Golden Pupil

Chapter 1076 Xibei Goods

"That young man surnamed Zhuang is not really the Jade King with the same name as Tang, is he?"

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the jade king is not Zhuang Rui's self-appointed name, but from the gambling circle. After seeing the attitude of the experts of the two jade associations to Zhuang Rui, Mr. Zhao and others finally felt the pressure at this moment.

"This... It's hard to say. By the way, how did Mr. Tang evaluate the material of black sand just now?" Another banker was also anxious. This person was blindly followed. When everyone said that this object was not good, he naturally believed it. Now Zhuang Rui's identity seems to have been affirmed. The "broken stone" suddenly rose in the hearts of several people.

"Mr. Tang said that this kind of black sand is very gambling, and he can't see whether there is jade in it, let alone gambling on the quality of jade..." Mr. Wang shook his head and then said, "It's hard for immortals to break an inch of jade. Mr. Tang dares dare not assert the material. The young man may When the stone is untied, you will know..."

Wang is finally a person who knows more about gambling stones in the field. Now he also regrets holding this gambling stone party in his heart. Now it seems that the gambling stone is not as simple as he thought, and from the way Mr. Tang just chose the stone, he must have said something.

In fact, Mr. Wang misunderstood Mr. Tang. The reason why Mr. Tang didn't say that those objects were fake is that firstly, it was a rule in the industry. He couldn't smash people's jobs. Second, although the people who came here did not have a good level of appreciating the original stone, they had to be

Besides, Mr. Tang has a friendship with Mr. Wang. This thing is fake, and the person who can't get jade in it is also Mr. Wang. Naturally, there is no need for him to explain to these jade blind people what fraud is.

Of course, Mr. Tang's evaluation of the black sand is also very pertinent. The black sand is so gambling that it can be ranked first among all the original stones. Many veterans have broken halberds and sunk the sand on it. Mr. Tang has no good way to identify the black sand jade.

At this time, everyone gathered in the backyard. Because the raw stone selected this time was not a big material, there was only a small stone solver in the backyard, and there were also two types of grinding wheels. In front of Zhuang Rui, the director did not dare to put any expert's score. After seeing that the original stone had been transported over, he walked Before, he whispered, "Mr. Zhuang, you're here, and the two of us won't make a fool of ourselves, or... or are you coming?" "Don't worry, you two, I'm just here to join in the fun today. Just think I don't exist..." Zhuang Rui waved his hand repeatedly. "It's not that With a little interest, not to mention the fake pieces, even the other pieces of raw stones are also lacking, and the best one can barely reach the bean green seed.

If these stones are placed in Myanmar's public disk, they are sold as scraps. However, those who know the raw stone disdain the raw stone that behaves in this way. Those raw stone merchants who are more "gentle" than fraud, that is, fool these outsiders.

"Ok, it's up to me to solve the stone. If there is anything wrong, Mr. Zhuang, please give me more advice..." Director Qin, who has not spoken much, stood up. He stayed in Yunnan and Myanmar for a while earlier, and had also been someone else's gambling consultant." Director Qin asked himself. The level of Dingyuanshi is not as good as that of Zhuang Rui and Tang Lao, but as far as Xie Shi is concerned, he is still a little confident.

"Ha ha, Director Qin's men have come out of a lot of famous materials." Let's see it today..." Zhuang Rui smiled and was clear about his family affairs. The reason why he could live in the gambling circle was all by his eyes. To talk about real knowledge, Zhuang Rui asked himself compared with these experts. There is still a certain gap, so Zhuang Rui respects everyone who has expertise. These days, he has no real talent and learning, and he can't stand it with his mouth alone.

"Mr. Zhuang is flattered..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Director Qin's face seemed to be a little radiant. Now he took off his suit outside, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, looked at Mr. Wang and asked, "Mr. Wang, which piece of material are we going to solve first?"

This time, the two directors Qin were invited to solve the stone and identify the jadeite. When they received the invitation letter, there was a check of 50,000 nUG. Director Qin still had to show a little respect for his parents.

"Let's start the solution in order, starting from No. 1, but the No. 7 original stone is left to the last piece to solve..." After discussing with the other two people, Mr. Wang made this decision. If the original stone in front can solve the high-quality jade, then there is no need to worry about this black sand. To be honest. By the words, the three bankers are really a little worried at this moment.

