Golden Pupil

Chapter 1084 Huaqing Pool

Chapter 184 Huaqing Pool asks for a double monthly ticket!

Cao Cao was suspicious by nature, and in order to raise military salaries, he set up the first army to be responsible for tomb robbery. The position of Captain Mojin was also spread from that time. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's army almost stole all the tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which was also the earliest official thief in history.

As the saying goes, he didn't do anything wrong and is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, and the hero of the Three Kingdoms is exactly the opposite. He did too much wrong things in his life. After his death, he was naturally afraid that others would come to dig his own tomb. Therefore, before Cao Cao was buried, a total of It is said that historians and archaeologists of all dynasties are indifferent, and there is no conclusion yet.

However, tomb robbery has become popular in Henan. Zhuang Rui explored many underground tombs with antiquities near Anyang, and found that all of them had been excavated by people. Judging from the perspective of the burgled cave, what happened in recent years has happened in recent years. It is estimated that it can be traced back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties

According to this situation, Zhuang Rui inferred that, not to mention Cao Cao's 72 suspected tombs, but also the 7,20 suspected tombs, it is probably difficult to escape the crazy excavation of the grave robbers. Therefore, he completely lost interest in finding Cao Cao's tomb. After staying in Henan for a week, he still left.

Zhuang Rui's field archaeology not only wants to excavate a large tomb of archaeological value, but also wants to investigate the distribution of tombs in Henan, Shaanxi, including Gansu and Inner Mongolia, and write it in his doctoral thesis.

Especially in Gansu and other places, due to drought and little rain, the martyrs of underground tombs have always been the most well-preserved. The knitted calligraphy and painting antiques unearthed in China in recent decades have been found in tombs in these areas. It can be said that as long as there are no tombs destroyed by tomb thieves Shocked the field of Chinese surgery.

"Zhuang Rui, you... You don't want to explore the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, do you? Let me tell you, not to mention you, even the teacher does not have this ability..."

After gossiping with Zhuang Rui, Dr. Ren suddenly widened his eyes. After the search for tombs in the past few days, he knew that his little brother was relatively high-minded. This time he came out to find a large tomb that had not been excavated. However, there are only a handful of tombs in China that have not been excavated on a large scale Poor, the nearest place is the place where the emperor lived after his death.

In fact, it is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, which has also gone through many hardships in history. For example, after Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, entered the customs, he once excavated the Mausoleum of Qin with 300,000 people. Later, in the war-turbance dynasties, there were also many

However, due to the vast and deep underground of the First Emperor's Mausoleum project, it has not been completely excavated. More than ten years ago, Professor Meng presided over the survey of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. The results show that the mercury content in the soil under the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is extremely high,

As we all know, mercury is mercury, which is a kind of easily volatile ** metal. When the air flows, it will evaporate more, which will form harmful gases. In serious cases, it can lead to mercury poisoning and death. In this way, if the tomb thieves of the First Emperor of Qin had been patronized by tomb thieves, It has been lost, and it will not be left in the ground.

In the surrounding areas of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, several terracotta warrior pits and horses have been developed, but the reason why the core part of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty has not been excavated is that there are still technical difficulties, and the scientific examiners The funeral objects preserved in the tomb.

As we all know, the ancient Egyptian pyramids are the largest underground tomb in the world, and the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty in China is the largest underground imperial mausoleum in the world. As the emperor of China's first feudal dynasty, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty gathered the highest achievements of

"Historical Records" records: the tomb has been dug all the way to the underground spring water, and the base is reinforced with copper, with a coffin on it... The tomb is full of rare treasures. The key organs in the tomb are equipped with bows and crossbows with sharp arrows. The tomb robbers will be shot to death The night pearl symbolizes the sun, the moon and the stars; the tomb burns the lamp with fish oil in order to be immortal...

Therefore, since the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, someone has proposed to excavate the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty. After more than 60 years, it has not been able to take action. That is, the rash excavation will destroy the precious cultural relics in the tomb, and perhaps... leave it underground

"Brother, I want to explore the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, is it possible?"

Zhuang Rui slightly opened the window of the car and lit a cigarette. If he could see the excavation of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin in his lifetime, Zhuang Rui would be very satisfied. As for now, there is basically no possibility.

When the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin was built, it was the power of a poor country. At most, 720,000 prisoners were being built. The imperial mausoleum underground palace, which had been completed for 39 years, wanted to appear in the world, which was not something that could be done overnight.


"Brother Zhuang, where are you going? Hey hey, we can't set up a tent in the city center today, can we?

