Golden Pupil

Chapter 970 Emerald King 2

Although gambling stones are rumored to be very mysterious, and there has been a saying that immortals can't break an inch of jade since ancient times, as long as you understand the nature of stone, it is actually not completely traceless.

People who have a professional background like Mr. Tang and have been dealing with jadeite all their lives can infer the formation conditions of this wool from the performance of the raw stone skin, so as to judge whether there is jade in it.

Therefore, Zhuang Rui only wants to beat Tang Lao with only a few pieces of materials he has seen now. He himself feels a little unsteady, and those pieces of materials have performed well. It is estimated that there are also many people bidding, which is a little inconsistent with Zhuang Rui's intention.

According to Zhuang Rui's idea, at least a piece of glass seed material must be put out, so that it can be invincible. It's just that this kind of glass jade is usually acceptable but not sought. Maybe there is not a single piece in the more than 10,000 raw stones opened today, which is also impossible.

Fortunately, Zhuang Rui only looked at about one-tenth of the material now, and there was still a lot left. After making a mark behind the blue water material, Zhuang Rui continued to look at it, but until lunchtime, he could not find a better jadeite.

At lunch, Qin Haoran saw that his son-in-law was not in a high mood and asked, "What's the matter, Xiao Rui, didn't find a good material?" "There is a blue water jade, which is the best material for bracelets." But the quality can't reach the glass. I'm afraid he can't beat

In front of his own people, Zhuang Rui did not hide his desire to win. Anyway, this should be the last time he participated in the jade market." He wanted to leave a legend for future generations, a legend that people can't surpass.

So the material of the blue water ice seed" Zhuang Rui didn't see it at all. What he thought about was the best Huang Fei in the hands of the ancient man. If he wanted to appear on this public market, it was definitely the unquestionable emerald king.

" boy, aren't you satisfied with the ice-planted blue water jade?"

Qin Haoran stared at Zhuang Rui and stretched out his hand and said, "You don't want that material. Give me the label, and I'll bid later..." The blue water floating jade bracelet is the best kind of jade jewelry in the market." So Qin Haoran doesn't care about his son-in-law. At present, I asked for the label rudely.

Zhuang Rui shook his head with a wry smile and didn't say anything. He really didn't believe it. He couldn't find one of the tens of thousands of raw stones that he was satisfied with. After dinner, Zhuang Rui went straight to the marked area without rest.

It has only been more than three hours since the bid opened at 3:30 p.m., and Zhuang Rui also has a sense of urgency in his heart. At this moment, he has accelerated his speed. In more than an hour, he actually saw more than 6,000 raw stones.

"Damn it, has this glass material been dug up?"

Zhuang Rui was sweating heavily and poured a few mouthfuls of mineral water in his hand. There were thousands of high-ice jade, but the glass material Zhuang Rui thought of was never found.

This made Zhuang Rui slander the jadeite public plate. The overall quality of the original stone is not the same as the time he participated in. At that time, it was only a glass material, Zhuang Rui found three pieces" and it was still three different colors of glass.

In fact, it is no wonder that the Myanmar Organizing Committee is now in Myanmar, almost all the jadeite mines of the old pit species have been dug out, and the materials of the new pit species are relatively rare due to the lack of formation time.

This has also caused the jade market in recent years. Glass jewelry is extremely popular, and the price has risen repeatedly, and the glass jewelry that appears in jewelry stores is basically colorless.

If it is high-green or sunny-green glass jewelry, it will basically appear in the auction house. It was auctioned by some people for collection and rarely circulated in the market.

"Xiao Zhuang, how's it going? Do you have the material you like?" Unconsciously, Zhuang Rui actually confluenced with Tang Lao, who observed the original stone from the other side. He kept his attention on the original stone until Tang Lao greeted him, and Zhuang Rui didn't react.

"Mr. Tang?" Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment and said, "Hey, I'm looking at half-gambling materials, but I like a few pieces." Where are you, Mr. Tang?"

As soon as Zhuang Rui said this, Mr. Tang was relieved. "Just now, he wondered why Zhuang Rui came all the way without even bending his waist.

Mr. Tang has been gambling on the stone for decades, and he has never seen such an identification of the original jadeite stone. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he knew that Zhuang Rui had chosen the material.

"The old man also looked at a few pieces, but he can't be sure. After all, he is old. It's not as good as you young people..." Although Mr. Tang said modesty, he was arrogant on his face. He must be very satisfied with the few pieces of material he chose.

"Teacher, you just said that you didn't see a few eyebrows of that material. Why..."

Tang Laoqian, one of the disciples beside him couldn't help but say immediately. After saying that, he also took a look at Zhuang Rui, and the provocation was beyond words.

