Golden Pupil

Chapter 816-817 Diamond Mine (Upper, Lower)

After returning to the hotel, Zhuang Rui did not tell the crew about this. Anyway, he will leave tomorrow, so as not to make them worry in vain.

Zhuang Rui didn't leave the hotel all afternoon. He also ate in the restaurant in the hotel in the evening, and then rested early.

According to George's arrangement, he will visit George's diamond mine tomorrow morning, and then at 3:00 p.m. after the opening of the exchange, Zhuang Rui will rush directly from the exchange to the airport and leave Johannesburg.


"Mr. Zhuang, it's time to go..."

The next morning, Zhuang Rui was shouted by George knocking on the door. After having some breakfast, everyone got together, returned the hotel room, and then got into the armored personnel carrier at the door of the hotel.

The two stewardesses were obviously a little surprised by Zhuang Rui's appearance. Instead, He Shuang, who had been a soldier, was a little excited. After getting on the car, they kept look at the machine guns on the armored personnel carrier. Each yellow orange bullet with a small finger thickness and a golden metal bullet chain more than one meter long were all true

Driving an armored car in Johannesburg is absolutely rare. The waiter at the door of the hotel looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes at this time, which was particularly wonderful. He didn't expect that the person he offended the day before yesterday would have such a deep background in South Africa.

Although the armored body is heavy, the running speed is not slow. On the empty road, it can run to a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. More than two hours later, the convoy turned from the asphalt road to a dirt road, and the speed slowed down.

"Mr. Zhuang, it's time..."

After more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui, sitting like a sealed can, felt that the car stopped and George's voice sounded outside.

"This...this is...a diamond mine?"

Zhuang Rui looked at the empty field in front of him and couldn't help but be a little disappointed. In his imagination, there should be a lot of black people working here, and there should be a roaring mechanical sound in his ear, not what he saw.

In the open field, it is simply surrounded by wire. Every two or three hundred meters away, there is a security guard with a submachine gun.

More than ten meters away from the car, there is a simple small building with more than 30 rooms on the upper and lower floors. I think it should be the place where miners and security guards live.

But no one should come here ***. The security guard who is very close to Zhuang Rui is sitting on a big stone, smoking cigarettes leisurely.

It is hard for Zhuang Rui to imagine that the mine of a powerful diamond company would be so simple.

You know, in Qin Haoran's introduction, this diamond company can rank in the top three in South Africa, with at least tens of thousands of broken diamonds every year, which flow from here to all over the world.

"Mr. Zhuang, welcome to my diamond mine..."

A white man in his forties, with three security guards with guns, came out of the only house in the wilderness and greeted Zhuang Rui and others.

Looking at the guy in jeans and a sunshade hat on his head, Zhuang Rui immediately remembered the American Western he had seen a long time ago. If this guy hung a revolver gun behind his buttocks, he would be an American western cowboy.

"You are Kenneth. Mr. Wayne, right?

Although the people dressed up casually, Zhuang Rui did not dare to underestimate the whole American in front of him.

Wayne can be called a legend in South Africa and even the world. At the age of eleven or twelve, Wayne was crazy about the gold rush in the United States and Canada in the tenth century. At that time, he said that he wanted to become the largest gold mine in the world.

However, Wayne's ideals deviated a little from reality. In the mid-1980s, Wayne came to South Africa for his dream. At that time, he was just a young man in his early twenties, with only a few hundred dollars.

At first, Wayne was a diamond trader. He helped customers from all over the world select diamonds. In the process, Wayne not only had a deep understanding of diamonds, but also accumulated his first bucket of gold.

Later, Wayne spent more than 200,000 US dollars to circle a piece of land that was considered by experts to be impossible to produce diamonds, but Wayne found three giant diamonds weighing more than 100 carats in a row on this land, which caused a sensation in the whole world.

After that, it took Wayne more than ten years to create assets worth more than a billion dollars and became a world-famous diamond tycoon, which is completely a modern version of the ten-century gold rush.

"Mr. Wayne, I didn't expect to see you here..."

"Haha, Zhuang, do you think it's very simple here? This is a newly developed mine. I'm going to trade diamonds in Johannesburg recently, so I'm living here for the time being..."

Wayne laughed when he heard the words. He knew that Zhuang Rui would be very disappointed when he saw this, and then said, "My biggest dream is to be a western cowboy. I want to adventure like a cowboy and search for gold. Of course, I'm looking for diamonds now..."

