Golden Pupil

Chapter 916 Stud Medium

Although Zhuang Rong's card has always suppressed Jervis's, the probability of being able to be the same as XX is not much worse than the five million won in the lottery.

In addition, Jervis has got two nines. Zhuang Rui just wants to make a straight, and Shunzi can only win two pairs. In case Jervis is a Forhouse (three with a pair), Zhuang Rui will definitely lose.

So now all the pressure is concentrated on Zhuang Rui. If he abandons the card next, the first 70 million will be taken away by Jervis, and he can't even see the cards.

"I bet 200 million yuan. There is no reason to be scared by you, right?" Zhuang Rui suddenly pushed out a pile of chips in front of him. This crazy move made many people exclaim. No one knows what he is thinking. It's already such a card. Is it possible that he really got Tonghushun? Question mark

In fact, Zhuang Rui is also in a dilemma now. It's his turn to raise the bet. He only faces two choices. One is that there is no Shunzi or the same Hushun to abandon the card, and the other is to bet a little money to see the opponent's card.

Of course, the first choice is impossible, but the second one is not the best choice, so Zhuang Rui decided to make the next bet to make the other party think that he still wants to steal chickens!

Bet on two. With a chip of 100 million, Jarvis may suspect that he has got the same huāshun, but he will also suspect that he has stolen chickens, so that the other party is very likely to follow. On the contrary, if he is angha, it is estimated that the buddy will definitely abandon the card.

"This young man is crazy..." "Yes, this kind of card is worth 200 million yuan. Is it really the same as Huāshun?" "It's impossible. If it's the same as Huāshun, he won't only bet 10 million..."

"Zhuang Rui, don't be impulsive. If you have a bet, you don't lose. It's okay to continue the next one..."

Zhuang Rui's 200 million chips came out in a pile, and the whole audience suddenly boiled up. This is also the ** of today's game. Everyone can't help but feel the excitement in their hearts. As long as they can stand up, they stand up from their chairs one after another.

With huāshun's card, it's not much to extrude 200 million bets, but now there are two nines on the gambling table. Zhuang Rui wants to get the nine of spades, and the probability is really too small. No one is optimistic about Zhuang Rui.

Since Zhuang Rui has finished betting, the dealer didn't bother to warn Qin Haoran, who was reminding Zhuang Rui to be calm. He looked at Jervis and said, "Mr. Jervis," do you follow?" "Face hundreds of millions?"

To be honest, Jervis was also scared by Zhuang Rui, which made him a little confused.

Jervis has three nines with a pair of J's in his hand. The difference is a nine of spades. "Did that nine of spades really be obtained by Zhuang Rui?"

"Come on... It's impossible. If his hand is really the same as Huā Shun, then he will definitely force me to fight..." Jervis's mind turned rapidly while looking at Zhuang Rui carefully. Suddenly, Jervis's eyes lit up.

"Good boy, you want to cheat..."

Jervis saw that "Zhuang Rui was holding a 500,000-50,000 chip in his hand and was playing with it over and over again. From the perspective of psychology, this unconscious action" can often reflect the tension in people's hearts.

As the world's gambling king, he figure out people's psychology, which is also a compulsory course for Jervis. He can see that Zhuang Rui is definitely an unconscious action, which shows that... Zhuang Rui is guilty.

With the precedent of Zhuang Rui's fraudulent card, Jervis naturally thought that Zhuang Rui still wanted to steal chickens and forced himself to retreat without fighting. Thinking of this, Jervis pulled out an arc at the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Zhuang Rui is really nervous. What he is afraid of is that Jervis will not follow "in this way, the gambling situation will definitely fall into a deadlock again. Hundreds of millions of gambling funds" Do you know how long he will bet?

In terms of patience, Zhuang Rui is far inferior to Jervis.

"Two hundred million, right? I followed..."

Jervis's words made everyone's eyes focus on him. The simple word "follow" and the original chips on the table represent nearly 600 million gambling capital, which is extremely rare in the gambling world.

It's just that Jervis concluded that Zhuang Rui stole the chicken and refused to stop. After launching 200 million chips, he continued, "But if you want to see my cards, 200 million is still not enough, I'm good!"

Regardless of the number of chips in front of him, Jervis stood up directly, opened his arms, put the pile of chips in front of him together, and pushed them out.

The hill-like chips fell on the gambling table like dominoes, making a crisp sound, as if tapping the hearts of everyone present.

Jervis's behavior brought a strong impact to everyone at the scene and in the private room. Everyone's faces turned red, as if they were the gamblers on the court.

