Golden Pupil

Chapter 966 Gamble on

"Tang Lao, please help me take a look one by one...

Boss Zhang's face showed a pleading look. He was embarrassed to say that he had just provoked Zhuang Rui. Now he can only count on Mr. Tang to give him some advice, and the second knife will not be cut down.

"Xiao Zhang, do you really want to cut it again?"

Mr. Tang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He had already made it very clear. He didn't understand why Zhang Yunhui insisted on cutting a knife, but he had always been very good-te. He nodded, put on the old mirror again, and continued to look at the cracks.

"It seems that what the young man said is somewhat reasonable..."

"Nonsense, when Mr. Zhuang dominated the stone circle, he didn't know where Zhang was?"

"That's right, I'm going to challenge Mr. Zhuang. Did you see it? I moved a stone and hit my own foot..."

Mr. Tang's [words] just now was equivalent to indirectly admitting Zhuang Rui's evaluation of this original stone. For a while, people who had some doubts about Zhuang Rui's jadeite identification level changed their style one after another and praised Zhuang Rui.

If you want to talk about the most uncomfortable people in the field now, it is naturally Boss Zhang Yunhui. He didn't expect that his provocative behavior would bring such serious consequences. If the second knife collapses, then six or seventy million Rm will be wasted, but it will definitely shrink a lot.

But now he is riding a tiger. If he doesn't cut the second knife, I'm afraid no one in the field will bid for this original stone. Boss Zhang took a look at Zhuang Rui, and his eyes were a little complicated.

He can't blame Zhuang Rui for this matter. Others have made concessions again and again from the beginning. They have made an inch by themselves and forced Zhuang Rui to comment. Boss Zhang's heart at this time is called entanglement!

After observing for a long time, Mr. Tang waved to Zhang Yunhui." He said, "Xiao Zhang, this material is too long to crack, and I can't see it. If you want to solve it, cut another knife from the other end to have a look. If there is no green, leave this material in your hand first..."

The risk of cracking is too high, that is, Mr. Tang generally does not do anything about cracked materials. Although the outer skin of this material performs well, Mr. Tang is not very optimistic about it.

According to convention, the deeper the crack, the greater the damage caused to the jadeite inside the original stone, but the crack is too long, indicating that when the jade is formed at that time, the crust changes very irregularly, and it is very likely that the jade that should have been bred will be weathered on the surface.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, I'll give you a knife..." Zhang Yunhui found a few helpers and moved the original stone" and put the other side under the gear of the stone cutter.

Although Boss Zhang is arrogant, he knows very well that in terms of the experience and level of gambling stones, he and Mr. Tang can't compare at all. The reason why he looked down on Zhuang Rui before is also due to his age.

Zhuang Rui's face looks like he is only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Two years ago, he was only twenty-three or twenty-four years old. People who have just left the university campus will naturally not be taken seriously by these long-standing bosses.

Not only Zhang Yunhui, but also those who have never seen Zhuang Rui gambling stones in the field also have this idea in their hearts.

It's like people going to the hospital to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. If the other party is an old man with white hair, then the patient will generally believe in the doctor's level. On the contrary, if he is a young doctor in his twenties or thirties, I'm afraid nine of the ten patients will run away.

Nowadays, there are many unscrupulous private hospitals in society, specially inviting some old people with white beards to sit in town. Not only hospitals, but also some temples are open to hire hosts. The requirement is to have a big face and a big face and a blessing.

So this is to judge people by their appearance, which has been common in all walks of life, and it is not a unique rule in gambling.

After Zhang Yunhui found the cutting point, he held the handle of the stone cutter in both hands and trembled slightly. This knife will determine the value of the original stone, and it will determine the loss of his trip to Myanmar this time.


The sound of the friction between the alloy gear and the stone spread throughout the stone area. The white powder and gravel scattered all over the sky in the air. In the whole field, everyone held their breath and watched Zhang Yunhui's action of the stone dissolving nervously.

Although Boss Zhang was nervous, the stone-cutting hand was still stable. About three minutes later, a piece of more than 40 kilograms of edge material broke away from the original stone and fell to the ground with a "pop".

"Quick, take a look, is it green?"

"Take water, take water and rinse it..."

"Let me, get out of the way, the water is coming..."

When the second knife was cut, the jewelers who watched were even more excited than Zhang Yunhui. They were all busy with the water and cleaning without being greeted.

You know, the first performance of this material is almost impeccable except for the green. The high-ice jade material can already be called the high-end product of the jade jewelry market.

If the second knife can see green again, the value of this jadeite should be increased by at least five times. Because it is the bees at both ends and the green at both ends, the possibility of the jade inside being connected cannot be ruled out, then a sky-high jadeite will appear.

