Golden Pupil

Chapter 824 A Line of Life

Due to the long distance, Zhuang Rui can only roughly see the outline of an island, but this also makes him ecstatic. In this boundless sea, he can see the land, which is no less than seeing an oasis in the desert.

"Compressed cookies, bread, is it gone?"

Zhuang Rui emptied the pocket of the life jacket and found that there was no other food in it except seven or eight sealed compressed biscuits and two fist-sized breads.

What's terrible is that when you eat these two things, you have to drink water. Although Zhuang Rui is hungry now, he still stuffs these things back. In the bag, he would rather starve to death than be thirsty.

In addition, there is a Peng Feisai knife for Zhuang Rui. The black blade emits an inexplicable cold light. If it hadn't been for the foam in the life jacket, Zhuang Rui really didn't know how to carry it.

Standing on the reef, Zhuang Rui observed the direction of the sea. What made him happy was that the sea seemed to flow in the direction of the island. In this way, the probability of him swimming to the island will increase a lot.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs dead horses, and the same is true in the sea. Friends who have taken a sea ship will know that when the sea ship is about to land, you can see the coastline from afar, but it often takes a long time to reach the place where vision can reach.

However, the island in the distance still gave Zhuang Rui infinite hope in his heart.

"Damn it, I'm fighting!"

Looking at the looming island in the distance, Zhuang Rui gritted his teeth. There was no fresh water. If he stayed on this reef, he would die sooner or later.

Originally, I hoped that the rescue team could find me, but for more than ten hours, not to mention the figure, I didn't even see a bird. It seemed that Zhuang Rui was the only one left in the world. Zhuang Rui couldn't stand that kind of loneliness.

And now it is a day of high tide. If we wait until the evening, when the sea falls, even if Zhuang Rui stays on the reef, he is likely to be pulled to the bottom of the sea by the terrible suction.

Although Zhuang Rui has special abilities, he is not a person from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to suffocate him for a few minutes, and he still can't live.


Zhuang Rui jumped into the water clumsily and swam in the direction of the island.

Zhuang Rui swam with Liu Chuan in Yunlong Lake, Pengcheng when he was a child. Although his posture was not very beautiful, it was very practical. In addition, he had sufficient physical strength. A few minutes later, he swam hundreds of meters and left the life-saving reef far behind.

"Fuck, what kind of place is this?"

For fear of being attacked by sharks in the sea, when Zhuang Rui was swimming, the aura had always been released. He found that the reefs he had just seen in this sea were only the tip of the iceberg.

There are countless half-tide reefs under the sea. Just swimming hundreds of meters in the sea, Zhuang Rui found no less than hundreds of reefs. If the sea retreats, it will definitely become a tourist attraction with strange rocks.

As for the half-tidal reef, it refers to the reef that goes out to the sea at half of the low tide, and the tide is submerged. Now it is in the high tide period, so many reefs are not out of the water.

This kind of reef can be called a ship killer. The half-tidal reef hidden in the sea is strangely shaped, and the strange rocks are dozens of square meters large, and the small one is about three or four meters.

The watering position of the half-tide reef is very shallow. If the ship really enters this sea, it will definitely hit the reef and sink. It is long and pointed like a reef that Zhuang Rui has just swam, and the crown on the rooster is only about one meter away from the water. If the ship touches it, it On the knife.

The exploration range of Zhuang Rui's aura is now about 500 meters. When swimming, Zhuang Rui also inspected the depth of the sea area. At about sixty or seventy meters, you can see the riverbed.

However, compared with the riverbed covered with fine sand, the riverbed here is more colorful, with countless fish swimming in it and full of colorful coral reefs. What makes Zhuang Rui's eyes bright is that there are many shipwrecks in the middle of those reefs and sand.

Some boats are bowed up, the hull is buried in the riverbed, and some are lying flat on the riverbed, but on the sailboard, there is seaweed moss everywhere.

There are also boats that can't be distinguished from the reef, and countless fish pass through the edges. This has become their shelter.

