Golden Pupil

Chapter 856 Reputation

"Bry the satellite phone and keep in touch with me at any time. In addition, let Hao Long accompany you, and there will be a care on the way,"

The sea is vast, and there are many unpredictable dangers. If it is not very relevant, Zhuang Rui does not want Peng Fei to go like this again.

"Okay, Brother Zhuang, don't worry, there won't be any danger...

Peng Fei nodded. This is not the time to be able to do it. Although he has been cultivated for a period of time, his physical strength has not been restored to his best state. Naturally, it is much easier to have someone to accompany him.

"Xiao Rui, I couldn't get through to you just now. So you're at home?"

When Zhuang Rui was talking to Peng Fei, Ouyang Wan pushed the door and came in. She wanted her goddant son to find Zhuang Rui, but she didn't expect Zhuang Rui to be here.

"Gunma..." Seeing Ouyang Wan coming in, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei both stood up.

"Mom, what are you looking for me?" Zhuang Rui asked, during the press conference, Zhuang Rui naturally wanted to turn off the phone.

"It's about the white lion. Since yesterday, the white lion hasn't eaten anything, and it won't let us get close. Don't get sick. Go and have a look...

When the white lion was a palm, he lived with Ouyang Wan and others, which was also a part of the family, so Ouyang Wan was a little anxious.

"Eh, I'll go and have a look right away, Peng Fei, get ready and leave tomorrow morning..." Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei.

"Brother, no, I'll call Zhang Qian later and leave at night. This matter will be done as soon as possible. Chuan Pengfei shook his head. He knows the dictator's position in Africa. If he really suspects Zhuang Rui, maybe there will be a human bomb incident in Beijing one day.

"Xiao Rui, what are you doing with Xiaofei? He is not in good health yet. Why does he have to run out again?

Ouyang Wan looked at her two sons suspiciously and didn't know what they were talking about.

"Mom" is fine. He will come back in a few days after he goes out. Business matters..."

How dare Zhuang Rui tell his mother about Muta? Although it is not the Muta he killed himself, it can also be counted on him and Peng Fei, especially the fact that Peng Fei cut Muta with more than 200 knives. "If you say it, everyone in the yard will be intimidated.

He pulled Ouyang Wan to the backyard. Zhuang Rui saw the white lion lying in front of the door at a glance, and couldn't help feeling a little guilty. After returning from the sea, Zhuang Rui was busy with locating King Kong and accompanying his family, and there was much less communication with the white lion.

On the ground in front of the white lion, there is a pot of minced meat of stirring eggs, but the white lion does not seem to eat it." Ouyang Wan also found it just when she came to bring food to the white lion.

Although there are more and more members in the family, the white lion who first followed Zhuang Rui has the highest status.


Seeing Zhuang Rui coming over, the white lion stood up from the ground and pouted at Ouyang Wan, as if to warn her. Then he rubbed Zhuang Rui's head with his big head, and then lay back to the door of the room.

What kind of teeth does "Stinky Boy" and my mother have? You have no conscience, and you don't see who feeds you every day..." Zhuang Rui patted the white lion on the head angrily.

"Woo-hoo" was taught by Zhuang Rui. The white lion looked at Ouyang Wan's eyes and became a little softer.

"White lion, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

Zhuang Rui touched the white lion's big head and helped him comb his body with aura. In his memory, this guy seemed to have never been sick, and he had eaten a lot of that meal.


The white lion moaned comfortably, looked back at the room, and there was a low roar in his throat, as if to tell Zhuang Rui something.

"Where is the snow masturbator? Why doesn't it eat?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment. Since bringing Xue'er back from the snowy mountain, the white lion couple have always been inseparable, like the white lion lying at the door and basking in the sun.

"Damn it, how can you keep it a secret?"

Zhuang Rui glanced at the white lion's old nest with aura, but found that there were a few fluffy small meat balls under the snow masturge. He immediately reacted and dared the white lion to be his father?

The Tibetan masturge is extremely protective of the cub. During the birth of the mother masturor, even the owner did not dare to approach, but Zhuang Ruike did not care so much, knocked fiercely on the white lion's head and turned around and walked into the room.


Seeing someone coming in and lying in the warm nest of the corner, the snow masticadae immediately tightened his body and made a warning sound in his throat. He didn't dare to see that it was Zhuang Rui. He immediately relaxed and lay back lazily.

"Ah, really, it turned out to be a snow masticumf paparazzi?"

Ouyang Wan, who followed Zhuang Rui into the room, saw a few puppies lying under the snow masticumf film at a glance, and immediately shouted happily.

"One..., two" "Four, Mom, Snow Mastise has four paparazzi..."

