Golden Pupil

Chapter 997 Dark Whistle

I thought it was not as comfortable as the Golden Triangle here, but I didn't expect the air to be so good. Just now, the gust of wind blew over. "It's really more comfortable than smoking opium..."

Duva, half lying on the tiger's skin, narrowed his eyes and was still thinking about the feeling just now. There was a comfortable look on his face.

There are three types of drug traffickers in Myanmar. One is specially planted with opium. When the opium poppy matures, they directly cut the poppy shell with a blade, collect the white ** opium inside, and sell it directly.

The second kind of people are the drug lords of Black Scar. Because they are not very harmonious with the local forces, their opium-growing origin is almost gone. Instead, they directly buy it from opium farmers, and then extract high-purity heroin from their own factories.

The black scar drug trafficking organization continues from Kunsha. The internal discipline of the organization is quite strict, and it is strictly forbidden for members of the organization to take drugs. Once found, they will be executed, so although without the support of the local Burmese, they can still become one of the three major forces in the Golden Triangle.

And the last category of people refers to the Kachin drug traffickers, who also have opium plantations. They often do some processing and purification of the produced opium, so that the selling price is higher than that of pure opium farmers.

But since leaving the Kunsha organization, the Dewar drug trafficking organization has cut off contact with international buyers. For technical reasons, these purifications are also relatively rough.

Moreover, these people's organizational discipline is not strict. They all rely on the prestige of Dewar's head to deter the clan. Among them, there are some people with weak will to eat opium. Over time, even Dewar was infected.

To be honest, even if there is no government army to deal with them, it is estimated that the organization will not last much time.

"Order down and let Kada pay attention to the alert. When the limelight is over this time, "Let's go back to the Golden Triangle" is my world..." At this moment, although Duva is a tiger falling to Pingyang, his face looks very good. Among them, there are many of the effects of being moistened by Zhuang Rui's a The encirclement and containments of the sub-government army is more beneficial than harmful to him.

Although the coalition forces of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos are striking indiscriminately, the biggest loss is the Black Scar organization. Although Duva knows that the army of more than 1,000 Black Scars now has only 100 people left, which can be said to be a heavy casualties.

And the people of Dewar are pure indigenous people of the Golden Triangle. They are deeply rooted in the local area. After the beginning of this encirclement, they fled, which is the smallest loss. Dewar believes that as long as he returns to the Golden Triangle and shakes his arms, the whole Golden Triangle will become his world.

"Come on, give me a big bag..." Thinking of his pride, Duva narrowed his eyes again. "He has been peeping at the black scar's drug factory and sales channels for a long time. I believe that after this time, he will become a new general in the Golden Triangle.

"Damn it, do you two really think you are Rambo? Can you walk with so many things?"

Peng Fei and Li Zhenwo were in the arsenal all afternoon. "It was not until the time of dinner that they came out." However, the appearance of the two brothers made everyone who saw it look sideways.

Both of them changed into camouflage clothes prepared for the security guards in the arsenal. Peng Fei carried a howitzer on his right shoulder and a box in his right hand, which should be a grenade.

On Peng Fei's left shoulder, he carried a domestic old eight-one-style rifle, and three bullet belts were put on the front and back anyway. "fifteen full-load magazines were stuffed into it." There was also a five-four pistol at his waist. "another three-eight military t The side.

As for Li Zhen's dress, it is not as exaggerated as Peng Fei. The guns he chose are British and American weapons, especially the oily desert eagle on his waist, which reflects a dazzling luster in the sunset.

However, the big backpack about the same height as his figure behind Li Zhen still attracted everyone's attention. Only Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong could guess what was in this guy's backpack.

"Oh, I said, don't be so close to me..." Zhuang Rui saw Li Zhen leaning towards himself with his bag on his back, and quickly waved his hand and motioned him to stand away. This guy is a human-shaped bomb.

"Ha ha, Brother Zhuang, my package is all a treasure. It took me a busy afternoon to make it..."

Li Zhen laughed and reached out and took out a white object from behind. Zhuang Rui looked carefully. He wrapped a circle of thin wire around the object and didn't know what it was for.

"All right, I don't understand those things" But you two carry so many weapons, is it convenient in the jungle?"

Although Zhuang Rui doesn't know how to fight in the jungle, he also knows that sniping in the forest must be light. "Like these two brothers carrying so many objects on their backs, that is, they are going to be targeted.

