Golden Pupil

Chapter 985 Pick up leaks on

"They said that you just left, so you were ready to solve the stone..."

If Boss Jin doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that Zhuang Rui doesn't understand. He immediately translated it for Boss Jin.

It's not that Zhuang Rui hasn't seen Westerners gambling on stones in Myanmar, but most of these people transported the original stone back to China for solve stone. In this solvement area, it's the first time I've seen it, and I'm a little novel.

In the eyes of Westerners, jadeite is a kind of gemstone, which was not valued in its early years. Even if the British once occupied Myanmar and ruled it as a colony, what they dug at that time were all gold and other minerals, and they disdained jadeite.

But in the past ten years, after the country's jade jewelry continues to win awards at the World Jewelry Exhibition, Westerners have gradually turned their attention to jadeite, and also began to try to sell jadeite jewelry.

Due to the cold, beautiful and rare characteristics of jadeite, jadeite jewelry soon became the target of collection in the upper class of the West, and the price was even better than that in China.

In this way, many jewelers in the West have also begun to pay attention to jadeite gambling stones.

Especially in recent years, Westerners can be seen in the public market almost every time, and they are generous. To some extent, they have formed a competition with the wool merchants in China.

It is said that Zhuang Rui's visit to participate in the Burmese jadeite market this time and has nothing to do with these Westerners. It is the intention to acquire the jadeite mine of Hu Rong and Zhuang Rui, which is favored by a British consortium, which contributed to Zhuang Rui's trip to Myanmar.

"Then I'm back now. Are you going to give way? By the way, I'm leaving. "The material is still here..."

Boss Jin didn't care whether those foreigners could understand it or not, so he shouted directly. Now it's not a struggle for liberation. Westerners are really nothing in the eyes of the rich.

"Good" let you!"

I didn't expect that the leading foreigner [Zhong] was fluent in Chinese and did things more simply. At the moment, he commanded the other two people to lift the original stone down.

"Cut" can speak Chinese and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf..."

Boss Jin asked the forklift to put down Lao Guo's two pieces of material and handed over two, four-yuan dollar tips.

Lao Guo's two pieces of material were not big. Boss Jin and Lao Guo raised one and put it on the stone machine.

"You" can cut stones. "He can't do it, and then... later..." The foreigner suddenly stood in front of Boss Jin and said, "He is later. You can't." He wants to be behind me. "You, [Zhongzhong] country, want order!"

To be honest, Westerners do pay more attention to order than Chinese people, so just now Boss Jin asked them to get out of the way. Several foreigners didn't say anything, but when they saw that Lao Guo was going to jump the queue, they immediately refused.

Boss Jin was not happy when he heard this." He said, "Hey," I said, I'm in the front. If you like to let whoever comes first, can you take care of it?"

When I was in China, it was those county magistrates [books]. When I saw Boss Jin, I also wanted to have a smiling face. At present, I was taught a lesson by several foreigners, and I felt a little unable to hang on my face.

Seeing quarrels here, the Burmese soldiers on the periphery surrounded, and a staff member of the organizing committee, after hearing what had happened, pointed to Boss Jin and said, "You can solve the stone first." But after his original stone has to be pressed, wait for these guests to solve it. "Damn it, enslaved life" After occupying you as grandchildren for decades, you still talk to them "............"

Boss Jin was very dissatisfied with the disposal plan of the staff. He cursed in a clean voice. Those soldiers with live nuclear bombs were still very deterrent.

"Lao Guo" Mr. Zhuang, you really can't do it. Why don't you solve my part first?"

Boss Jin took a look at Zhuang Rui and said cautiously, "Mr. Zhuang, can you also help me take a look and see where to cut the knife?"

" OK, let me take a look for you..."

Zhuang Rui nodded. Anyway, he has come today. Looking at a piece of material, looking at the old piece, it doesn't take much energy.

"Huh? This stone..."

Zhuang Rui walked to the stone of Boss Jin. Originally, he wanted to move the raw stone of only 50 or 60 catties to the stone cutter, but at a glance, he found a very familiar material next to the stone cutter.

This material is the blue-water emerald that was cut off during the bidding. At that time, the winning bid price was 6.8 million euros, which was 500,000 yuan higher than Zhuang Rui's bid.

This blue-water jadeite raw stone is prism-shaped, and the middle belly is narrow on both sides, weighing more than four catties. It is already a large piece of material in the jadeite raw stone.

However, the original stone is relatively strange. Generally speaking, the jade in the original stone of this shape will be in the belly-shaped place, where it is the thickest, and in that place, there are also traces of ringworm.

But this material is not the case. About five kilograms of blue water floating huā emerald is all concentrated at the sharp corners of the edges, which is quite close to the stone skin. As long as you rub it in three or four centimeters, you can see the jade material.

