Golden Pupil

Chapter 1036 miscalculation

Chapter 136 Miscalculation and monthly ticket support!

"Okay, I wish you good luck today..." Halbert took a deep look at Zhuang Rui and turned back to the chair.

Although the video of the Macao gambling game was washed away by He Gambling King afterwards, with Halbert's ability, it took a little thought to understand Zhuang Rui's gambling style very clearly from others.

The style of Zhuang Rui's gambling card is very simple, and two words are enough to summarize: luck!

From the first time he gambled with Stevenson, Zhuang Rui had not seen the bottom card from beginning to end, and the second king-to-king flue was even more lucky, which made Jervis return.

"Damn it, is it true that there are rivers and lakes where there are people? Dude, didn't you get shot while lying down?

Inexplicably, there was one more enemy. Zhuang Rui was very depressed. The three things of pornography, gambling and drugs were all related to the underworld. Zhuang Rui didn't want to be remembered for nothing.

What Zhuang Rui didn't know was that Halbert was even more unhappy. A Jervis gave him a direct loss of 800 million US dollars, but the indirect loss basically withdrew from the competition of Macao gambling cards.

As a veteran gambling tycoon, Halbert has lost face. If he is now in Africa instead of Las Vegas, he doesn't mind using Zhuang Rui as a punching can and blow up Zhuang Rui's head with a pistol.

Fortunately, Zhuang Rui is a clair-eyed but not his heart-eyed. Otherwise, if he knew Halbert's idea, Zhuang Rui specified that Peng Fei would kill him secretly. He didn't want to do another desert island drifting.


Halbert's questioning was just a small episode, but Zhuang Rui's name was reported, but it attracted the attention of the whole gamblers.

Twelve companies participating in the gambling competition all had special seats in the gambling hall and shook his head slightly. Zhuang Rui sat next to Si Tai. Although he sat down, he was still the most eye-catching person in the gambling hall.

Not only those casino owners are curious about Zhuang Rui, but also these gambling kings who participated in the gambling game are also full of interest in this mysterious oriental man.

You know, Stevenson and Jervis are not embroidered pillows. It is almost impossible to win them simply by luck. The probability is smaller than the 300 million prize issued by the United States last month.

It soon arrived at eight o'clock. A person who seemed to preside over the gambling game stood up, took a microphone and said, "Well, everyone is here, and there is no need to say more about the rules. According to our prior agreement, the company represented by the last three people left will receive three gambling cards awarded by Macao this time... ..."

"This is Hank, the owner of the MGM Hotel, and the initiator of this gamble..."

Si Tai whispered in Zhuang Rui's ear that she knew that Zhuang Rui knew nothing about the gambling world and introduced him as many characters and rules as possible.

After a brief speech, Hank handed the microphone to the master of ceremonies beside him. At the same time, eight dealer came in through the door and stood in the middle of the two gambling tables.

"Please ask Mr. Jesep to draw lots. As we all know, Mr. Jesep is the champion of the 2001 World Poker Series..."

"Please ask Mr. Chatterus to draw lots. Mr. Chatterus is the champion of the 1999 Texas Poker Challenge..."

"Please ask Mr. Clydeman to draw lots. Mr. Clydeman won the crown of the 2003 King of Gambling Competition..."

Listening to the master of ceremonies introducing a lot of gambling kings, Zhuang Rui almost yawned boredly. This is not nb, and there is no such enthusiastic audience. As for the introduction, is it so detailed?

However, this kind of introduction is also necessary, because every time a person is called, the "gambling king" or the champion will go to the front to draw a number ball.

There are a total of 12 numbers in the box. The six people who draw a single and the six people who draw a double number will be divided into two tables to bet on Texas Hold'em.

Because Texas Hold'em is quite time-consuming to gamble, sometimes it takes more than ten minutes to issue a game, so the bet is divided into two days, 12 hours a day.

After the end of the day, the chips of the people will be checked and six people will be eliminated, and the remaining six people will continue to play tomorrow. Also after 12 hours, the ownership of the three Macao gambling cards will be allocated according to the chips.

"Please Rui... Mr. Zhuang came forward to draw lots, um, Mr. Ruizhuang is... that, who once defeated the gambling king Stevenson and Jervis..."

When reading Zhuang Rui's name, it made the master of ceremonies entangled. After straightening out Zhuang Rui's name, he found that Zhuang Rui had no game or gambling record except for two gambling games. At present, he could only read Zhuang Rui's two records.

Someone laughed softly at the scene. Almost all the people here have studied Zhuang Rui's gambling method, and finally came to a very consistent conclusion, that is, Zhuang Rui's good luck.

