Golden Pupil

Chapter 1016 Looking for a Needle in a Sea 2

When driving the bearded captain out, Zhuang Rui said that he would assess the work of the ship's employees according to the monitoring to see if his captain was competent. Clyde was so scared that he ran back to the captain's room and warned the crew with internal communication.

After closing the door, Zhuang Rui turned off more than a dozen flashing monitors in front of him, sat quietly by the window, and closed his eyes slightly.

The invisible and colorless aura overflowed from Zhuang Rui's eyes and extended down through the deck. After a while, Zhuang Rui only felt that his eyes were cold, but the aura had entered the sea.

"Huh? Shark? No..."

Zhuang Rui suddenly sensed several swimming creatures in the range of Reiki, all of which were more than one meter. He couldn't help but be stunned and quickly wrapped them in Reiki.

"Khan, it turned out to be a diver?"

After "seeing" the situation in the aura, Zhuang Rui laughed dumbly. Several divers from the Maritime Administration had gone down to the sea and were marching to the seabed dozens of meters deep with the help of a thruster.

Reiki bypassed several people and continued to seep into the bottom of the sea. A group of swimming fish seemed to be able to sense the existence of Zhuang Rui and had been wandering around Reiki, but Zhuang Rui controlled the aura to prevent it from overflowing, and those fish did not get any benefits.

Several divers followed, watching the colorful fish gather together, showing an unusually beautiful scene in the sun, and couldn't help shooting with an underwater camera.

Not to mention these unprofessional divers, Zhuang Rui's aura has touched the bottom of the sea at this time, but he can't intuitively see the situation on the bottom of the sea. He can only take the cruise ship as the center and overflow the aura in all directions.

"There is something..."

As soon as Zhuang Rui saw the diffusion of the sensing range, he felt a sense of aura, but that thing was not big, only the size of small nails. Although there was plenty of aura, it should not be the wreck.

"This is a pearl, right?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment and slightly overflowed the aura wrapped around the object. He suddenly felt that there was a trace of aura missing, and he understood in his heart that this should be a sea pearl in the body of a sea dragonfly.

"If you are free, dig it out..."

Now the task is to find the wreckage of the shipwreck. Zhuang Rui can only put the pearl aside, remember its location, and continue to search along the bottom of the sea.

"Ten meters...30 meters...Fifty meters..."

Because the sunken ship exploded and sank at that time, the objects on the ship were likely to become scattered, so Zhuang Rui searched carefully, and any place that felt a little aura would be carefully surveyed.

There are endless treasures in the ocean. This is not a sunken ship for thousands of years. The pearls hidden in the mussels are also very collectible.

"Huh? Found..."

When Zhuang Rui surveyed more than 200 meters away from the cruise ship, he suddenly felt a strong aura in front of him. Zhuang Rui was overjoyed, took back the aura scattered in all directions, and wrapped the objects in that position.

"This... should be a box of gold, right?"

That object is about one meter long and wide, and the aura inside is very familiar with Zhuang Rui. Not long ago, he has sensed it in the Myanmar gold mine, and he will never make mistakes.

"According to the records at that time, there should be at least 40 tons of gold on this Awa Maru, and it must be more than this box..."

After Zhuang Rui remembered the position of the box of gold, the aura spread and surveyed around the gold. If there were any, it should not be far from here. After all, these objects were all placed together at that time.

Zhuang Rui was right. More than ten minutes later, he found another sixteen or seventeen boxes scattered around, but many boxes seemed to be rotten, and pieces of gold diamonds scattered on the seabed.

Fortunately, these boxes are precipitated under the silt at the bottom of the sea. Otherwise, it would be difficult for these gold to save them. I don't know where they have been washed away by the tide.

"What about the skull? Isn't it really on the Awa Maru?

What made Zhuang Rui depressed was that although he found more than a dozen boxes, and they were not all gold, some boxes contained some ceramics, gold and silverware. Although it was an antique, Zhuang Rui did not find the imaginary Beijing skull fossils.

Now the scope of Zhuang Rui's search has been expanded to as many as two kilometers, and basically no wreckage has been found, which shows that the hope of finding the skull fossils of Beijing people is becoming more and more slim.

"Xiaozhuang, where are you? Come down..."

Just as Zhuang Rui wanted to expand the scope of his search, the walkie-talkie on the table rang, and Professor Meng's voice came out of it.

"Teacher, I'm going down right away..."

