Golden Pupil

Chapter 1020 Black Pearl

"Ha ha, I just said that you don't believe it when you see pearls. Well, then smash it to death...

Zhuang Rui knows that there are not only pearls, but also more than one pearl. In addition to the pearl about the size of a pigeon egg, there are more than a dozen small pearls, but compared with the big one, it can be ignored.

"Okay, smash it open, and you can also drink clam soup at night..."

"Yes, let's also see if there are any precious pearls in this sea clam..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, the onlookers were suddenly in high spirits. Life at sea was actually very boring. I heard that there was excitement, and the deck was immediately full of people, and even Director Wu and Professor Meng crowded over.

When Professor Meng saw that Zhuang Rui asked the crew to get the hammer, he couldn't help laughing and scolding, "This stinky boy, you don't do your job..."

"Professor Meng, you can't say that. At least Mr. Zhuang was the first to find the wreck of the wreck. This is to remember the first skill..."

Director Wu is in a good mood at this moment. Just now, the second group of divers has surfaced. According to their analysis, the position surveyed by Zhuang Rui is probably the wreck of the shipwreck, and the number is still quite large.

This made Director Wu, who presided over the salvage operation, very happy. Not to mention that he can't control Zhuang Rui, even if he can control it, he will turn a blind eye to Zhuang Rui's behavior.

"I don't know yet. I won't know until their plan comes out and salvage..."

Professor Meng shook his head. As an archaeologist, he wants to speak in kind. This sea area is not just a sunken ship on the Awa Maru. Maybe the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Well, we'll see each other in the afternoon, Professor Meng, do you think there are sea beads in this sea clam?"

Director Wu changed the topic with a smile. "He has just sent this news to the General Headquarters. Even if only a piece of iron sheet is salvaged later, Director Wu will bite the iron sheet to death, which is on the Abo Maru.

Professor Meng looked at the sea clam and said, "It's hard to say." The accidental nature of the formation of natural pearls is very large. It's hard to say, it's hard to say..."

Natural pearls are formed when the clam is eating on the seabed, the shell opens, and some foreign objects, such as sand, parasites or small gravel, are occasionally driven by the current and fall into the pearl coat film.

When the mussel or mussel coat membrane is stimulated, it will secrete pearly, wrap the fallen foreign matter layer by layer, make it smooth, and gradually form the bright and moist outer layer of the pearl sac.

Artificially cultured pearls, according to this principle, using core insertion technology, round beads are implanted into the clam. After a period of cultivation, pearls will be formed.

The shapes of natural pearls are not all round. Sometimes they have various irregular shapes according to the substances that fall into the shell, but their color is much stronger than that of artificially implanted pearls.

As for the size of the pearl, in fact, it has little to do with the volume of the substance falling into it, but according to the year the pearl is nourished in the clam. The longer it takes, the larger the particles of the pearl will be.

"Coming, the hammer is coming..."

While everyone was talking about it, a crew member came over with a sledgehammer in both hands. The hammer was more than one meter long by the handle alone. It was a bit like the kind of sledgehammer used to smash piles on a construction site.

"Good boy, this hammer is not small..."

"I said" I'm afraid this thing will have 60 or 70 jin? Who can move?"

"That's right, don't break the sea clam, hurt yourself again, change it to a smaller one..."

Some onlookers went up and weighed the weight of the hammer. Although they could hold it up, they couldn't lift it over their heads. They didn't have hundreds of pounds of strength in their arms, and they really couldn't use this object.

"This is it. I'm afraid it can't be smashed when it's small..."

The shell of the seashell was knocked up by hand, making a "dangdang" metal impact sound. Obviously, the shell is not thin, and it is estimated that the ordinary small hammer can't be broken.

"Everyone step back a little, step back a little..."

Zhuang Rui came forward and picked up the hammer with both hands, which he didn't want to show too much, otherwise with the weight of the hammer, Zhuang Rui could dance with one hand.

After the crowd heard Zhuang Rui's words, they dispersed to all sides, leaving a space of five or six meters in the middle. They looked at Zhuang Rui holding the hammer without blinking.

"Tho... Oh!"

Just as Zhuang Rui raised the hammer high and wanted to smash it down, King Kong squeezed in from nowhere, stretched out his long arm, and grabbed the iron head of the hammer behind Zhuang Rui.

Without being on guard, Zhuang Rui was pulled by King Kong and almost fell. Looking back, he saw that it was this big guy, and he couldn't help crying and laughing.

"Damn it, I said, which one are you playing? King Kong, let go of the front..."


King Kong loosened his long arms, beat his chest and shouted with Zhuang Rui, and stretched out his hand to grab the hammer in Zhuang Rui's hand.

"Yeah, while playing, this thing can't be smashed by you..."

