Golden Pupil

Chapter 858 Layout

Because the black market auction has to deal with dirt rats from all over the country, if you are not careful, you will fall behind, so Li Dali has always been very cautious. In recent years, he has planned to go ashore.

However, the sentence that people can't help themselves in the world is not groundless. Li Dali wants to stop, even the brothers below who eat with him will not agree. In addition, some things he has done before are not clean, so Boss Li has always been floating like this.

But since he met Zhuang Rui, Li Dali seems to see a completely different path. As long as he can erase the past, his black market auction can become aboveboard?

After meeting several heavyweight officials in Shishi, including Hebei Province, Mr. Li thought about this matter. It is not difficult to go ashore, but the future development requires Boss Li to think carefully.

During this period, he also came to Beijing once. He wanted to relive the demeanor of the little stars in the Beijing suburbs, but he did not think that this place had become Zhuang Rui's private manor.

This also makes Li Dali more in awe of Zhuang Rui. A high-end club worth hundreds of millions of yuan has turned into a private manor in a blink of an eye, which can't be done with money alone.

So after receiving a call from Zhuang Rui, Mr. Li immediately called the driver and drove to Beijing.


"Mr. Li, please sit down, come on, have a cup of tea..."

When he called Li Dali in the morning, Zhuang Rui didn't expect that he would come in the afternoon. He didn't want to entertain him in the manor. Finally, he simply invited Li Dali to the courtyard.

Because he wants to talk to Boss Li about something, he can't see the table. The fewer people he knows, the better, so Zhuang Rui was arranged in the courtyard.

Zhuang Rui is out now. Except for particularly important things, he usually takes Hao Long with him. In this way, the security personnel in the quadrangle courtyard are not enough. Zhuang Rui asked Ouyang Lei for a few special forces who retired from the special division as the security force of the quadrangle courtyard.

Not only that, but the security guard on the other side of the manor has also been re-integrated once. Now these two places are the foundation of Zhuang Rui, and there is no room for any mistakes.

"Mr. Zhuang, your yard is worth a lot of money. Tut, if I could have such a residence in Beijing in my life, it would be a waste of time..."

Li Dali sat under the big tree in the middle courtyard and drank Zhuang Rui's kung fu tea. His eyes looked around, and his mouth exclaimed from time to time. Half of his words were praising Zhuang Rui, but the other half was really shocked.

Since the state liberalized the quadrangle house transaction in 2004, the few quadrangle courtyards in Beijing have been priced at one price a day. Large quadrangle courtyards such as Zhuang Rui have no more than one billion yuan, so it is embarrassing to ask for the price.

"Hehe, I bought it early, but I took advantage of it..."

Zhuang Rui smiled when he heard the words, and he did not expect that the real estate in China would rise so rapidly in the past few years.

Not to mention this quadrangle courtyard, it is the property I bought in Zhonghai. At that time, it was only 10,000 yuan per square meter, but now it has risen to 50,000 yuan per square meter. There is still a price and no house, and no one is willing to sell it. The property manager called Zhuang Rui twice in three days and asked him if he

"That's Mr. Zhuang, you have a good vision..." Li Dali flattered again without showing his face.

"De, Mr. Li, let's talk about business..."

Zhuang Rui was almost photographed by the old world, and his face turned straight. He said, "Mr. Li, I have a few pieces of official kiln porcelain in my hand. I want to walk around from you. I don't know if it's convenient or not?"

With Zhuang Rui's current identity, naturally, he can't say directly to Li Dali that if you want to play a game, you need your cooperation. Although that's the meaning, you can't say this clearly.

"Walk around from me?"

Li Dali was stunned when he heard the words and almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ear.

With Zhuang Rui's status in the antique industry, if you want to determine what kind of object it is, it can also be said to be true, and there is no doubt. In these days, experts are still a little prestige, not as bad as in a few years.

Zhuang Rui ordered some meat and said, "Yes, I want to walk around from you. These are a few pieces of Cizhou official kiln porcelain in Hebei Province. The color of the tire is pure and the appearance is very good..."

"Wait, Mr. Zhuang, wait first..."

As soon as Li Dali heard the porcelain of Cizhou official kiln, he almost jumped up. As a native of Hebei, he was also engaged in the antique business. He was very familiar with Cizhou porcelain.

The so-called Cizhou official kiln has actually only existed in a short period of time in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the history of Chinese ceramics, there is no record, so there is a lot of debate in academia.

The theory that it exists is because from the excavated ancient kiln site of Cizhou, there are some extremely exquisite porcelain fragments with exquisite materials, and in the bottom of the fragments, there are some funds in the Southern Song Palace.

And in some Song Dynasty documents unearthed, there are also records about the tribute of Cizhou kiln porcelain to the royal family, so some scholars say that Cizhou once produced official kiln porcelain.