Zhang Yunhui, the owner of the original stone, was squeezed to the periphery. At this moment, he was too nervous to see it. He stood on the side with a pale face, allowing the jewelers to toss around.


Suddenly, a voice came from the people around the original stone, like a heavy hammer hitting Boss Zhang's head, and Zhang Yunhui suddenly felt a little black in front of his eyes.

"Wan way, let me see..."

Opening the crowd of onlookers, Zhang Yunhui rushed to the innermost part and looked at the neat section, which were all crystalline stone structures, even with thin green hair.

"Brush, collapse..."

Zhang Yunhui muttered to himself, sat on the ground and looked at the cut face of the original stone to cry without tears.

The business that could have been sure to make a fortune was because of his stinky mouth and the psychology of looking down on Zhuang Rui, which led to the current result.

Suddenly, Zhang Yunhui seemed to remember something. He got up from the ground, almost rolled and crawled to Zhuang Rui, and said, "Mr. Zhuang... Mr. Zhuang, please show me again and see if it can still rise?"

At this time, Zhang Yunhui can't take care of face. There is no benefit and importance of money. As long as he can recover the loss, now let him kowtow to Zhuang Rui. Boss Zhang is also willing.

Looking at Zhang Yunhui's pitiful appearance, although he found it by himself, Zhuang Rui was also a little unbearable. Then he said, "Boss Zhang, this... I can't say it either...

It's just that your material is large in size. Although the other end has not been cut out of green, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no other place. In my opinion, you'd better put away the material..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Zhang Yunhui's eyes suddenly lit up, nodded and said loudly, "Yes, yes, that knife doesn't even have one-fifth of the original stone. If I cut a knife from the middle, I will definitely get green..."

Zhuang Rui couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the words. He advised Zhang Yunhui to put away the stone, thinking that when the storm was over, he could still get a good price in China.

You know, even if the second gamble is broken, the performance of this original stone is still good, and there will be some more gambling jewelers bidding.

But now Zhang Yunhui wants to continue to cut, that's the old birthday star hanged... Looking for him to die, he gambled with two knives in a row. It is estimated that this material can only be sold for the cut green price.

"Xiaozhuang, what's going on? Did you comment on this material just now?

While Zhang Yunhui was busy moving the original stone, someone next to him told Mr. Tang what Zhuang Rui had just said. Only then did Mr. Tang know why Xiao Zhang in his eyes wanted to cut the second knife.

"Cough, Mr. Tang, I was also forced to do this, this Boss Zhang, too..."

Zhuang Rui spread his hands with a helpless face. There are too many people who want to be in position these days and can't control themselves. If this boss hadn't come to provoke himself, would Zhuang Rui be in charge of his affairs?

"Alas, young people nowadays are too impetuous..."

Mr. Tang also sighed when he heard the words, but his face was straight, and then he said, "Xiaozhuang, I'm not talking about you..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and said with a smile, "Ha ha, Mr. Tang, I'm just lucky. You're talking nonsense. Don't praise me..."

"Xiaozhuang, you appreciate the level of antiques. Many of my old friends have learned about it. It seems that you have a deep study of your appreciation of the jadeite. If you find an opportunity, we must discuss it..."

Mr. Tang is really a little curious about Zhuang Rui. Although he comes from a jade family, he has a lot of research on antique collections and foreign oil paintings, and has many friends in this field.

When talking about the topic of collection, Tang Zenan heard his old friends mention Zhuang Rui's name. Before this year, he always thought that Zhuang Rui was an expert in the collection circle. For gambling stones, he was just lucky.

However, after this incident just now, Mr. Tang really changed his view of Zhuang Rui. As the saying goes, there are no virtual people under the reputation. Zhuang Rui's level of original stone identification is not necessarily weaker than himself.

"Tang Lao, I dare not take what you said. If you have time these days, I will learn more about jade from you..."

Zhuang Rui's gambling stone completely relies on the aura in his eyes. In the face of this old man who has been in the gambling circle for nearly half a century, he is really not so confident.

When Han Haowei saw Zhuang Rui and Mr. Tang complimenting each other, he suddenly had an idea and said, "Oh, I said, Mr. Zhuang, you and Mr. Tang are both the best figures in our gambling circle. Why don't you two choose a piece of material to compare your eyes?"

"Lao Han has a good idea!"

"Yes, two generations of jade kings gamble on stones at the same time. It's a good idea!"

Zhuang Rui talked to Mr. Tang, and there were a lot of people paying attention to him. As soon as Boss Han said this, someone immediately shouted.