Golden Pupil

Chapter 1125 Battle

"Brother Ren, you came to the grassland with me, but you lost your tip to participate in the excavation of Dunhuang literature. Are you still thinking about the grassland?" Zhuang Rui is a little puzzled about Ren Chunqiang's performance. You know, now archaeologists across the country are afraid that they want to enter the later finishing work of Dunhuang cultural relics In the middle, this is a very rare opportunity to improve personal qualifications.

"Ha ha, I'd better follow you. I ran around Dunhuang and found a piece of Dunhuang legacy. Maybe when I go to the prairie with you, I can find the Genghis Khan Mausoleum..."

Dr. Ren laughed when he heard the words. The reason why he behaved so calmly was that before leaving, Professor Meng also talked to him once, indicating that there must be him in this researcher's evaluation.

When working in colleges and universities, the highest title is professor, and the highest title for research work is called researcher and professor level.

People who have worked in school know that the evaluation of professional titles requires a lot of conditions. Many old teachers who are about to retire at the age of 50 or 60 are just the title of an associate professor. He is already satisfied that he can be a researcher in the evaluation of his early thirties.

"As long as Genghis Khan's tomb is on this prairie, it may be found, Brother Ren... My luck has always been very good..." Zhuang Rui also laughed. If the tomb of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty can be found on the prairie, even if it is not Genghis Khan's, I'm afraid it will be Discover.

You should know that the territory of the Yuan Dynasty was unprecedentedly vast. Not only did the current [China] territory belong to the territory of the Yuan Dynasty, but also most of Siberia, east to the Bering Sea, Sikkim, Bhutan, the eastern half of Kashmir, northern Myanmar, northern Thailand, Laos, and northeastern North Korea.

When Genghis Khan was in power, he stepped the Mongolian iron horse into the Volga River Basin in Eastern Europe. After that, the iron horse of the Mongolian Empire once approached the hinterland of Europe. Those European royal nobles even had to go to the golden account every day to kowtow to the Mongolian general before they could do their own errands.

Therefore, European countries know more about the history of the Yuan Dynasty and pay more attention to it, which is also one of the reasons why Yuanqing huā has been speculated to a sky-high price.

If the imperial mausoleum of the Yuan Dynasty is discovered, I believe that the influence in the world is absolutely not inferior to the unearthing of Dunhuang literature.

"I hope" Follow your boy, there are always miracles..." Ren Chunqiang thought for a moment. Zhuang Rui's luck is really not bragging. Basically, every time he goes out, something can happen. Maybe the gap in the archaeology of the Yuan Dynasty can really be filled by Zhuang Rui.

In the vast prairie, several people in the car are particularly relaxed. Although those students have returned to Beijing, Zhuang Rui and others of about the same age are together, and they have more common language.

Looking at the herdsmen sitting on the horse galloping on the grassland, to be honest, Zhuang Rui's heart is a little itchy. No matter who is on this vast and boundless grassland, I'm afraid he wants to ride on the horse and whip.

The destination of their trip is Ordos City in Inner Mongolia. If they go to Ordos City, it is still the same steel city as the mainland, Zhuang Rui wants to camp on this grassland. Anyway, they all have tents.

If it really doesn't work, Zhuang Rui would rather go to a Mongolian tent to sleep, which is more comfortable than staying in a hotel in Ordos.

When it comes to Ordos, the first impression of many friends is probably the Ordos cashmere sweaters they often see in advertisements, but for Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren, this has a different meaning.

The establishment of the Mongolian Khanate was hailed as a "great leader like the sea" by the Mongols. Many Western admirers called him the "emper of all mankind". Genghis Khan, who was called "the pride of a generation" by the founder of the People's Republic of China, is said to be buried in Ordos.

The famous Genghis Khan Mausoleum is located on the grassland of Gandelli, Ijin Holoqi, Ordos City.

The reason why it is said to be a legend is that this ground mausoleum is only the tomb of Genghis Khan's clothes, and it was not until 1954 that it was moved back to its hometown of Ijin Holo Banner from the Ta'er Temple in Huangzhong County in 1954.

In a sense, people are more of a spiritual sustenance for this mausoleum.

Zhuang Rui has studied historical materials after the Yuan Dynasty. Historically, there are different opinions about the location of Genghis Khan's tomb, but it is mainly concentrated in four places.

The first place where it is possible to bury Genghis Khan is in the south of Kent Mountain and north of the Krulen River in Mongolia, because Genghis Khan once said in his lifetime that he would be buried here after his death.