Most of the wreckage of these ships are wooden ships, which must have been left over from the era of the sea in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in various forms.

However, most of the sunken ships at the bottom of the sea are wooden masted sailboats, and the fuselage connections are made of wood. After looking at Zhuang Rui for a long time, he did not find a modern ironcified ship. If these wooden boats were salvaged, I'm afraid he could open an ancient ship museum.

On a large ship about 30 meters long, Zhuang Rui clearly saw that the round holes in the hull, which were originally used to stretch the oars, have now become the gate for marine life.

And in those rotten wooden boats, Zhuang Rui can clearly sense the existence of aura, and there are countless dots.

"Damn it, I can't see that I can't eat it, it's really fucking suffocating", sensing the place where those strong and weak aura are located" Zhuang Rui's heart was itchy.

No need to ask, those things must be treasures of the past. No wonder people always say, "The ocean is the largest treasure in the world.

In order to set foot on the land earlier, Zhuang Rui kept combing his body with aura and swam to the islands in the distance for a moment. Only when he was mentally and exhausted, he found a reef that could be seen everywhere to have a rest.

These reefs have little impact on Zhuang Rui, and occasionally they can stop to have a rest, but the terrible thing is that there are a lot of marine life in this sea area, most of which are attached to the reefs.

More than half of the aura scattered by Zhuang Rui has been injected into the bodies of these marine creatures.

A coral reef can raise 400 kinds of fish. Zhuang Rui's aura attracts a group of colorful sea fish, and Zhuang Rui can't name it. It is even mixed with a sea turtle with a diameter of about one meter.

The marine life that absorbed the aura, like a happy * stimulant, came out of the reef one after another" followed Zhuang Rui.

After the initial surprise, Zhuang Rui enjoyed this situation very much. You know, the lonely feeling of being alone in the sea is difficult to describe in words.

Now that there are so many sea fish around, Zhuang Rui's mood has become much better.

"Damn, that's "............Shark?"

After swimming forward for a few hundred meters, Zhuang Rui suddenly found that the fish behind him had become chaotic. A big guy, about two meters long, rushed into the fish, opened his big mouth with jagged teeth, and devoured the fleeing fish. This scared Zhuang Wu so that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to the sky. He once thought that he might meet a shark in the sea, but Zhuang Rui never thought that this thing was actually attracted by his own aura.

Although the shark was still 20 or 30 meters away from him, Zhuang Rui's heart was about to jump to his throat. He quickly restrained his aura, and his body did not dare to continue to swim. Relying on the buoyancy of the life jacket, he floated on the sea.

"Buddha's estimation, Bodhisattva's estimation, don't come over, don't come over" Can't see me, can't see me...

After seeing the shark disperse the fish, he swam leisurely to himself. Zhuang Rui's "dong-dong" heart almost rose to his throat.

Zhuang Rui whispered, "His expression at this moment" is like playing the role of his own special function in the Hong Kong Liu Xiaofu movie, hoping that this big guy can't see him.

However, the shark didn't seem to understand Zhuang Rui's language very well. He swam slowly and looked at Zhuang Rui with a pair of black eyes like marbles.

"Knife, by the way, I still have a knife..."

Zang Rui's hand was held on the knife. Although he knew that this thing would not pose any threat to the shark, he could always make himself feel more comfortable. It was like a man falling from the cliff and grabbed a life-saving straw.

With the shark approaching, Zhuang Rui's spirit was tight, and he knew that he had no chance of winning by meeting the shark in the sea, but Zhuang Rui refused to give up. He hadn't seen the unborn children yet!

The shark did not go straight to Zhuang Rui, but circled around Zhuang Rui, as if he was sniffing something with his nose. After about ten seconds, the tail suddenly waved and swam to the bottom of the sea.

"I will never eat shark fins again. Who the fuck says that sharks eat people?"

After seeing the shark swim away, Zhuang Rui's strength seemed to have been drained, and his whole body seemed to have collapsed. If it hadn't been for the role of the life jacket, he would have designated to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Zhuang Rui would be extremely angry with Spielberg. If it hadn't been for the movie "The White Shark" directed by this guy, would he have been scared like this?