Even Mr. He, who is sitting in a wheelchair, has not seen such an exciting gamble for a long time. After the beginning was flat for ten times, no one thought that in the eleventh game, he could see the situation of Mars hitting the earth?

Whether in gambling or other industries, top people always have their own characteristics, and Jervis has a nickname called Viper.

At first glance, the world gambles against each other. Needless to say, the most important thing is that X is good at observing the situation. When he encounters a situation that is beneficial to him, he often shows his fangs in an instant like a poisonous snake, and gives the opponent a fatal blow like lightning.

In the master duel, it is difficult to see the situation of Renha, because these people often refuse to let themselves fall into a desperate situation. In the end, they all rely on the last chip points to win, but today's situation is different.

Zhuang Rui is not a gambler at all, and he is not calm enough. He has been repeatedly seen by Jervis. For the first time, he stole chickens and didn't eat rice. Now he dares to play again. Jarvis will definitely not be polite with Zhuang Rui, otherwise his venomous snake's nickname will be in vain.

"It's worthy of being the king of gambling. I guess the young man will lose..." "I will definitely lose. Isn't the king of gambling sure that he can do it?"

"It's really enjoyable. I didn't expect that this gambling game was really similar to that on TV. It's so annoying..."

There is a lot of discussion in the gambling hall and the private room, but no one is optimistic about Zhuang Rui. What about the card with huāshun? As long as the last one is not nine, it is equivalent to a waste card!

For Liu Dahyung's addiction, even the Qin brothers stopped talking and sat there silently. Maybe they also thought that Zhuang Rui would definitely lose, right?

Liu Minghui and others sitting behind Jervis looked happy and earned another 500 million this time. Although they had to give Jervis 200 million, the rest of the money was enough for them to squander.

Even if Zhuang Rui has a background in China, they are not afraid that the world is so big. [China] The national government has not even been able to catch a few escaped corrupt officials. What can they do with them?

"Mr. Zhuang, the other party, do you follow the note?"

After a period of confusion in the field, a dealer rang the bell, and the crisp voice made the field quiet. The audience thought that Zhuang Rui had not made a final decision.

"Damn it, I don't know whether to live or die, but I dare to do it. In the future, my buddy will be called a gambling king killer..."

Zhuang Rui was happy at this moment. He was afraid of scaring away Jervis. He didn't expect this guy to cooperate so much that he followed his mind. Zhuang Rui just wanted to laugh out loud.

"Damn it, thousands of families should have cheated more than hundreds of millions over the years, right? Find a way to make them spit out a little more..."

When he thought of this, Zhuang Rui's face looked a little uncertain, and he suddenly said, "Mr. Jervis, is it rare that I can't get the same huāshun? Why do you dare to be sling?

"If it were the same huāshun, I would have lost convincingly..." Jervis replied carelessly. This game was under his control. In his opinion, he was sure to take the bet on the table.

"I'm with you, it's all edges!"

As soon as Jervis's words fell, Zhuang Rui also stood up and swept the chips in front of him into the gambling table. Although the length of this gambling table was five meters, the scattered chips were still intertwined in the gambling table. It was difficult to tell which one was Zhuang Rui's and which was Jervis's.

"Ah? How can it be that he is also sling?"

"Is it really the same huāshun?" "It's possible, otherwise I won't know to lose, and I will follow the lingha. It's really possible that it's the same huāshun..."

At this moment, those older rich people suddenly felt that their hearts were not enough, which was a little exciting. Even with their wealth, such a gamble was the only one to see in this life.

"Eh, you open the card..."

Jevis didn't expect that Zhuang Rui would follow him, and he was also suspicious, but now it is difficult to ride a tiger. He has no time to regret the victory or defeat.

Zhuang Rui laughed and said, "Do you want to see my card? Jervis, you don't seem to have enough chips..."

In the previous sex gambling game, Zhuang Rui won 200 million. Although he lost tens of millions in the first game, Zhuang Rui also had more than 130 million more than Jervis in the total number of chips.

At this moment, Zhuang Ruiling is equivalent to another 130 million bigger than Jervis, so Jervis must make up for the difference in gambling capital before Zhuang Rui can open the card.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Jervis calmed down and stared at Zhuang Rui, as if to see something in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

"If you can't keep up, just give up..."

Zhuang Rui sneered on his face, but he held the chip he had been playing with tightly in his hand, and the blue veins on the back of his hand were exposed. It could be seen that he was also very nervous.

After looking at Zhuang Rui for a while, Jervis raised his hand and said, "I asked for a rest and seal the card!"

Each of the two sides of the bet has two opportunities to ask for a rest. Even in the gambling game, it can be proposed that the three dealers immediately take out a transparent glass cover and cover the two cards on the gambling table.