of South African criminal gangs. Many foreigners, especially Asians, who come to Johannesburg, need to be particularly careful when participating in diamond trading.

In 2002, there was a malicious incident here. After the businessman successfully auctioned a batch of diamonds worth 60 million dollars, he was stopped by a group of robbers ten minutes after leaving the diamond exchange.

All the businessmen in the car were shot to death indiscriminately. As for diamonds, they disappeared, and up to now, the case has not been solved.

After this incident, the number of jewelry merchants from Asia suddenly decreased sharply, and the bodyguard business became popular in South Africa. Like George, all of them volunteered to South Africa as bodyguards after the retirement of the U.S. special forces.

Although George did not say their specific price, Zhuang Rui could guess that his father-in-law must have paid a high price before inviting a few people.

After the car left the city, there were few cars on the South African highway. The driver drove the car very fast. After about half an hour, the car parked in the yard of a complex.

Zhuang Rui stepped out of the car door and felt several bad eyes around him, staring at himself.