The price of Zhuang Ruiwu's material is actually not low. About five kilograms of jade material is to be paid by the master. At most, there are seven or eight pairs of bracelets plus some jewelry. It is estimated that the total market price is about 35 million RMB. In fact, there is not much profit.

Zhuang Rui mainly took a fancy to the scarcity of blue water floating jade and the popularity of the market. He took this original stone with an unprofitable attitude, but it was not quite robbed by these foreigners.

"Boss Jin, or I'll show you this material first." Let these foreigners cut the stone first..."

Zhuang Rui had an idea in his heart. It's not the first time he picked up leaks in the jade field. In case these foreigners are not good enough and can't cut the jade meat, won't he take advantage of himself in vain?

"OK, Mr. Zhuang, you said, then let them..." Boss Jin couldn't wait for Zhuang Rui to show him the original stone. At that moment, he nodded and agreed. The foreigner who could speak Chinese took Zhuang Rui's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

"Boss Jin" Although your materials are not big, the price is not cheap, is it?

The remaining corners of Zhuang Rui's eyes looked at the foreigners moving stones while looking at a few pieces of material of Boss Jin.

"Yes, Mr. Zhuang has good eyesight. These three pieces of materials weigh only more than 50 catties, and I have a total of 30 million..." Boss Jin nodded repeatedly, but the flattering words that made Zhuang Rui a little laugh and cry.

Because the three pieces of materials bought by Boss Jin are all half-gambling raw stones, and they are all rubbed out of green. It's strange that it can be cheap. This is what people who are new to the gambling stone industry can also see.

"The material is okay. This green is seeping into the line. I guess it is a thin leather material, which can take out a lot of jade meat." Boss Jin has a good vision..."

Zhuang Rui picked up a piece of material and commented on it, not to mention that Boss Jin is really lucky.

In the material the size of the ball in Zhuang Rui's hand, it is full of high ice jade with a little green color. Zhuang Rui weighs how he can take out about ten catties." This piece alone can make Boss Jin get the capital back.

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Zhuang. I'd like to borrow your good words. I'll definitely solve it later."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Boss Jin was immediately overjoyed. He lost more than 10 million yuan today. He just wanted to bet a few pieces of material to earn back.

People who gamble on stones like to listen to auspicious words." Zhuang Rui's words immediately made Boss Jin's face happy, but Zhuang Rui's attention at this time was on those Westerners.

"Steve, do you want to wipe the edge like the Chinese people?" "George is right, "Let's wipe it down from this dirty place?", the conversation of several Westerners in English fell into Zhuang Rui's ears word for word, and Zhuang Rui wanted to laugh. There is a difference between Chinese and Western culture. Obviously, it is ringworm. However, the foreigner said it was dirty. Why don't you try to wash it and see if it can be washed off?

"Rade, you don't understand. This is not a dirty thing. This is an emerald exposed to the outside and formed by weathering." Generally, there will be jade in the stone with this substance..." The Chinese-speaking Steve understands, which surprised Zhuang Rui. This man looks very young, but he is so good at the emerald. Research?

"Zhuang Rui, that man is the chief jewelry appraiser of the British royal family. He is also very good at gems around the world and has a great reputation in the international jewelry industry..."

Qin Haoran's voice sounded in Zhuang Rui's ear. It turned out that this buddy looked tender, but in fact, he was already forty-five or sixteen years old. He has been studying jadeite for more than ten years.

Steve lived in [China] country for a period of time to learn about jadeite. Later, after returning to Europe, he came to buy jadeite as a representative of some British jewelry consortia many times.

Zhuang Rui shook his head with a smile and was a little disapproving. What about the chief jewelry appraiser of the British royal family? No, you must be able to see the tricks in this material.

"Hey, I said, can you guys hurry up and let you solve the stone first, and you can't procrastinate, can you?" Boss Jin couldn't understand what several foreigners were discussing, so he saw them talking endlessly." Suddenly he was a little impatient.

Generally, people who come to calcite have been optimistic about the wool before, and even know how to cut the knife. "There are few people like these people who sharpen their guns.

"Immediately, immediately" I'm sorry..." After hearing Boss Jin's words, Steve apologized very gentlemanly, but picked up the grinder and began to polish it from the ringworm.

"Hey, not to mention, this foreigner has two flats..."

"Yes, rub it in along the edge of the ringworm" If there is jade meat, you can see it at the first time..."

"Can you not expect people who can gamble tens of millions of stones? However, compared with Mr. Zhuang, this foreigner is far away..." Because Zhuang Rui arrived at this stone cutting machine, many people watching the stone were also attracted around, talking about the level of Steve's stone.