Golden Pupil

Chapter 1107 Situation

Chapter 1 107 Recommendation Ticket for the Situation

The low hissing of the camel has disappeared. The desert that had just rolled over the yellow sand has returned to calm at this moment. It seems that a stone has fallen into the sea. After turning up a wave, it becomes calm again.

Nothing seemed to have happened to the calm sand face. The gloomy dead silence made Erdan, who had been crying for a while, also felt frightened in his heart. After stopping crying, he looked forward at a loss.

"Oh Tuosang...Oh Tuosang..."

Just when Erdan didn't know what to do, Zhongchuan, who was originally sitting on the camel, suddenly turned over and rolled off the camel. He shouted loudly and lay on the ground. He beat the yellow sand on the ground with both hands. His face was full of tears, and his mouth shouted words that Erdan couldn't understand.

Although I can't understand Nakagawa's words, I can see that Nakagawa's tears and snot can be seen by a person. Mr. Nakagawa is very sad, which makes Professor Man and Erdan very puzzled. Is it possible that Mr. Nakagawa is still an animal protector? Did you see the death of the camel?

Nakagawa's crazy performance made Erdan unable to be sad. Seeing that he was stunned, he quickly touched Yan's translator and asked, "This... This, Brother Yan, what is Little Japan talking about? That's my camel..."

These dead camels are all at home. Why is Zhongchuan crying? Then again, this camel is not his own father. Is it so sad to cry?

"Little...Little Japan, calling Dad..."

Yan Xiaowei followed the name of Erdan and also called Little Japan. He was also a little puzzled by Nakagawa's performance. Although he can understand Japanese, it doesn't mean that he understands what Nakagawa's move means?

"Shout... what are you shouting for? Call Dad? Did he really call me my camel father?

Erdan feels that his brain is a little insufficient. This is fresh. The Japanese like it. It's true that Japan's v industry is also very developed. Erdan has also download a lot of Japanese men's and women's action movies on Erdan's computer for daily observation and learning.

But why can't the second egg think of it? How could his just-old camel give birth to a son as old as Nakagawa? Even if the camel has this function, the time is not right.

"Erdan, don't talk nonsense. Zhongchuan may have encountered other sad things. Xiaowei, ask, what's going on?"

Professor Man is mature and sophisticated. It is indeed very sad to see Zhongchuan, but he doesn't think that a person at the helm of a famous Japanese company will call his father to two dead camels.

Of course, Professor Man couldn't guess that after seeing the camel swallowed up by the sand, Nakagawa remembered his father who was buried in this desert, and probably died under the smooth sand, so he knelt on the ground to mourn his dead father.

Yan Translation pulled Zhongchuan, who was crying bitterly, and chattered. Only then did he figure out the whole story. Zhongchuan felt that this was the burial place of his deceased father, so he made such a move.

When he was still a child in Zhongchuan, Lao Zhongchuan came to China to look for the Dunhuang documents on the map, but he didn't want to lose his bones.

After investigation, the Nakagawa family only thought that this was the personal adventure of the old Nakagawa, and they could not retrieve the bones of the old Nakagawa from the sand.

According to the feudal superstition of the Japanese, only when the bones of a person exist after death can his soul be recalled to China, otherwise it will be difficult to be reincarnated. Therefore, when Nakagawa saw this Liusha area, he was so lost.

Of course, when Zhongchuan communicated with Yan, Wan Wan did not say anything about Dunhuang literature, but said that his father disappeared in this place more than 30 years ago.

"Is it true what the old man in the town said?"

After hearing Yan Xiaowei's translation, he couldn't help but be shocked, and his hair stood up all over his body. He thought those things were just legends, but he didn't expect them to be real.

Thinking that there may be more than a dozen wronged souls in the town in this desert, and there is also a second uncle he has never met before. Erdan can't help but feel a little creepy.

At this time, Nakagawa took out three incense candles from his carry-on package, lit them and kowtowed in the sand. Professor Man and others didn't say anything about this. After all, as a child, it is also appropriate to worship the ancestors.

"Mr. Man, Zhongchuan asks you, how can we pass through this drift-sand area?"

After about ten minutes, Nakagawa stood up and muttered to the translator. Old Nakagawa's so-called disappearance in those years must have died here. Xiao Nakagawa naturally wanted to inherit the old man's legacy and bring the precious Dunhuang cultural relics back to Japan.

Professor Man smiled and said, "This is actually easy to do. I took a bag of a goose warm stone and threw it in different places. If I sink into the sand, there must be a problem, otherwise it will be all right..."

