Golden Pupil

Chapter 1052 Yongle Ceremony

"Gentlemen and ladies, the second lot of today's charity auction is from the mysterious oriental country [China] country...", an ancient book six hundred years ago, which is also the earliest social encyclopedia. At present, there are only a few hundred copies left in the world...

These six precious ancient books were collected by Mr. Bonadette, and now they are also used for charity. Let's give our applause to Mr. Bonadette"

William made a simple comment on several new antiques on the stage. His words also attracted the attention of some rich people who like to collect antiques, and they looked at the crystal glass cabinets in the middle of the venue.

The same crystal glass showcase, but the objects in it have changed from diamond jewelry to several books. In the first six showcases, there is a yellowed ancient book in each showcase, adding up to six books.

The size of these ancient books is the same, nearly half a meter high, and even thirty centimeters wide. The opening book is grand, and only such a volume can be placed in each showcase.

"For more..." "... start..." Is it "Yongle Ceremony"?!"

When these showcases were pushed out, Zhuang Rui's eyes could no longer see anything else. All his attention was focused on the books of those showcases, regardless of his rude behavior. Zhuang Rui pushed away some people in front of him and grabbed the side of the showcase in a few steps.

"Yongle Canon, Volume 5,886 to 36..."

On the front of the yellowed book coat, sixteen beautiful strokes and smooth fonts were presented in front of Zhuang Rui. These were all copied by the calligraphers with the regular library style used by the officials of the Ming Dynasty, which made Zhuang Rui's body tremble slightly. Yes, it was the Yongle Canon, which condensed the ancestors. The ancient encyclopedia of China, which crystallizes countless wisdom.

Although the book has not been opened, Zhuang Rui can also see a layer of yellow silk with a trace of brain from the yellowed book coat, making it particularly solemn. There is a rectangular bookmark on the upper left of the front of the book jacket, with the four words "Yongle Canon" in the box, and there are two lines of small words below the word

The so-called book coat is the cover of modern books. Because it is wrapped in the outside of the book like clothes worn by people, it is called the image of "book coat". The ancient book coat was framed with multi-layer rice paper, which was a common way of book binding in the Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty.

Looking at this large volume, which is rarely seen even in modern prints, Zhuang Rui can imagine that the grand Yongle Canon with more than 10,000 volumes is placed on the shelf like a small library, which can really be said to be a magnificent masterpiece.

Zhu Di usurped the throne and was regarded as "great rebellion" by Fang Xiaoru and other scholars and doctors, so he thought of inheriting the unimped business of Taizu's compilation of a large-scale book.

In this way, on the one hand, by concentrating the scholars, we can eliminate the resistance between the government and the opposition and achieve the purpose of attracting the scholars; on the other hand, we can also show off the rule of literature and establish our orthodox status, so in July 2003, when I ascended the throne, I ordered the compilation of the Yongle Canon

The original name of "Yongle Canon" is "Documentary Dacheng", which is an encyclopedic-style collection of documents in China. The whole book catalogue is 60 volumes, and the text 22877 volumes are packed into 11095 volumes, with about 370 million words. This ancient cultural treasure house brings together 7,000 or eight thousand kinds of ancient and modern

When it comes to the Yongle Canon, it cannot but mention the two great heroes who presided over the compilation of this classic: Xie Jin and Yao Guangxiao. This ancient masterpiece, under the auspices of the two, a large number of calligraphers have been recruited from all over the country to trace, copy, draw and circle work. Compiled in six years.

Xie Jin was a famous talent in the early Ming Dynasty. Zhu Di, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, appreciated his talent very much. He appointed him to host the compilation of the Record of Taizu and the Biography of Women, but it was his experience of presiding over the compilation of the Yongle Ceremony.

As for Yao Guangxiao, it is more legendary. Yao Guangxiao became a monk when he was old. He was known as a sick tiger in the world. It is said that Zhu Di raised his army to the side of the Qing Dynasty. It was Yao Guangxiao's handwriting. He supported Zhu Di to ascend the throne of the emperor in one fell swoop

With the participation of Yao Guangxiao, the living conditions of all the people who edited the "Yongle Ceremony" are very good. They live in Chonglifang and other places not far from the Wenyuan Pavilion, the royal book collection. Guanglu Temple supplies wine and tea and fruits in the morning and evening, and also gives them a paste fee. Officials who participate People describe the grand occasion of the compilation of the Yongle Ceremony as "the heroes of literature and art in the world, Ji Ji Hu Xian gathered in the capital".

The scale of "Yongle Canon" far exceeds all the books compiled by the previous generation, leaving many rich stories and difficult mysteries for future generations. However, "Yongle Canon" has spread to today only one or two percent, and the others were eventually annihilated in the long river of history because of natural or man-made destruction.

