Golden Pupil

Chapter 1156 Golden House

Zhuang Rui also went to the tomb more than 2,000 years ago. In the Institute of Archaeology of Peking University, he faced the skull of the dead every day. According to this courage, he was not small, at least he was a firm ghost-free theorist.

But the scene he just felt still made Zhuang Rui's heart feel cold, his hair exploded, and his scalp was numb. In this broad daylight, he felt a little cloudy.

Although Zhuang Rui clearly knew that many things in the world were scaring himself, he still didn't have the courage to continue to survey the underground situation for a while, so he walked out of the long grass and walked to a slightly high hill.

"Damn it, no wonder the Mongols believe in Buddhism. They dare to kill more people. Ask the Buddha to calm down?"

Feeling the direct sunlight above his head, Zhuang Rui calmed down a little, but his thoughts were a little extreme. When the Yuan Dynasty was strong, killing more than a million people? Compared with this underground martyrdom pit, it is simply not enough.

After his mind calmed down a little, Zhuang Rui began to recall the scene he had just seen. In fact, living people were martyred, which was not uncommon in some ancient tombs. Some of the wives, concubines and servants of the deceased were buried with him. In the tombs of male and female nobles in the Shang Dynasty, a large number

Archaeologists found from the excavated ancient tombs that there are 16-4 skeletons of martyrs in the tomb of Shangwang Houjiazhuang in Yinxu, 16-4 skeletons of martyrs in the tomb of Houjiazhuang Shangwang in Yinxu, 16 martyrs in the tomb of Princess Shang, and the corpses of martyrs of martyrs in the tomb of Son.

As for the Zhou Dynasty, the king of Zhou You, who liked to play beacon fire and played the princes and lost the country, there were more than a hundred bodies in his tomb, of which only one was a man, and the rest were all women. They were all his concubines and beauties." It should be said that they were all concu

However, the martyrdom of living people is a cruel and barbaric system no matter which dynasty it is. After the Qin and Han dynasties, they converged and often replaced them with wooden farticles and pottery farticles. Few people were martyred in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, the wind of martyrdom rekindled. The Ming Taizu set a precedent. In the Later Qing Dynasty, Emperor Taiji and Shunzhi all existed in the time of martyrdom. Later, it came to the Kangxi period that the feudal burial system was ended.

These are all recorded in the existing history, but like the history of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, few are recorded in the history books. To this day, even the tomb of an emperor of the Yuan Dynasty has not been found, let alone whether the Yuan Dynasty had a martyrdom system.

However, in this unknown whose tomb, thousands of bones have been found in the peripheral stage alone, which is also unique in the known tombs of all dynasties. At least Zhuang Rui has never heard of it.

"The bones in the pit are piled up, which should be killed first and then thrown into it." These deaths and people must be the craftsmen who dig the tomb. They are killed first and then buried, in order to prevent them from being familiar with the tomb and leaving a way to escape..." Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered the results of his survey just now. In that space, There is no trace of aura, which shows that this tunnel is not used for martyrdom, but for the craftsmen who have buryed tombs.

You know, most of the martyrs are the concubines of the ancient emperors. The soldiers used to supervise the tombs absolutely dare not be disrespectful to those women, and there will be some accessories to wear with them. It is impossible to have no aura.

And the martyrdom pit found by Zhuang Rui was obviously stripped naked and thrown in. As for the identity of those people, it was about to come out.

The identity of these people, 90%, should be the craftsmen who built this tomb.

In ancient times, the craftsmen who built tombs behind the emperors were some very special beings. Their status was very low, mostly composed of slaves and sinners.

Generally speaking, in the second year after the emperor's accession to the throne, he began to build his own mausoleum, which lasted for decades and often only a few years. This period of time is the life of these craftsmen.

For the reason of the secrecy of the tomb, the final result of all the craftsmen involved in the construction of the emperor's tomb is death. Because the tomb itself was built by these craftsmen, in order to prevent them from destroying the emperor's coffin or leaving a way back, these craftsmen are often buried after being killed.

For example, after the death of the First Emperor of Qin, Qin II once issued an order to announce the martyrdom of all the concubines in the harem. In addition, the craftsmen of the mountain at that time had reached tens of thousands of people.

Since the terracotta warriors and horses of the First Emperor of Qin were unearthed in the last century, hundreds of people's pits and thousands of people's pits have been found around Lishan Mountain, and the root of them is here.

