Golden Pupil

Chapter 1163 Enter on

Alas, it's a pity that so many treasures are buried in the ground?!

Zhuang Rui sighed in his heart. Looking at such a huge treasure, he was unable to explore it. That feeling was similar to the teasing of the beautiful woman who was tied to ** and striped, but there was nothing he could do.

Zhuang Rui can almost foresee what kind of storm it will cause if the Genghis Khan Mausoleum is unearthed.

You should know that in this tomb, there are not only treasures from China, but also a large number of precious cultural relics from Persia, India and the Middle Ages in Europe. Its influence will be worldwide.

"You'd better take a look..."

Although this piece of fat meat can't be eaten in the mouth, it's also good to have a good time. By the way, Zhuang Rui is still going to disclose this place after his death. At that time, he will leave an accurate treasure map for future generations, right?

Zhuang Rui explored again in the main tomb where Genghis Khan's coffin was parked. Perhaps because he relaxed, he actually found a batch of bamboo slips and several sheepskin rolls in a corner of the tomb.

After a general look at the content of the bamboo slip, Zhuang Rui found that it was actually Sun Tzu's Art of War written in Chinese characters. It seems that although Genghis Khan is a Mongolian khan, he still has a certain understanding of the Central Plains culture.

As for those sheepskin scrolls, they are also full of words, but those words know Zhuang Rui, but Zhuang Rui does not recognize them, because these words are all written in the earliest Mongolian characters.

At best, Zhuang Rui only recognized the names of Ba'er's jin Tiemuzhen and Ba'er's jinwo Kuotai in it, which made Zhuang Rui feel as uncomfortable as if he had been clawed by a cat, because these sheepskin scrolls were likely to record the secrets of the tomb of Genghis Khan.

For example, the specific burial time of Genghis Khan, those funerary objects, such as the origin of the Chuanguo jade seal, may be able to find the answer on these sheepskin scrolls.

However, Zhuang Rui is just a half-baked archaeologist rather than a linguist. These earthworm tadpole-like words are really unrecognizable.

"Alas, buddy, did you sacrifice yourself to tell the secret of your eyes and unearth this treasure?"

Such an idea flashed in Zhuang Rui's mind, but then he vetoed it himself. He didn't want to stay in the laboratory for the rest of his life and face those guys who study human science like a little white mouse all day long.

After extinguishing his idea, Zhuang Rui was like a wandering soul. He continued to float in this ancient tomb in the dry year. The feeling brought by the upgrade of aura was very wonderful. Intuitively looking at the tomb before this dry year is like walking in the long river of history.

After reluctantly withdrawing his eyes from the main tomb, Zhuang Rui continued to explore the back. Genghis Khan's tomb can't be only a few tombs, so he is so sorry for this huge project and his amazing identity.

Sure enough, after the main tomb, there are eight large tombs, all of which are placed with all kinds of rare treasures, including the works of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty at that time, and also full of European-style works of art. Zhuang Rui is overwhelmed.

"Huh? These porcelain and Buddha statues are a little strange, right?

In the last tomb, Zhuang Rui found a large number of ceramics, as well as various gold and silver Buddha statues and colorful sculptures Guanyin statues. Their style is quite strange, which Zhuang Rui has never seen in China.

In addition, there are some coins and silk-weaving documents in one corner, but those fonts, Zhuang Rui, is more like a heavenly book than Mongolian characters.

"It's not like the Indian style. The ceramic style is a bit like the Song Dynasty, but it's different from the Song Dynasty..."

Zhuang Rui has a deep study of ceramics. He believes that he knows the porcelain of various dynasties well, but the porcelain found in this tomb made him frown, because the styles of these porcelain are not even brand-known in the Palace Museum. What bothers Zhuang Rui is that there is no money on these porcelains.

The signature on porcelain was only popularized in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There were not many porcelains in the Song and Yuan dynasties, which is also one of the main reasons why it is difficult to identify Yuan Qinghua. Therefore, Zhuang Rui could not distinguish the origin of these porcelains from the identification.

However, even Zhuang Rui may not be able to recognize it, because he can't recognize the font on the coins and silk in the corner of this tomb.

"Is it... the utensils of the Western Xia Dynasty?"

An idea suddenly came to Zhuang Rui's mind. He remembered the dynasty that had been brilliant in history, but was finally destroyed by Genghis Khan... Xixia.

Xixia refers to a feudal regime established in western China in Chinese history by the Party Xiang people in the past 7 years from habit to prison. Its historical roots can be traced to the early Tang Dynasty.

