Golden Pupil

Chapter 1014 Negotiations

Zhuang Rui's behavior made everyone present dumbfounded. Without Zhuang Rui's large tonnage salvage ship, even if they bloomed a flower, would it be useless? You can't let these leaders put on wetsuits and go to the sea to salvage by themselves, can you?

Moreover, Zhuang Rui's attitude was very resolute. He turned his face and left without saying a word. These leaders couldn't pull down their faces and wanted to find a step down.

"Xiaozhuang, wait a minute..."

Just as Zhuang Rui opened the door of the conference room, Professor Meng couldn't sit still and stood up and shouted at Zhuang Rui.

Professor Meng is a pure scholar. He doesn't want to participate in those intrigues, but he really wants to see the treasures in the "Awa Maru" again.

More importantly, Professor Meng wants to determine whether there are "Beijing skull" fossils in the wreckage of "Abo Maru". If so, he also wants to use this to comfort the heroes of those predecessors in the scientific research field.

"Teacher, I really have an arrangement. I said in the research institute the other day that you can't catch the duck on the shelves, can you?"

Zhuang Rui stopped and looked at Professor Meng with a wry smile. Whether there was a skull fossil in the Abo Maru or not, Zhuang Rui didn't want to go to the muddy water this time.

The ocean is boundless. For thousands of years, I don't know how many ships have sunk with rich jewels. Although the skull fossils of Beijing people are precious, Zhuang Rui has no choice but to go. There are many treasures waiting for him to the sea.

How can Professor Meng not know the thoughts of his disciples? He immediately said, "Xiaozhuang, this salvage... plays an extremely important role in our country's scientific research culture and unraveling the historical truth of that year, and it is also good for you..."

"Is it good for me?"

Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows when he heard the words and said, "Teacher, even if the wreckage of the Awa Maru is salvaged, the leaders present will have this political achievement. Naturally, the property belongs to the country. What does it have to do with me?"

Zhuang Rui's words made the three vice ministers who had already cultivated their faces also feel a slight fever on their faces. Since they were talking about cooperation before, it must be mutually beneficial. They can't take advantage of themselves and let others suffer losses, right?

"Xiaozhuang, what requirements can be put forward? This meeting is to eliminate differences, win unification, and strive to salvage the wreck as soon as possible..."

The dialogue between Professor Meng and Zhuang Rui gave Vice Minister Yu a step. Of course, Vice Minister Yu came down the steps and gave up some benefits. Anyway, he didn't need to take a dime from his pocket. Isn't it all from the country?

"Yes, Xiaozhuang, come back and sit down. Don't worry about this time, listen to the arrangements of the leaders..."

Professor Meng could see that Zhuang Rui really didn't want to participate in this matter. He couldn't say that he got up and pulled Zhuang Rui back.

"Is that right? I heard that you are still the permanent director of the Jade Association in Xiaozhuang, and this is also a person in the system..."

Vice Minister Yu's words made Zhuang Rui laugh and cry. Sure enough, the older the people are, the thicker they are. Dude, the permanent director and you bureaucrats can't fight together. How can they be regarded as people in the system?

"Well, Xiaozhuang, talk about your opinion, if there is any problem, let's discuss and solve it..."

When Vice Minister Yu saw that Zhuang Rui's face was not good, he quickly brought the topic to the sunken ship salvage. In fact, he was also very unhappy at this time. Even if you have a deep background, these people here are not mud. How can they be called high-ranking officials of the Republic? You have to give some face to me.

However, some time ago, the Ministry had handed over the report of salvaging the wreckage of the Awa Maru to the State Council and approved it, so the salvage must be carried out. Otherwise, these three ministers would have gone long ago, and how could they talk to Zhuang Rui?

"Alas, I also want to support the country's salvage operations, but the Pacific salvage project I have planned in the past few months has cost hundreds of millions of RMB. If I stop, the loss will be huge..."

Zhuang Rui has not been in vain over the years. He never mentioned what conditions he had. He just kept emphasizing difficulties, and the hundreds of millions he had just said have now become hundreds of millions.

"Damn it, does this boy dare to rip off?"

Zhuang Rui's words made the three vice ministers look at each other in consterity. Listening to the meaning of Zhuang Rui's words, it's okay to let him participate in the salvage, but the money he lost... The organization is going to give an explanation.

And several ministers really can't figure it out. They haven't started to salvage yet. Why did Zhuang Rui spend hundreds of millions of dollars? Even if the drilling platform and the floating cantilever are included, it is not as exaggerated as Zhuang Rui said.

