Golden Pupil

Chapter 1149 Bold Guess

This painting "The Royal Appearance of Genghis Khan" on the wall is a set of pictures, divided into several different story backgrounds, each of which is 120 meters and 50 centimeters in size. On this picture, Genghis Khan and others sit in the center with the Alzhai Grottoes as the background, surrounded by nearly a hundred people of all kinds.

On the first mural, there is a white pedestal with eight people painted on it. The third person from the left is Genghis Khan, who is called the Holy Lord by the Mongols. The sons around him are the right, followed by Mr. Baer Tiehatun, Mrs. Hulan and Mrs. Ya Sugan.

The four men around Genghis Khan, according to Zhuang Rui's inference, should be the prince Shuchi, Chahetai, Wokuotai and Tuolei, which is also the most complete portrait of the gold family of Genghis Khan that Zhuang Rui has ever seen.

Looking down, the picture turned around. At the bottom right of the pedestal, there was a woman who led more than 20 people to saluted 8 people in the center. Zhuang Rui analyzed that this woman should be the wife of Xixia with Genghis Khan. They wore traditional Mongolian grandchild clothes and paid ostrums, cattle and sheep to

In the lower left and right of the central seat, more than 20 people each saluted to 8 people in the middle, showing the prosperity of the golden family at that time. This is also the mural that Zhuang Rui has seen the most characters since he entered the Alzhai Grottoes. The scene is vivid and magnificent, and the content is extremely rich.

Seeing Zhuang Rui staring at the pattern on the wall, Battle said, "Brother Zhuang Rui, this painting is very similar to the painting handed down from ancient times in the Eight White House dedicated by the Ordos Department. This is indeed the place where the Great Khan once stayed. I don't know if it is helpful for your archaeology?" In Inner Mongolia On the land, in addition to the tomb of Genghis Khan, which is known as the tomb of the crown, the Al-Zhai Grottoes are also an important place for the Mongols to pay tribute to their ancestors. As the authentic guardian of the Mausoleum of Darhute Genghis Khan, Battle is no stranger here.

"Yes, this is indeed the place where Genghis Khan stayed, and these murals are not groundless. It is very likely the work of one of Genghis Khan's four sons..." Zhuang Rui nodded when he heard the words and said, "He knows much more about the history of Genghis Khan than Battle. The characters in this picture composition The posture is almost exactly the same as the Great Khan and Hatun in the Mandala of the Yuan Dynasty collected in the Metropolitan Museum of the United States.

This also shows that the portraits of Genghis Khan in the Alzhai Grottoes were indeed handed down from the Yuan Dynasty.

After going out of this grotto, the grotto mural next to it was painted in the Picture of Genghis Khan Guarding the Mengyuan Khan Room.

In this mural, Genghis Khan appears in the image of one of the four heavenly kings. He holds a treasure umbrella in his right hand and a treasure mouse in his left hand. He is surrounded by Yesha and Rasha, with a typical Tibetan Buddhist painting tradition.

Duowen Tianwang was originally Kubera, the god of treasure in Indian mythology. In Buddhist mythology, he guarded the north and took charge of wealth, so he was also known as "Shi Caitian".

The Mongols called Duowen Tianwang Namusale, and also recognized him as the god of wealth. Zhuang Rui knew from some documents that the Mongols firmly believed that Duowen Tianwang was the result of the rise of Genghis Khan.

Of course, this is actually just a kind of hype of Genghis Khan, and this man who knew how to stabilize the regime through mythical ancestors more than a thousand years ago is also very famous in history, that is, Kublai Khan and Ba Siba.

When it comes to Kublai Khan, everyone will naturally not be unfamiliar with it." He fought for a lifetime and unified the world. Since the beginning of Kublai Khan, he established the Yuan Dynasty and stabilized the ruling power of this immediate nation.

But many friends don't know much about the Ba Si Baqi people (well, those who have read Huang Yi's novels should know the name, the villain boss) "In fact, this person is also very famous in history" Especially the influence on the society and religion of the Yuan Dynasty is far-reaching.

Basiba is the fifth ancestor of the Lasaga sect of Tibetan Buddhism, a Tibetan Sashalese, whose real name is Luogusi Zang. Basiba is people's honorific name for him, which means "the saint".

And Ba Siba also has another important identity, that is, the emperor's master of Kublai Khan, whose full name is "Under the heaven, above the earth, the son of the west, incarnates the Buddha, creates words, protects the national government, and is proficient in the Wuming class Zhida Ba Siba emperor master", also known as

During his tenure as a national teacher and imperial teacher, Ba Siba not only promoted the all-round political, economic and cultural development of the Tibetan region, but also made great contributions to the stability and development of the Yuan Dynasty and the unity and cultural exchanges among all ethnic groups in the country.