Zhuang Rui opened King Kong's hand. There was a valuable black pearl in it. If King Kong hit it with a hammer, Zhuang Rui would cry because he couldn't find it.

"Go, if you are disobedient, Lei Gong will come to you at night..."

Zhuang Rui angrily scared the immortal King Kong. This big guy was scared out of his courage by the lightning yesterday. As soon as he heard Zhuang Rui's words, he immediately hugged his head and squatted aside, causing the audience to laugh.

He swayed the sledgehammer again, and the high-lifted hammer, with the momentum of thunder, crossed an arc in the air and hit the shell of the sea clam heavily.

"Puff! Which, what does it taste like?

Because Zhuang Rui moved too fast, after the big hammer came into contact with the clam shell, there was no pause at all. It directly smashed the shell, and the hammer fell into the clam.

However, a slightly salty sea water splashed out of the crack of the clam body and fell into Zhuang Rui's mouth. The meat of the clam was delicious, but the unprocessed sea clam smell was not ordinary. Zhuang Rui frowned and spit out repeatedly.

"Grandma, buddy, can't you handle you?"

Zhuang Rui took the water handed over by others and rinsed his mouth, took a deep breath, directly raised the big hammer again, and swooped high and continued to smash it.

The hammer points selected by Zhuang Rui were all on the four sides of the sea mussels, and the place where pearls were bred in the center was not touched at all.

After beating more than ten times in a row, the closed sea dragonfly was fragmented, and the bright white sea dragonfly meat twitched for a while, and finally did not move.

Zhuang Rui's move, the onlookers were stunned. Everyone didn't expect that Zhuang Rui, who didn't look strong, could beat so much in one breath. Even the workers who swaggered all year round on the construction site were far worse than him.

"Mr. Zhuang, let me do it. This sea clam meat is tightly attached to the shell. Ordinary people won't record it. Don't waste it..."

After Zhuang Rui rested, Lao Li's head jumped out. Looking at the snow-white and tender sea clam meat, his saliva seemed to be about to flow out. The general sea clams can only be fried and eaten. Such a big one is extremely rare.

This kind of clam is different from those small shells that can also be called a clam. It automatically separates from the shell as soon as it is boiled in water, but it is tightly connected to the clam meat and the shell, which must be separated with a knife.

Zhuang Rui nodded and said, "Yes, you can solve it. Be careful not to hurt your hands..."

The crack of the sea clam shell is still sharp, and if he is not careful, he will cut his hand. When Zhuang Rui was a child, he once caught the clam in Yunlong Lake in Pengcheng, and his hand was pulled by the clam shell.

"Hey hey, Mr. Zhuang, don't worry, we used to eat this bowl of rice..."

When Lao Li heard Zhuang Rui's words, he immediately smiled and trotted all the way to the restaurant. He borrowed a knife and two plastic buckets. After coming to the sea clam, he dissected it skillfully.

Lao Li didn't brag. His movements were very skillful. He held one hand on the shell of the sea clam, and the other hand reached into it. He didn't look at all. He recorded a trace of the meat and shell of the sea clam with his feelings.

This sea clam weighs more than 200 catties. Even if the shell is removed, the meat inside is also sixty or seventy catties. In a short time, half of the clam meat has been untied and full of it.

"Husband, what about the pearls?"

Qin Xuanbing held Zhuang Rui's hand tightly and kept staring at Lao Li's head to take out the clam meat, but to her disappointment, she did not see a pearl until a plastic bucket was full.

"Ha ha, miss, don't worry, pearls are usually adsorbed in the outer membrane sleeve, which will be solved immediately..."

Before Zhuang Rui answered, Lao Li laughed. As he spoke, his hands were not idle. He scraped and twisted it from the half-opened sea clam, and a whole piece of snow-white and tender clam meat was taken out by him.

"Mr. Zhuang, this is the outer membrane sleeve. Whether there are pearls or not, it depends on a knife..."

Old Li's work was very beautiful. He took out the whole part of the pearl and held it in his hand to show it to Zhuang Rui.

Smelling the fishy smell, Zhuang Rui quickly waved his hand and said, "Well, Lao Li, just untie it..."


Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Lao Li was also a little proud. He put his thumb on the handle of the knife. After turning around the center of his hand for a whole life, he cut the clam meat of seven or eight catties with a knife.


After cutting the clam meat, Lao Li's movements suddenly stopped. He lowered his head and stared at the clam meat, muttering that he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Lao Li, do you have any pearls? Hurry up and show us..."

"Yes, what are you doing there? Did you say a word..."

"What? Lao Li, what's in this expression? What's in it?

When Lao Li raised his head, everyone found that Lao Li's face, which was blown by the sea breeze, showed an indescribable look.