Zhuang Rui agreed and reopened all the pictures in the monitoring room. He found that several divers had returned to the deck at the bottom of the sea and were unarming their equipment.

This surprised Zhuang Rui. His search time is only more than an hour. Is it possible that these divers have found something?


"Teacher, have you found it?"

When Zhuang Rui came to the deck, a group of people were opening the video in front of the temporary monitor. Seeing that Zhuang Rui, the deputy commander-in-chief, arrived, everyone gave way.

"Xiaozhuang, come and have a look..."

Professor Meng waved to Zhuang Rui and pointed to the picture on the monitor and said, "It seems that it is impossible to find the wreckage of the Awa Maru manually..."

Zhuang Rui looked at the screen when he heard the words. At this glance, the scene on the picture made him a little dumbfounded. Where is the bottom of the sea? It looks like a garbage dump.

The picture taken under the strong light is very clear. The first thing that was revealed was that it was full of water plants. Zhuang Rui observed carefully and dared that the water plants grew on fishing nets.

In the middle of the fishing net, there are countless gravel and silts. What stunned everyone most is that there are also many disposable lunch boxes in it. I don't know how these things were involved in the bottom of the sea and into the fishing net?

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for divers to find anything. They can only shoot the scene at the bottom of the sea and take it to the ship.

"Old...teacher, this...what's going on? How did the seabed become like this?

Zhuang Rui really can't figure it out. It's not far from the coastline. Generally, the ups and downs are enough to wash away the garbage, but the facts have subverted his perception.

"This... I don't know why..."

Professor Meng is also puzzled. He is an archaeologist, not a marine expert, and can't answer the questions raised by Zhuang Rui.

"Cough... Xiaozhuang, let me explain this problem..."

A man standing next to him spoke. Zhuang Rui turned his face and saw that he was Director Wu of the Maritime Bureau. Like himself, he was the deputy commander-in-chief of the sunken ship rescue, but others had more real power than himself, and he was also a professional, and was the highest representative of the Ministry of Communications on the ship.

"This is not an offshore sea. Usually, fishermen in Fujian fish in this sea area, so over time, it has become like this..."

After listening to Director Wu's explanation, the group of people understood that these were all caused by man-made disasters.

Nowadays, fishing is no longer used for small sampan and wooden boats. They are extremely modern fishing boats, and there are generally more than two fishing boats.

The two fishing boats pulled away more than 100 meters, spread out the two nets, and then moved forward in parallel. After pulling out a certain distance, they used the lifting system on the ship to pull the fishing nets out of the water.

In this way, the huge net can basically catch all the fish in this area, but there are also special cases, that is, the water is not deep enough, and the fishing net is entangled by the bottom reef or the wreck of the ship. In this way, the fishing boat can only discard the fishing net.

There are many such things. People who go to sea to fish can often encounter them. Year after year, year after day, the fishing nets on the seabed have also accumulated many thick layers. In addition, they are mixed with silt, which makes the environment on the seabed worse and worse, and even the ebb tide cannot take them away.

As for those disposable lunch boxes, Director Wu's explanation made Zhuang Rui and others even more speechless. They dared that this thing was in the trawling net, and the crew of those ships threw them into the sea after eating.

"Cough, Director Wu, for the protection of the marine environment, you should pay attention to publicity..."

Professor Meng didn't expect that the culprit for obstructing the salvage was these fishermen along the coast, who couldn't help complaining a few words to the leader of the Maritime Administration in front of him.

After hearing Professor Meng's questioning, Director Wu said with a wry smile, "Well, Professor Meng, how can we not pay attention to it, but... It's too difficult to supervise. Now it's forbidden to fish. Maybe it can get better..."

"It's still the quality of the Chinese people..."

Professor Meng shook his head, looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Xiao Zhuang, what else can you do?"

When Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words, he scratched his head and said, "Teacher, in fact, it doesn't matter if there is a fishing net covering it. This metal detector is enough to detect a depth of seven or eight meters. If there is really a wreck, it can still be found..."

The metal detector mentioned by Zhuang Rui is just followed by the divers from their backs. This is a kind of diving metal detector specially used for ocean salvage. It was first applied to the battlefield. To put it bluntly, it was used to dig mines.

Later, metal detectors were used in field archaeology. In field archaeology, most of the evidence is metal, such as muskets, cartridges, bullets, cannons and shells, shrapnels and swords. The specific evidence depends on the historical period of the battle.

Therefore, the most important tool for field archaeologists is a simple metal detector, which has become a "weapon" for tomb robbers in the next few decades.