Golden Pupil

Chapter 1109 Man-made disaster

Chapter 1 109 Man-made disaster [Ask for a monthly ticket]

"How can there be such a large range of flowing sand? If there is enough groundwater, it should be able to form an oasis..."

Zhuang Rui scratched his head a little. He didn't know whether the ancient temple was covered by this flowing sand. If that's the case, even if he had great ability, it would be difficult to uncover the secrets of the ancient temple.

It's just that Zhuang Rui didn't know that this area is just at the boundary between the desert and the North Gobi. Due to the increasingly serious desertification, the wind and sand have been eroding here for decades, which has also changed the original soil structure. Although there is groundwater, it is difficult to change the fate of the land being desertified.

"Huh? Is this the soil?

Just when Zhuang Rui was a little anxious, he suddenly felt that the aura in his eyes seemed to have left the yellow sand with silky aura. He couldn't help but be overjoyed and felt it for a long time. Finally, he was sure that there was a real existence in this place about 1,200 meters in the rapidsand area.

In addition to being happy, Zhuang Rui increased the survey scope of Reiki, but to his disappointment, even if he released Reiki ten kilometers, he could not find the existence of the ancient temple ruins, which showed that the ancient temple was still some distance away from the short sand area.

Fortunately, Zhuang Rui did not feel that there was still a short sandform in front of him. The only solution now is how to bypass this area and walk to the road to the North Gobi.

"Xiao Zhuang, what are you doing?"

Just as Zhuang Rui wanted to survey the left and right directions with aura, a sound suddenly sounded in his ear, which made Zhuang Rui tremble, and the released aura returned to his eyes like mercury.

When Zhuang Rui looked back, it turned out to be Professor Man. He couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "It's Mr. Man, you... Your voice almost scared my soul out..."

As the saying goes, people are scared to death. Zhuang Rui was just immersed in the release of aura and had no defense at all. He was really shocked by Professor Man.

Professor Man smiled and handed Zhuang Rui a cigarette and said, "Well, you archaeologists fight with the bones of the dead all day long. Are you afraid of this?"

Zhuang Rui took the cigarette, lit a fire to Professor Man and himself, took a deep breath, and said, "Well, I said, Mr. Man, this archaeology may not live in the cemetery all day, right? I'm still afraid when I see a ghost..."

"Zhuang Rui is right. We, who see the sky and the dead, are more afraid of finding those unclean things..."

With a voice, Dr. Ren also came out of the tent, thinking of surveying the fast-sand area called the "devil's forbidden area" by the locals tomorrow. Dr. Ren did not sleep soundly. Hearing the conversation between Zhuang Rui and the two, he simply put on his clothes and came out.

"Well, thanks to you both of you are still at the level of associate researchers. Here's the feudal mí letter..." Professor Man laughed when he heard the words. The two brothers really couldn't cope with him.

"Mr. Man, this is an ideological problem. If the sand was put 100 years ago, it would have been the devil's cannibalism. Then no one would have talked about feudal mí letter..."

After Zhuang Rui and Professor Man made a joke, his face became serious, and then said, "Mr. Man, I would like to ask you a question. If according to the information, there were still people living here 80 or 90 years ago, only a few decades, why? Will it become so desolate? Doesn't the water source of the original oasis have the effect of blocking the wind and sand?

Just after checking the stock sand area with Reiki, Zhuang Rui has always had doubts. At present, Professor Man happens to be an expert in desert governance, so he asked.

"Xiaozhuang, the vegetation grown in this soil is different from the plants in the desert. After those plants are buried in the yellow sand, they will die quickly...

In addition to the evacuation of the people living here, over time, the original water source has been covered by the desert, which should also be the main reason for the formation of the Liusand area..."

Professor Man smoked a cigarette and then said, "Xiaozhuang, you are studying archaeology. Do you know the reason why the ancient city of Loulan disappeared?"

"Of course, I know that there are different reasons for the disappearance of the ancient city of Loulan, but it should also be because it was located on the edge of the desert at that time, right?"

In archaeology, Loulan archaeology is listed as a separate subject, but Zhuang Rui's main direction is not here, but a little understanding.

"Yes, but do you know the cause of desertification?"

The night was long. Since he couldn't sleep, Professor Man chatted with Zhuang Rui. He talked to the desert all day long, and what he talked about was naturally related to the desert.

"I don't know..." Zhuang Rui shook his head.

"In fact, many places are desertified, and man-made disasters are also very important..."

Professor Man once participated in an archaeological team of Loulan archaeology in the 1990s. He went there in person and recalled that an ancient city with a glorious history of 500 years disappeared in the desert. Professor Man also sighed a little.