"Okay..." Director Qin nodded, came forward to select the No. 1 original stone, and fixed it on the understanding stone machine. This material weighed only 20 or 30 catties and was semi-emorphic. It was a piece of raw stone cut by the waist. There was a palm-sized piece of green on the cutting surface. Under the sunlight, the

"Boss Li, this is your material..."

"Yes, Lao Li, if you cut it down later, you will know whether it is a rise or a loss..."

"I think this material can rise. Didn't you see it? This cut has turned green..." When Director Qin observed the original stone to find the cutting point, the people around him talked about it one after another. This was the first activity of the gambling stone club organized by Mr. Wang. These members also came into contact with the gambling stone for the first time. Basically, few people have seen the gambling stone, but they pretended to be one by one Like an antler.

"It must be green. This was bought by Russia from a raw stone merchant in Guangdong. At that time, someone offered a price of ten thousand yuan, and Russia paid ten thousand yuan to let that person sell it to me..." Boss Li is from Shaanxi, and he speaks with a little Shaanxi accent. After buying this raw stone, did Boss Li find it? From a few people's point of view, it's just that there are many people who play jade in Shaanxi, but there are few people who play jade. Few people can say one, two, three. It is because Boss Li has checked a lot of information on the Internet and learned a lot of jadeite-related knowledge, and he is more and more optimistic about this material.

"Pooh...cough, cough..." As soon as Boss Li finished his words, Zhuang Rui, who was standing next to Mr. Tang, spewed out the mineral water as soon as he drank it into his mouth. Zhuang Rui quickly lowered his head and pretended to cough. This behavior was very impolite.

However, Zhuang Rui can't help it. The green shown in that material is completely fake made of paint, and the technique is not very skillfully. When he is blind, he will compete with Boss Li for 40,000 yuan.

Obviously, this is a trap for others. Fortunately, Boss Li still regards it as a treasure. I guess he will cry in a while.

The identification of this jade, like antique appreciation, can't be learned after reading a few books. It also requires a lot of physical experience. Just like the teacher of the golden fat man, the reason why he is a leading figure in domestic calligraphy and painting antique appreciation is that he has seen almost all the authentic works of famous people in ancient and modern times. In contrast to the two, it is natural to break the authenticity at a glance.

Director Qin also heard the discussion of everyone around him, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. When he first started to scrub the cut, he felt that it was not like a real emerald crystal. After carefully observing with a magnifying glass just now, he affirmed his idea. This is a fake original stone.

In the real domestic and major public markets in Myanmar, fake raw stones also exist, but the number is very small, because all the people who participate in the public market are veterans of the jade industry. The sales of these fake raw stones are more aimed at some outsiders who want to invest in jade collection and value-added. Director Qin has seen this phenomenon more than once, There was no look of surprise.

Director Qin came to solve the stone. Whether it is true or not has nothing to do with him. If you say it, it will offend people. At present, after drawing a line next to the "green" at will, he starts to understand the stone machine. Generally speaking, such materials do not need to cut stones, but fake raw stones are not so particular.

"K...Kk..." With the harsh friction between the alloy gear and the stone, the gravel debris scattered to the ground one after another. More than a minute later, the semi-circular material had been cut in half from the middle, half fixed on the lithotripsy machine, and the other half rolled down on the grass.

"Quick, take a look, is there any jade in it?"

"Oh, Lao Song, don't block me. Have you come out of the jade?" "Let me, let Russia see, this is a Russian stone..." After the stone machine stopped rotating, everyone in the field surrounded one after another. These thirty or forty people besieged the city in a small circle, which was not easy to squeeze in. The owner of the Boss, jump outside.

"Lao Li, there is nothing in it..."

"Yes, this is called relieving, isn't it?"

"Well, Jinwan is so gone, Lao Li, have you memorized it? If you cut the green, you can get rid of it..."

After the few people who grabbed the front clearly saw the cut, they suddenly let out a huge sigh. They no longer knew about the gambling stone, and they knew that there was nothing in it, which was a compensation. Of course, with their understanding of the jadeite, they still didn't expect that the whole of this original stone was a piece of goods.

"No jade? It's impossible, right? Well, the person who sold me said that there is at least ice material in it?" Boss Li finally squeezed into the circle, and his forehead was covered with sweat. I don't know whether it was in a hurry or really hot. He grabbed Director Qin and said, "Cut it again and cut it in half. Maybe it's on that side..."