But the reason for the opposition is also sufficient, that is, since the Southern Song Dynasty, no physical porcelain of Cizhou official kiln has been unearthed. What is scientific research? That is to conduct research based on the unearthed objects. There is no physical object in the Cizhou official kiln, so it can naturally be said that it does not exist.

Just like Zhuang Rui's fixed light sword, although it is clearly recorded in history books, people still think it is a legend, because none of the so-called top ten swords exist in the world.

It was not until the advent of the fixed light sword that it was tested for carbon fourteen, confirming that the sword was indeed a product of thousands of years ago, which unified the idea and made the voices of doubts in academia disappear.

So after Li Dali heard the words Cizhou Guanyao, he immediately jumped up. The thing only existed in the legend, and no one had seen it. Zhuang Rui said that there were only a few, and the quality was in good condition. Can he not be surprised?

"Mr. Zhuang, this... This can't be a joke. If the Cizhou official kiln porcelain is unearthed, it will definitely fill a gap in the history of ceramics. This... This thing is said, no one believes it..."

Li Dali didn't need to look at the real thing at all to know that the things in Zhuang Rui's hand were fake. At this moment, he was also slandering in his heart: "You are so rich. As for taking out a few fake porcelain to fool people?"

Although Li Dali did not explicitly refuse what he said just now, he also expressed his own opinion. He is not false about opening an antique black market, and his coming from is not very legitimate. There are both true and false, but what he took is still reliable.

If Zhuang Rui holds the so-called Cizhou official kiln porcelain and goes to Li Dali's black market auction, it will be the same as He Shibi in his auction house. I guess few people will believe it.

"Ha ha, Mr. Li, I heard that an ancient kiln site in Handan has been dug recently, and a lot of exquisite Song porcelain has been made. Do you know?"

Zhuang Rui suddenly changed the topic and said that Li Dali reached out and scratched his head. He was a little confused.

Li Dali relies on antiques to make a living. Where did the ancient tomb kiln site come out? He was even a little faster than the relevant departments of the state knew, but he really knew nothing about the ancient kiln in Handan mentioned by Zhuang Rui.

"Mr. Zhuang, as far as I know, it seems that there is no one in Handan... Oh, I see..."

Who is Li Dali? After rolling in the world for so many years, I turned Zhuang Rui's words around in my heart, and immediately became like a mirror. Zhuang Rui wanted to be vulgar. Zhuang Rui wanted to set a trap, hyped up the unearthing of the Cizhou official kiln in advance, and then borrowed a ladder to launch the so-called ancient kiln porcelain. If This object is trummated. After all, there are many "pseudo-collectors" who are stupid and rich these days. Yang's father in Zhonghai is the representative of this kind of people.

It's just that Li Dali is a little confused. With Zhuang Rui's family, is he tossing around with this little money? No matter how valuable the Cizhou kiln is, it is not as expensive as Yuanqinghua. The Yuanqinghua in Zhuang Rui's Dingguang Museum has been identified as authentic.

And in case this matter spreads, Zhuang Ruike will be disgraced. Li Dali weighed it in his heart and said, "Mr. Zhuang, if this is done, it will be a little eye-catching, which may attract the attention of some departments. If you are inconvenient recently, brother, I'm quite relaxed here. You can open your mouth

Even if Li Dali is stepping on black and white, he will not accept some relatively ** objects, and will even report them to the relevant departments, so the relevant departments will keep an eye on his black market auction house.

If the news of the unearthed Cizhou official kiln comes out, whether it is true or not, it will attract the attention of those departments, so Li Dali said so.

As for opening his mouth to borrow money, Li Dali really saved this idea. He would rather lend eight million yuan to Zhuang Rui than cause this trouble.


Zhuang Rui frowned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Li Dali's reaction would be so strong, but it was really not easy to do without Li Dali.

After thinking for a moment, Zhuang Rui said, "Mr. Li, you and some people abroad should also be familiar with each other, right?"


Li Dali stood up fiercely. Today, he was scared by Zhuang Rui. This guy is not very old and speaks in a jumping way. Why did he go abroad again?

You know, Li Dali turned the antiques just to make money. He also did a lot of smuggling antiques abroad. Of course, Mr. Li has rich experience and is more careful in doing things.

But Boss Li was guilty of being a thief. As soon as he heard Zhuang Rui mention this, Li Dali's face suddenly became ugly. Zhuang Rui's words hit him a little.

"Mr. Zhuang, although I, Li Dali, am greedy for money, I absolutely take it in the right way. I won't do the matter of selling my ancestors..."

Li Dali replied righteously that he had indeed never done it, and it was all done by his hands, which was reasonable.