Golden Pupil

Chapter 1131 Treasure Knife

In his sleep, Zhuang Rui seemed to have returned to the desert. He hiked against the scorching sun. His lips were about to crack. He couldn't help moaning: "I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty..." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Rui felt a little wet. He couldn't help stretching out his hands It's all in the stomach.

"Huh? You...who are you?"

Squeaked his mouth. Zhuang Rui opened his eyes, but it was a little girl squatting beside him, frowning and looking at Zhuang Rui with flexible eyes.

"My name is Wuyun Qiqige, and Battle is my eldest brother, that is, you who beat my eldest brother?"

The little girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old. She wears the unique clothes of Mongolians, has a lot of braids on her head, and has a faint plateau red on her face.

Wuyun Qiqige has been observing Zhuang Rui for a long time. Why can't he see where the mainlander looks like a hero? How can he win his invincible big brother?

However, many uncles came to visit Zhuang Rui early in the morning, and his father repeatedly told her to take good care of Zhuang Rui, who was the most noble guest in the family.

So although the little girl was very dissatisfied with Zhuang Rui, she still stayed by Zhuang Rui conscientiously.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and propped up his body with his hand. He couldn't connect the big and thick Bartel with the smart little girl in front of him. This gene is completely different.

"Where's Brother Battle? We were indisable yesterday. He didn't lose, and I didn't win..."

After waking up, Zhuang Rui regained his humility. He also knew that he had drunk too much yesterday, but after getting drunk, Zhuang Rui only felt that his mind was inexplicably awake.

During this period of time, Zhuang Rui has been doing high-intensity work. Although physical fatigue can be recovered by aura, the mental fatigue cannot be adjusted. Yesterday's unusual drunkenness made him relax a lot.

"I said, you can't beat the eldest brother." The eldest brother is still sleeping..." After Wu Yunqi heard Zhuang Rui's words, a smile appeared on her face. However, when answering Zhuang Rui's question, her voice became lower again. At least Zhuang Rui woke up now and the eldest brother did not wake up. This wine competition has been lost.

Zhuang Rui stood up and said, "Let's go and see your eldest brother..."

"Brother Zhuang" are you awake?"

Just as Zhuang Rui raised the curtain of the yurt, two or three people came towards him.

"Brother Timur, I'm up..." Zhuang Rui saw that the leading man was Timur, the second hero in this gathering place, but he was also a defeated general of his own yesterday. Peng Fei followed him and suddenly squeezed his eyes like himself.

"Stinky boy, what the hell are you doing?"

Zhuang Rui didn't know what Peng Fei meant. He looked at Timur and said, "Brother Timur, go and sit inside..."

Let the guests stand at the door, which is not the etiquette of hospitality. Although this yurt is not his own territory, Zhuang Rui always has to give way.

"No, let's sit outside." Lou brought milk tea and food..." Timur shook his head and raised the things in his hand. Zhuang Rui found that he was carrying a pot of milk tea and food in his left hand. In his right hand, he was holding a long object wrapped in cloth.

"Brother Timur, you sit down first, and I'll wash up..."

Zhuang Rui saw Wuyun Qiqige taking an oil cloth and spreading it on the grass in front of the yurt, and quickly washed his face in the basin in the yurt with a towel. As for brushing his teeth, then save it, because his toothbrushes and so on were in the car.

After sitting down, Timur poured a bowl of milk tea for Zhuang Rui and dedicated it to Zhuang Rui with both hands. He said, "Brother Zhuang, you are good. I, Temuer admire the hero the most. From now on, you will be my good brother..."

"Ha ha, Brother Timur, I also have a few pounds of clumsiness. If anything else, I'm not as good as you..."

Zhuang Rui took the milk tea with a smile. It was only squeezed into fresh goat's milk in the morning, with a fishy smell, but Zhuang Rui still pinched his nose and drank it. This is also to follow the local customs.

"Winning is winning. I'm not as good as you as Timur..." Timur, a straightforward man, shook his head. At first, he lost inexplicably, but after seeing Zhuang Rui winning Battle with an overwhelming advantage, he knew the gap between himself and Zhuang Rui.

After a simple meal, Timur suddenly picked up the thing wrapped in cloth and put it in front of Zhuang Rui. He said solemnly, "Brother Zhuang, this is the lottery I lost to you yesterday. Please put it away..." "Huh? Shall we make a bet yesterday?" Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Timur's behavior. He was so drunk yesterday. How can he remember that he once bet with Timur?

"Yes, Brother Zhuang, you won, this thing is yours..."

Timur nodded heavily and pushed the package in front of Zhuang Rui, but his eyes were full of reluctance.

When Zhuang Rui saw the meaning in Timur's eyes, he immediately laughed, pushed the package back to Timur and said, "Ha ha, Brother Timur, it was a joke yesterday. I can't take it seriously. You'd better take this thing back..."

