Golden Pupil

Chapter 1135 Wild Horses

"This... I can't help it..." Dr. Ren spent time in school from primary school to Ph.D. Although he once went out for archaeology, it was different from riding a horse. As soon as he said these words, his body was crooked and almost fell off the horse.

"Brother Ren, I think... Why don't you stay? It's better to come to the horse farm and ride a horse when you have nothing to do these days. It's better than following us..." Zhuang Rui saw this situation and didn't dare to let Ren Chunqiang follow him. If he fell out, he couldn't explain it to the

And now this team, in addition to Ren Chunqiang, can be regarded as a strong soldier and a strong horse. Not to mention that a few grassland people grew up on horseback, Peng Fei has received strict field survival training.

Take Zhuang Rui as an example, he just doesn't ride a horse and follows him. With his abnormal physique, it is estimated that except for the initial outbreak that can't keep up with the horse, after going out dozens of kilometers, I'm afraid even the horse can't compare with him.

"Well...well, I'm waiting for you at the gathering place..."

Although Dr. Ren is unwilling, he also understands that he can't keep up with the team. If he is too strong, he will lose himself, which is easy to calculate.

He turned the horse's head tremblingly. Ren Chunqiang seemed to ride back to the road, wiped it and shouted, "Zhuang Rui, don't forget to take a picture when you find the wild horse group. I'll show it to my son when you go home..." After Dr. Ren left, the march of the team obviously accelerated It is a horse that can't stand ** and listens to the command. As long as it slightly clamps down the belly of the horse or lifts the reins, the yellow dot will consciously accelerate or slow down.

Anyone who has ridden a horse knows that the horse often feels the most bumpy when jogging, but once the speed is lifted, it will be quite stable.

The strong wind blowing on his face and the regressing grass made Zhuang Rui's heart extremely comfortable, but when he looked at the people in front of him, his face couldn't help pulling down again.

Zhuang Rui has no experience in galloping horses, and he still dares not let it go too fast. In addition, the yellow dot he rode is not as good as the horse selected by the previous few people, so there is only room to follow the buttocks of several people to eat dust.

Compared with the way Zhuang Rui is riding on the horse with his waist straight, Peng Fei and Battle and others are really called horse riding. Even the little girl Wuyun Qiqige bent down very low and almost clung to the horse's back.

Seeing that Zhuang Rui fell a little far away, Jitter and others also slowed down the horse's speed and slowly trotted on the grassland.

After Zhuang Rui caught up, Peng Fei looked at Battle and said, "Laoba, I haven't raced a horse for a long time. Do you want to run today?" Just now, Peng Fei felt that the white horse of ** still didn't let go of all his strength. He ran a little unhappily. In addition, he hadn't

"Good, but your horse is a little weak. I'll let you run for a minute first, and then whoever runs far in three minutes wins. How about it?" Bartel agreed. His red blood surpassed the white horse chosen by Peng Fei in terms of age and horsepower, so he let Peng Fei run first.

"Three minutes?" Peng Fei raised his eyebrows, "Yes, Lao Ba, but if you lose, you have to ride the red blood for me..." Battle was very disapproved of Peng Fei's words." He said with a smile, "You boy, let me talk about it after I win. I'm holding my watch. You can run away..." "Don't regret it" fight!"

Peng Fei shouted, his legs tightened, and his whole body rushed out like an arrow from the string. In Zhuang Rui's eyes, it was like a white light passing on the grassland. The ** generated by that speed made Zhuang Rui couldn't help but feel hot-blooded.

Battle, who kept his promise and stayed in place all the time, saw a man and a horse running in front of him, his face suddenly gloomed, and he said angrily, "This bastard, how can you whip the horse? Later, I'll teach him a lesson..." "Brother Battle, isn't this whip used to beat the horse?" Zhuang Rui beside him was a little puzzled. He just thought that his yellow dot was running slowly, and he even gave the horse's buttocks with a whip. What's the use of the whip if he doesn't beat the horse?

"Brother Zhuang Rui, we grassland people don't need whips. Horses are our brothers and sisters. How can we beat them with whips..." Wuyun Qiqige, who is sitting on a horse taller than yellow, also has a dissatisfied expression. Every time Peng Fei in front of him whips, the little girl's face will show a trace The look is coming.

"Opin, I'm going to chase the boy, and Timunni will explain it to you..." Battle looked at his watch, with ** red blood on his legs, and a red shadow flashed by. When the last word was said, the man and horse were already 20 meters away.

Although Battle was tall, he was dexterous like an ape on the horse's back. He put his whole body on the horse's back, and his head and the horse's head were tightly together, reducing the resistance of the wind, and quickly drew a close distance to Peng Fei in front of him.