"Yongle Dian" is like a "treasure ship", which loaded all the culture of the country before the country into its warehouse, but now, people can only guess everything about the sunken treasure ship through a small mast exposed on the water.

The "Yongle Ceremony" in history has brought too much surprise and admiration to people. Its destruction has also brought the same strong sadness and regret, leaving many mysteries to be explored in later generations. Now, many people do not know what "Yongle Ceremony" is, and there are many people who are familiar with "Yongle Ceremony". I'm afraid that I won't be able to see the original appearance of Yongle Dian in my life.

When Zhuang Rui was studying the history of the Ming Dynasty, he went to the National Library of China and borrowed the original of the Yongle Canon. When he first saw the good book in the glass cabinet, Zhuang Rui knew that these six books were definitely the same place as the Yongle Encyclopedia collected by the National Library of China, which must be from [ Outflow from the country.

"If you buy it, you must buy it. No matter how much it costs, you must bring it back to your own museum..." Looking at these six "Yongle Canon", Zhuang Rui's eyes are red. You know, although there are still hundreds of copies of "Yongle Canon" in the world, the content of each volume is different. That is to say, every volume of the Yongle Canon that exists in the world is a real lonely book.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Yongle Ceremony, which has survived now, is not the original of the Yongle period, which contains many twists and turns and complicated stories.

Among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, Ming Shizong (Jiajing Emperor) loved the "Yongle Ceremony", and usually kept several volumes of the "Dian" on the desk for reading at any time. A fire broke out in the palace in the 36th year of Jiajing, and the three halls were burned down. The fire spread, which soon endanger The card makes people rescue the "Dai Dian" in time.

In order to prevent similar disasters in the future, Ming Shizong came up with the idea of re-recording the Canon. In the 41st year of Jiajing, Ming Shizong appointed Gao Gong, Qu Jingchun, Zhang Juzheng and others to re-record the Yongle Canon. The re-recording work lasted for 6 years, It was not finally completed until April of the first year of Mu Zonglongqing.

The original of the Yongle Canon became complicated and confusing after being re-recorded by Jiajing. Some people think that the original of the Yongle Canon was destroyed by war or fire, and it has long been gone. Some people believe that the Canon should have been martyred, but for hundreds of years, no original of the Yongle Canon has been revealed to the world.

How can [China], which is famous for its detailed historical records, not even record the whereabouts of such a large important classic? Many scholars who study history, including Zhuang Rui, feel strange. What kind of fate did the original suffer? How did you die? It is still a major unsolved case in history.

The original of the "Yongle Canon" has been lost. It escaped the war at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Although there were more than 2,000 volumes of incomplete copies, it experienced the tragic fate of theft, burning and looting, and was finally destroyed when the Eight-Nation Alliance occupied Beijing in 1900.

The remaining 400 volumes have been collected by 30 institutions in 8 countries and regions. Even so, the wonderful book "Yongle Dian" is still favored by scholars today for its huge materials and cultural relic value.

Zhuang Rui didn't expect to see the remnants of such a precious six volumes of "Yongle Ceremony" at such a private auction, which made him excited for a moment. He carefully looked around the glass cabinet and forgot that the auction was still in progress at this time.

When William on the stage saw that Zhuang Rui almost put his eyes on the glass cabinet, he thought he was distinguishing the authenticity of the books in it. He said, "Mr. Zhuang, these six ancient books have been identified by experts and instruments. They are indeed hundreds of years old in your country. Please let go of this, heart..." "Uh-huh ...I'm sorry, Mr. William, please move..." Zhuang Rui scratched his head with some embarrassment. He knew that he had interfered with the process of dragging and quickly withdrew a few steps back.

"These six precious ancient books are not sold separately. The bottom auction price is 3,800 million US dollars, and each time the price is old million US dollars. If you are interested, you can start to auction..." William knew that these six volumes of ancient books from [Zhongzhong] country were actually temporarily taken out by Bonadette yesterday. The price is not very high. Maybe it is a special auction item specially taken out by the Chinese people.

"Five million dollars..." Zhuang Rui did not hide his love for these six ancient books. As soon as William's words fell, he directly shouted five million. For Zhuang Rui, these lonely books are unique. No matter how much he spend, he will put them in his museum.

"Five million dollars!"

In the corner not far from Zhuang Rui, a middle-aged man with the same Asian face raised the number plate in his hand.

(PS: Shit, there are so many thieves in the hospital. I can't prevent it. The computer bag was stolen. Fortunately, the notebook was taken out. Recommended tickets, and brothers have recommended tickets? Give us some recommended monthly tickets to comfort us)