Golden Pupil

Chapter 1140 taming on

The night is as cool as water, and the bright moonlight shines on the grassland, gently blowing with the breeze, as beautiful and quiet as an ink painting.

A loud horse hiss broke the silence. The extremely penetrating sound, with the ups and downs of the grass, like the pulse of the prairie, spread far away and became the only sound between heaven and earth for a moment.

Although the forelimbs and buttocks were scratched by the wild wolf, the red horse still stood firmly in place and raised its head proudly.

After making a shocking hiss, the red horse turned its head, like a king patrolling his own people, looking at the surrounding horses. Every horse seen by it lowered its head and showed its submission.

Even the red blood running slowly under Battle's control was shocked by the hiss. No matter how Battle urged him, he stopped more than 100 meters away from the red horse.

"The law..." The red horse finally saw the red blood of a lonely one not far away, and there was another hissing in its mouth. The wild horses suddenly rose up, and all the horses had made a "dak" sound before.

"It's not good, the horse group wants to..."

After Bartel secretly saw such a situation from the belly of red blood, he was immediately shocked. Today's wolf attack alarmed the horses. If he ran again this time, he would be chased.

Thinking of this, Battle turned over and rode on the horse, clamped his legs, shouted in his mouth, and rushed straight to the red horse. Battle also bullied the red horse and was injured, otherwise he would never dare to be so careless.

Seeing that there was no one in the horse, suddenly there was one more person, and the wild horses seemed more restless, but the head horse did not say anything, and none of those horses dared to run first.

"80 meters, 60 meters and 40 meters, 20 meters..." Looking at the distance getting closer step by step, Battle freed his hands, untied the rope on his shoulder, threw a ring on his head to reveal it, and circled around Battle's head.

As he was getting closer and closer to the red horse, Battle felt that his heart beat much faster. Last time he looked at the horse with a telescope in the distance, but now when he came closer, Battle found that the horse was far more amazing than he thought.

The tall body and bones of the red horse are very compact, and the beautiful lines of the coordinated muscle distribution are never seen by Battle, who has been trained for more than 20 years. As for the place where the horse was scratched by the wolf, it is because of the color of the red horse, which is not very prominent.

When the red horse saw Battle rushing towards him, there was no reaction. A pair of clear eyes just stared at Battle opposite, and gently hit him from time to time.

But if Battle can understand the meaning in the eyes of the red horse, he will definitely have an abnormal atmosphere because it is a kind of contempt.

"Oh, stand!" When he was only five or six meters away from the red horse, Battle finally took action. After crossing a beautiful arc, the rope in his hand flew straight to the neck of the red horse.

Battle sat on horseback in his mother's arms when he could breastfeed, and from the age of five or six, he dared to ride a pony to run around the best equestrian, and few people can compare with him on this prairie.

This guy who plays with ropes and horses has been practicing for a year or twenty years. Especially in the army, Battle has evolved the skill of this set of horses into a killing skill, and he is even full of his hands. Even Peng Fei admires it.

The move that Battle is doing now is called the three-ring moon, which is developed from the Mongolian horse traps. The effect is much more accurate than that of the herdsmen.

Not to mention a red horse with such a big target, even a slippery viper, Battle, is sure to be in the trap, so after the rope was put out, he urged red blood with confidence and was ready to rush to the red horse.

As Battle envisioned, the distance of a few meters was even less than a second for the red blood. While Battle threw out the rope, it also came to the red horse.

Battle didn't think much at all. He pressed his hands on the back of red blood, and his whole body jumped to the red horse according to his feeling just now.

"Huh? Where's the horse?" After jumping off the red-blooded back, Battle was dumbfounded, because the red horse that should have been left in this position disappeared.

"Damn, didn't you put it on?" He reached out and pulled down the rope. Only then did Bartel find that the rope sleeve of Baifa Baizhong did not hit the red horse.

This made Battle a little frustrated. He used to be able to hit a running horse more than ten meters away, but now he is so close that he can't hit an injured horse standing there?

Battle knew that his horse-taming calculation had failed, so he turned his head with difficulty and finally found the red horse standing only six or seven meters away from him.

