Golden Pupil

Chapter 1161 The Identity of the Owner of the Ancient Tomb

Chapter 1161 The identity of the owner of the ancient tomb (middle) Ask for a monthly ticket

The appearance of Chuanguo Yuxi did not bring direct information to Zhuang Rui, the owner of the tomb, but only narrowed the scope a lot.

However, Zhuang Rui can't make a conclusion about the master of this tomb, whether it is a generation of heavenly pride Genghis Khan or his son Wokuotai, or the talented Kublai. With this jade seal alone, Zhuang Rui can't make a conclusion.

Although the time of the Mongolian Khanate got the Yuxi after the death of Genghis Khan, this does not mean that the Yuxi could not appear in the Genghis Khan Mausoleum.

This is because the construction of many imperial mausoleums is often completed after the death of the emperor. It takes even several decades. Genghis Khan's death is only eight years away from Mongolia's destruction, which is really nothing.

Moreover, Zhuang Rui has enough reason to believe that the grottoes of Genghis Khan's injury in the Arzhai Grottoes is likely to be the place where Genghis Khan stopped after his death. Due to the huge underground mausoleum project, it can be buried after the destruction of gold.

Of course, this is only Zhuang Rui's subjective speculation. What is the truth? Who is the owner of the tomb? It is still necessary to come up with sufficient evidence to speak.


"Grandma, those painters in ancient times were all cheating? What level is this? Doesn't it even look like a human face?"

As a well-known collector and antique connoisseur in China, Zhuang Rui has always respected the ancient Chinese painting art, but at this moment, Zhuang Rui hates the painting skills of ancient China.

This is because when Zhuang Rui studied the history of Mongolia, he also saw the portraits of several Great Khans in the early Mongolian Khanate, but the tragedy is that no one of those portraits matches the appearance of the people in the coffin.

Ancient Chinese painting pays attention to freehand brush-hand brush, and the aesthetic characteristics of the mysterious "rhyme" and " artistic conception".

It's just like this, which also makes none of the portraits of those emperors in ancient times look similar to me, either wise and martial arts or kind-looking. Anyway, the portrait has nothing to do with me.

In fact, this can't be blamed on the craftsmanship of the ancient painters. It is really too difficult for the emperors to serve, just like Zhu Yuanzhang, who has a marijuana on his face. After becoming the emperor, he asked the painter to draw a portrait for him.

The first painter was very honest and still drew it.

In the portrait, Zhu Yuanzhang sat in a stool, wearing a soft square scarf. His face was particularly long, his forehead was bulging, and his face was covered with large and small earth spots. His eyebrows and eyes were hanging up. His nose was very large, his nostrils were raised up, and his ears were very long, almost hanging on his .

This is also a painting that is most regarded as Zhu Yuanzhang himself by later generations, which is now hidden in the Mingxiao Mausoleum in Nanjing.

It's just that the painting is over and the matter is not over. At that time, when Zhu Yuanzhang saw the painting, he didn't say anything, but soon after that, he found an excuse to click the painter.

After the second painter heard about this, when he painted Zhu Yuanzhang, he was afraid that he would make the same mistake again. He simply changed Zhu Yuanzhang's face, and the eyebrows and nose were naturally gone.

Of course, the handsome emperor in a dragon robe painted by the painter had nothing to do with Zhu Yuanzhang. Soon after, he was also killed by Zhu Yuanzhang on the charge of misbehave.

As soon as these two things came out, all the court painters were in danger, and they were all ill. No one dared to draw portraits of Zhu Yuanzhang, which made Zhu Yuanzhang angry.

Later, a portrait painter named Chen Yuan realized the mystery and offered to paint for Zhu Yuanzhang, which made his colleagues relieved and doubted Chen Yuan's IQ.

However, the later result was to make those who were surprised. When Chen Yuan painted Zhu Yuanzhang a portrait, he only drew the outline of his face in a similar way, and the rest was drawn according to the emperor's mode, so he looked kind and graceful.

After seeing this portrait, Zhu Yuanzhang was very satisfied, and asked Chen Yuan to draw a number of other paintings and give them to the kings. For this reason, Chen Yuan also got the official position of the imperial edict of Wenyuan Pavilion. Of course, the painting is not like that of the painting, and naturally no one will investigate it.

It is impossible to identify the emperor in terms of appearance, and Zhuang Rui can only find another way. Of course, using the appearance of the corpse as the basis for verifying his identity is also something that has never happened in the history of archaeology, and Zhuang Rui did not have much hope.

After diverting his attention, Zhuang Rui first searched one side in the coffin, but did not find any objects with words, and no seals were found except for the "national jade seal".

