Golden Pupil

Chapter 1156 Mustang Group

"It's so happy, haha, it's so happy, I want to live on the grassland..."

After running for more than an hour, Zhuang Rui slowed down the speed. Waiting for the arrival of several people in Battle, this pleasant feeling made him completely swept away the backlog of the unsucated accumulation of the ancient tomb on this trip. WW.YZUU point m

"Brother Zhuang, it's not like you. You ran out for forty or fifty miles in this hour, and you don't know the physical strength to disembark the horse..." The first one to arrive was Battle, but when he came to Zhuang Rui, ** Red Blood was already breathing heavily. After Bartel complained about Zhuang Rui a few words, he Horse, let the red blood reduce the load a little.

Although the red blood contains some bloodlines of sweaty horses, it is not pure. After running for more than an hour, it almost reached the limit.

You know, running 40 or 50 miles in an hour is comparable to those legendary horses that travel thousands of miles a day. Of course, the endurance can't be compared.

Battle patted the red-blooded neck with pity and motioned it to relax. When he turned his face to Zhuang Rui was still riding on the horse, he couldn't help pulling down his face and said, "Brother Zhuang, I can understand that you haven't ridden a horse and want to run faster, but now that it's stopped, you Others didn't care about horses, but in the middle of Bartel's words, he stopped before he could say it.

Because Battle found that Zhuang Rui**'s Xiaobai, except for sweating, did not show any mental shock at all. He still held his head high, and his front hooves were uneasily scratching on the grass, even more energy than red blood.

Of course, the white horse has aura. Just when Zhuang Rui stretched out his right hand, the aura in his eyes had been continuously imported into the white horse.

Even when running, Zhuang Rui did not stop using Reiki. This made the white horse feel that his energy seemed to come out of his body, so he was still so energetic after running for more than an hour.

"This... get up..., what's going on?" Battle was shocked. He has grown so big that he has never seen that horse run at a high speed for an hour." He is still so energetic, of course, except for those wild horses. [ Ye*zi] [You*you]

"Ah... Oh, I've been here for a while. I've just let Xiaobai rest..." Zhuang Rui secretly spit out his tongue and obediently turned over from Xiaobai's back. He completely forgot to make Xiaobai's dew point tired. This... was seen by Battle at a glance.

"You come seven or eight minutes earlier than me at most, right? How can he recover so quickly?" Battle frowned. He walked to Xiao Bai, reached out to grab the reins, and broke his teeth. After a look, there are more wrinkles on my face.

"There is no food. Is it that the unity of people and horses can reduce the consumption of horses?"

Battle is a horse idiot. When he first got red blood the year before last, he slept with red blood in the racecourse for four or five months, and now he saw something he couldn't understand. He immediately indulged in it.

"At the way, Zhuang Rui, how did you make Xiaobai so obedient?" After thinking about it for a while, Battle wanted to ask Zhuang Rui.

"I don't know, Brother Battle" I have been very close to animals since I was a child. I have an African gorilla and a snow mountain golden eagle in my family. There are several collections. They all listen to me..." Zhuang Rui's face showed a very innocent expression, this aura The secret is something that can't be said. I can only make up some lies to fool this simple Mongolian brother.

Xiaobai seemed to be verifying Zhuang Rui's words. He walked to Zhuang Rui's side, rubbed Zhuang Rui's face affectionately with his big head, and stretched out his tongue to help Zhuang Rui wash his face from time to time.

"Don't"Don't, Xiaobai"Play by yourself..."

Zhuang Rui turned the horse's head to one side with tears and laughter. How can the animal express intimacy is an action. He has been so intimate with the white lion before.

"Brother Zhuang, you must be a kind-hearted person, so that you can be favored by animals and blessed by the long life..."

After seeing this scene, Battle dug out his mind and finally found a [answer] case that he didn't know whether it was reasonable, but everything had to do with religion, and it was always unclear. WW.YZUU point m

"Bad brother Zhuang Rui, why are you running so fast..." Just as Zhuang Rui and Battle were "communication" equestrian, of course, it was only that Battle said that Zhuang Rui was listening, and the people behind arrived one after another, and the second one to arrive was Wuyun Qiqige.

"Xiao Bai, my Xiao Bai..."

Wuyun Qiqige climbed down from the horse with a crying voice and ran to Xiaobai. In her mind, she ran so wildly for an hour, why didn't the horse be run away?

"Huh? It's okay, Brother Zhuang Rui. What's going on? The eldest brother's red blood is exhausted. Why is Xiaobai all right? After hugging Xiao Bai's neck, Wu Yunqiqi also found the problem.