Mr. Tang glanced at the disciples beside him." He shook his head and said, "This jadeite is ever-changing. Before cutting it out, no one dares to assert what is in it. Xiao Su, don't talk nonsense one by one, one by one...

Zhuang Rui was a little depressed. Seeing that the old man was confident, he must have chosen the original stone he wanted, but he hasn't found it yet. Is it possible that he really wants to lose this contest today?

"Xiaozhuang, go to the shed and sit down." I've been watching it for a day. "My old bones can't stand it..."

Mr. Tang hammered his back. He was almost 70 years old. He stood under the scorching sun for a day. In addition, it took a lot of effort to observe the original stone. At this time, his face was really not very good-looking.

"Okay, Mr. Tang" You don't look very good. I have Rendan here. Please eat some..."

Due to the sudden death of Lao Wu yesterday, when everyone came out this morning, Hu Rong gave out some medicine to relieve the summer heat. Zhuang Rui's physique was naturally useless, and he had been in his pocket all the time.

"Okay, okay, yesterday I said I wanted to buy it. It's too inconvenient to buy things in Myanmar. I didn't even have a bottle of wind oil essence..."

Mr. Tang was not polite." After receiving the medicine handed over by Zhuang Rui, he poured a few pills directly into his mouth and swallowed it without water. The disciples beside him went into the shed first and poured a glass of water for the teacher.

Zhuang Rui followed Mr. Tang into the shed, but before entering, he saw a large stone of about the same height standing on the edge of the shed, and couldn't help saying, "The quality of the original stone of this public plate is really poor..."

"The material you mentioned?"

When Mr. Tang saw Zhuang Rui's eyes staring at the original stone on the edge of the shed, he was also dumbfounded. This material is not so called jadeite as a stone, because there is no characteristic of jadeite from the body surface.

Generally, the raw stone containing jadeite contains "more or less some signs on the epidermis", and this stone is more than 1.8 meters high and more than one meter wide. The surface is very smooth, without any characteristics of jadeite, which is more like a whole rock.

If such a stone is really an emerald stone, it can be called a giant, but it is a little incompatible with the stone next to it. If he hadn't seen the sign next to the stone, Zhuang Rui would have even thought that it was an ordinary stone.

"Yes, this kind of material is also taken out by the organizing committee. Isn't it fooling people?"

Zhuang Rui took a look at the price of the stone, and then said, "The bottom label is actually four million euros. I really think that the money of these people in our country is blown by the wind"

"There's nothing we can do about it." The jade industry can only rely on imports from Myanmar. Maybe in a few decades, the jade we buy today will become antiques, but at that time, I won't see it..."

Mr. Tang said with some emotion. He had been dealing with Feicui for a lifetime. Thinking about it for a few more years, "there will be no jade in the world" and the mood is inevitably a little depressed.

"No, not only the jade, but also the Hetian jade in our country is almost picked. Some time ago, when Tian Bo talked on the phone, he was still... huh?" Zhuang Rui said as he said, habitually swam away in the "mountain rock" on the edge of the shed with aura. Suddenly, he was stunned I forgot what I said for a while.

"What's the matter, Xiaozhuang? Lao Tian and I have been friends for decades. If he has anything to say, you can say directly, "I won't spread it randomly..."

Mr. Tang thought that Zhuang Rui was a junior, and he did not dare to talk nonsense about the elders. Then he stopped talking, but he didn't notice it. A trace of surprise flashed in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

"Well, it's nothing. In recent years, the country has begun to control the excavation of Hetian Yu. Uncle Tian said that this is a good thing and can leave some thoughts for future generations..." Zhuang Rui accosted Tang absent-mindedly, but he was very excited, because when the aura just penetrated into the giant "mountain rock There is an extremely pure and cool smell.

Zhuang Rui has felt this breath several times. Zhuang Rui has had this feeling on the best Huang Fei of the emperor's green material that he once got.

Zhuang Rui was so excited that he was afraid that Mr. Tang would see some clues. He stood up and said, "Mr. Tang, you should take a break first, and I'll go out for a walk..."

Just now, Zhuang Rui just sensed it a little and didn't see clearly what kind of jade is hidden in this "rock". His heart was really like a cat's claw, and he was no longer in the mood to chat with Mr. Tang here.

Mr. Tang didn't doubt anything. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, Xiaozhuang, go, when I was young." I once saw the original stone in the gambling field for three days and three nights in a row. It's good to be young..."

Zhuang Rui pleaded guilty and left the pergola, went to a dead corner of the pergola and stopped. He squatted next to an original stone, condensed the aura in his eyes, and looked at the "rock".