Golden Pupil

Chapter 1028 Sensation 5

Good man, although this young man is young, he is really on the road. He is worthy of being a child from an official family. He is sensible..."

At this moment, how can Director Wu still remember the little grudge with Zhuang Rui in the morning? At this meeting, Zhuang Rui is a young man in his heart. If Zhuang Rui is selected as one of the top ten young people in the country, Director Wu will vote for Zhuang Rui.

The main reason why Director Wu made this gesture was that Zhuang Rui's words were too lethal. If he worked hard for another ten years, it would not be as good as making a good impression in front of the leaders.

"Ha ha, what's the matter, okay, Director Wu will be busy with work tomorrow" I won't bother you..."

Zhuang Rui shook hands with Director Wu with a smile. To be honest, "He is a little unaccustomed to the ability of changing his face in officialdom." But he is drifting in the world. If he wants not to be stabbed, he must gradually adapt to it.

When Zhuang Rui was sent by Director Wu and walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and said, "Well, Director Wu, according to our previous agreement, the attribution of the batch of skulls"

Send Ding for nothing. When the favor goes out, Zhuang Rui will naturally ask for something back. By the way, he can't ask Director Wu for anything in the future. This favor will be wasted without expiration.

"Mr. Zhuang, don't worry, this agreement is approved by the leading bow of the State Council and the relevant departments." We will definitely implement it seriously. After returning to Beijing, you can discuss with the Academy of Social Sciences and get back a few fossils for exhibition first. This research does not need so much..." After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Director Wu "Sleeve meeting" didn't forget to help Zhuang Rui come up with a few ideas.

Director Wu's words made Zhuang Rui nodded repeatedly. That's right. If the other party wants to study for a few years, won't he wait until the "Beijing skull fossils" is hot before he can put it in the exhibition hall? In that way, it will not be possible to maximize the use of public opinion propaganda.

"This requires Director Wu to help more..."

"It's good to say, it's easy to say" Is it originally stipulated in the agreement..." Zhuang Rui and Director Wu looked at each other and smiled, but they had their own calculations in their hearts. For Zhuang Rui, "In the premise of leadership, Director Wu is just a matter of Shunshui, and the skull is not related to Director Wu'

At three o'clock the next day, the cruise ship began to leave. After more than ten hours of sailing, it arrived at Tianjin Port after two o'clock in the afternoon.

After arriving at Tianjin Port, Vice Minister Yu came to pick up the ship in person. Countless camera flashes focused on several old professors carrying "Beijing skull fossils".

Before Zhuang Rui's "Xianrui", the domestic news has made an all-round report on the salvage of the Awa Maru, including the relevant secrets more than half a century ago, and has gradually unveiled the mystery.

Leading the scientific research results of ancient human beings in the world, the complicated and confusing truth of missing "the ongoing 100-year salvage has suddenly attracted the attention of the Chinese people" Almost all the media in the country have gathered in Tianjin Port at this moment.

Peng Fei also drove to Tianjin Port. "He is here to pick up King Kong, and it's not easy for this guy to show up." Otherwise, there will be a real version of the American blockbuster King Kong movie.

Huang Fuyun came with Peng Fei. Zhuang Rui just pushed him out as the main representative of the Dingguang Museum, the salvage unit, and accepted the reporters' on-site interview.

After a short stay in Tianjin, dozens of people from the salvage group and a group of hundreds of reporters returned to Beijing." The deputy [general] was busy and also met the people of the salvage group, especially the appreciation of Zhuang Rui.

Zhuang Rui did not forget the agreement with Director Wu. At present, he talked about the credit of the leader in awe-inspiringly. Director Wu, who stood behind the team, smiled like a chrysanthemum hu in full bloom.

After the leader's reception, the relevant units immediately held a meeting of Chinese and foreign journalists. "This time, Zhuang Rui still did not attend, but gave up the limelight to Professor Meng and the two divers." He quietly returned home.

I don't know where those reporters inquired about the news. "I know these precious "skull fossils..." are the country's famous young cultural relics appraiser, jade expert and archaeologist Zhuang Rui personally salvaged it.

Now that the Internet is developed, it is too easy to find someone. Zhuang Rui's Dingguang Museum and himself were immediately searched out. Although Zhuang Rui deliberately kept a low profile, his life experience was still stunned.

This also makes the public and the media want to know more about Zhuang Rui, and countless calls have been made to Zhuang Rui's mobile phone.

Some people proposed to interview, some wanted to write a personal biography for Zhuang Rui, and some were stunned directors who actually asked Zhuang Rui to star and make a movie about jade, which made Zhuang Rui really a little laugh and cry.

However, a few months later, after the release of the film Crazy Stone, which was made at a small cost, became popular all over the country for a while. It not only sold well, but also the directors and actors became popular.