For example, Genghis Khan was called the king of hearing a lot, which came from the handwriting of Ba Siba. As the spiritual leader of the whole Mongolian people at that time, Ba Siba can be said to be the first person to create gods in ancient times. In the decades after his death, some European nobles have married and worshipped the image of the Like.

Although the portraits in front of him were exquisite and extraordinary, Zhuang Rui only watched them with an appreciative attitude, but when he reached the top of the grotto, Zhuang Rui became serious.

Because what is painted in this grotto is the burial map of Genghis Khan. According to the Mongolian tomb custom, it is "no earth, no monument, no home, ravage with horses, make it like flat ground." Therefore, there are very few records of the Lingusoleum of Genghis Khan in all words or pictures.

Although in recent years, many scholars from all over the world, even some people from Outer Mongolia, have claimed to have found the Genghis Khan Mausoleum and come up with all kinds of evidence.

But the facts show that the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is still out of sight and has not really been unearthed.

As the founder of the Mongolian Dynasty, Genghis Khan is a rich man in the world. A Mongolian expert once claimed that there may be a large number of rare treasures buried in Genghis Khan's tomb, and the handicrafts in it are even more spectacular than the terracotta warriors unearthed from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of

This is not alarmist. Genghis Khan's mausoleum is most likely to be buried in his invaluable treasures from many kingdoms, which is also the reason for attracting the archaeological community to go forward and search for many years.

So far, it seems that no organization or archaeological team has excavated Mongolian tombs containing a large number of treasures. Not to mention Genghis Khan, even the tombs of his descendants are nowhere to be found.

The main reason for this phenomenon is the particularity of the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty, which has almost no written records. Even in the most authoritative History of Mongolia, which studies the history of the Yuan Dynasty, the tombs of emperors and nobles are taboo.

At this moment, one of the murals in front of Zhuang Rui is quite intriguing.

On the right side of the mural, there are two white yurts with high spires. On the left side, there is a temple and a palace. A woman is painted in the palace, which seems to be bowing her head in pain. It is a picture of the death of Genghis Khan, and the accompanying Mrs. Sui's wife

After staring at the murals on the wall for a while, Zhuang Rui turned his face to Battle and asked, "Brother Battle, is there any record of the death or murals of Genghis Khan in the tomb guarded by your people?" Battle shook his head and said, "No, I said before the Great Khan died. His tomb will not be found by anyone, and the world will never know, Brother Zhuang, I think you don't have to spend this effort..."

As a member of the family of guardians of Genghis Khan's Mausoleum for generations, although Battle understands Zhuang Rui's work and knows the benefits of finding Genghis Khan's Mausoleum, he still does not want the souls of his ancestors to be disturbed.

Not only Bartel thinks so, but most grassland people hold this mentality. According to the Mongolian tradition, disturbing the soul of the deceased is disrespectful to the deceased. They have an indifferent attitude towards the body of the deceased. The key is that the soul is immortal.

Zhuang Rui shook his head with a smile and said, "Brother Battle, Genghis Khan is not only the great emperor of the country, but also occupies an important position in world history. If you can find his tomb, it will play an immeasurable role in the study of Mengyuan culture, and it can also let you know more about yourself. Ancestral achievements..." From the beginning of the last century to today, I'm afraid that there will be tens of thousands of experts, scholars and tomb robbers who have come from home and outside Mongolia to look for the tombs of Mongolian emperors. Even if the national archaeological department does not explore, I'm afraid that these Mongolian tombs will eventually be excavated

You know, when Mongolians are buried, they like to bury all kinds of gold and silver jewelry with them. Ordinary Mongolians are still like this, not to mention Genghis Khan, who was rich in the world at that time?

Some experts who studied Mongolian culture once concluded that the treasures in the Mausoleum of King Genghis Khan were absolutely not inferior to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and even more than that. This discussion also led countless tomb robbers full of longing for the prairie.

Although the country has always been cautious about Mongolian archaeology in order to take care of the Mongolian national sentiment, over the years, it is unknown how many tomb robbers have secretly flocked to this place.

"Is this the mausoleum of Genghis Khan?" An extremely bold idea suddenly came to Zhuang Rui's mind.

Mongolia has many plains and few mountains. Although the mountains of Arzhai Grottoes are not high, the mountains and rivers are suitable. It can be regarded as a rare feng shui treasure in Mongolia. Chengji Khan often stayed here before his death. Maybe he will really use this place as his shelter after his life.

"Brother Battle, there are a lot of precious materials recorded here. I want to stay here for two days. Do you think you can find someone to send a letter to Dr. Ren and ask him to come over?" When he saw an artificially excavated tunnel and grottoes in the northwest of the top of the mountain, Zhuang Rui was more determined.

Because according to the introduction of the witch doctor accompanying him, this place used to be the place where Genghis Khan healed, but no matter how Zhuang Rui looked at it, it was more like a place to stop the spirit!