In the heyday of the Western Xia Dynasty, he annihilated tens of thousands of elites of the Song army in the northwest and defeated Liao Xingzong, who fought with ten thousand elites in the battle of Hequ, and laid the pattern of Song, Liao and Xia in one fell swoop.

Strong national strength often represents economic development. In the heyday of the western economy, the wool imitation industry, the weapons manufacturing industry, the salt mining industry, the fine printing industry, the gold and silver manufacturing industry, the jade processing industry, and the brewing industry are all very developed.

Xixia originally did not have porcelain, but at the beginning, it was obtained by plundering the Song people.

During the period of Xixia Yizong, Xixia began to build porcelain kilns and began to produce its own porcelain. Its porcelain not only absorbed the advantages of the Central Plains region, but also had the characteristics of its own nation, such as simplicity and simplicity, forming a unique Xixia porcelain.

Zhuang Rui suspected that the porcelain he saw at this moment was made by the Xixia people, because Genghis Khan died during the Western Expedition to the West, and it was reasonable that a large number of Xixia martyrs appeared in his tomb.

In this way, those indistinguishable words also have a source. You know, after the demise of the Western Xia Dynasty, it has become a dead word that no one knows in the Ming Dynasty.

Although later generations have inferred the meaning of some Western Xia script based on some Xixia relics, to this day, there are very few people who study Western Xia characters in China, and I'm afraid they don't even have any hands.

"Grandma, this is another discovery that can shock the archaeological community and solve the cause of the rise and fall of a dynasty..."

The relics left by Xixia are not more valuable than those of the Yuan Dynasty. These written materials are enough to solve many mysteries of historians.

Zhuang Rui looked at the objects full of the room, shook his head helplessly, resisted the impulse to explore the tomb carefully, and turned his eyes away.

After leaving this tomb, Zhuang Rui found three more burial pits, one of which was full of bones of cattle, sheep and livestock, while the other two burial pits were martyred with living people. Judging from the unrotten clothing of the bones and the wear of their teeth, Zhuang Rui could see that these were young women.

"Three thousand beauties in life, accompanied by beauty after death. No wonder the world wants to be an emperor..."

Zhuang Rui sighed that the status of ancient women was very low, especially when Mongolia had not been unified, the status of women was not much higher than that of cattle and sheep. It was not until Genghis Khan unified the prairie that the status of women improved.

This Mongolian Khan, who shot the largest territory in China, was robbed of his wife when he was young and gave birth to a child, but this did not prevent the woman from giving birth to three sons for Tie Muzhen.

When Qixing appeared over the prairie, the sky was already bright. Zhuang Rui rubbed his astringent eyes and rubbed his face hard.

After a night of general investigation, Zhuang Rui looked at the whole tomb structure. Although he did not close his eyes all night, the exploration of history made Zhuang Rui's heart full of excitement.

Unlike the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, which directly hollowed out the bottom of a mountain, the underground palace of Genghis Khan makes full use of the complex underground cave. Although the number of construction is certainly not as large as the number of people who build the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, its scale is no longer under the

Of course, the number of funerary objects in this mausoleum is far from comparable to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. Maybe Mongolia's burning process of ceramics was not developed at that time, or maybe Genghis Khan did not take thousands of troops to the hell to fight the world.

So in addition to the looted funerary objects, there are few handicrafts fired by Mongolia itself. In the era of Genghis Khan, Yuan Qinghua has not yet come out.

However, in terms of the quality of these martyrs, Zhuang Rui's judgment is better than the Qinhao Imperial Mausoleum. After all, after a year or two of development, by the end of the Song Dynasty, its ancient works of art had developed to its peak.

Not to mention the best porcelain of the Song Dynasty, even in Europe at that time, there were many exquisite works of art. Zhuang Rui even found two golden masks with Egyptian colors in a tomb, and did not know from which country Genghis Khan looted it.

In addition to the "national jade seal" from the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, in terms of the preciousness of the funeral objects alone, the Genghis Khan Mausoleum is beyond the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

"Alas, no matter how good things are, they can't be seen..."

At this moment, Zhuang Rui can't wait to grow a hand in his eyes and take out the "national jade seal" from the coffin. It's really difficult to pull it out in his eyes.

shook his head with a wry smile. Zhuang Rui enlarged the scope of the Reiki survey. He was ready to finally check to see if there were any missing tombs, and then took back the Reiki to end the archaeology that was doomed to be fruitless.

"Huh? Why is there a dark river behind this tomb? No, it's weird..."

When Zhuang Rui expanded the search scope of Reiki, he suddenly found that a dark river existed on the mausoleum more than 30 meters diagonally above the back side of the martyrdom pit.