Golden Pupil

Chapter 1187 Sheepskin Scroll

Chapter 1187 Sheepskin Volume Three Update Monthly Ticket

The picture on the golden coffin made everyone agree that the tomb was the tomb of Genghis Khan. Even Director Guo, who bet with Zhuang Rui, had to admit that he had lost this time.

Only after the opening of the museum, the situation in the golden coffin surprised everyone, because the two golden coffins in this tomb were not the corpses of Genghis Khan.

As mentioned above, archaeology is very extensive. It is not only necessary to be proficient in the history of various dynasties, but also to learn subjects such as chemistry, biology and human anatomy. When the golden coffin was opened, several people present saw the bones inside at the first time, which were definitely not the bones of men.

After investigation, the bones in the golden coffin are only a little more than 1.6 meters tall, which is not in line with the legendary Genghis Khan, who is more than 1.8 meters tall, and the bone characteristics are also female. After observing here, everyone has understood that this is still a burial chamber.

"No, why is this kind of golden coffin used on women?"

Professor Meng's words made all the archaeologists and staff who saw this picture very puzzled. From the beginning of money, gold has always been the most valuable item. In ancient times, the identity of women was not so important. It seems that there is no reason for them to use such a standard coffin, right?

Of course, the identity of the women in these two coffins is definitely not trivial. I'm afraid it's not Genghis Khan's wife, but also his favorite concubine.

But everyone can't imagine that concubines alone use this kind of golden coffin. What kind of scene will it be if they find the master?

Thinking of this, the staff, who was a little disappointed after the opening of the museum, suddenly became excited and couldn't wait to open the next tomb immediately. Of course, the work still needs to be done. Under the arrangement of Professor Meng, the staff began to skillfully number the items in the tomb.

Although Zhuang Rui did not understand why Genghis Khan did not use the golden coffin, he knew that Genghis Khan's coffin was in the next tomb to be opened, and the heirloom jade seal was about to appear in front of the world after thousands of years of disappearance.


"Xiao Guo, at the press conference, it seems that you still have to step back..."

Ouyang Zhenwu, who is at the ground headquarters, also experienced a process of opening the coffin from joy to disappointment. He did not find Genghis Khan's body. In case of any deviation, it would be a big joke.

"Is this tomb from Wokuotai? Did he use the golden coffin to bury his mother, that is, Genghis Khan's wife?

A whimsy suddenly appeared in Director Guo's mind, but as soon as this idea appeared, it was extinguished by Director Guo. From ancient times to now, only husband and wife have been buried together, and they have not heard of being buried together with my mother, which is not in line with the customs of ancient tombs.

Although the people above are talking about it, the staff in the mausoleum are busy nervously. This room of rare treasures needs to be properly maintained.

Professor Meng took out the funerary objects in the coffin one by one, and told the staff at the same time: "Please be careful when you sort it out and see if you can find any written records..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head slightly. He had checked the tomb before. Although there were some paper and silk objects, they were not Mongolian characters, but some paintings or fabrics.

"What? Teacher, here is a sheepskin roll..."

Suddenly, Ren Chunqiang, who was cleaning up the funeral goods, made a cry of surprise, causing everyone to turn their heads and look at him.

"Pskin roll? Where did you find it?" Zhuang Rui was also stunned when he heard the words. Didn't he find that there were sheepskin scrolls in this tomb before?

"In this golden box, after opening it, I found..." Dr. Ren carefully put a ball of sheepskin on a table in the corner of the tomb.

"No wonder, it turned out to be in here..."

Zhuang Rui looked at the palm-sized gold box and couldn't help but feel depressed. There were thousands of burial objects in the tomb. At that time, he only had to observe the more conspicuous paper and silk items, but he didn't notice the small box.

"Xiao Wang, the camera is aimed at here..."

A group of people gathered around. After greeting the photographer, Professor Meng gently unfolded the sheepskin scroll on the table with his hands.

"Text is a written record!"

When I saw the crooked strokes on the sheepskin scroll, there was a shout of joy in the tomb. The written record is the most important evidence of the tomb, and there are written records in many tombs to praise the tomb owner.

Tombstones were used in tombstones in the ancient Central Plains, which were engraved with epitaphs, but the Mongolian royal mausoleum has never been found. Perhaps on this sheepskin scroll, the origin and origin of the royal mausoleum are recorded.

However, when these words appeared in front of everyone, a group of people in the tomb were dumbfounded, because none of them recognized these ancient Mongolian characters. Even Zhuang Rui could only point out the three words of Tiemuzhen above.