This is what he eats, otherwise Nakagawa doesn't have to spend so much money on himself. Professor Man has already prepared for this. After saying that, he went to his camel and reached out, but his face changed greatly: "So... what about those warm stones?"

"Mr. Man, in the morning, the Erdan brothers said that they wanted to save the camel's physical strength. Didn't they give the goose warm stone to the camel carrying supplies?" Yan Xiaowei replied, the heavy bag of heavy things was still moved by him

"Professor Meng, you are thinking about something. Whether we can go back alive or not depends on luck..."

When the second egg beside him heard Professor Man's words, his face also became ugly, because he suddenly thought of a very bad thing. All the drinking water and supplies of their group were left on the second camel that had been swallowed up by the yellow sand.

It has been four days since they entered the desert, and they have been far away from the town of Qiujiawo. Even if they don't understand the camel's physical strength, it will take two days to get out of the desert at the earliest.

In the desert, it may be bearable without food, but without water, it is definitely impossible to survive. After Erdan got up and checked the four camels, his face became more and more ugly.

Now a few people only have four skin bags of water, and they have drunk half of it. Erdan and Professor Man whispered and said to Yan's translation, "Now go back to the place where you camped yesterday..."

After Yan Xiaowei heard Erdan's words, his face turned white. Suddenly, he trembled and asked, "Er... Erdan brother, can't we get out of this desert?"

Before entering the desert, Yan Yiping was just a school student. He was just stimulated by the miserable situation of the yellow sand devouring the camel, and now he is facing the situation of cutting off water and food. His mental endurance is almost at its peak, and he is about to collapse.

"Brother Yan, it's okay. As long as there is water, I will definitely take you out, and maybe I can meet other tour groups. Don't worry..."

Seeing Yan Xiaowei's panicked appearance, Erdan calmed down. He has been following the adult's buttocks in the desert since he was twelve or thirteen years old. He knows more about this desert than anyone present.

Although there is no food, Erdan knows that there are several places along the way to find water, and he can get out of the desert after two days of hunger. Although the situation is not very good, it is not the time to run out of mountains and rivers.

As for Mengzi and others, Erdan doesn't know if they are still behind, so they dare not risk staying here. Only when they return to the water source as soon as possible can they feel at ease.

After Yan Xiaowei heard Erdan's words, he calmed down. He hurriedly pulled up Zhongchuan, who was still kneeling on the ground, and communicated with him.

Although there is a beautiful scenery like a mirage in the desert, it is also a step-by-step killing. What just happened has taught him a vivid lesson. Yan Xiaowei no longer wants to stay here for a moment.

"Tell Mr. Erdan that as long as I can get out of this desert, I will definitely compensate him for all his losses..."

After Nakagawa heard Yan Xiaowei's words, he immediately nodded and agreed. The richer he was, the more he cherished his life. Nakagawa still had such a fortune in Japan, but he didn't want to turn into a lonely ghost in the desert and his old father as a companion.

As for Dunhuang cultural relics, it has become less important at this moment, and his life is gone. If those things are useless, Mr. Nakagawa is definitely a pragmatist.

After hearing Yan Xiaowei's translation, the second egg made a circle of his eyes and said, "Mr. Zhongchuan, my two camels are worth 50,000 to 60,000 yuan..."

After communicating with Zhongchuan, Yan Xiaowei said, "No problem, Zhongchuan will compensate you. Can you go now?"

"Oc, let's go, I'll take everyone out..."

When Erdan heard the words, he immediately opened his eyebrows and smiled, and the pain of losing the camel immediately disappeared. In Dunhuang, an adult camel was actually only 8,000 yuan, and 50,000 to 60,000 yuan was enough for him to organize a camel team.

The group rode on the camel again and walked back and forth. Due to the lack of food and water, the second egg has been urging the camel to leave quickly, but it was much faster than when they came.

"The camel team, there is a camel team in front..."

About an hour later, the second egg walking in the front suddenly shouted loudly, and his voice was full of surprises.

The sleepy people sitting on the camels and scorched by the sun were shaken by the words. After raising their heads, they found that a group of more than a dozen camels were coming towards them.

"Brother Mengzi, Da Mao and Er Mao are gone..."

After all, the two eggs are still young. After facing the fierce man walking in front of him, he spoke with a slight cry.

"What's going on? Have you encountered the sand? Is everyone all right?"

Mengzi quickly jumped down from his camel. First, he checked the number of people on Erdan's side. Seeing that there were still four people, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. RO