Golden Pupil

Chapter 1058 Killing in the Hotel

"Just when Zhuang Ruifang filmed the six volumes of Yongle Ceremony, a garbage truck that went in and out of the Hilton Hotel twice a day slowly drove into the underground door of the hotel.

A security guard came out of the guard booth, came to the front of the car and looked at it. He smiled and said to the driver, "Hey, man, why are you a little late today?"

The driver in a cap took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, handed one to the security guard, and said with a wry smile, "Oh, don't mention it. Paul is sick, and there is something wrong with the car at night. Come by the way, do you have a large wrench? I want to borrow it..."

"Poor Paul, of course there is a wrench. Come with me and get it..."

The old security guard has been working here for seven or eight years, and nothing has happened, so his vigilance is not very high. After taking the cigarette, he patted the door and signaling the driver to get out of the car with him. There are several lanes in the garage, and there is no need to worry that the garbage truck parked here will

The entrance and exit of the garage are automatically picked up and paid, so there are only two security guards in the guard box. One pays attention to the movement outside, and the other is looking at the monitor inside and constantly switching the picture. I guess he is looking for some rich men and women playing with the car.

The security guard who looked at the monitor heard someone coming in and said without looking back, "David, the girls who went up from the garage today are really bright..." "Oh, that's right, but I don't think you have a chance to see them again...,..."

A strange voice came from behind him. Just as the security guard was about to turn back, a thin special steel wire flashed around his neck, twisted hard, and immediately strangled deeply into the meat. The security guard could not even hum, and his legs and feet softened.

At the door, there was also a man in security clothes, and his whole body lay on the ground, but strangely, his head was completely turned over, his face was facing the roof, and his eyes were wide open, obviously dead.

Just after the two security guards in the booth were solved, the two business cars drove to the entrance of the underground parking lot. After the door was opened, more than a dozen mermaids filed out. "Hurry up, Bernie, the monitor is up to you." Hans. After Bernie finishes his work, you and Jed will go to kill the security You damn guy, the security guard at the elevator on the second floor, you have to get rid of them all. Remember, don't disturb anyone, give me the fucking speed..."

The medium-sized driver threw away the cap in his hand, took off the clothes from the security guard who was paralyzed on the chair, and quickly changed them to himself, while the old people who had just got out of the car were wearing exactly the same clothes as the hotel security guard.

"Head" can make a house in five minutes..."

A thin and tall young man took out a laptop from the bag behind him and connected it to the hotel system. His hands moved quickly on the keyboard. After tapping the next series of programs, he suddenly knocked on the Enter button, whistled with a smile, and said, "Three minutes, boss, you can go up... ..."

Bernie controlled the monitoring system of the whole hotel. Although the monitor in the hotel's internal security room was still in operation, the scene they saw was all five minutes ago.

"Head, the person in the basement elevator has solved..."

"Head, the guards on the first floor have been killed..." Six or seven people rushed out of the parking lot according to the instructions of the middle-aged man and touched the target. About five or six minutes later, several voices came from the middle-aged man's headset.

"Okay, Bernie, Richard has left it to you. You are in charge of the security room on the third floor, and the others will follow me to the 18th floor. I think... Those gentlemen and ladies are in urgent need of your comfort. Guys, pay attention to politeness." "LUCKYOUN is so good?"

After a few steps closer to the door, the security guard in black pricked up his ears but still didn't hear the movement in the room. He cursed in his heart and took another step to the door. In order not to be suddenly come out by the people inside, he found that the man put his hands behind his back and made a patrol.

The whole floor is their people, so the security guard doesn't care much about it. It's nothing to desert a little bit. If you can hear Paris's ** voice, then you can become the capital to show off in the future.

However, the security guard forgot that the place he guarded was the gate of the safe passage, and just as he left his post, the door was quietly pushed open.

The security guard in black seemed to feel something. When he was about to look back, his mouth was tightly covered by a big hand. A sharp blade with a cold light was inserted directly from the back heart. The security guard in black couldn't say a word, and his eyes lost their light.

Because the gate of the safe passage is at the corner, there is only one person guarding here, so the security personnel in the corridor are not aware of anything. They are all affiliated to the same security company. Usually, there are many such tasks, most of them are passing through the scene, and the vigilance is not very high.