"Zhuang Rui'an replied, we Zhuoyuan people to tame horses. What we talk about poor is the integration of people and horses. In getting along with horses for a long time, we can produce a tacit understanding. There is no need to use a whip at all, and the horse can know what you mean..." With Timur's explanation, He has used the whip in his hand, but his red blood is still accelerating, and he is about to catch up with Peng Fei.

"Ah, catch up, brother catch up..." Wuyun Qiqi suddenly applauded happily.

"It's not good, the red blood loses its temper, and the Peng Fei brothers' horses are going to be shocked..."

Timur, who was explaining the essentials of the imperial horse to Zhuang Rui, suddenly shouted and rushed out on horseback.

In less than three minutes, the red blood had surpassed Peng Fei, who started first, but just when he surpassed Peng Fei, the accident suddenly happened.

When he passed Peng Feima's head, Red Blood suddenly raised his head and hissed at the white horse.

As the head horse in the horse group, Red Blood undoubtedly has a high authority. His hiss shocked the white horse, who had been dissatisfied with several whips.

Although the white horse, which originally ran fast, but had always been very stable, suddenly played huā work at this moment, and his body kept beating, desperately trying to turn down Peng Fei on the horse.

Although these horses usually seem to be very docile, in fact, horses are animals with a very strong personality, and the strong sense of competition in the depths of the horse's heart is beyond the reach of other animals.

Horses have the character of not admitting defeat in the competition with their peers. Maybe many people don't know that in war, many horses did not fall in the rain of bullets, but died on the battlefield because of running violently.

Therefore, this white horse was forced by the king's ** power. After being provoked and did not dare to fight back, it withdrew its anger to Peng Fei on his back. He couldn't help bumping in the running, and his movements became more and more violent.

But who is Peng Fei? At the age of eighteen or nineteen, he carried out a secret beheading operation alone on the Sino-Indian border. How could he be willing to lose to a horse? He put his hands around the horse's neck and let the horse toss around.

Battle, who ran to the front, was also shocked by the manicism of the white horse. He quickly turned the horse's head and shouted at Peng Fei, "Flyingzi, take off the scaffolding the horse, jump horse, hurry up..." When he met the horse, not to mention a half-baked rider like Peng Fei, If the horse's back and feet are still in the stab, it is very likely to die.

Peng Fei on the horse's back was also suffering at this time. The white horse's movements were getting bigger and bigger, and he almost threw him off the horse's back several times. At this moment, when he heard Bartel's words, he shrank his feet back and withdrew from the stab.

At this time, the white horse suddenly stood alone, and his whole body stood up, and Peng Fei, who had no support under his feet, finally couldn't hold on and was directly thrown down by the white horse.

However, Peng Fei's movements were still vigorous. When he landed, he rolled over in the future and did not look up at all. He turned back a few more times, just dodged the white horse's hooves chasing Peng Fei.

"Uh, Uh..." After that, Timur and Battle jumped off the horse and grabbed the reins of the white horse. He kept making a "huh" sound to comfort the white horse, which made the white horse not continue to chase the unlucky Peng Fei.

"Peng Fei, are you still able to do it? Haha, don't you dare to go to Sorghum Mountain without three-thirds? According to my edict, you are just riding my yellow one..." Zhuang Rui, who arrived with Wu Yunqiqi, couldn't help laughing when he saw Peng Fei's gray face.

"Aren't you shocked by the red blood, otherwise how could you fall off the horse?" Peng Fei answered with a pale face, patted the gray grass on his body, and walked to the white horse that had been appeased down with an a blank face.


Who knew that when he saw Peng Fei coming, the white horse, which had been quiet, suddenly became manic again. He almost brought down the Battle, who was holding the sling of the horse. He quickly shouted, "Feizi, stay away from me. You just hit it, and it won't let you ride again..." "Damn it, Two whips, does it still hold a grudge? Peng Fei was extremely depressed when he heard Battle's words. Why didn't Battle say that the horse could not whip when he was in the army?

It's just that Peng Fei doesn't know that the troops are all military horses, and the frequency of replacement is very fast, and they just do some simple equestrian training, so they don't have time for people to exchange feelings with horses. Of course, Battle won't say these things.

Battle shook his head and said, "You can't ride this horse. Let's change the horse with Timur..." "Okay..."

Peng Fei nodded depressedly and turned his face to see Zhuang Rui, who was gloating. He couldn't help saying angrily, "Brother Zhuang, why are you laughing? I'm better than your mare...",