"Ha ha, Mr. Wayne, I think you have realized your dream. Where there are diamonds in the world, there is your legend..."

Zhuang Rui complimented Wayne and said that the diamond tycoon was extremely happy. He waved his hand and said, "Zhuang, it's nice to meet you. I decided to open the mine to you for an hour. If you can dig out the diamonds in this hour, the diamonds you dig will belong to you..."

Zhuang Rui and the cowboy were very temperamental and immediately said, "Isn't it? Mr. Wayne, it will take two hours. One hour is not enough at all..."

"No...No, Zhuang, my new mine was a volcanic river before ancient times, that is to say, it is an open-pit mine, and it is also a rich mine. If you are lucky, you can completely dig diamonds..."

Wayne corrected Zhuang Rui's statement. In fact, even if it is an open-pit mine, the place where the ore comes out is probably about one meter deep. Wayne is not worried about what ore Zhuang Rui and others can dig, but just to get closer to Zhuang Rui.

Now China's diamond jewelry market is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more customers from China. Wayne pays great attention to the interaction with Chinese guests. With such a small means, we can increase the friendship between each other. Why not?

Of course, if Zhuang Rui is really lucky, Wayne doesn't mind giving them the diamonds they dug as a gift. As long as Zhuang Rui didn't dig out the giant diamond, Wayne could still afford this loss.

There are many waste mines that have been dug up in South Africa, which have been turned into ore parks. Tourists can enter the ground Taobao as long as they pay a little money. If they are lucky, they may also get a few missing diamonds.

Inspired by South Africa, there are the same diamond theme parks in some volcanic spots in the United States, but the people who go there are basically for fun, and it's hard to hear that someone can dig diamonds.

"Okay, gentlemen, ladies, the generous Mr. Wayne is ready to send diamonds. Let's try your luck..."

Zhuang Rui turned around and said to the crew with a smile. He knew that diamonds could be formed under high temperature and pressure. If there was a volcanic river here before, it should be a diamond native mine where it originally belonged to the riverbed.

"That's great..."

"Wow, Diamond, we're coming..."

"You two have thin arms and thin legs. Can you dig?"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, everyone behind them couldn't help shouting happily, especially the two girls. The attraction of diamonds to them was extraordinary. At present, after receiving the pick and sieve in the security office, they walked to the mining area happily.

The iron pick is used to dig the earth, and the sieve is used to screen diamonds. This is a very detailed sentence, because many diamonds are extremely small and will be missed if you don't pay attention.

"Mr. Wayne, can I do it too?"

Seeing the excitement of Liu Li and others, Zhuang Rui was also interested. He just roughly observed it with the aura in his eyes. This was really a rich mine, because there was a faint aura fluctuation more than ten meters around Zhuang Rui.

"Of course, my friend, even if you get nothing, I will also give you a diamond..."

The reason why Wayne is so generous is that in his call with Zhuang Rui yesterday, he learned that Zhuang Rui had quoted a very suitable price for his batch of loose diamonds.

"Well, Mr. Wayne, I hope you don't regret it. My luck has always been very... Well, very good!"

Zhuang Rui used a very much and aggravated his tone. He was afraid that he would find a good diamond for a while, and Wayne was reluctant to give it to him.

"Oh, then I'm losing too much money..."

Wayne laughed. He designated a place for Zhuang Rui and others to dig diamonds, but he shoveled the ground several times with a shovel and almost combed it. Wayne didn't believe that Zhuang Rui could really dig any good goods from it?

"Peng Fei, I'll dig, and I'll leave the work of sifting diamonds to you..."

Seeing that Liuli and they had already started to work, Zhuang Rui quickly picked up a shovel from the ground, threw a sieve to Peng Fei, and ran to the circled place.

"Why? I also want to dig..."

Peng Fei was very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui's distribution method, and also copied the shovel and followed it.

"Wow, Sister Liuli, we have dug diamonds!"

As soon as Zhuang Rui walked to the place where the ditch caused by the bulldozer, he heard Tianya's excited shouts. Dare, the two sisters also have a division of labor. The glazed shovel was digging, while Tianya was screening.

Tianya's words attracted He Shuang and Ding Hao, who were working hard. These two brothers were not smart enough to dig but not sifted, and it was difficult to use the naked eye to get diamonds.

"Mr. Zhuang, take a look, this is a diamond stone, right?"

