Golden Pupil

Chapter 958 Tang Lao

"In the gambling industry, the threshold for entry is not high or low. There is only one condition, and money is enough, which makes many people engaged in traditional business intervene one after another.

These people were originally successful people in the original field. After entering the gambling circle, they also regarded themselves very highly. Although they have heard Zhuang Rui's glorious achievements, now they are a little disowned when they see that Zhuang Rui is so young.

"Tang Lao is coming..."

"It's really Mr. Tang. Come on, go and have a look..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the crowd, and the whole [Guangzhou] scene suddenly rose. The people who were originally pointing around Zhuang Rui did not have time to comment on Zhuang Rui and squeezed into the periphery one after another.

Zhuang Rui also heard the shouts of those people, looked sideways at Han Haowei and asked softly, "Is it Mr. Tang from Yunnan?"

In fact, Zhuang Rui has not been in the jade circle for a long time. In addition to knowing some jade merchants, he doesn't know much about the well-known appraisers and experts in the circle.

However, he has heard of Mr. Tang's name. At the beginning, those boring people compared him with Mr. Tang and collectively called him the "Emerald King" of the North and the South.

Han Haowei is a thoughtful person. He is afraid that Zhuang Rui will be young and energetic, and he has the thought of comparing himself with Mr. Tang. Yu walked out and said, "Brother, Mr. Tang has been here for almost half a century. Don't mind..."

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. He identified the jadeite, only based on the aura in his eyes. He only admired this old man. How could he have other ideas? He waved his hand and said, "Lao Han, Tang is always our senior in the jade industry, and the same generation as the Jade Prince. He is also my e How can I be jealous of this old man?

Zhuang Rui once learned from the old man that Mr. Tang and he were also old friends for decades. When they talked on the phone in the past two years, they often mentioned Zhuang Rui, but Zhuang Rui seemed to have disappeared in the jade industry, which made Tang Lao feel quite regretful.

From the words of the ancient master, Zhuang Rui learned that Mr. Tang likes to help the younger generation and especially likes to help others when gambling on stones. Such an old man will only make Zhuang Rui feel respected.

Moreover, Mr. Tang's reputation is not comparable to Zhuang Rui's gambling stone. It is really a breakthrough in the jade gambling field at home and abroad for decades. There are many jokes that have been passed down to this day.

Many people know that the Yangmei area in Guangdong is a large jade trading center in China, where almost everyone will participate in gambling stones, and the initial development of Yangmei is also inseparable from Tang Lao's support.

That was still an event that happened in the early 1990s. At that time, the domestic jade trading market was not so popular, and Yangmei was not the current jade trading center. At that time, it was a jade merchant in Myanmar who took a piece of wool weighing more than a kilogram and was ready to sell it in Yunnan.

Because the Spring Festival was approaching at that time, the Burmese businessman was also in a hurry to take action. The offer price was not very high, about 2 million, but at the beginning of the 90s, the price was sky-high.

Many people are looking at this material, but there are not many people who come out of their hands. Later, a group of beautiful women also stared at this material, but they are not sure. After all, millions of objects may not be able to turn over in their lives.

At that time, the group of Yang beauties asked Mr. Tang about the trick, and Mr. Tang did not refuse. After carefully looking at the material, he told the group that this was a rare piece of violet jade, which could at least make money after buying it. More than 10,000 yuan.

Later, under the maneuver of Mr. Tang, "the group of people had more than ten thousand blades and bought the original stone." A few months later, when the group saw Mr. Tang again, they did not mention the jade.

It's just that after this incident, every time these Yang beauties want to find Mr. Tang, they will buy millions of goods from him. Even if they buy good goods elsewhere, they will take the knife to Mr. Tang and let him have a look first.

And Mr. Tang had a friend who originally wanted to buy but didn't buy it. Later, he said to Mr. Tang that the violet jade made more than 100 million yuan, and Yangmei made a lot of money as long as he had something to do with this jade.

Now Yangmei Village has developed into an emerging high-end jade market, and has replaced Hong Kong as the leader of today's jade market. Many industry insiders believe that Yangmei started from that violet jade.

One person has driven the development of one side's economic industry, which shows the status and influence of Mr. Tang in the circle.

Although this legend may not be true, it has been circulating for more than ten years. Many people still talk about it, and the group of beautiful women have not come out to deny it, which can explain a lot of problems.

After a period of turmoil outside the crowd, a group of people gathered an old man and walked to the gate of the jade trading center. I don't know if the guide deliberately did it. The walking route happened to pass the place where Zhuang Rui and others stood.

