Golden Pupil

Chapter 1202 Answering Reporter's Questions

After Mongolia went south to occupy the rivers and mountains of the Southern Song Dynasty. Invag Europe to the west. This has made the history of various ethnic groups in Asia and Europe, almost all cities have recorded Mongolia, and its influence has even reached Turkey and the Arab world.

The strong New Year of the Mongols is simply a fact that cannot be erased. At that time, in the palace tents of the Mongolian commanders in Europe, the princes and nobles of Russia, the sons of Georgian kings and queens, many prominent sultans, and the princes of Goryeo could only kneel in the palace tent

In the field of history, there is the academic theory that Genghis Khan and his followers conquer the world, enhance the exchange of tools and enhance the integration of China's ethnic groups, but there are also many incongruent views.

Historically, the attitudes of various countries towards the period of Mongolian rule are very different. There is praise that Genghis Khan is the greatest emperor of mankind, and there is also the cruel and fierce method of the Mongols.

The first genocide in history actually did not occur in the era of Hitler in World War II, but in the era of the Mongols led by Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan educated his descendants on the way back from the Western Expedition with a famous motto: "The fun of the most old night in life is to kill all the enemies and seize all their wealth and watch their relatives cry and cry and ride their horses. **Their wife and daughter."

At that time, all the people in the world who refused to be slaughtered by them, plundered by them, or enslaved by them were the enemies of the Mongol dynasty.

Mongolia's influence on Europe is far less than this. The outbreak of the Black Death in Europe in the Middle Ages also had a lot to do with Mongolia.

The outbreak of the Black Death originated from a war, and the origin of the war was just a dispute between a group of Italian merchants and local Muslim residents on the streets. The Muslims then sought help from the Mongols who marched west.

The Mongolian prince, who was about to conquer the whole Crimean Peninsula, took this opportunity to send troops without hesitation to besiege this group of Italian merchants and the garrison of the Eastern Roman Empire within the walls of Cafa.

Kafa's strong city defense and the tenacious resistance of the defenders made it difficult for the galloping Mongolian New Year's Eve Army to conquer for a while, and the siege lasted for a whole year. At this time, the terrible plague began to break out in the Mongolian army, the soldiers fell down, and the Mongolian camp could no longer hear the wild

The defenders of Kafa City actually don't know what happened in the Mongolian barracks. They are just very strange. Why did the Mongols, who had always been aggressive, suddenly become silent and have not attacked for many days?

Have the Mongols been abandoned if they couldn't attack for a long time? Or are they accumulating new energy and preparing to propose a stronger attack? In the complicated imagination, the exhausted Kafa garrison spent a rare and peaceful life.

However, just a few days later, one morning, the Kafa garrison was shocked to find that the Mongols had set up a siege under the city, and this time, they seemed to have changed their tactics, stopped using ladders, and no longer needlessly allowed countless soldiers to attack the wall, but set up rows of three rows outside the city wall. A wooden stone throwing machine with a lot of people on a huge New Year's Eve.

With the order of the Mongolian prince, countless deadly new projectiles flew to Kafa City. In an instant, the Kafa defenders were all stunned, and those shells were all human!

Before the Kafa garrison realized what was going on for a moment, the body of a soldier infected by the plague and was rotting had been suddenly thrown into the air and flew into the city of Kafa. In this way, the city of Cafa is full of dead bodies.

Soon, the rotten corpse began to pollute the air and poison the water source. People finally understood the intention of the Mongolian army, because the terrible plague began to break out in the city of Kafa.

Patients suffering from this disease show chills, headaches and other symptoms at the beginning, followed by fever, delusion, coma, extensive skin bleeding, and malignant sores. Respiratory failure can be caused by two or three days, or four or five days. After death, the skin is often black and purple. This terrible disease is named "Black Death".

At that time, people actually didn't know that it was plague. In less than a few days, the card legal persons in the city wall died. On the edge of the streets of the city were dead bodies full of sores and dark spots. Kafa became a hell on earth. The people who survived one by one fled out of the city in panic.

In this way, the Italian New Year's Eve merchants in Cafa City embarked on the road of escape. They went on the sail and were ready to return to the Italian New Year's hometown. However, how did these people know that they were accompanied by rats and fleas, the culprits who spread the Black Death.

The mouse contaminated with fleas climbed up the berthing cable, hid in the cargo compartment, and sailed to the Mediterranean Sea.

While the fleet of merchants was still at sea, the news that Cafa City was shrouded in the Black Death had spread all over the world, and Europe suddenly became panicked.

The fleet trudged back to Italy, but no one agreed with them to dock, because when the ship was sailing on the sea, someone had been infected with deadly germs, and the sailors were dying.

The merchants finally arrived at the port of Messina, Sicily. The frightened port leader quarantined the ship. Unfortunately, it was too late. When the first mooring rope was connected to the shore, the mouse had taken the lead in landing. The short dock was enough to make the Black Death landing in Europe.

In just two years, the Black Death sent nearly one-third of Europe's population to hell, and tens of thousands of ugly people disappeared.

The destruction of the New Year's Eve brought about by the Black Death has become a turning point in European history. This New Year's Eve destruction has caused a sudden decline in Europe's population. Become full of sores and disrepresent.

Many surviving people questioned the old system and swaggered about traditional values. It was the epidemic of the Black Death that objectively destroyed the old social system and ushered in the dawn of the Renaissance in Europe.