It's just that Zhuang Rui doesn't know that there are more than 380 kinds of sharks in the ocean, of which only about 30 kinds of sharks will take the initiative to attack humans. More sharks only make a living from marine fish, and they are not so fond of human flesh.

And Zhuang Rui's luck is also good. The one he just met is just an ordinary long-tailed shark, not a bloodthirsty great white shark. If it is a great white shark, even if Zhuang Rui worships all the gods and Buddhas once, it is estimated that he will be buried in the belly of the fish.

Find a reef dozens of meters away from him. Zhuang Rui puffed up his strength and swam over. After climbing the reef, Zhuang Rui didn't want to move. "The situation just now was too exciting, and the hormone secreted by his big belly layer was dozens of times higher than usual.

After lying on the reef for half an hour, Zhuang Rui recovered. Looking at the sun gradually sinking to the sea level, Zhuang Rui summoned up his courage and jumped into the sea again.

It is not a safe choice to stay on the reef that is only two or three meters high in the protruding sea. At low tide, it is likely to be swept into the depths of the ocean by the sea.

Now swimming in the sea" Zhuang Rui no longer dares to release his aura to investigate everywhere. Although the shark just now does not bite people, he is timid. I guess he can be directly scared to death. Zhuang Rui doesn't have the courage to try such an exciting thing again.

As Zhuang Rui was tired of paddling, the blurred islands in the distance gradually became clear, but the sun set in the west, the mist slowly rose on the sea, and the whole island was shrouded in mist, full of mystery.

"There are still 500 meters..."

Zhuang Rui used Reiki and could already see the white beach, which almost made him cry. After floating in the sea for nearly 20 hours, Zhuang Rui only felt that he seemed to be swollen all over.

This sea is no longer very deep, only about 20 or 30 meters. Like the turtles and the large sea fish with strange wings seen just now, they have disappeared. Only some relatively small fish enter and exit from various coral reefs.

The sun slowly sets towards the sea level." At this time, the calm sea made waves again. Small waves made it extremely difficult for Zhuang Rui to swim. After swimming out several meters, he was beaten back by a wave.

"This doesn't work. You have to dive into the sea to hear..."

Zhuang Rui felt that the direction of the sea had changed. "It seems that the tide is starting to ebb now." The waves are unpredictable, which is also the omen before the tide of the sea.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Rui plunged into the sea and dived in the direction of the coast. The sea under the sea was relatively calm.

He swam dozens of meters in one breath. It was not until his chest was about to explode that Zhuang Rui leaned out of the water and took a deep breath of air.

Such continuous diving made Zhuang Rui closer and closer to the island. Looking at the tall coconut trees not far from the coast, Zhuang Rui burst into tears of excitement.

"With coconuts, even if there is no water, you will be fucking thirsty, buddy."

However, when Zhuang Rui was still 30 or 40 meters away from the island, he felt that the sea water behind him suddenly sent out a huge suction, pulling his whole body back more than 20 meters.

"The sea is going to ebb..."

Zhuang Rui suddenly reacted, which made him gall." This kind of suction was not what he could resist at all.

Seeing that the island was gradually remote again, when Zhuang Rui was almost desperate, a big wave suddenly passed, but pushed Zhuang Rui to the shore for more than 20 meters.

"I'm paralyzed, play with me?"

Zhuang Rui was surprised and happy. He took a deep breath, dived into the bottom of the water, and tried his best to row to the shore. Now he only pray for the sea to ebb for a few minutes at night. "As long as he can step on the beach, he can escape the disaster.

The ebb of the sea is not as rapid as the river, but there is a process. At this stage, the tide of the seaside will become particularly large, and they will sweep all the creatures on the shore and pull it into the bottom of the sea.

But Zhuang Rui is lucky to be "in this island Zhoutong, there are many reefs everywhere.

These reefs changed the direction of the sea, and even at low tide, it became relatively gentle, which gave Zhuang Rui a glimmer of life.