Golden Pupil

Chapter 1159 Chuan Guo Yuxi Xia

Zhuang Rui smiled and gathered the collected dead branches together to light the fire. He said, "Hey hey, there is no old Mongolian ghost for thousands of years, but the terrain here is undulating and the hills are continuous, like a dragon vein. Maybe there is the tomb of the Mongolian emperor..." "Come on, Brother Zhuang, even if there is You can't find it either. Didn't you say that the burial habits of the Mongolians are very unique? Even their descendants can't be found, let alone you..." Peng Fei curled his lips and disapproved of Zhuang Rui's words. Although he knew nothing about archaeology, he has been following Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren during this period. Under the influence of my ears and eyes, I also learned some common sense.

Like the tomb of the Mongolian emperor, in addition to the deep burial, even the construction craftsmen will be killed. This is not finished. Those soldiers who kill the mouths will also kill themselves after returning to the ground.

In this way, not only the thoughts of tomb robbers, but also their descendants can't figure out the location of the ancestral tomb, and can only know an approximate direction.

So Peng Fei said something to Zhuang Rui. If this can be found by Zhuang Rui, the tomb robbers for thousands of years can really die of shame.

"Peng Fei, don't believe it, when did you miss Brother Zhuang's feeling?"

Hearing Peng Fei's words, Zhuang Rui was a little anxious. After he found the tomb and it was difficult to explore, he was really aggrieved. He said this to Peng Fei, but unexpectedly, his hot face was close to his cold buttocks, and the buddy ignored him at all.

"Real is it? Brother Zhuang, where is this tomb? I've heard that the old boy of Genghis Khan destroyed Song, Jin and Xixia, and looted more gold and silver treasures..."

When Peng Fei saw that Zhuang Rui looked serious, he also became serious, but what he said was not so reliable, which made Zhuang Rui a little laugh and cry.

"Okay" to talk about archaeology with your boy, which is purely for the cow playing the piano. Let me tell you, the Song Dynasty was not destroyed by Genghis Khan, but by his grandson. "Go, get rid of your rabbit..." Zhuang Rui waved to Peng Fei angrily, turned his head and fell into meditation. Although Peng Fei Spectrum, but it reminded Zhuang Rui.

In 1206 A.D., Genghis Khan established the Mongolian Khanate in the source of the Hannan River. After the establishment of Mongolia, he constantly launched a war of aggression to expand its territory.

In the old year of A.D., Genghis Khan destroyed Western Liao, and in the old year of Huikou, he attacked the Volga River Basin in Eastern Europe. He returned to the east in 1225 and destroyed Western Xia in 1227, but Genghis Khan also died in the expedition against Western Xia.

However, the time when Mongolia destroyed the Song Dynasty was in 1275 AD, and it was not until 1279 that the remnants of the Song Dynasty were eliminated and the [Zhongzhong] country was unified.

But this also raises a problem. "That is, the tomb that Zhuang Rui just guessed is probably not Genghis Khan, but the mausoleum of his third son.

You may not understand when you see this. When the Song Dynasty was destroyed in 1276, the Wokuotai was already dead, but during the reign of Kublai Khan in the Yuan Dynasty. Anyway, this tomb should belong to Kublai Khan.

But there was once a turning point in history, which no one knows, that is, the Chuanguo Jade En seal was not in the Southern Song Dynasty, but in the year of Jingkang Qiang of the Song Dynasty, when the Jin soldiers broke the Bian sorghum, and when the second emperor of Weiqin was plundered, the "Chuan

The people who led the troops to destroy the gold were exactly what Genghis Khan's third son, when he was in power.

At this point, it is necessary to trace the hardships experienced by Chuanguo Yuxi in the past thousand years from birth to disappearance.

Friends all know that the national jade seal..." also known as the "national seal", which is the seal handed down by the emperors of all dynasties after the Qin Dynasty, is carved by He Shibi in the historical allusions of "perfect return to Zhao".

As the most important token of "royal power, orthodox and legality", after the Qin Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties took this seal as a talisman and regarded it as the most important weapon of the country.

The emperors who have received the jade seal of the country symbolize that they are "received by the order from heaven" and show that the world can be conquered. Anyone who ascends the throne without this seal will be scorned as the "white emperor", which seems to lack confidence and is despised by the world.

This prompted those who wanted to seek great treasures to compete for each other, so that the jade seal of the country was repeatedly changed. In 207 B.C., Duke Pei Liu Bang marched on the army, and the prince of Qin knelt down and offered the jade seal to the left of Xianyang Road. Qin died, and the national seal returned to Liu

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the foreign relative Wang Mang usurped power. When Emperor Han was young, the jade seal of the country was hidden in the Empress Dowager of Changle Palace. Wang Mang sent his brother Wang Shun to ask for it. The Empress Dowager did not follow. In anger, she took out the jade, threw it to

When Wang Mang saw that the jade seal was damaged, he sighed and hurriedly recruited a skilled craftsman to repair it. The craftsman was also smart. He wanted to use gold inlaid with missing corners. After repair, it became more and more dazzling, so he called it "gold inlaid jade seal". This is the origin of "gold inla

Later, Wang Mang's soldiers were defeated and killed, and the captain of the imperial guard was sent to the national seal, which was dedicated to Liu Xuan, the first emperor.