From the root, it can be the disaster caused by the Mongols, and the impact of this disaster on the world is even more far-reaching.

A scholar who used to be rich in Europe is more like an angel than Hitler's truth.

Whether it is meritorious or not, Genghis Khan's influence on a world scale absolutely spans the emperor of any period in China. It has attracted the attention of historians from various countries for thousands of years

So when I heard that the excavated tomb of the Mongolian emperor was the tomb of Chengge Sihan, the whole venue of the press conference was boiling.

"Please come as soon as you read the book. What evidence do you have to prove that it is the tomb of Genghis Khan?"

"Has the wealth looted by the Mongolian people on a world scale been found in the mausoleum?"

"Who is the discoverer of this mausoleum? What's the process of discovery?

Countless questions filled the whole press conference site under the interpretation of various languages. Many reporters were as excited as chicken blood. You know, the Genghis Khan Mausoleum gathered the wealth of the whole world.

Seeing that the venue was boiling like hot boiling water, the host quickly shouted with a microphone on New Year's Eve: "Quiet, please be quiet. Before the questioning session, please ask Director Liu to introduce the relevant feelings of Genghis Khan Mausoleum to the New Year's Eve family..."

"Cough, I know my friends want to go to the next step, but this is my job, and we still have to listen to me patiently...

Director Liu is very good at mobilizing the emotions of these reporters. His words make a lot of people laugh. "Next, I will put some video materials for the New Year's Eve family. There are scholars studying Mongolian history in various countries. I believe they will tell you the truth about the mausoleum...

Director Liu made a gesture to the staff present, and immediately presented some edited images on the wall behind Zhuang Rui and Director Liu.

The magnificent underground buildings connected by the curved underground passage, as well as some pictures of burial objects in the mausoleum, were displayed, causing exclamations in the field.

After coming out as a picture of the main tomb of Gis Khan, no one in the field can connect and calm down. The gold that shines dazzlingly in the light has aggravated everyone's breathing a lot.

When the text on the sheepskin scroll was presented on the screen after the New Year's Eve, countless flashes lit up. Most of these reporters ran the scientific research line on New Year's Eve and knew the importance of words to a tomb.

At this moment, the reporters at the scene have believed that this is the mausoleum of Genghis Khan, because as a public announcement, China would not hold such a press conference without conclusive evidence.

"After our experts who study the history of Mongolia, we have confirmed the text unearthed in the tomb. There is no doubt that this tomb is the tomb of Genghis Khan. Well, if there are any questions below, the New Year's Eve family can raise it...

After putting the slide, he entered the questioning session. As soon as Director Liu finished speaking, more than a hundred hands under the stage were raised.

An American reporter stood up after getting the name. "Hello, Director Liu, I'm an Associated Press reporter. I want to know how many cultural relics have been unearthed from the excavation of the Genghis Khan Mausoleum?"

"At present, cultural relics are still being cleaned up. After the clean-up work is completed, the relevant data will be opened to the public one after another"

Director Liu's answer is watertight. His is the relevant data, that is, some data will not be released to the public, which is also a kind of language skill

Under the name of the supporters, several more reporters stood up, and Director Liu was also witty and answered one question after another, of course. These reporters all said hello in advance.

Suddenly, a reporter stood up and said in the next night without being named, "Mr. Liu, I'm a reporter from the Russian News Agency. If I don't understand that history, Genghis Khan once defeated the whole of Russia, and there are countless looted property from our country.

I strongly urge the Chinese government to disclose these cultural relics and return the wealth plundered from Russia, which belongs to Russia and the people of the world.

"Yes, that's right, the wealth of Genghis Khan Mausoleum should belong to the people of the world"

"Requires the Chinese government to disclose the number and types of cultural relics of Genghis Khan Mausoleum"

The question of the Russian reporter, who looks a little like a polar bear, has received a lot of responses from many people. The gold in the main tomb of Genghis Khan's Mausoleum just now has made these people feel extremely unconvinced.

You should know that as a barrier between Mongolia and Europe, Russia can be said to have been deeply devastated by Mongolian cavalry. During the Mongolian Empire, almost the whole of Russia fell.

Of course, all their jade and silk have also been looted by the Mongols, but nearly a thousand years have passed since history, they have not clearly recorded what jade and silk has been robbed.


The Russian reporter's abrupt question was obviously not within the preparation of Director Zhou's response.

And this question is very sharp. If a poor answer is not good, the archaeological excavation will cause great doubts. Director Liu, who was calm just now, immediately sweated on his forehead.

"Sir, our country has always been very disgusted with robbers. If you have proof that Genghis Khan has robbed any tools from your eyes, I think our government is very willing to return it." Zhuang Rui's voice sounded.

I heard Zhuang Rui's answer. The reporter was speechless. How did he know what Genghis Khan had robbed from Russia? There is no record at all.

"Damn, it's so shameless! I still want more than a thousand years of tools, and I don't think about how many tools our country has robbed from China in modern times?

Zhuang Rui cursed in his heart and continued, "As far as I know, in the St. Petersburg Museum in your country, there are a large number of Chinese cultural relics. Only Dunhuang documents are thousands of copies. Can I understand that you are willing to return these cultural relics belonging to China on behalf of your government?

Ratio: In the history of Europe, I think it needs to be mentioned. However, I'm afraid that some friends don't like to read it, so there are more than 600 free words in this chapter. Don't let us pour water. RH