Golden Pupil

Chapter 1095 The Tragedy Caused by Two Magic Sticks

Chapter 195 The Tragedy Caused by Two Magic Sticks

Zhuang Rui used Reiki to identify objects. In recent years, he has also made a little rule. The closer the age is, the lower the value of the object, the lighter the color of the aura generally displayed. Like the things in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, most of them are white aura.

From the middle of the Qing Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, the color of antiques gradually deepened. From light yellow to orange to red, it is extremely precious and often worshipped to play with, and some of them will also show a dark red and light purple color.

Before the Ming Dynasty, the treasures of the Three Kingdoms, like the Tang and Song Dynasties, often presented purple. As for the bronze ware in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they were mostly dark purple, and there were also purple and gold colors. For a long time, Zhuang Rui used the color of aura to identify antiques

Because in the 40-meter underground, in the palace of the palace of the First Emperor of Qin, almost everything is purple and gold. The strong aura is full of Zhuang Rui's eyes, which is warm and comfortable. Even in the Potala Palace or the pirate treasure, Zhuang Rui has never seen such ample and pure aura.

"The power of a poor country, how many treasures did Qin Shihuang search for..."

Because the reiki touches, almost all of them are rare treasures, so it is very difficult to identify the things in the underground palace. Zhuang Rui slowly calmed down and wanted to try to distinguish what these objects were in the underground palace. After all, for thousands of years, the treasures in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin have made many tomb rob There is a rush, but no one can really interpret the situation in the underground palace.

"This... should be bamboo slips. It is said that the First Emperor of Qin burned books to trap Confucianism. Could it be that he moved all the bamboo slips into the underground palace?"

Zhuang Rui felt that the aura entered an underground palace dormitory. Although he felt that there was purple-gold aura everywhere, Zhuang Rui found that there seemed to be a dividing line in the middle of these auras. Judging from the size of the slender objects, it was very similar to the bamboo slips used by the Warring States Period and the ancients of .

The area of this room is about thirty or forty square meters, which is almost full of objects similar to bamboo slips, which makes Zhuang Rui think about it.

In the 34th year of the First Emperor of Qin, Dr. Qi Ren Chun Yuyue opposed the "county system" implemented at that time, demanding that the children be divided according to the ancient system. Prime Minister Li Si refuted it, and advocated the prohibition of the people from slandering the government with private learning.

The First Emperor of Qin adopted Li Si's suggestion and ordered the burning of historical records of countries other than the Records of Qin. The private collections of "Poetry" and "Books" that did not belong to the doctoral museum were also handed over and burned within a time limit. Those who dared to talk about the execution of "Poetry" and " This is "burning books".

In the second year, two warlocks (people who practiced alchemy) Hou Sheng and Lu Sheng secretly slandered the First Emperor of Qin and went to die. When the First Emperor of Qin learned about this, he was furious and sent the imperial history to investigate. After the trial, more than 460 people who had been banned were killed. The tragedy caused It is a combination of "burning books and pitting Confucianism".

The reason why the First Emperor of Qin was named "Tyrant" by later dynasties is because of this incident. "Burning books and pits Confucianism" has always been the evidence of the cruelty and violence of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty. He has been scolded by scholars in later generations for more than 2,000 years, so that now some people I wish I could penetrate more than 2,000 years of time and space, knocking the bones and sucking the marrow of the First Emperor of Qin.

It can't be denied that the decision of the First Emperor of Qin has led to the extinct of many books recording the splendid civilization of the Hundred Schools of Thought in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China. Now many of the allusions before Qin are still the information obtained from the ancient tombs of the

But in the same way, burning books and Confucianism also has an indelible effect on the unification of Chinese culture, and has enabled the smooth promotion of the later county system, creating the historical pattern of the unification of the Chinese nation. Therefore, future generations cannot give an accurate conclusion, and the controversy in the academic world has always been great.

However, everyone who studies history knows such a thing, that is, it can be seen from Li Si's book that all the books of the Qin Dynasty at that time, including those burned in the Ming Dynasty, had a complete backup in the palace.

It's just that more than 2,000 years have passed, and no one has found a trace of these books. Some historians have concluded that these books were hidden in the Afang Palace and burned by Xiang Yu. Some historians doubt whether these books, which record the quarrels of hundreds of families, have been included in the underground palace by the First Emperor of Qin.

So when Zhuang Rui felt these aura-like bamboo-like objects, he couldn't help but get excited. For archaeologists, there is no more precious treasure than written materials in archaeological excavations.