Tianya happily put the diamond, which was only the size of a mung bean grain, and the surface was a little like frosted glass, and put it in the palm of Zhuang Rui's hand. On the surface of the diamond, there was still some dirt.

Chapter 817 Diamond Mine (Part 2)

"Yes, this is a diamond stone, beautiful lady, you are very lucky..."

Wayne, who followed Zhuang Rui, recognized it at a glance. Although it is so big, it should be about one carat after processing. Even if the purity of this diamond is not good, it can be worth at least more than 10,000 rmb.

"Yes, the purity is not bad, it can be worth about 30,000 yuan. Our lady's army is very powerful. Lao He, don't just dig the earth, but also screen it with a sieve..." Zhuang Rui gave an idea to He Shuang and Ding Hao, who looked envious, and returned the diamond to Tianya casually.

Although it has been mined here, along the way, Zhuang Rui found that there are still a lot of diamonds left under the ground. Even if there is no shovel, as long as there is time, he can still screen out a lot of diamonds.

However, these missing fish are basically less than one carat, and it is not valuable to sell them.

Tianya and Liuli were really lucky. The first diamond was not small. Zhuang Rui took a rough look and gave a price of 30,000 yuan.

"Mr. Zhuang, this... I'd better give it to you..."

Tianya felt a little embarrassed. They didn't work much with their salary. They came here to dig diamonds, which was also for the boss's face. Tianya said and stuffed the diamond into Zhuang Rui's hands.

"No, this is the result of your labor. Mr. Wayne said that what you dig is your own. If you can dig an African star, that's really profitable..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand with a smile. What he called the African Star was a huge diamond that appeared in Africa at the end of the last century, weighing 212 carats, and was finally auctioned away by an unknown person for 36 million US dollars at the auction.

Of course, Zhuang Rui is joking. If such a giant diamond really appears, I'm afraid Wayne will immediately let go of what he just said.

"Let's go, Peng Fei, let's start working..."

After Zhuang Rui walked out for seven or eight meters, he suddenly felt that Peng Fei didn't keep up. Looking back, the buddy was busy with his buttocks with a shovel. He couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile. Isn't it easy to follow himself if he wants diamonds?

To be honest, Zhuang Rui looked down on these leftover broken diamonds. According to his idea, he had to find a three- or five-carat diamond to make Wayne feel sorry for it.

However, Zhuang Rui didn't feel any diamonds overflowing with aura 30 or 40 meters around, so he walked a little farther away and looked up to see several machines running not far away.

"Mr. Wayne, your equipment is a little poor, isn't it?"

The two bulldozers and excavators parked on the side are rusty, only 30% to 50% new at most. As for the mine washer, it is even more dilapidated. When it rotates, it makes a "quack" sound.

Four or five black people are making those machines in ***. They put all the cleaned ore into a large iron plate for screening, but these black people are only responsible for *** making machinery, and there is nothing to do with screening diamonds. There is someone in charge. Of.

This way of digging diamonds is much more advanced than Zhuang Rui and others digging with a shovel and then screening it by themselves.

"Zhuang, there is nothing we can do. There is no place for heavy machinery production and assembly in South Africa. These machines are bought from *** and South Korea at high prices. Those damn guys are expensive and always bad...

Oh, by the way, in my other two mines, there are several "Dongfanghong" bulldozers produced in China, which were produced 20 years ago, and the quality is the best..."

As Wayne spoke, he raised his thumbs-up at Zhuang Rui. He has 12 diamond mines in South Africa. If all of them are mined mechanically, it will be a big expense, so in open-pit mines like this, Wayne is more done by manpower.

Zhuang Rui looked at Wayne with contempt. Now he can't find the Dongfanghong bulldozer produced 20 years ago in China. It is estimated that this guy got the machinery from the South African government.

When Wayne saw that Zhuang Rui had not dug with a shovel, he touched Zhuang Rui with his hand and said mysteriously, "Zhuang, don't dig ore. Shall I take you to choose diamonds?"

The excavation of diamonds is divided into several steps. The first is to select the mining area, and then mechanically excavate the ore and put it in the washing machine for cleaning. Finally, the diamond screening is also the most important step.

In South Africa, the process of screening diamonds is usually carried out in person by the mine owner or the mine owner's cronies, and the mine owner in South Africa will not let black people do this work, even the only a few black South African mine owners in South Africa.

Many black South African workers often work all their lives and have never seen large carat raw stone, because they have no access to anything coming out of the miner at all.