"Qiqige, it's like this..." Zhuang Rui had no choice but to tell the little girl what he had just fooled into. This time, he simply quoted words such as Changshengtian. The little girl nodded repeatedly, and when she looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes, she was full of admiration.

"Well, buddy, you won't be regarded as a magic stick, will you?"

Zhuang Rui was a little embarrassed by the little girl. At this time, Timur also came and quickly stood up to meet him.

"Feng Fei, how about the mare? It's very suitable for you "..."

After about five or six minutes, Peng Fei arrived on a yellow dot. The buddy rode on the horse and looked weak, which made Zhuang Rui laugh.

"Brother, please save me some face..."

Peng Fei rolled down from the horse's back with a shrived frown, grabbed Battle and said, "Laoba, you lost our two horses. The best one is for Brother Zhuang. In addition, it's important for me to teach first...,..."

Peng Fei was tossed by Huang Dian'er and lost his temper at all, because he was afraid that the little girl would be angry and didn't dare to hit him. His voice was hoarse. Huangdian was still at that speed, and he almost spit out Peng Fei's blood slowly.

Battle really didn't see that Peng Fei was too soft. He laughed and said, "Ok, after you catch that group of wild horses, you can choose any one..."

After hearing Battle's words, Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He put Peng Fei aside and asked, "Brother Battle, how many wild horses can we catch only with these people?" Isn't there only one horse cover you brought?

"One is enough..."

Battle said with a smile, "Just grab that head. You can't drive away the other wild horses. At that time, you can raise them in the racecourse for a year or two, and then breed them with the horses in the racecourse, even if they are captive horses..."

"Laoba, it's not easy to catch King Ma. If I don't catch it this time, I'll go to your ranch later to pick it up..." Peng Fei didn't give face and hit Battle.

Battle was not angry. He nodded and said, "It's really not easy to catch. The horse king doesn't look like a Mongolian horse. He is taller than red blood, but like an authentic big sweaty horse. I don't look closely, but I'm really not sure..."

Last time, Battle chased the horse in red blood, and finally he couldn't see the shadow of the horse. Moreover, there was only one person around him that time, and he didn't carry much dry food, so he had no choice but to return to the gathering place first.

If you don't let Battle come back to track the wild horses this time, you are still sure to subdue the horses.

You know, although the horse can sleep standing or lying down, it is two hours before dawn every morning, usually the horse sleeps at the deepest time, and Battle is ready to sneak up on the wild horses at this time.

"Oced up, let's take a two-hour break first. Let's have something to eat. It's not far from the mountain pass. The wild horses ran away from there last time. There must be traces left..."

Battle doesn't know how far the wild horse will run in the next few days, so it is still very important to maintain the physical strength of his team. Maybe he will catch up on the grassland for a few days. Don't wait to catch up with the wild horses, and he will be exhausted.

That night, Zhuang Rui and others rushed to the pel. Sure enough, as Battle said, there were traces of the remaining horses there. Battle circled hundreds of meters around the pel like a hound, and chased after Zhuang Rui and his party.

Fortunately, there was no rain on the grassland these days. The grass and horseshoe marks that had been gnawed by wild horses left a lot of clues. By the next afternoon, Battle showed traces of the wild horses.

Bartel grabbed a pile of horse dung from the ground, rubbed it with his fingers a few times, and said, "The horse dung is still hot. They have just passed "............"

"It's okay, what do you want to do..."

Zhuang Rui got goose bumps caused by Battle's movements. Although he knew that grassland people often used cow dung and horse dung as firewood, those were dry. Zhuang Rui almost didn't spit it out in this wet stall.

"Camping, rest, now you can't chase anymore, otherwise you will startle the snakes with grass. When they are asleep at night, we will touch them at that time, "..." Battle knows that the horse's hearing and smell are very developed, especially those wild horses. Once they feel that something is wrong, the inside will be transferred. Then it will be difficult to chase it again.

Zhuang Rui looked at the sky. It was already sunset. He nodded and said, "Well, you must take me with you when you don't go overnight..." For fear that the fireworks would disturb the wild horses in front of him, everyone did not make a fire. They ate some dried beef and mutton and drank some water, even if it was to make do with

After dinner, according to Battle, we should have a good rest, and everyone set up tents to sleep in.

The vast prairie was silent, and the moonlight sprinkled on the grass rippled with the breeze, as if the prairie was covered with a layer of glow, which was very beautiful.

"Wow..." "Teaching..." A fierce wolf howling sound suddenly broke the silence on the grassland.! ~! ~~~~