After the car arrived in the center of Xi'an, Peng Fei looked at Zhuang Rui from the reversing mirror. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the ancient city of Xi'an under the lights at night was very quiet. Sitting in the car, he could see through the glass. The ancient city wall, which was more than ten meters high in

Since entering the Central Plains, the heavy historical atmosphere can be felt almost everywhere. Whether it is the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang or the ancient city wall of Xi'an in front of you, it has been standing for thousands of years, silently telling people about the historical vicissitudes of the mountains and rivers of the millennium.

"Go to live in Lintong District, which is closer to Lishan. Where did you go in the arduous and simple style of the army?"

Zhuang Rui knew what Peng Fei meant. After following himself for several years, his appetite became a little tricky. Yesterday, he complained to himself about sleeping in tents all day.

Zhuang Rui is not the kind of person who is rich and reluctant to spend. The key is that a few days ago in Henan, especially near tombs, there are very few hotels, and even guest houses can't be seen. It's better to sleep in a tent than to borrow a farm. Of course, now that there are conditions, Zhuang Rui will naturally find

Lintong was originally a county, but later classified as a district of Xi'an. It is the east gate of the ancient capital Xi'an. It is about 30 kilometers away from Xi'an. Peng Fei did not save money for Zhuang Rui. More than half an hour later, three cars drove into the parking lot of Lintong's only five-star hotel.

"Hey hey, Brother Zhuang, I'm in your light..."

Three students, one woman and two men, are all graduate students of the Department of Archaeology of Peking University, and they will graduate this year. They also have another identity, that is, after graduation, they will work in the Dingguang Museum of Zhuang Rui as managers.

"Yes, Brother Zhuang, this is my first time to live in a five-star hotel, but I think it's more exciting to live in the wild..."

The girl who speaks is called Xiaolei. She grew up. She is very straightforward and bold. For example, in the first few days when she went to Henan, when she camped, she was not far from the ancient tomb twice. The two male classmates were so scared that they couldn't sleep at night, and Xiaolei didn't care at all, and even Bo and Zhuang Rui went to look for the bones of the dead in the middle of the night, saying that they wanted to see what the ghost fire was like.

Dr. Ren once said to Zhuang Rui with a smile in private that Xiaolei was born to do archaeology and was dug up by Zhuang Rui's museum, which was really a waste of talent.

Since the opening of Dingguang Museum, Huangfuyun has recruited a lot of talents from the major and archaeology major of Peking University Museum, but these three people do not know that the brother Zhuang in front of him is their future boss. Zhuang Rui is the owner of Dingguang Museum. Although many people in the circle know it, these ivory The students in the tower don't know.

"Ha ha, when you enter Inner Mongolia, Gansu, it is difficult for you to find a five-star hotel. Thank you for your hard work these days. Have a good rest today..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand with a smile. After a week of getting along with each other, he was still very satisfied with these students. The enthusiasm of several people for work made Zhuang Rui a little ashamed. When he was as old as them, he seemed to be still living in the pawnshop.

"At the way, let's go to Huaqing Pool to soak in the hot spring tomorrow..." After going through the formalities and getting the room card, Zhuang Rui said to several people with a smile that it was really hard these days, and he was very nervous. Zhuang Rui also wanted to take everyone to relax.

"Haha, long live Brother Zhuang..."

Several people cheered loudly. The happy smile and heartfelt happiness on his face made Zhuang Rui a little distracted. Once upon a time, like them, he played with the boss and other brothers. In a blink of an eye, seven or eight years have passed, and the innocent student days are gone forever. Yes.


Lishan Hot Spring is unique. It has a long history and great vicissitudes of life. It is still inexhaustible through the ages. It is known as "the first spring in the world". Huaqing Pool Hot Spring was formed two or three million years ago and was used by the ancestors of Jiangzhai 6,000 years ago.

Since the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties, all emperors have built soup pools and baths here, making it gradually become a royal hot spring. It is also a gift for the ministers of the court to bathe here.

And the most famous of them is Huaqing Pool. "Spring cold gives the bath Huaqing Pool, the hot spring water slips to wash the curd fat, and the waiter is helpless, and it is the time of the new grace." This well-known ancient famous sentence is the true portrayal of Bai Juyi, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty

As a result, Huaqing Pool Hot Spring is also famous all over the world and is yearned for by the world. It has become the "Oriental God Spring" as famous as the ancient Roman Karekara Bath and the Bath Hot Spring in the United Kingdom.

: I'm going to the East China Sea to participate in the Crystal Festival today. If you come back early in the evening, try to write more. It's been dozens of hours at the end of this month. Let's see if there are any more. If you don't vote, it's a waste. Please, RO