Golden Pupil

Chapter 1118 Writing Scrolls

Chapter 1118 Writing Scrolls [Ask for Monthly Pass]

"What does it taste like? Is it so weird?"

When he took out the brick just now, the dust was flying, and Dr. Ren didn't have time to go up to see if there was anything in it. Now he opened his mouth, and suddenly shrugged his nose and smelled a strange smell.

"It's the taste of paper and ink..."

Zhuang Rui also smelled the smell, but unlike Dr. Ren's ignorance, he already knew that what was hidden in it was a scripture, so it was easier to guess.

However, Zhuang Rui is also very shocked at this moment, because whether it is the archaeological excavation he has experienced himself or the excavation site records he has seen from the data, basically all tombs or underground palaces are unearthed, accompanied by unpleasant and even toxic gases, which has become the archaeologists. Consensus.

But when ōu came out of the green bricks, it was full of the tip of Zhuang Rui's nose, only a faint smell of calligraphy, paper and ink. There was no such rotten and unpleasant gas, which made Zhuang Rui look forward to the paper books inside.

"Yes, it's the fragrance of paper and ink, this...this..."

When Dr. Ren heard Zhuang Rui's words, he also felt the source of the smell, and his face was a little surprised. The discovery of paper cultural relics in the northwest region is of great significance.

You should know that in the northwest region, especially near Dunhuang, there is a year-round drought and little rain, which is most conducive to the preservation of cultural relics. Most of the well-quality celebrity calligraphy and paintings unearthed over the years are in these areas.

Unfortunately, due to geographical restrictions, there are much fewer ancient literati and romantics here than in Jiangnan and other areas, and there are relatively few calligraphy and painting cultural relics.

If the calligraphy and painting relics in the Jiangnan tomb are buried here, it is estimated that those precious calligraphy and paintings that are only recorded but not physical objects can be preserved.

"It's an ancient book. Let's be careful and make it bigger. Xiao Jia, you put a mat on the ground and put on all your gloves..."

After Dr. Ren was stunned for a moment, he immediately reacted and picked up the flashlight and took a look inside, showing excitement on his face.

The Buddha statue is as high as seven or eight meters, and even the base is three or four square meters in size. It is simply a small room. Under the light of the strong flashlight, stacks of books wrapped in oil paper and neatly placed appear in front of Dr. Ren and Zhuang Rui.

Although this hole is enough for a person to get in, it still looks too small. If you take something from the inside, it may be damaged.

Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren were busy for nearly half an hour, opening a height of more than one meter behind the Buddha statue. Because it was made of green bricks, it didn't take much effort.

"Zhuang Rui, I'll go in, you go outside, Xiao Jia, you also come here, you must pay attention when you pick up the book, don't pinch it with your fingers, hold it with your hand..."

It's just a visual inspection. Dr. Ren also saw that these ancient books are at least more than a few hundred years old. Although there is less rain and drought in Dunhuang, it will not suffer from decay, drying will make the paper fragile, so several graduate students are repeatedly not allowed to use their fingers to get books.

Under the light of Zhuang Rui's flashlight, Dr. Ren lowered his body and got into the belly of the Buddha statue. After Dr. Ren entered, Zhuang Rui put the lamp at his mouth, and suddenly the inside of the Buddha statue was bright.

After Dr. Ren went in, he did not open the oil paper first, but reached out to wipe it on the oil paper. He raised his hand and looked at the light and said, "It is estimated that the time these objects were placed later than the construction of the Buddha statue..."

On the surface of the oil paper, there is a thin layer of dust. Some friends may not understand why there is dust in such a sealed place?

This principle is actually very simple. There are dust particles in the air, and they are floating in the air. If it is a ventilated place, the dust will not stay in one place for too long, and naturally it will not accumulate.

If the air does not flow in a closed space, the dust slowly gathers and accumulates to form visible dust, which no longer floats in the air and covers the surface of the object.

Dr. Ren put on a white glove, reached out to test the weight of the book wrapped in oil paper, and shook his head helplessly. He couldn't hold the thing, so he could only take the oil paper apart little by little and take it out.

Taking a deep breath, Dr. Ren wrapped an oil paper on the top layer and opened it. A round scroll about 30 centimeters long appeared in front of Dr. Ren's eyes.

The shafts of the scroll are all made of wood, the face è looks a little dim, the face of the scroll è is also different in depth, and the beginning and tail are a little yellow and black, which is caused by the age.

"Brother Ren, open one quickly and have a look. What era is the ancient book?"

Zhuang Rui also saw the truth outside the Buddha statue. In fact, he didn't sleep well all night last night and has been guessing the origin of these ancient scrolls. At the time to reveal the mystery, Zhuang Rui is also very excited.