A burly man took off the man's suit on the ground. The two of them were about the same size. After wearing a suit with a blood hole on his back, the man said with his mouth shape, "Head, do you want to check these three rooms?" There are three rooms at the corner. At this time, the door is closed. The leader seemed to be familiar with the situation here. He shook his head, took out a pistol with a silencer from his waist, and said, "The banquet will start soon. Don't check here. Don't waste time. In ten minutes, I need you to control the whole 18th floor..."

As the head's body came out of the corner, the pistol with a silencer in his hand was also raised. With a dull gunshot, the security personnel in the corridor didn't even have time to issue an alarm. They fell into a pool of blood one by one. The man's shooting was very accurate, almost a gunshot in the head The thick red carpet on the ground offset the sound of those people falling to the ground.

Zhuang Rui took the camera in his hand, flipped it over, and washed off the content in the cassash. After doing this, Zhuang Rui looked up at Paris and said, "Miss Paris, I don't have any interest in your messy life, and I hope you don't provoke me. Although I He never beats women, but he... Many of his lives are women's..."

"Damn it, I'm a pervert who specializes in killing women?"

After Peng Fei heard Zhuang Rui's words, he suddenly had a black line in his head, but in order to cooperate with Zhuang Rui's words, he had to straighten his chest, with an evil smile on his face, and his eyes stopped on Paris's chest. He clenched his fist with his left hand, pinched the knuckles of his


What Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei didn't expect was that Paris actually laughed in the face of Peng Fei's threat. In her opinion, neither of them was an actor. Although their mouth was fierce, their eyes had betrayed their hearts.

"Okay, honey, I'm just joking with you. Just now, a sister said that I was not attractive enough to attract you, so..."

Paris knew that her goal could not be achieved today. In fact, she didn't really want to have sex with Zhuang Rui. She just wanted to take a picture of Zhuang Rui's emotional appearance and show off to her best friends. These rich women have nothing to do all day long and tosssed men in a way.

"Damn it, what kind of people are they? My buddy's innocence was almost ruined on you..." After hearing Paris's words, Zhuang Rui was immediately depressed and couldn't wait to come forward and teach the previous **. Although Zhuang Rui may not have sex with her, in the case of not seeing people clearly, it is estimated that Zhuang Rui's actions will not be less, such as It was embarrassing enough for Zhuang Rui to be photographed.

You know, Zhuang Rui is now in China, and he is more or less a leader in the jade industry. He is an expert in the antique circle and a doctor in the archaeological field. If such a video is made, he will definitely lose face.

"I'm paralyzed, women are really tigers "..."

After Zhuang Rui stared at Paris fiercely, he said, "Forget it this time. I don't want to have another time, Miss Paris. If you are horny, I think so many security guards outside the door will definitely satisfy you..."

Zhuang Rui was not such a mean person, but at this moment he was really angry. His words also changed Paris's face. Although this woman is **, she is not a prostitute, and she still has the title of a social celebrity on her head.

"Oriental people without interest, don't bother to talk to you..." Paris scolded Zhuang Rui angrily, tidied up her clothes, and even didn't want the BU in Zhuang Rui's hand, and went straight to the door.

"Wait, this lady, let's go out first. You can go out in five minutes..." Peng Fei, who stood at the door, stretched out his hand to block Paris's way. He was afraid that the woman's villain would complain first and ran to the hall to talk about how Zhuang Rui was, or he and Zhuang Rui would go out first.

"Get out of here, get out of here..." Pariston paused and walked back angrily. She didn't know why she was obsessed and insisted on testing this boring oriental like wood. If this happened to Westerners, even if the other party knew it was a joke, she would behave like a gentleman. Of.

"Miss Paris, I hope you don't play any tricks..." After warning Paris, Peng Fei turned back and opened the door, but when he saw the security guard in black standing four or five meters away from him, Peng Fei's eyes suddenly contracted.

PS: Thank you, Vishinpa. The brother has become the leader of the golden pupil. Thank you for your support. The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. I wish all book friends a happy holiday!

Well, let's take a look at a few free recommended tickets, so that we can also have a comfortable holiday. No. B will be discharged from the hospital, but we should be able to sneak home at that time.