In the third year of the first emperor Liu Xuan, the Red-browed army killed Liu Xuan and set up Liu Penzi. Later, Liu Penzi defeated Yiyang and handed over the national seal to Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the officials were exclusive. In the sixth year of Emperor Ling Xiping, Yuan Shao entered the palace to kill the eunuchs. Emperor Duan ** fled, and it was said that the jade seal of the country disappeared for the first time.

At the time of Emperor Xian, Dong Zhuo made a rebellion. Sun Jian led his army to attack Luoyang. One day, the soldiers saw that there were colorful clouds in a well in Zhen Palace in the south of the city, so they made people enter the well. They saw a small box on the neck of the maid of honor who committed suicide in the well, and the box was hidden in the national jade seal.

Sun Jianru got the treasure and hid it in his wife Wu's place. Later, Yuan Shu detained the Wu family and seized the seal. Yuan Shu died. Xu *, the assassin of Jingzhou, brought the seal to Xuchang. At that time, Cao Cao threatened the emperor and ordered the princes. At this point, the national seal was returned to the

In the first year of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xian was forced to "concede". Cao Pi built the Wei Dynasty and changed to the early Huang Dynasty. Cao Pi asked people to engrave the official character "Great Wei was handed down by the seal of the Han Dynasty" on the shoulder of the national seal, in order to prove that it was not "us

However, the Wei Dynasty did not circulate for a long time. In the second year of Emperor Cao Hui Xianxi of Wei, the minister Sima Yan followed the same way, called Emperor Wu of Jin, changed to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and the national seal returned to Jin Dynasty.

In the following time, the jade seal of the country can be described as a twists and turns of fate. In the fifth year of Jin Yongjia, the former Zhao Liu Cong captured Jin Huaidi Sima Chi, and the seal returned to the former Zhao. Nineteen years later, Zhao Shile destroyed the former Zhao and got the seal. What's more ingenious, "Tianming Shishi" is engraved on the right side.

In the Southern Dynasty, Chuan Guoxi went through the change of Song, Qi, Li and Chen. Sui unified China and included Chuan Guoxi into the Sui Palace. However, after Yang Guang, Emperor Sui, was killed in Jiangdu (now Yangzhou), Queen Xiao took Prince Yuande and Chuan Guoxi to the North Turkic.

In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong, because he did not pass on the national jade seal, carved several parties such as "received treasure", "determined treasure" and other jade, "the seal" talked about **. In the four years of Zhenguan, Li Jing led the army to fight against Long Yan is very happy.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world was in chaos, and the heroes rose everywhere. Zhu Quanzhong abolished Emperor Ai of the Tang Dynasty and seized the national seal. Shi Jingtang led the Khitan army to Luoyang. Li Congke, the last emperor, held the national seal and burned himself on the Xuanwu Tower. As a result, the national seal

When he arrived at Zhezong of the Northern Song Dynasty, a farmer found the jade seal in the ruins of Li Congke and sent it to the imperial court. After many examinations of the thirteen university scholars based on the records of the previous dynasty, it was determined that it was the national seal made by the first emperor, and the jade seal of the country was reproduced

However, the two emperors of Weiqin were plundered, and the jade seal of the state was returned to Jin. It was not until the Jin Dynasty was destroyed by Mongolia, but the jade seal of the state of the state of China never appeared again. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were "the jade seals of the country" from time

Therefore, archaeologists and historians in later generations suspected that the Chuanguo jade seal was used for burial by the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, and only this envelope of the ever-born nomadic people would not take the Chuanguo jade seal, which regarded the Han nationality as a treasure.

It was just that he could not find the tomb of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and the whereabouts of the jade seal of the country became the largest unsolved case in Chinese history.

Although Zhuang Rui has not been able to see the whole picture of the jade seal, his heart is already full of ups and downs, and he can't do it himself. Maybe the jade seal, which has been missing for thousands of years, is really in this mausoleum!

"Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, what's wrong? The fire burned in your hands, doesn't it hurt?" Just as Zhuang Rui was immersed in meditation, Peng Fei's voice suddenly came to his ear. Zhuang Rui suddenly woke up, but found that the flame really licked the back of his hand and quickly withdrew his hand.

After calming down, Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei with a confused face and said nonsense, "The old Mongolian ghost gave me a dream again, saying that there are the tombs of their ancestors here. Peng Fei, I'm going to survey around here tomorrow..."

Peng Fei thought that Zhuang Rui was joking with him and said with a smile, "Damn, Brother Zhuang, you can't scare me. Not to mention the old Mongolian ghost, even if Genghis Khan is reborn, the buddy is not afraid of him..." "Well, I'm hungry, eat first..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head without hesitation and asked Peng Fei to put the washed rabbit on the bonfire. After a while, the fragrance came to his nose.

After eating the roast rabbit meat, Zhuang Rui said to Peng Fei, "Sleep alone in the middle of the night. You go to bed first. I'll wake you up at about 2 o'clock..."

Although a large number of wolves are rarely seen in the grassland now, it is still necessary to be prepared. Even if there are only three or five grassland wolves, they can still kill people when they are asleep.

"Ocable, Brother Zhuang, be careful "..." Peng Fei was not pretentious. He nodded his head and got into the tent. After a while, the sound of beating came out.

"It must be the national jade seal..." Zhuang Rui waited until Peng Fei fell asleep, sat cross-legged in front of the tent, released the aura in his eyes, and went straight to the coffin of the tomb.

"Damn, it's not a good thing to see clearly..." As soon as Reiki entered the coffin, Zhuang Rui suddenly found that next to the jade seal well, there was a head like a mummy.