"Brother Zhuang, these things are spare and will be arranged on the road. By the way, let's go there together at that time." But you must not enter the forest. The things I arranged are indistinguishable from me. One by one, Li Zhen suddenly became serious after hearing Zhuang Rui's words. After entering the jungle Except for him and Peng Fei, everyone will become their enemies, whether it is Dewar or the other two drug trafficking organizations.

Li Zhen was only 60% sure of this operation, but now he has these equipment. As long as he can find Dewar, Li Zhen is 90% sure to let him stay in the savage mountain forever.

"You two guys" are really ready to bury mines in Savage Mountain?"

Zhuang Rui was a little speechless" shook his head and said, "It can't be done today. Why don't we leave tomorrow at dawn? It's just early morning when we get to the edge of the Savage Mountain. Even if there are people in it, it's the most slack time..."

"No, we can't go early. Let's leave at dawn, and Peng Fei and I will go in at noon..."

Li Zhen shook his head. "When he saw Zhuang Rui, he was a little puzzled. Then he said, "These drug dealers are all frightened birds. In these periods of night and early morning, they must be heavily guarded." Instead, they will relax their vigilance at noon. That's the best time..." Li Zhen said that Zhuang Rui is Wei Hong, he is a layman, and he is still making ideas here. If he really led the army to fight, Zhuang Ruiyi will definitely take people to the gutter.

"Hi" I don't understand these, but Peng Fei, last time we went into the Savage Mountain. Brother Dajun said that in another direction, there is a mountain crest, where there is water. I think you should list that place as a key reconnaissance area. These drug dealers always have to drink water, right?" Zhuang Rui changed the topic and with him We discussed the hiding place of the drug dealers. The savages stop, and the depths can be said to be in danger everywhere, but in the marginal area, there are still many places where people can survive. The best part is where Zhang Guojun took Zhuang Rui to hunt last time.

"Yes, it's not a big problem to hide a hundred and ten people in that pel" and the location is very hidden. Nine times out of ten, there is a group of people hiding there..."

Zhang Guojun was deeply convinced by Zhuang Rui's words. He took a branch and drew on the ground and said, "That place is exactly the opposite of the road into the Savage Mountain, and there is no path to go there." I happened to find it at that time, so let's take you there tomorrow..."

Peng Fei and Li Zhen looked at each other, nodded and said, "Okay, then please Brother Zhang..."

In jungle warfare, the most taboo is that the terrain is unfamiliar. With Zhang Guojun, the old guide, you can avoid a lot of risks. Of course, Peng Fei and Li Zhen will not refuse.

Everyone rested very early that night. At eight o'clock the next day, they gathered together to walk in the direction of Savage Mountain. After walking for more than two hours, they came to the edge of Savage Mountain.

"Brother Zhuang, you just need to rest here. We only do reconnaissance in the morning and won't do it. Don't worry..."

"Well, put on the headset. When you need support, shout in the headset..."

Zhuang Rui nodded. There is no danger on the way to the tuck. When you get to the tuck, you must be able to see the traces of being passed by with the experience of Peng Fei and Li Zhen.

And Zhuang Rui can also use Reiki to follow several people all the time. Even if there is a conflict, as long as Peng Fei and others are not hit, Zhuang Rui believes that with the magical effect of his Reiki, he can save their lives.

"All right, go into the forest on the other side, don't release the gun if you have nothing to do, pay attention to concealment","

Seeing Peng Fei and Li Zhen following Zhang Guojun into the jungle, Hu Rong commanded the mining team. "These people usually receive military training, and soon enter another forest." They found a tree and sat down.

Zhuang Rui sat next to Hu Rong, seemingly resting on the tree with his eyes closed, but in fact, he released the aura in his eyes, and he has been more than four or five hundred meters away from Peng Fei and others, extending to the umnch.

An hour passed quickly." Peng Fei and others had to explore the terrain along the way and made a mark. The speed of travel was not fast, and it was still two or three kilometers away from the col.

"Huh? Is this... a dark whistle?" Zhuang Rui's aura in front of him suddenly found a man on a big tree, so Zhuang Rui was shocked. It was difficult to find a person hidden in those densely branches and leafy trees in the tropical jungle.

"Look" that Peng Fei and the other three were more than 300 meters away from the tree. Zhuang Rui quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Peng Fei, I heard the reply..."

"Huh? Brother Zhuang, what's the matter?" Peng Fei's voice came from the walkie-talkie. His voice was very low, and it seemed that he also said it with his voice.

Peng Fei found a lot of traces of movement on the way. The route is exactly in the direction of the tate. Now it can be basically confirmed that there must be someone camping there.