Of course, with the identity and measurement of several ministers, he will naturally not argue with Zhuang Rui. This is simply an excuse found by Zhuang Rui, and the reason is that he does not want to participate in the salvage operation of the "Abo Maru" organized by them.

"Yes, this salvage work is a very difficult and huge project, but I still hope that Xiaozhuang can put the country first and carry out the salvage of the Awa Maru first..."

Vice Minister Yu nodded repeatedly and echoed Zhuang Rui's words, which was also an unprecedented thing. A hairy young man actually couldn't get off the stage.


Zhuang Rui frowned and didn't say anything. He wanted the horse to run... No problem, but he had to feed the horse, right? It's true that you have money, but it's not a big wind. Why do you have to pave the way for your political achievements?

Even if Zhuang Rui agreed to participate in the salvage, his eyes were still staring at the batch of "Beijing skull fossils", but whether there was this object in it or not, it is still said that the possibility of doing nothing is also great, so Zhuang Rui is even more disdainful of this agreement.

With so many people at the scene, only Professor Meng knew Zhuang Rui's thoughts and immediately said, "Xiaozhuang, don't you have a museum? Well... I suggest that if the relevant cultural relics are recovered from the sunken ship, they should be preserved by the museum in Xiaozhuang. What do you think?

"Professor Meng, but the museum of Xiaozhuang is of a private nature. If it comes out of the national first-class protected cultural relics, is it a little inappropriate?"

A paleoanthropologist present immediately put forward a different opinion. "Awa Maru" is the last hope of the skull fossil of Beijing people. If it is really salvaged, it must not be privately owned.

"Yes, all the items salvaged in China's inland sea areas are owned by the state. This example is not easy to break..."

Vice Minister Yu also frowned when he heard the words. Although he didn't care about those antiques, this is a matter of principle. If it is really handed over to Zhuang Rui, it is inevitable that someone will say something to settle the account. At that time, I'm afraid that good things can become bad things.

"Well, leaders, experts, of course, the objects in the sunken ship belong to the country. If I have time, I will definitely support this salvage activity for free, but... I'm really too busy to find time..."

Zhuang Rui stood up and first affirmed Vice Minister Yu's words. The people in the audience nodded one after another, but the last two words almost made the public almost scold their mother.

After this righteous words, there is still no time to bite to death. Isn't it obvious that the conditions are good? However, Zhuang Rui's meaning is relatively obscure, but everyone can't refute it.

In fact, Zhuang Rui does not want money, and he is not the kind of person who only wants to get into the eyes of money. More than a year ago, he asked Huang Fuyun to establish a charity foundation. Now it is managed by his college classmate Bi Yuntao. The foundation donates tens of millions of RMB almost every year. This is Zhuang Rui'

But it is two different things to have money to donate and help these bureaucrats make achievements free of charge. Zhuang Rui is confident that those water-out cultural relics are definitely much more valuable than those in the deep palace courtyard or the warehouse deep underground.

"Well, Xiaozhuang, of course, the ownership of this thing belongs to the state, but if you can really salvage any precious national protected cultural relics, will it still be displayed to the public in the end? It's not that the country's things must not be put in private museums..."

Professor Meng's words caused a piece of ** at the scene. There were some people who agreed with it, and some shook their heads to deny it, but more people were thinking carefully about Professor Meng's words.

Think about it carefully, what Professor Meng said is also reasonable. Things are national. After setting a year, it seems that it is not completely unacceptable to be kept by a private exhibition.

In the past few years, some scholars have put forward such a suggestion to divert the tens of millions of precious cultural relics in the Forbidden City and hand them over to local and private museums for safekeeping and display.

On the one hand, it can reduce the pressure of preserving cultural relics in the Palace Museum. On the other hand, it can also allow the general public to see the rich categories of national treasure-level cultural relics and the splendid culture left by their ancestors.

For safety reasons, large-scale diversion of cultural relics is absolutely not possible. This proposal has been rejected, but it has also broadened the thinking of the national cultural relics custody department.

Now it seems that as long as Zhuang Rui can promise to properly keep the water cultural relics and return them to the state within the prescribed number of years, this is also a way.

After all, as long as it is a cultural relic, it is older than people. Even if it is lent to Zhuang Rui for a hundred years, as long as it is properly preserved, the value of cultural relics will not be lost.

Of course, all this is not up to the Ministry of Transport. It must be decided by relevant cultural departments, especially cultural relics such as Beijing skull fossils, and even some core leaders have to nod before they can be displayed in private museums.

After several ministers bowed their heads and whispered, Vice Minister Yu stood up and said, "We can't make a decision on this matter. We must negotiate with the relevant departments. In this way, let's meet again in three days..."

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. RV