Professor Meng knows that there are very few people who know Gumeng Chinese in China, and there is no nonsense at the moment. He directly greeted reporter Wang and said, "Come on, take all the pictures, Lao Zhao, this job will be handed over to you. At night, at the latest, I want to know what is written on it?"

"No problem, just wait, I want to know more than you..."

The people below don't understand. There is a meeting on the ground. This time, there are ancient Mongolian research experts in the archaeological team. As soon as the sheepskin scroll appeared, the old man put all his glasses on the screen of the display screen.

After receiving the data transmitted by the image, Professor Zhao fixed it on the text screen, and began to study it with reading glasses. From time to time, he turned over the book in his hand and wanted to correspond to some of the words in it.

"Teacher, you go back to the headquarters first. We'll just come here. You need to host it when you open the main tomb..."

Zhuang Rui is a little worried about Professor Meng's health. This tomb can't be cleaned up in a while. You can't let the old man stay in this environment all the time, can you?

"Well, when you are tidying up and maintenance, pay more attention and don't damage the things inside..."

Professor Meng nodded. He also knew that his body was not suitable for long-term work in this environment. As Zhuang Rui said, if he stayed any longer, he would have nothing to do when he opened the main tomb.

In addition, Professor Meng was also anxious to know the content of the text on the sheepskin scroll. After explaining a few words to Zhuang Rui and others, he brought the sheepskin scroll that had been properly treated with anti-corrosion, and returned to the ground accompanied by Director Yun.

After busy in the tomb for six or seven hours, the news came from the ground, and Professor Zhao's translation work has been completed.

The owner of the tomb, which has been complicated and mysterious since the excavation, is the creator of the Mongolian emperor, the Genghis Khan, who is called "the greatest emperor of mankind"!

There are not many words on the sheepskin scroll, but it tells the construction process of the tomb, the time of Genghis Khan's burial, and the truth of the golden coffin incident that has just puzzled everyone.

It turned out that the imperial mausoleum of Genghis Khan began to be built after he unified the Mongolian ministries. It was not until seven years after he died of injury and illness, that is, the year when Wokuotai destroyed Western Xia, and it took a total of 30 years.

As Zhuang Rui guessed, although there were many rumors outside, they were all deliberately spread by the Mongolian royal family. The body of Genghis Khan's death was actually kept in the underground secret room of the Arzhai Grottoes. It was not until the mausoleum was completed that it was buried.

The two golden coffins found in the tomb were clearly written on the sheepskin roll, and the big one was originally intended to be left for Genghis Khan.

However, due to the preservation of the body and various reasons for the immortality of the soul, it was stopped by the great wizard of the Mongolian Khanate at that time. In the end, it was not used, but was given to Genghis Khan's hair-haired wife, the great queen, P'ertai Xuzhen.

As for the woman in the second golden coffin, she was the most beautiful princess in Xixia at that time, but Genghis Khan died before she had some super-friendship relationship with her. It can be said that she was a funeral product of Tie Muzhen.

It's just that the princess Xixia was buried after her death or died alive, which requires the relevant experts to verify the bones after the bones are transported to the ground.

There are some other words on the sheepskin scroll, which are some praises of Genghis Khan's great achievements as his son's Wo Kuotai. However, between the lines, it can also verify some of the real history of the Mongolian Khanate at that time.


Three hours after the identity of the owner of the imperial mausoleum was really revealed, Zhuang Rui, who was working in the mausoleum, was called back to the ground by Professor Meng.

"Teacher, what's the matter? Are you going to call me up? Hey, I said a few teachers, did this group have grandchildren? Why is it so festive?" As soon as Zhuang Rui entered the headquarters, he laughed and joked with everyone.

At this time, in the headquarters, everyone had a smile on their faces. After more than a month of hard work, they finally paid off, which made everyone happy. And it is conceivable that after the news of the discovery of Genghis Khan's Mausoleum, they will be shrouded in the aura of honor.

"This is a happier thing than holding a grandson. Xiaozhuang, I asked you to come up. It's for everyone to discuss whether the press conference can be held? I mean, you are the spokesperson of the archaeological team..."

Professor Meng did not hide his protection of Zhuang Rui at all. You know, attending the press conference on behalf of the archaeological team will mean a great honor.

What's more, this tomb was originally excavated by Zhuang Rui. As long as the news is announced at the same time, I'm afraid that Zhuang Rui will also occupy a place in today's worldwide scientific research field.

(: Friends who read carefully should know that the golden coffin is not used by Genghis Khan. Well, the national jade seal will come out tomorrow. Try to explode for another day. Brothers, please support it.)

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