The second place is Mount Altay in northern Xinjiang. According to Zhuang Rui's colleagues, an artificially modified mountain was found there, and it is speculated that it may be Genghis Khan's burial tomb.

This statement is also evidenced. Marco Polo once wrote in his Travels to Marco Polo: "When transporting the monarch's coffin to Tufeng in Mount Altay, the escort will treat everyone he met along the way as martyrs. The soldier here refers to Genghis Khan.

The third theory is in Liupan Mountain, Ningxia. It is recorded that Genghis Khan died near Liupan Mountain in the midsummer of 1227 when he attacked Xixia.

According to this, some archaeologists believe that according to the Mongolian customs in the past, people should be disposed of within 3 days of death, or buryed in heaven, or in earth, or cremated, for fear that the body will rot and the soul will not go to heaven. Therefore, this statement also has a certain market in the archae

As for the Otok flag in Ordos City, it is relatively official, because from ancient times to the present, it has been the place where the Mongolian people worship their ancestors, and the "Eight White Houses" of Genghis Khan, as the national will and national sacrifice, is in the Yijin Hololuo Banner in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia.

The more important argument is that here, there are also the hereditary Dalhute Mongols in the world who have the only duty of guarding the tomb of Genghis Khan, who have been implementing the most complete, authoritative and Mongolian and Yuan characteristics sacrificial system here. Imagine if it hadn't been for Genghis Khan's burial near here, why would their guardians have been here for generations to worship their ancestors?

After many kinds of analysis, Zhuang Rui still believes that Genghis Khan is most likely to be buried in the Ordos grassland, so along the way, Zhuang Rui has been using aura to survey the underground situation in addition to chatting.

"Peng Fei, how long will it take to get to Ordos? There are boundless grasslands just like here, right?

It is said that the first stop in Inner Mongolia this time was arranged by Peng Fei, although he has never been here himself.

Peng Fei smiled when he heard the words, looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Brother Zhuang, don't worry, we don't go to Ordos. We are still 70 or 80 kilometers away from there. All of them are the same grassland as this. There is definitely a horse. I'm afraid that you will be afraid when you see the horse..." Well, the ostrest has thick hair on its back, and it walks slowly and steadily. Even if you ride for a day, the feeling of the buttocks will not be too strong.

But riding a horse is different. Horse riding is fast and fast, and it requires two legs to control the stability of the body. Not to mention riding for a day, I'm afraid it will turn into a circle leg when you get off the horse for two hours.

And even if there is a saddle cushion, after tossing around for a few hours, the roots of the thighs and buttocks will be worn out. Peng Fei once trained equestrian in the army, and he suffered a lot, so he said this.

"It's not that I've never ridden a horse..." Zhuang Rui curled his lips when he heard the words. There was originally a horse farm in his suburban manor in Beijing, but after the little golden lion and King Kong settled in the manor, the horses were scared all day long, and Zhuang Rui sent them out.

After the car drove on the prairie for a day, the driver also became Zhuang Rui. Seeing the cooking smoke rising in some yurts along the way, Zhuang Rui and others also reached a foothold of the trip.

"Brother Zhuang, don't drive over there, just park here. Don't be surprised..." Just as Zhuang Rui was about to park the car next to those big yurts, he was stopped by Peng Fei.

"Isn't this a big chariot of abundance?" Zhuang Rui looked along Peng Fei's fingers. Sure enough, he was tied to a horse in a big chariot, looking at the car in the distance uneasily, and his nose was sneezing.

"The voice of "Lele" used by Mongolian herdsmen when shouting animals, so the car is also called Lele car..." It is rare to be a teacher for Zhuang Rui, and Peng Fei looked very proud.

"Hey, you really know a lot. Let's go and lead the way..."

After Zhuang Rui stopped the car, he pushed the door and walked down. Just now, he looked at these yurts from afar and seemed to be very small, but now when he came closer, he found that some large yurts were comparable to some small two-story buildings.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Peng Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know where Battle lives. I only know that it's around here. Don't stare. Can't I ask?"

The Battle mentioned by Peng Fei was his comrade-in-arms in the special force and the equestrian instructor of the branch. Later, after the last cavalry unit in the country was disbanded, Battle also retired and returned to his hometown.

There was no phone call in the place where Battle lived in the past few years. If Peng Fei hadn't written with him, he wouldn't have been able to find it here.

Peng Fei knew that he was wrong. Before Zhuang Rui could speak, he quickly walked to the yurt. An old man just came out and quickly came forward and asked, "Old man, do you know where Battle lives?" "Battle? The young man here is called Battle Duoping..." Peng Fei was dumbfounded by the old man's words.