But luck may be gone today or tomorrow. Almost 99% of the people on the court don't believe that Zhuang Rui's luck can last for several years?

Zhuang Rui didn't care about the laughter on the court. He went to the lottery and took out the number ball and took a look. He couldn't help laughing. He handed the number ball to the master of ceremonies and said, "Seven? Yes, my lucky number..."

"Oh, good luck..."

The master of ceremonies smiled at Zhuang Rui, and then put the number ball into the ranks of the list. A few minutes later, the lottery was completed, and Zhuang Rui, a "betting rookie", also sat in his position.

Texas Hold'em is a very popular gambling method in Europe and the United States. A gambling table can accommodate as few as 2 people as 22 people as possible, and generally by 2 to 10 people.

Texas Poker, like Stud, needs to remove big and small kings. There are a total of 52 poker cards. Each player is divided into two cards as "bottom cards", and five public cards issued by the dealer one after another.

At the beginning of the game, each player will get two face-down cards. After all the betting circles, if you still can't distinguish the winner, the game will enter the "showdown" stage, that is, let the remaining players show their own cards to get higher, and the big card holder wins.

As for the size of the Texas poker card type, it is exactly the same as the stud that Zhuang Rui once played. The difference is that there are two cards left, and many people can reveal the cards at the same time. This has no impact on Zhuang Rui, that is, if there is no famous card, he can also know what cards the opponent has.

"Huh? What is this? It turned out to be a bargaining chip..."

After Zhuang Rui and others sat at the table, the casino staff pushed more than a dozen cars into the gambling hall, followed by seven or eight live-fired nuclear bombs. Zhuang Rui saw that there was a box on each car.

A waiter put the box in front of Zhuang Rui, and a person behind him opened the box with the key. Zhuang Rui saw that it was full of chips.

Like Macao casinos, the chips in Las Vegas are cash, so the casino is very careful and has always been strictly guarded against the delivery of chips.

"One million, or a dollar, damn, is this... a chip of 10 million? This is called a big deal..."

Zhuang Rui picked up the chips and took a look. These chips are only divided into two denominations, 1 million and 10 million. Compared with the two gambling games he participated in before, this is really a game for the rich.

"Gentlemen, this bet is based on unlimited betting on Texas Hold'em. The blind bet per game is $1 million. Good luck..."

After explaining the rules a little, the master of ceremonies announced the start of the gambling game. Zhuang Rui listened very carefully. After all, he had never played Texas poker. If there were any jokes later, it would be a lot of fun.

The so-called unlimited bet Texas Hold'em means that there is no limit on the amount of the bet in each round of betting, but if you want to bet, the bet amount is at least twice the bet amount of your previous player.

Compared with the pressure restriction of Texas Hold'em, unlimited betting on Texas Hold'em is undoubtedly a more risky but more challenging and exciting game.

Zhuang Rui likes this way very much. It allows Zhuang Rui to win as many beautiful knives as possible. Of course, it must be in the case of good cards. After all, it is not easy for many people to cheat people.

After taking out a new deck of cards for everyone to check, the dealer unpacked and shuffled the cards, and then put two dark cards in front of each person, which is also different from Stud, which makes the uncertainty of the bottom of the card become greater.

"Hey hey, my buddy is really lucky..."

After reading the cards, Zhuang Rui rudely "looked" at the dark cards of the remaining five people on the table, and then "looked" at the remaining cards in the order of the cards, and soon inferred that his card was the largest in this game.

"One million..."

When the third card was sent, Zhuang Rui's last in, which means bets in Texas poker. The king of gambling in 2003 carefully threw out 1 million US dollars of chips.

"Oh, I'll keep up, and you'll be 1 million bigger..."

According to the method of unlimited betting, Zhuang Rui threw out two million chips, and his behavior made everyone on the table look sideways.

Generally speaking, the second person will follow the cards in order, and few will be directly added, because now only three cards have been issued.

Zhuang Rui shrugged his shoulders and said, "Brother, I rely on luck. I don't have much skill. I'm sorry, everyone..."

"I discarded..."

"I also gave up. I have never seen such a person..."

Behind Zhuang Rui, the two cards and the cards were not very good. They covered the famous card. This gamble will last for 12 hours, and they have enough time to slowly look for opportunities.

"Abandon...abandon the card?"

Zhuang Rui suddenly realized a very bad thing. This was not a two-person bet, and the order of the cards was completely predictable.

But now there are six people on the table. As long as someone discards the cards, the order of the next poker will be completely changed.

: At the end of this year's annual meeting, I can answer Xuzhou's hometown in the evening. Friends, I miss you so much. This regular release is the feeling of no interaction. RO