Zhuang Rui has always looked at Tang from afar. Mr. Tang, who is walking in the front, is not tall. He wears a beige Chinese-style coat. He is a little thin, white-haired, and a little bald. His eyes are very bright. He constantly greets to both sides. He is not as arrogant as the Jade King, and

A person next to Mr. Tang, after seeing Zhuang Rui and others, quietly said something in Mr. Tang's ear. Mr. Tang, who was walking to the gate of the trading center, slowed down and walked in the direction of Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui knew that the old man was coming for him. He quickly greeted him. After walking to Mr. Tang, he bowed deeply and looked up and said, "Mr. Tang, hello, junior Zhuang Rui. I have heard Uncle Gu and Uncle Tian talk about you for a long time, and I have never been able to see you. Today, the boy is lucky ..."

Mr. Tang talked with the ancient man and the jade prince in Xinjiang. Zhuang Rui naturally had to hold the disciple's ceremony. In the eyes of the elders, this is very important. Otherwise, when he returns to Beijing in the future, Zhuang Rui will have to learn from the ancient man.

It's just that Zhuang Rui saluted Mr. Tang and kept such a low profile, which surprised some people around him who wanted to see the fun. They thought that Zhuang Rui was young and angry and would have some collisions with Tang Lao?

"Xiaozhuang, I also know your grandfather, and he is also my teacher, but I don't dare to praise you like this when you are old teacher..."

Mr. Tang smiled happily and held Zhuang Rui's hands tightly. He refused to separate for a long time. And when he mentioned Zhuang Rui's grandfather, the onlookers were even more surprised. Are these two still friends?

Zhuang Rui is also a little strange. He has only heard of some gambling things about Mr. Tang, but he doesn't know much about his experience. At the moment, he asked, "Mr. Tang, do you know my grandfather?"

"I know, in the 1950s, I studied geology. After graduating from college, I was assigned to the Jiangsu Provincial Geological Bureau to engage in geological survey and prospecting, but I have worked in metamorphic rock areas for many years.

At that time, I was lucky to listen to several of your grandfather's classes, in which the relationship between regional metamorphic rock and jade formation had a great impact on me later..."

After Tang Lao's words, everyone's faces suddenly appeared. When they looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes again, they no longer had the contempt just now, but a little more understanding.

You know, whether it is antiques or jade, it belongs to the old industry. What we pay attention to is to the orderly inheritance. According to Mr. Tang's words, Zhuang Rui has come out of the jade family, so it is natural to have the current achievements.

It's just that these people don't know that Zhuang Ruilian has never seen it in front of Grandpa. He knows that Grandpa is engaged in geological research, or he found it from the notes left by Grandpa a few years ago, and he has not been taught by the old man at all.

"Xiaozhuang, I heard that you are well-known in the antique industry. At that time, my old man will inevitably ask for advice..."

Although Tang Lao plays with jade, he has a special preference for antiques collection, and there are also many collections at home. In his opinion, gambling stones are just a path, and [Zhong] The country's long-old traditional collection can really see a person's level of appreciation.

"Don't dare to be, slightly dabble, if Mr. Tang has any good objects, you can discuss with me at any time..."

Zhuang Rui dare not boast in front of Mr. Tang. As the saying goes, people are old and become elite. These people who have lived for most of their lives are all eyes very poisonous.

Of course, he will not underestimate himself. With the aura in his eyes, there is no antique that Zhuang Rui can't see through in the world.

"All right, let's not stand like a tree stump to watch. The fair has also begun. Let's enter..."

When Tang Lao and Zhuang Rui were talking, the door of the jade trading center has also been opened. The Myanmar jade trading center will be held four to five times a year. Everyone knows the rules, and there is no so-called opening ceremony.

After entering the jade trading center, Zhuang Rui looked around, and there was no change from the previous years. However, the number of people who came to gamble on the stone became more and more, and almost every area was full of people.

Seeing this grand scene, Zhuang Rui shook his head slightly. Almost 90% of these people are from China, but 90% of these people may lose their money. Although gambling stones can make a fortune, they can also make people lose their money.

After Tang Lao entered the gambling stone venue, he also frowned slightly, looked at Zhuang Rui beside him, and said, "Xiaozhuang, there are too many materials. Let's watch it separately. Let's have dinner together at noon..."

"Okay, Mr. Tang, the younger generation must be the host at noon..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and agreed. He came to Myanmar this time to hoard a large number of jade stones to go back. If he had been with Mr. Tang all the time, he would not let go.

After separating from Mr. Tang, Zhuang Rui took a look at the sign and walked directly to the clearly marked area. According to the rules, some of the original stone will be opened in the afternoon. Zhuang Rui doesn't want to miss the opportunity.