"Good, I also want to see the production of Mr. Wayne's diamond mine..."

Zhuang Rui nodded with a smile. It was a rare thing to be invited by a diamond mine owner to visit the ore dressing.

Zhuang Rui followed Wayne back to the house. Two white drivers sent the broken ore that had just been washed in the fine washing machine to the room, and there were two security guards guarding them at the door.

"Zhuang, there are a total of twelve sets of diamonds that have not been screened. You can choose one, and I will give you the largest diamond you have selected..."

Zhuang Rui bought Wayne's diamonds of 70 or 80 million US dollars this time. Wayne sincerely wants to give Zhuang Rui a gift. Of course, if Zhuang Rui is too unlucky, there is nothing he can do.

Zang Rui glanced at the iron plates containing ore, and then said with a smile, "Okay, then I... just choose the second plate..."

"Good luck..."

Wayne said and buckled the first plate of ore on the stone table in the room. In fact, the so-called stone table is a table covered with a layer of beast skin, and there is a bright light on it, facing the table.

Wayne held a special wooden clip in his hand, stared at the black small broken stones on the table, and picked up a stone with the clip from time to time.

But Wayne's luck didn't seem to be good. In the first plate of ore, only two broken diamonds of less than one carat were picked out.

"Man, it's up to you..."

Wayne shrugged his shoulders, gave up his position to Zhuang Rui, picked up the second plate and buckled it upside down on the table.

"Haha, Wayne, I seem to have more luck than you..."

After pretending to fiddle with those ores a few times, Zhuang Rui picked up a diamond accurately and laughed loudly.

As soon as he entered the room just now, Zhuang Rui found this diamond. It was of good purity and not small. When Zhuang Rui was secretly scolding Wayne for his shit in his heart, he didn't expect that Wayne would let him choose a plate to choose. Naturally, Zhuang Rui would not be polite.

"Shit, is this possible?"

After playing with diamonds for half of his life, Wayne saw at a glance that the diamond on Zhuang Rui's clip should be at least six carats. After processing the cut, it is estimated that there are about five carats, which can be regarded as a big diamond.

Such a diamond, even if it is a raw stone, is expensive. It is estimated that it should be about 30,000 to 80,000 US dollars. Because he gave it away in one sentence, Wayne is inevitably a little painful.

"Don't worry, Wayne, there are still a lot on this plate..."

When Zhuang Rui saw Wayne's ugly face, he couldn't help but feel sad. There were indeed many diamonds in the second plate. Zhuang Rui quickly picked them out with his right hand, a total of nine, plus the first one, the total weight should be more than 15 carats.

Seeing that in addition to the big diamond, Zhuang Rui actually picked out so many diamonds, Wayne's face softened. He was afraid that Zhuang Rui would not pick carefully, so he went forward to screen it again, but he didn't find another one.

"Zhuang, you should come and help me with my work. I will pay you the highest salary in South Africa..."

Wayne laughed and joked with Zhuang Rui, picked up the large carat diamond and walked to the analyzer.

He has no doubt. You know, mastering the method of screening diamonds is the most basic quality for a diamond businessman.

"Oh, man, you are really lucky. The luster has f color, and the purity can reach the vvs2 level. You can give this diamond to your wife. It represents good luck...

But... Zhuang, you should work for me for an hour and help me pick out the rest of the diamonds..."

After Wayne finished the test, he threw the diamond to Zhuang Rui. Although the diamond was expensive, it was not enough to make Wayne go back on his word.

"Okay, as you wish..."

This work is not challenging for Zhuang Rui. He only needs to take a look at Reiki to tell whether there are diamonds in the ore and where the diamonds are located.

In just over half an hour, Zhuang Rui picked out all the remaining diamonds, and there were actually a lot of them, a total of sixty or seventy diamonds.

"Man, you're not a diamond hand, are you? Stay and work for me..."

After weighing on the sky, Wayne shouted loudly. It was just a morning of work, and he actually harvested more than 100 carats of diamonds, which was the result of his usual work for several days.

Wayne really had a trace of thinking about leaving Zhuang Rui behind.

People who have been in contact with South African diamond miners may know that although these guys don't know what feudalism is, they are extremely superstitious. They think that those who screen diamonds must have specific luck.

So in South Africa's diamond mines, the highest income is not the miners, but the staff responsible for diamond screening.

However, Wayne also knows that if he wants to keep Zhuang Rui, I guess it's almost enough for him to give the diamond mine to Zhuang Rui.