According to Professor Man, the disappearance of Loulan has a lot to do with people's destruction of the ecological balance of nature. Loulan is located at the top of the Silk Road. Han, Xiongnu and other nomadic countries often provoked wars in Loulan.

The excessive reclamation of various countries for the benefit of water conservancy facilities and good vegetation has been seriously damaged. The blind indiscriminate logging of the Loulan people has led to soil erosion, sandstorms, rivers have been rerouded, and the climate is abnormal. In addition, the plague is rampant. The legendary saying is called "hot nest disease

In the end, the Loulan people chose to escape. At this point, the glorious ancient city of Loulan has disappeared silently from history forever. After the original ancient city was excavated today, it was like a ghost, leaving many unsolved mysteries.

"The reason why this area forms drift sand and is eroded by deserts also has a lot to do with people's living habits. Maybe it's not the fault of this generation, but we have tasted the consequences in our generation..."

Professor Man shook his head. Today, with the increasingly serious desertification, China is still exporting a large amount of timber, and even some places actually cut down windbreaks for export, which makes Professor Man sad and helpless.

"A good chat has become my job. All right, let's not talk about it. There will be a lot of work tomorrow. Let's go to bed early..."

Professor Man laughed at himself. After venting his dissatisfaction, he felt much more comfortable. He actually stood up and waved his hand back to the tent, leaving Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren looking at each other.

Although he rode on the camel all day, he was also very tired. Dr. Ren yawned and couldn't stand it. He looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Mr. Man is also a man of love. Zhuang Rui, go to bed early. I have a hunch that if we can find the ruins of the ancient temple, there will "

"Sleep, sleep..."

Zhuang Rui curled his lips and said, "It's so fresh. It's like I'm pulling you to chat. I interrupted my buddy's survey of the sand and haven't told you..."

As for major discoveries, Zhuang Rui also has this hunch. He always feels that it will never be as simple as an expedition to come to China.

And the meaning of the word "exploration" is also very broad. Isn't the identity of Nakagawa's ancestor Yoshikawa when he went to Dunhuang just a Japanese explorer?


In the desert in the early morning, there was a rare trace of fog, covering the top of the drift-sand area, surrounded by silence. Except for the sound of Zhuang Rui and others cleaning up the tent, there was no sound in the desert.

However, when the early Erdan and others looked at the sand, they couldn't help recalling the scene of the camel being swallowed up in their minds, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Two eggs, you stay here to guard the camel, Xiaozhuang. Let's divide it into two groups and survey on both sides. Remember, if you fall into the sand, don't struggle. The sand can only devour the waist at most and it will stop..."

After everyone ate something, Professor Man assigned the task. He didn't bring some professional tools, so he had to use stupid methods to carry out the survey.

"Okay, Mr. Man, I'll go to the north..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and agreed, "Brother Ren, Peng Fei, don't go. Wait here. Mr. Man and I will survey the terrain first..."

"Brother Zhuang, that won't work. I'll follow you..."

Peng Fei shook his head. He heard what Erdan said yesterday. He was worried about letting Zhuang Rui go alone. In case he fell into the sand, there would be too late to rescue someone around him.

"Oc, then you follow me..." Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and nodded. If he didn't let the boy follow, he would definitely not give up.

In fact, it is not Zhuang Rui, but Professor Man. After Zhuang Rui returned to the tent last night, he measured the depth of the whole piece of sand and the width of both sides.

This smooth sand area, which is called the devil's forbidden area by the locals, has a depth of more than 1,000 meters and a width of 400 meters. Zhuang Rui thought that before this, it must have been an oasis lake to form such a large area of sand.

Now the place where Zhuang Rui is located is just on the edge of the width of the short sand. As long as you walk more than 40 meters north, you can bypass the short sand area and move forward safely. Therefore, in order to avoid time-consuming, Zhuang Rui took the initiative to choose to survey to the north.

"Damn, I now know the origin of the name Liusha River. I dare to come out of here..."

Peng Fei followed Zhuang Rui and saw the warm stone thrown by Zhuang Rui casually, as if thrown on the surface of the water, and sank directly into his body. He couldn't help but be shocked.

The weight of a stone can't stand it. It can be imagined that if a person stepped on it, what would be like?

"Huh? Brother Zhuang, it's not flowing sand..."

After walking 30 or 40 meters along the edge of the sand, Peng Fei, who was sharp-eyed, finally saw a warm stone thrown by Zhuang Rui and left it on the surface of the sand.

: It's the middle of the month. I'd like to ask for a monthly ticket. Do you have it? RA