Golden Pupil

Chapter 922 Pie from the Sky

Uncle Ming, who is full of prestige in front of people, is in front of the gambling king at this moment, but his hands are drooping, looking at the gambling king's feet, and he dares not look at the old man who is old.

Even the old dealer controlled the voice very well. The voice was not loud, but it was just enough to be heard by the old gambling king.

"Well, go, young man, come and sit down..." The old gambling king is in good spirits today." After waving his hand to the old dealer, he motioned Zhuang Rui to sit next to him.

When Zhuang Rui saw Mr. He, he also took away the two women." Knowing that the other party had something to say to himself, he turned his head to Peng Fei and said, "Peng Fei, go over there..." "Come on... Come on, eat fruit..."

Mr. He trembled with his right hand and pushed a plate of washed grapes in front of Zhuang Rui. He continued to say, "When I was a child, I liked to eat this, and I also ate it at that time, but later it didn't work. I couldn't afford grapes for several years. Now for me, it's very happy to It's over..."

To the old man in front of him, Zhuang Rui is no stranger to his life.

Although the gambling king came from a famous family in Hong Kong, his achievements and fame were not protected by his ancestors. When he was a teenager, his father went bankrupt, his family was in the middle of the world, and he tasted the coldness of the world. When he was young, he fled to Macao in order to avoid the war. At that time, he

In Hong Kong and Macao, as long as the word "King of Gambling" is mentioned, everyone knows who he is talking about. Mr. He controls assets as high as 500 billion Hong Kong dollars, and his personal wealth reaches 70 billion Hong Kong dollars.

One-third of the people in Macao directly or indirectly benefit from his company. Macao people call the gambling king "uncrowned Australian governor" and "rice class leader". He is the most powerful, profitable, most famous and longest-serving gambling king in the history of gambling in Macao.

Such a person who has been full of legend in his life deserves the respect of Zhuang Rui, and the old man himself is also extremely patriotic. Despite Zhuang Rui's knowledge, this year, the king of gambling also spent nearly 70 million Hong Kong dollars from abroad, bought a bronze statue of the horse's head in the Yuanmingyuan Garden, and donated it to

Seeing the old man seems to be immersed in the memories of the past. "Zhuang Rui did not speak, but just listened quietly." Every sentence of the old man who has walked for nearly a century like this is his perception of life.

"Hey, I'm old" I just like to say some boundless things. "Little guy" Is it annoying to listen?"

While talking, the old man suddenly laughed at himself. He has a strong life. Even though he is more than 90 years old, he still controls the huge financial empire. Although his children are full, he rarely has such a chance to relax and talk to others.

"Hehe, old gentleman" is not annoying. My grandfather seems to be a few years older than you, and he also likes to talk to me..."

Zhuang Rui has always been extremely respectful of the elderly, especially these old people who have witnessed a century of [true] real history. In their minds, there are too many unknown truths.

When Zhuang Rui is chatting with his grandfather, he can often hear some historical processes that are completely different from the rumors of the outside world. Although he does not study history, archaeology and history are related to Qi Qi. Zhuang Rui listens it with great interest every time.

So Zhuang Rui also listened to the memories of the gambling king just now, especially in the war years, the difficult years after he ran from Hong Kong to Macao, which made Zhuang Rui quite touched.

Behind every successful person in the world, they have experienced many unknown difficulties, and others only see the brilliance in front of successful people, but few people know what kind of hardship they have suffered!

"Your grandfather is a person I admire very much. The old general has done a lot for the country and the people. Young man, go back and say hello to him. I haven't seen the old general for many years."

The gambling king and Zhuang Rui's grandfather are from the same era, and the people who still live in the world this year are already one of the few. When it comes to Zhuang Rui's grandfather, the old man sighs.

"Lao He, you have also done a lot of things for the country, and the country will not forget it," Zhuang Rui said with a smile, "These old people who are either high in power or business leaders look very dignified, but are actually easy to get along with." They are much better than those small bureaucrats who pretend to be small but pretend

"I don't want to be remembered, but I have a clear conscience!"

The old man shook his head with a smile, picked up a grape, and threw it into his mouth without recording the skin. After chewing a few times, he looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Young man, do you know why I let you come?" To be honest, "The king of gambling has read countless people in his life, and has seen a lot of The young man in front of him who has met several times has never been able to see through.

Do you think Zhuang Rui is young and immature? In his twenties, he beat billions of people with his bare hands, and he has not yet relied on any power in the family, which is a height that many people can't reach in their lives.