"No, you must find out this tomb and see who has this friend's handwriting?" After thinking about the joints in it, Zhuang Rui secretly made a decision in his heart, and the panic just now has also weakened a lot. These craftsmen were slaughtered at will like cattle and sheep in their lives. It is difficult that their temper will become bigger after death. Can you still disturb yourself?

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui took a deep breath, but this time he did not close his eyes, but stared at the aura released by his eyes. The house was full of bones, which was really a little too penetrating. When he opened his eyes wide and saw the sun, Zhuang *'s heart was more or less stable.

After Reiki entered the ground, he soon reached the tomb full of dead bones, but Zhuang Rui had no intention of exploration at this moment. After hurriedly skimming, he continued to investigate. "Damn it, it's endless? Or a dead man?" After the craftsman's burial pit, it was also a space with a length and width of nearly 100 square meters. In this space, Zhuang Rui also found some dead bones.

However, compared with the previous martyrdom pit, the number of dead people here is much less, only a few dozen, and next to the bones and on the walls around the tomb, Zhuang Rui also found some objects containing aura.

"It should be the martyred concubine..." He wrapped those small objects with aura. Zhuang Rui sensed through his appearance that this should be some gold, silver and jade jewelry. As for the things containing aura on the wall, it is a very exquisite Changming lamp.

"It should be the main tomb below, right?" When exploring here, Zhuang Rui was also a little excited. The spider web-like underground labyrinth, the huge underground tunnel of the project, and the tragic martyrdom pit, all of these signs show that the identity of the owner of the tomb is not small.

Even if Zhuang Rui can't tell the secret in his eyes and can't excavate the tomb, the identity of the owner of the tomb also has a great attraction to him.


When Zhuang Rui entered the next tomb through the aura in his eyes, he suddenly felt a flash in front of him. The tomb was full of strong aura, which moistened Zhuang Rui's eyes very comfortably.

"What a big hand..." Zhuang Rui is no stranger to this kind of aura. He once felt it when he was in Myanmar. This is the aura produced by gold, but in this tomb with an area of hundreds of square meters, it is all made of gold.

The sky hu board on the top, the surrounding walls, and the floor of the soles of the feet are all paved with a piece of gold brick. On both sides of this golden tomb, there is a long row of weapon racks. These weapon racks and the swords and axe money on them are all made of gold.

"Grandma's, it's actually solid..." In the middle of the golden tomb, there are four golden horses. The size of the horses is exactly the same as the real one. The carriage behind is also pure gold. Zhuang Rui sensed with aura. These horses are not hollow, but all of them are actually used. Made of pure gold.

"Damn it, no wonder it's called the golden family. Do you dare to use all the gold robbed from the world here?" Zhuang Rui looked at it, the more and more frightened. A powerful heart, "dong-dong" kept jumping. Compared with the gold he got in Myanmar, it was simply a chestnut in the sea. .

Zhuang Rui can't estimate at all. What is the value of this room full of gold? I'm afraid it can't be compared with the gold reserves that Jiang Guangtou brought to Taiwan Island in 1949, right?

Zhuang Rui is now very sure. There is no doubt that this big tomb must be the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty.

Among other things, except for the dynasty that rode on the horse to expand and plunder crazily, I'm afraid that any other dynasty would be reluctant to use so much gold to build a war and horse weapons room.

Only in those years, the Yuan Dynasty, which once drank the Danube and established the king's tent on the land of Europe, can we have such a big handwriting and so much wealth.

Who said that this treasure will not bring death? At least the emperor in the tomb did it successfully.

If this tomb has no choice but to see the sun, these gold, which is enough to make any country crazy, may still be parked here after a hundred years.

"If it can be found here, I'm afraid it will be more of a sensation than the opening of the pyramid. If the government knows that there is such a large amount of wealth underground, it will probably be moved, right?" Zhuang Rui felt the aura in the underground golden house and had a lot of thoughts in his heart. From his original intention, he wanted The greatest miracle in ancient history appeared in the world, but in this way, Zhuang Rui must reveal the secret in his eyes.

"Brother, I'm just 30 years old this year. My wife and children haven't been on the kang for two years. I don't want to become a white mouse so soon..." After thinking about it in his heart, Zhuang Rui made a decision. Anyway, it's not his own. There's no need to lose his wife and soldiers

"When your buddy dies, write this place in your memoirs. When the government is willing to dig, then we can't care..." Zhuang Rui found an excuse to comfort himself and reluctantly looked away from the golden house. Now he wants to determine the owner of this big tomb, and he can't be in the memoirs in the future. Write an anonymous name, right?