Zhuang Rui asked Xueer to lift her body and found a total of four little guys. The little guy who was teased by Zhuang Rui made a faint sob in his mouth.

Tibetan mastiffs are generally six to eight in one nest, but the birth rate of pure-blooded Tibetan mastiffs is not so high. There can be four in this nest, which has made Zhuang Rui overjoyed.

Several little masturmastes are all species of snow mastiastes. Because of their birth, their hair is a little gray. When they are bigger, they will become pure white. Looking at these few small things the size of palms, Zhuang Rui can't help thinking of the situation when he took in the white lion.

"Mom, bring a basin of warm water and I'll wash them..."

Several little masturers were still a little dry. After Zhuang Rui combed their bodies one by one with aura, they slept comfortably.

The white lion also walked into the room, looking at his children with warmth in his eyes. Only Zhuang Rui could be so close to the little masturist. If it were replaced by Ouyang Wan, the white lion would not agree. Whether it was people or animals, the feeling of licking was the same.

"Alas, where can I give you these sons and daughters in the future?"

Zhuang Rui took the warm water from his mother, carefully helped the little guys clean the dirt on their bodies, and then put it back under the mother mastic masticada. Although the little guys who were awakened had not opened their eyes, they found breast milk intuitively and began to drink milk.

"Mom, look at these little guys, do we raise them ourselves, or?"

In the future, it is estimated that the white lion will give birth to such a nest every year. If it stays, it is estimated that he will be able to open a masticuminous garden in a few years, so Zhuang Rui is a little uncertain about the whereings of these little mastesses.

"Xiaojun has long said that he wants one, and Dachuan's child also wants one. Let's keep the remaining two...*..."

Looking at these plush little guys, Ouyang Wan also liked them very much. If her nephew hadn't opened his mouth, she would have been reluctant to give it.

"Well, these two guys will take advantage of "...*..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and agreed. If such a small mastusteau is sold, if you meet someone like Fatty Ma, Zhuang Rui will offer at least more than 10 million yuan. This is the second-generation snow masturge with the purest bloodline.

Hearing the news that the snow masturor gave birth to a baby, Liu Chuan, who had just returned to Pengcheng, rushed back overnight. Ouyang Jun was also a treasure. The rare degree made Xu Daxing jealous. Even his son had never seen him so precious.

Because it took a month for the little mastus to allow them to take them away, the two guys even ignored their son in order to deepen their relationship with the little mastus. They lived in the quadrangle courtyard. Every day, Zhuang Rui's yard is full of eagles and dogs, which is so lively.

Peng Fei, who left Beijing, called back on the fourth day. The matter has been handled by him, and now he is rushing back. Zhuang Rui can start auctioning the treasure map at any time.

At the same time, the Klauss Treasure Academic Seminar hosted by Professor Meng also came to an end. Zhuang Rui did not participate in it from beginning to end. This kind of purely academic seminar is still a little short.

However, the significance of this academic seminar is self-evident. The advent of the golden mask shows that in addition to the Egyptian tombs in the Valley of Kings, there are other ancient Egyptian tombs that have not been found, and there is a deeper study of the history and culture of ancient Egypt.

Many of those medieval gold and silver coins are out-of-print coins that have never appeared before. Through the study of these gold and silver coins, the experts also have a breakthrough understanding of the monetary policy and social forms of various countries in the Western world at that time, especially the experts who studied the ancient monetary systems of Western countries. Shallow.

After a week of seminar, all the experts attending the meeting spoke highly of the meeting. Some experts even said that this meeting solved many unsolved mysteries of the Middle Ages and was a historic and major archaeological discovery.

Major media in the world, such as The Times in the United Kingdom, National Geographic magazine in the United States, Le Mondo in France, etc., have given large-scale special issues. More than 100 countries around the world have reported on this major archaeological discovery in different media.

In domestic newspapers, they spared no effort to give special reports on the treasure excavation and academic discussion, and even the Central Taiwan set up a special program for this, which made the Dingguang Museum show a lot.

Among these reports, the most words appear are "Dingguang Museum" and "Pirate Treasure*...".

As a result, the Dingguang Museum, with a golden mask and a pirate museum, has become one of the most visited museums in the hearts of foreigners. Its reputation is directly in the world's famous museums in the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum.

The natural nature brought by fame is profit. With the popularity of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, in the following days, almost all Chinese and foreign tourists who came to Beijing to travel to work were the first choice for visiting the Dingguang Museum, which brought them extremely rich returns.

The auction of the treasure map also attracted the attention of many explorers around the world, and was finally auctioned by an American explorer for a high price of 9 million US dollars.