Of course, these are all afterthoughts. Now Zhuang Rui is in a hurry. The quadrangle courtyard has been taken out by human flesh, and he can't stay any longer.

Not only that, even the Beijing suburban manor doesn't know how to be known by reporters. There are 10 or 20 reporters around there all day long. Zhuang Rui is now hiding in the small yard of the ancient man. If he can't, he can only go back to Pengcheng to avoid the limelight.

"Buddy is not a movie star, is that so?"

Sitting in the old man's yard, Zhuang Rui is complaining to Gu Yun that he can't go back. Zhuang Rui knows the consequences of fame this time. "Come on, movie stars can't make a name..."

Gu Yun smiled and put the newspaper in his hand on the coffee table. He nodded and said, "Look, Nuo, the entrepreneurial road of young entrepreneurs" and this, the famous cultural relic connoisseur Zhuang Rui Tieshi...

This is a good story that Zhuang Rui and I have to tell, haha..."

Looking at the tabloids in front of him, Gu Yun laughed happily.

As Zhuang Rui thought before, "the news that Beijing people's skull fossils have reapphesed" has caused a sensation in the world of scientific research. Countless anthropologists from all over the world gathered in Beijing to see the ancestors of human beings 600,000 years ago.

This is not only an academic event. It is also of far-reaching political significance. Relevant departments in dozens of countries or regions have sent congratulatory messages to the [China] government, saying that the skulls of Beijing people are important, which is something to celebrate in the history of human evolution.

The success of the salvage operation also shows that the current [China] government has the ability to protect and retrieve its own national treasure, which is also a matter of promoting the prestige of our country.

And in a sense, it is also clear that it was a shameless island country that smuggled the national treasures of the country out of the country for more than half a century. With the advent of this batch of skull fossils, it was gradually solved.

And "Beijing people's skull", from disappearance to discovery, the twists and turns can be called a legendary story, which is enough to make a TV series." It makes ordinary people have the desire to understand. Countless phone calls came to the TV station, hoping to get relevant information.

These reporters can't interview Zhuang Rui" simply used their imagination to choreograph, and the whole thing that Zhuang Rui boasted was the reincarnation of a Monkey King, and his eyes were looking for treasures all over the world.

"Ok, don't respond to me, Brother Gu. I don't even dare to turn on the phone these days. Why do you think these reporters are so well-informed? I changed two mobile phone numbers and they found them all..."

Zhuang Rui is really depressed. It's better to find the national treasure to pay attention to the national treasure. Why do you have to find yourself out? Is it possible that eating eggs tastes good, so you have to know the old hen that lays eggs?

For more than a week, Zhuang Rui didn't dare to call with his mobile phone. If he had known that there would be such consequences, he would rather lie at the bottom of the sea than show himself.

The only thing that comforted Zhuang Rui was that in order to recognize Zhuang Rui's outstanding contribution in salvage, the relevant departments decided to take out three complete skulls and jaw fossils first, as well as twenty teeth and bone fossils, and put them on display at Zhuang Rui's Dingguang Museum.

Only in accordance with the regulations of the relevant departments, Zhuang Rui's museum will also be renovated, and the anti-theft facilities will be strengthened. Huang Fuyun has made a budget. I'm afraid the cost of this renovation will be about 10 million RMB.

After Zhuang Rui waved the money, he slandered in his heart: "The anti-theft facilities of the buddy museum are world-class, much better than the Palace Museum, which always loses things?" However, for this reason, Zhuang Rui blackmailed a piece of land from Ouyang Si Shao, which made Ouyang Jun laugh and cry. Well, if Zhuang Rui's treasure hunt is not over, he will be able to buy his own community sooner or later.

"Zhuang Rui, your phone number..." When Zhuang Rui was chatting with Gu Yun, the voice of the ancient man sounded in the room. Zhuang Rui was a little surprised and quickly walked in and asked, "Who called, uncle?"

Zhuang Rui was scared by those enthusiastic reporters. He had to ask clearly before answering the phone.

"I called from Xiaohu, Myanmar. I said why did I call the old man? Do you still think about that piece of Huang Fei?"

The old man muttered, "Turned back to his studio. According to the old man, Huang Fei's processing well has come to an end. Gu Tianfeng basically ate and lived in the studio these two days.

However, the old man, the smaller his heart became. The old man said he wanted to surprise Zhuang Rui, which directly caused Zhuang Rui to stay in this quadrangle courtyard for three days, and he could not see what his best Huang Fei had carved into.

"Hey, Brother Hu, how's the exploration of the gold mine?" Zhuang Rui picked up the phone and asked, "He estimated that it was the case that Hu Rong called him.