The red horse tilted its head and also looked at the person in front of it. With its keen animal instinct, it can feel that the other party does not want to hurt itself, but out of the nature of animal self-protection, the red horse certainly refused to be trapped by Battle.

The horse's attitude towards people is very clear, and it has very good conditions in contact and cooperation with people.

First of all, you must be able to drive it, and in this process, it is not enough to be brave. You also need to have skills to show your wisdom to the horse, and then your care.

If all of the above can be done, then it will be regarded as winning the recognition of the horse, and the horse will also have a deep attachment to people, recognize it for the rest of your life, and never give up.

Battle is brave enough, and there is no shortage of care and care, but the work in this hand is a little rough. He didn't even touch a hair on the red horse. Naturally, it is impossible to get the favor of the red horse.

"Der, I'm defeated. How about I treat your wound? The wolf's claws are poisonous..." Battle actually spoke to the horse with both hands, which is normal for herdsmen. They believe that the horse can understand their own language. If you go to the prairie for the first time and see a herdsman talking to the horse, you don't have to feel it. Curious.

Battle had lost the thought of subduing the red horse at this time. He only came out of the nature of loving the horse and did not want to see the toxins on the divine horse's back wolf's claws affect his body.

"The law..." The red horse ignored Battle's kindness at all. It hised softly, raised its head proudly, and ran in the opposite direction when Battle came, and the wild horses also trotted.

Although there were only more than a hundred horses, Battle could also feel the earth trembling under his feet. He quickly turned his head to look for red blood, but in the wild horses, he could not find the red blood figure.

"It's over, I can't catch up..." Battle knows that the red horse will definitely be thousands of miles away this time, and it is unlikely that he will find this group of wild horses in the future.

However, when Battle was almost desperate, a white shadow suddenly crossed in front of him and fixed his eyes. Battle couldn't help exclaiming, "Zhuang Rui?" Yes, the white shadow was Zhuang Rui riding on Xiaobai. After seeing Battle dementing in front of the red horse from the telescope, Zhuang Rui He got on Xiaobai and came this way at full speed.

The wild horses and Zhuang Rui are working hard. After a short Dan minute, a huge group of wild horses have run hundreds of meters away and integrated into the deep night.

"I m.! Again! M..."

After the horses disappeared, Battle, who stood still, finally found his red blood, but what made him laugh and cry was that beside the red blood, there was still a yellow mare, and the two were struggling.

"Grandma, let's go..." Since Batel got the red blood, he has never been willing to slap it, but now he can't help but reach out and pat the red blood on the buttocks.

Because this guy was too much, Battle turned over and rode up, but he was still in the mood to flirt with the mare.

Battle knew that the horse was in love. Even if he was forced to chase Zhuang Rui, he would not work hard. When the love of animals came, it was quite fierce.

Battle shook his head and shouted at the riders who caught up with him: "Tamour, Qiqige, keep up with Brother Zhuang Rui. If you can't catch up, don't let Brother Zhuang get hurt..." "Brother Battle, don't worry, I won't let Zhuang Rui'an have an accident..." Timur's horse is Although it was chased at the same time, now it can only fall behind to eat ashes. Fortunately, not long after the horse group has passed, even in the night, it is difficult to fall down.

As for Peng Fei behind, it was purely soy sauce. Riding the yellow mare, even if his heart was higher than the sky, he had to accept the result of his life as thin as paper. After chasing out a kilometer, he simply drove back.

Not to mention the wild horses, Peng Fei can't even see the shadows of Timur and Kikig now, so he can only go back to accompany Battle.

Don't mention Peng Fei and Battle, Timur, who has been falling five or six kilometers behind the wild horses, is getting more and more shocked.

Although the Mustang group has not been out of Timur's sight, it has been running for more than three hours from two o'clock to five o'clock now. The stars in the sky will fall, and the Mustang Group has no sign of slowing down.

Just over ten minutes ago, Wuyun Qiqige's horse staggered and fell to the ground, and Timur's horse was obviously weak at this time. The captive horse and the wild horse were not a little weak.

But what makes Timur wonder why Zhuang Rui has been able to follow the first group of the Mustang group? By the way, it seems that the endurance of the white horse is not much better than that of its own ** horse?