Because no matter how precious the object is, it is always just a plaything. At best, it can only explain the advanced and developed casting technology at that time. However, if a civilization disappears from the record, it will be difficult to recover. Due to the incident of the First Emperor of Qin burning books and burying Confucianism, many mysteries were destroyed In the long river.

Zhuang Rui can now almost conclude that these things he sensed were the books that were burned at that time. Zhuang Rui believes that if these bamboo slips can be unearthed, it will be a cultural feast for historians, which will represent the analysis of many disappeared historical truths. The importance of this discovery. It will definitely be no less than the sensation caused by the discovery of Beijing skull fossils in the last century.

However, it is a pity that Zhuang Rui can only feel these civilizations that were once thought to have disappeared through Reiki, and he can't take them out of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin intact, because in the process of Zhuang Rui's survey with Reiki, he can feel that there is indeed a layer at a depth of 20 or The existence of mercury.

These mercury are not the formation of mountains and rivers as mentioned in historical materials, but have penetrated into the soil. I don't know why it has not evaporated. It is several meters deep. No matter where you start digging, you must first touch this layer of mercury.

Although with the current technology, the poison of mercury can be eliminated, no one is sure that all the objects in the underground palace can be preserved intact in the next excavation, because these objects more than 2,000 years ago will deteriorate and rot as soon as they see the air.

Among other things, if these bamboo books felt by Zhuang Rui are damaged, it can definitely be called a disaster. It is estimated that this is also the main reason why modern archaeology and leaders are not determined to dig the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin.

Resisting the impulse to unearth these legendary civilizations, Zhuang Rui struggled to transfer the aura to another place and sensed it one by one, but only by the shape of the aura, he could only roughly know that in the middle of the underground palace, there was a huge golden coffin, which was rich and almost substantial. Reiki shows that this should be the place where the emperor lived after his death.

"It seems that most of the allusions handed down from the Qin Dynasty are also fabricated..."

After sensing this golden coffin, Zhuang Rui remembered a record in the "Three Auxiliary Stories", which said that after the death of the First Emperor of Qin, there was once a shepherd boy herding sheep. When chasing his own sheep, he inadvertently fell into the underground palace of the First Emperor of Qin. In order to find the lost sheep, .

This legend also has a certain market in all dynasties, but it is not as good as hearing. Zhuang Rui now firmly believes that for more than 2,000 years, no one has ever entered the underground palace of the First Emperor of Qin.

"Xiaozhuang, what's wrong? Why are you in a daze here alone?"

Just as Zhuang Rui was immersed in the ancient emperor's bedroom full of rare treasures, Dr. Ren's voice came, which made Zhuang Rui, who could hardly extricate himself, wake up, and the aura all over the underground palace returned to his eyes like mercury.

Zhuang Rui laughed at himself and said half-truthfully, "It's okay, Brother Ren. I'm trying to communicate with the First Emperor of Qin. Isn't this... interrupted by you..."

"That's good, you boy asked the First Emperor of Qin if there was a passage in the underground palace. Let's go down and visit..."

Dr. Ren laughed when he heard the words. He once conducted an all-round survey of the underground palace with Professor Meng through remote sensing and geophysical exploration technology in 2006. The results showed that if you want the underground palace to come out, you can only use the method of uncovering the coffin to remove the soil layer by layer, but this will cause The damage of local cultural relics was unanimously rejected by many archaeologists.

"Don't worry, Brother Ren, we will definitely have a chance to see the true face of Lushan in the underground palace of the First Emperor of Qin..."

Zhuang Rui's words were just a joke in Dr. Ren's ears, but Dr. Ren did not expect that Zhuang Rui was not aimless. After seeing the vast ruins of civilization in the underground palace, Zhuang Rui had decided to personally explore the ancient imperial mausoleum, which carried too much attention in the future.

In fact, the excavation of the imperial mausoleum is not completely insoluble in terms of technology. There is still a way, that is, to excavate first. When it is close to the underground palace, a vacuum room is built on the whole excavation site, so as to ensure that after the underground palace is connected, all cultural relics will not be due Damaged.

However, this method is only applicable to Zhuang Rui, and the investment is huge, and it is necessary to obtain the consent of domestic experts and senior leaders. It cannot be carried out overnight, so Zhuang Rui can only keep it deeply in his heart at this moment.

Dr. Ren suddenly remembered something and looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Yes, Zhuang Rui, I just saw the little Japan yesterday. He wandered around the imperial mausoleum and sneaked away when he saw us..."

(: It's doubled in the last two days. If you want it, please support the golden pupil and throw it during the double period to maximize the utility. Thank you in advance)

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