Although the cloth wrapped outside has not been opened, Zhuang Rui can see from the shape of the object that it should be a sword-like object.

And looking at Timur's solemn appearance, it is probably something from his family. No matter what the value of the sword itself is, Zhuang Rui doesn't want to win the favor of others.

"What? Take it back, Brother Zhuang, who do you think I am Timur? Is it a wordless villain?"

It's just that Zhuang Rui didn't expect that as soon as he said this, Timur, who sat cross-legged opposite him, was furious and stood up with his legs.

"If you lose, you will lose. We Mongolian men will not repudiate the debt. If you don't want it, just throw it away..."

Timur seemed to feel a shame. After saying this, he turned his head and left. Zhuang Rui quickly got up and grabbed him and said with a wry smile, "Brother Timur, can't I take it?"

Zhuang Rui had heard that there were people who forced Liang to be prostitutes, but it was the first time for him to see him forcing others to accept gambling debts. However, as soon as he said that, he did not go back on his word. He reached out and picked up the package on the grass.

"Damascus knife?" After the layers of cloth, Zhuang Rui couldn't help exclaiming.

Because of Huangfuyun, Zhuang Rui also has some understanding of the world's swords. The Damas straw knife he just mentioned is made in India, which is made of Uzi steel keys. It has a cast-type huāen knife on the surface, which is one of the three famous knives in the world.

The one in Zhuang Rui's hand is the most common machete shape of the Damascus knife. It is made of Uz steel. The knife is covered with all kinds of huā patterns, like flowing clouds, which is wonderful and abnormal.

Zhuang Rui knows that this kind of huā pattern is formed in casting. The huā pattern can make the blade form teeth that cannot be distinguished by the naked eye at the microcosm, making the sword sharper.

The handle is inlaid with more than a dozen rice and soybean-sized turquoise and rubies, and the knife body is also made of enamel, gold and silver wire and other processes.

This sharp weapon of killing was held in his hand, but it was mostly like an exquisite handicraft. He raised the knife and looked at the sunlight above his head. Zhuang Rui suddenly found that its vein was like a silk weave, with an abnormal luster.

"Brother Zhuang, what's the name of this knife? We have been in our family for many lifetimes, and I really don't know what it's called... There was a simple smile on Timur's face.

"Brother Timur, are you crazy? This has been passed down from generation to generation in your family. How can you give it away casually?

When Zhuang Rui was lamenting the skillful craftsmanship of the knife, Wuyun Qiqige beside him looked shocked. You know, Timur usually hides the knife deeply, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

Timur shook his head and said, "A good knife should be used by a good man, Qiqige, this knife is the most worthy of Brother Zhuang,"", "Idiot Timur, I don't care about you, it's said that the [family] treasure has been sent out by you "..."

After Wu Yunqiqige saw Timur's appearance, she knew that he had made up her mind. She stamped her feet and turned around and trotted away. She wanted to find Battle to scold Timur. She knew that this big Mouzi had always listened to her eldest brother's words.

"Good knife..."

Zhuang Rui stretched out his index finger and bounced on the body of the knife, and the full moon machete suddenly made a crisp sound.

However, Zhuang Rui frowned and looked at Timur and said, "Brother Timur, do you think this knife was uploaded by your ancestors?"

Timur scratched his head and said, "Yes, I heard from my ancestors that this knife was given by the emperor when my ancestors followed their Mongolian ancestors in the war to the south and the north, and I don't know whether it was true or not..."

"Huh? Is this the Uzi steel knife of the Yuan Dynasty in Mongolia?

Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered a piece of history. In q years, the Mongols launched three western expeditions that made the world tremble, and countless countries were destroyed along the way.

, out. At that time, Lizi Xu Liewu of Genghis Khan captured the Malaysian grass in Syria. At that time, Xu Liewu plundered a large number of craftsmen in addition to the massacre. There was no "Bin Railway Bureau" under the General Administration of the Ministry of Industry of the Yuan Dynasty, which specialized in smelting Bin iron, so the production capacity of the

However, due to their exquisite production, most of these swords are used by Mongolian aristocrats for collection. Unfortunately, these self-produced Uzi steel knives are rare and have survived to this day.

"If this is seen by Huang Fuyun, I guess he will grab it even if he digs his mind?"

With this heavy treasure knife, Zhuang Rui felt a little embarrassed. Should he accept it or not?

Zhuang Rui can see that this thing is definitely Timur's heirloom, and it has been passed down to this day, and its market value should be at least 500,000 RUG.

"Brother Timur, do you know how much this knife is worth?"

Zhuang Rui estimated that Timur did not know the actual value of this precious knife, but he could never accept it without his conscience.