Is it said that Zhuang Rui is mature and stable? However, sometimes he behaves like a hot-blooded young man. "The last time I gambled with the boat king, I just wanted to win those ancient paintings from [China] country, and this time I spent hundreds of millions of dollars on gambling" was just to vent my brother.

There is a kind of person in the world who acts unresidly, but the result is often surprising. The gambling king himself is such a person. At this moment, he also classifies Zhuang Rui as the same person as himself.

Let Zhuang Rui guess the thoughts of the people for a hundred years. It's better to let him dig the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. Zhuang Rui simply said bluntly, "Sir, if you have anything, tell the younger generation directly to the younger generation. As long as it is within the ability of the younger generation, you must do it The old gambling king seems to have something to do with him. For the sake of the old man's sake of worrying about this gambling at such an old age, Zhuang Rui doesn't mind helping the old man once.

Of course, the scope of ability is a big premise. If the old man wants to drive the Lisboa Casino to 49 cities, Zhuang Rui doesn't have that ability.

"Ha ha, you are very smart..."

The old man took a deep look at Zhuang Rui, as if he was talking to himself: "Amin has been with me since he was 12 years old. He is an orphan," so he followed my surname He. At the age of 18, Amin was the best dealer in the Macao casino at that time. After so many years, almost all the dealer in Macao It's his apprentice and grandson..." The old man said a little too much in one breath, and he gasped slightly." After a pause, he continued, "It's just that few people know that A Ming's gambling skills are also extremely skillful. A deck of playing cards is in his hand, almost what kind of card he wants to wash out." It can be washed This is not a movie. Every word I say is [true] real..."

"Sirty, why are you telling me this?" Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled. "What did you say about the old dealer? Not to mention that he is proficient in gambling, the king of the world, and he has nothing to do with himself.

After being interrupted by Zhuang Rui, the old man "he was not angry" and just looked at Zhuang Rui with a smile. The corners of his mouth drew an arc, which was slightly naughty.

"Does Uncle Ming gamble with me..." When Zhuang Rui was still waiting to continue to talk, his mind suddenly lit up, and he remembered today's gambling game." His eyes immediately stared round and looked at the old gambling king incredulously.

"Old man, is it possible that this last card was washed by Uncle Ming?"

Although Zhuang Rui has seen a lot of gambling films, he also knows that "in real casinos, big brands such as Huāshun Forthouse" basically rarely appear. Some old gamblers have gambled for half a lifetime and may not have caught such a card.

After the bet, Zhuang Rui also thought that he was lucky and did not think much about the good joints. After all, he could know the bottom card. Even if there was no big card like Huā Shun and Forhouse, Zhuang Rui was 100% sure to win Jervis. It would be better to take a longer time.

But the words of the old gambling king made Zhuang Rui understand that it was not because he was lucky, but because Uncle Ming's cards were well shuffled.

However, this also made Zhuang Rui more and more confused. He and the old gambling king were not relatives and indirectly offended him. Zhuang Rui really couldn't figure out why the old man helped him so much?

"Amin's card is well shuffled, but you bet better. I have a feeling that even if Amin doesn't help you and wins in the end, it must be you..."

The old gambling king's slightly blue eyes stared at Zhuang Rui, as if he wanted to see some clues from Zhuang Rui's eyes.

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, you flatter me too much, but to say something arrogant, I'm here to win!" "Oh? Why are you so sure?"

The eyes of the old king of gambling lit up. The person he knows the highest gambling skill is the old enemy Ye Han. "But even the gambling saint Ye Han" did not dare to say that he must win before gambling. Otherwise, he would not have lost millions in Las Vegas first, and then bet three days and three nights to win back with profits.

"I don't know why? But it's sure to win, maybe it's the sixth sense, right? I have always been very keen on the feeling of danger, which is what the ancients said can seek good and avoid evil..."

Zhuang Rui knew that it was pure bullshit to talk about his gambling skills in front of the old man. But the secret of his eyes was the biggest privacy in Zhuang Rui's heart. He didn't even reveal a trace of his mother, wife and children. Naturally, it was impossible to tell the old gambling king.

"Ha ha, the sixth sense?" The old man laughed indifferently, bowed his head and meditated for a while, suddenly raised his head and said, "Little guy, what do you think of my ship?" Zhuang Rui couldn't keep up with the old man's thinking and replied, "The ship? Very good. Except for the Neptune, this is the biggest ship I've ever seen..."

"Well, since you like it, I'll give you this ship..." The old man said with a smile.


After hearing the old gambling king's words, Zhuang Rui immediately jumped up from the comfortable beach chair.

Although Zhuang Rui made his family by relying on the power in his eyes, he never thought that "the pie would really fall in the sky, and he could even hit himself.