"Damn, why did you forget this?"

For this, Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he patted his head repeatedly. You know, Mongolia did not have its own words in the early days, and it was obviously impossible to find out the epitaph.

According to historical records, in the era of Genghis Khan, when marching to war and issuing orders, it was often used to let the messengers memorize the orders, remember them in their hearts in the way of singing, and pass them to their generals until the death of Genghis Khan.

In modern times, historians and strategists almost completely guessed about the military actions of Mongolia's expansion at that time, because those songs that conveyed orders had already become unique songs on the prairie.

So it is almost impossible to find written records in the tombs of the early Mongolian Khanate. Zhuang Rui is now just looking to see if he can find some representative objects at that time, so as to infer the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Until Genghis Khan's expedition against the barbarians in 1204, although Tata Tong'a, the Uighor, was arrested, he still kept the seal of the country.

Genghis Khan praised his loyalty to his own country, so he ordered him to take charge of the seal of the letters of Mongolia, and ordered him to teach the prince and the kings to write Mongolian. At this time, the Mongolians took the word to write Mongolian, which is called Uhu Mongolian.

This is also the earliest writing in Mongolia, and it was only spread among the Mongolian aristocracy at that time, and ordinary Mongolians did not have access to these writings.

In the era of Kublai Khan in the Yuan Dynasty, the character Basiba was founded by Ba Siba, the master of Tubo at that time, commonly known as Xinmengwen.

Without its own writing and culture, there were very few written materials handed down from the Mongolian Khanate at that time. Even in the nearly 100 years of the Yuan Dynasty, there were few historical materials Liu Chuan, which was also the main reason for many unsolved mysteries in the history of later generations.


According to his appearance, the identity of the owner of the tomb could not be identified, and no written records were found in the tomb. Zhuang Rui couldn't help scratching his head. To be honest, his field excavation and archaeological experience was not very rich, and he didn't know where to start for a while.

In this main tomb, there are countless funerary objects placed. Zhuang Rui hesitated for a moment and began to choose some brocade silk and sheepskin objects to observe. He also wanted to take a chance. Maybe there will be a word left on these things, so that he can judge the identity of the owner of the tomb?

But a few hours later, Zhuang Rui's face became more and more ugly. There were these objects in the tomb, including some beautifully made Persian carpets, but the words that Zhuang Rui wanted to see could not be found.

Archaeology is a very boring and meticulous work. Sometimes it often takes several months to find out the identity of the owner of the tomb after several months of excavation.

Although Zhuang Rui has the great killer of aura in his eyes, it is also unrealistic to judge the identity of the owner from the mountain of funerary objects in a short time.

"Grandma, I don't believe it. Dude can't dig you out, and you can't even figure out your identity..."

Zhuang Rui muttered angrily, took a deep breath, calmed down some impetuous mood, meditated for a while, and then turned his eyes to those exquisite weapons.

The weapons held by ancient people, especially emperors, are far more symbolic than killing enemies on the battlefield, so they often engrave their names on them.

Like the Longquan sword of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty and all kinds of swords, many of them are engraved with the words used by Qianlong. Zhuang Rui wants to start from here to see if he can find anything.

"Damn, it's so beautiful that I don't know how to engrave your name on it?"

Zhuang Rui told himself not to be in a hurry, but after reading thirty or forty well-made weapons, he couldn't help swearing. If he could inlay gold and silver on a weapon, can't he engrave the user's name?

"Huh? What is this?"

When Zhuang Rui's eyes flashed over the golden bow that had been explored, he suddenly found that there was a quiver under the wall with the golden bow.

This quiver is made of cowhide, and the outside is decorated with exquisite patterns. Several gold arrows reveal the quiver. Zhuang Rui inadvertently seemed to see some lines engraved on the arrow.

"This...this...should be text!"

After Zhuang Rui focused on those subtle lines that were almost difficult to notice, the whole person almost jumped up excitedly, because the ghost-like line pattern on it was wonderful in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

These lines that are illegible to ordinary people are the earliest characters in Mongolia and are called "Ur-style Mongolian" by modern academic circles.

"B'er is only a catty!" After reading the above words, Zhuang Rui clenched his fist fiercely, "God bless, I know these words..."

To be honest, although Zhuang Rui's research direction during his doctorate was to focus on Mongolian history and its tomb culture, he did not know much about the early Mongolian characters like ghost symbols. At best, he only remembered a few names when reading literature.

(: The second update, ask for five, I just looked at the list, five can explode several chrysanthemums in a row, haha, brothers support)

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