"Well, um..."

After Dr. Ren opened his mouth and answered "OK", he immediately closed his mouth and hummed, because the wet air in his mouth would have an impact on the scrolls in front of him.

"This...this, can it be?"

Dr. Ren picked up a scroll, carefully spread it out four or five centimeters, looked at the light, and immediately opened his mouth wide, completely forgetting the original intention of protecting the scroll.

"Brother Ren, what's wrong?"

When Zhuang Rui saw Dr. Ren's appearance, he was a little strange. He was also very knowledgeable. How could he be shocked by a volume of ancient books?


After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Dr. Ren immediately reacted and quickly closed his mouth tightly. After closing the scroll, he carefully walked to the mouth sideways and gasped loudly.

"Zhuang Rui, take a look, this... How is this possible?"

When giving the scroll to Zhuang Rui, the glory on Dr. Ren's face had not faded. Obviously, the content of the scroll had a great impact on him.

"Taiji Zuo Xiangong, please ask the scriptures, Brother Ren, this is the Taoist scriptures, what's wrong?"

After Zhuang Rui opened the scroll, a line of vertical words appeared in front of him. Although Zhuang Rui did not do much research on Buddhism and Taoism, when he saw the name of the scripture, he also knew that it should be a Taoist scripture.

Dr. Ren waved his hand and said angrily, "Who said it's not a Taoist scripture? Look at this font..."


Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at the scroll opened in his hand, and his eyes gradually lit up, "This... is a handwritten scroll?"

The so-called writing of scriptures, that is, the name of copying and writing Buddhist scriptures, originated in the first and second centuries, that is, the era of Buddhism in the early days of India. Among them, India is written in Sanskrit, the Western Regions is written in Sanskrit and Hu, and Ceylon and other classics are

Later, after the prevalence of Taoism, the title of writing scriptures was also used. As long as the scriptures were copied by hand, they were given this name. When printing was not yet developed, writing scriptures had the significance and merit of spreading circulation.

Like the Tang Monk's scriptures mentioned in the mythical Journey to the West, in fact, in the real events, most of the scriptures brought back by Tang Xuanzang from the Western Regions are manuscripts. As for the scrolls of scriptures, which are well known to the world, it happened after the discovery of Dunhuang Tibetan Sutras

Almost all the ancient books unearthed in Dunhuang Tibetan Sutras are handwritten and copied by hand. Because there are very few handwritten scriptures left before the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the scrolls of scriptures have almost become synonymous with the unearthed documents of Dunhuang.

Zhuang Rui's reaction was not slow. After turning the origin of the scriptures in his mind, he immediately asked, "Brother Ren, is this... Is this a Dunhuang book collection?"

"I... I don't know. This volume of "Taiji Zuo Xiangong's Sutra" is copied in regular script. Look, each line is 17 words, and the top and bottom and the line are separated by light ink thread. It should be the style of the Sui Dynasty..."

Dr. Ren took over the scriptures in Zhuang Rui's hand, looked at it again, broke the age of the scroll, and then said, "Almost all the scriptures written before the Ming and Qing Dynasties came from Dunhuang. I think... It is a part of Dunhuang's literature..."

Although the inference has been made, Dr. Ren can't figure out that Dunhuang literature has been out for a hundred years, and those ancient scriptures that have been known have also been lost in various countries in the world. Why is there such a volume of scriptures here?

And according to the current situation, it is estimated that it is not only in your own hands, but also the strict objects wrapped in oil paper in the Buddha statue are all such ancient scriptures.

"Why do you think so much? Didn't Brother Mengzi say that more than a hundred years ago, a Taoist priest from Dunhuang came here. Maybe it was the Taoist priest who hid it..."

Zhuang Rui didn't know that what he casually said was really something that had happened in history. These scrolls were indeed hidden by the Taoist priest in those years.

At the beginning of the last century, the Taoist priest and the host of this ancient temple were good. After discovering the Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra, they transported a batch of more than 30,000 scriptures here, but they didn't expect that a few years later, the host invited the Taoist priest to come here before sitting down.

At that time, the host wanted to return these scriptures to the Taoist priest, but at that time, the Taoist priest tried to protect the Dunhuang heritage and failed to ask for help. He still had more than 50,000 volumes of scriptures in Dunhuang and did not know how to deal with them. Of course, he was not in the mood to deal with these

In addition, the desertification around the temple was already serious at that time, and transportation was also a big problem. After thinking again and again, he decided to hide these scriptures in the temple.

After nearly a hundred years, the people who knew these secrets had already passed away. If Zhuang Rui and others hadn't come here by mistake, I'm afraid that I don't know how many years these precious Dunhuang documents will be buried? RA