Golden Pupil

Chapter 1221 Speed Storm 2

"What is this for?"

Although Zhuang Rui had seen a horse race, he had never been in the background. Seeing that the horses in front of him were covered with masks, he couldn't help feeling a little novelty.

"Mr. Zhuang, after the pure-blooded horses are affected by the surrounding environment, it will be easier to [Xingxing]. This is to lower their [Xing] point. Wait until a few minutes before rushing the railing, you will take a mask to stimulate their [Xing] "

Mr. Chen also knows a lot about horse gambling. Since Macao took over Hong Kong horse gambling in 2007, it has also been controlled by several gambling companies. As a senior member of the gambling industry, Mr. Chen is certainly not unfamiliar with it.


Zhuang Rui is proud of this practice. Although these horses have been proved to be the highest-priced and fastest racing horse in the world, in Zhuang Rui's eyes, they are all rustic dogs and vulnerable.

When Zhuang Rui saw that Chen Xiaojun had been following him, he couldn't help saying, "Mr. Chen, you go ahead. I don't need to take care of "............"

Mr. Chen shook his head and said, "It's okay, Mr. Zhuang. My task today is to receive you..."

Today, Macao gathered dignitaries from all over the world. It is not only a few new gambling companies that have undertaken a large number of reception tasks, but also several other established companies have come out to share some reception tasks.

Even the Macao government has sent special personnel to coordinate all aspects of things. You know, this Macao International Horse Racing Conference is an excellent opportunity to improve the brand of Macao's city.

Because there were too many people coming, and his reputation was also above Zhuang Rui, so Chen Xiaojun, who had contact with Zhuang Rui two days ago, was arranged to be responsible for his reception.

When Zhuang Rui saw that he couldn't get rid of this buddy, he turned his eyes, took out 200 Hong Kong dollars from his pocket and said, "Well, Mr. Chen, please help me cast a few bets." I want to buy a No. 3 horse..."

Zhuang Rui was in a hurry to rush Mr. Chen to leave, mainly because he wanted to explain something about chasing Feng and Timur. It was not appropriate for Mr. Chen to listen to him.

"Okay, Mr. Zhuang, I'll be back soon..."

Chen Xiaojun didn't think much about it. After taking Zhuang Rui's money, he raised his hand and looked at the table below and left. Now it's still 30 minutes before the first run. And as long as you bet within two minutes before the start, it is valid.

"Zhuang Rui'an replied, do you have anything to say to me?"

Although Timur is simple and honest, he is not stupid. He can see that Zhuang Rui deliberately took away the soft-talking Cantonese.

"Yes, Brother Timur, we are running the second game." I want you to control the speed of the horse. Don't run too fast, but you have to get the first place. Are you sure?

Because Chasing the wind has to play in the last game, Zhuang Rui wants to let him hide a little "strength" and give people a very reluctant feeling of winning, which is the best.

"This Zhuang Rui'an replied, I can't do this." I'm afraid I can't catch the wind at that time...,..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Timur shook her head in embarrassment. Chasing Feng could let him ride on his body, which was already very embarrassing. If he wanted to let Chasing Feng listen to his own words, Timur had never expected it at all.

The time of this short-range speed race is extremely short. The second game is just a 1000-meter race, and the 1000-meter race is all straight. There is no need to pay attention to the jockey's control of the horse's position. There are not many skills, just let go of the speed.

Run down the whole kilometer, estimated to be up to 50 seconds to about a minute." In this short time, if you control the horse's speed at the beginning, Timur is afraid that he can't catch up with other horses when he goes to the back.

In addition, with the fierce temper of chasing the wind, it is estimated that no other horse can be allowed to run in front of it, so Timur, who has felt the speed of chasing the wind, understands that it is not difficult to take the first place, but it is not so easy to complete Zhuang Rui's task.

" Timur's answer, this "...I'll explain the pursuit of Fan............"

Zhuang Rui scratched his head, walked to Chasing Feng, put his around its neck, and said, "Chasing Feng, when you start to run, listen to Brother Timur'er's words. He asked you to run fast. If you pull the reins, you can run a little..."


Chasing the wind was very dissatisfied with a long hiss. He turned his head and ignored Zhuang Rui. In this humanized scene, Timur next to him was stunned.

Zhuang Rui turned his head to chase the wind with a smile and threatened, "Stinky boy, you still lose your temper, okay. In this scene, you listen to Brother Timur's words. In the next scene, I will let you let go and run. If you are disobedient, I'll ask King Kong to make out with you

"Puff!" After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Zhui Feng couldn't help shivering and licking Zhuang Rui's face with his tongue with his crooked head and flattering face.

Not to mention that Zhuang Rui's threat is really useful. The most boring thing in chasing the wind is King Kong. That big guy always digs out his mind and crawls on his own back. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Rui's control, he would have been won by King Kong.

"Is this... okay?"

Timur was really dumbfounded. Although he knew that chasing the wind was very psychic, he didn't expect to reach this level. If he could speak again, it would be no different from human beings.

"Ha ha, Brother Timur, all right. After the game starts, you run first. When you are about to rush to the line, you can control the speed of the horse a little. If you can't control it, you have to take the first one..."

Zhuang Rui explained a few more words to Timur. You know, Qin Haoran made a heavy bet in the second game. If Chasing the wind really loses, Zhuang Rui really can't explain to his father-in-law.

As soon as Zhuang Rui finished explaining, Mr. Chen came back with a few pieces of paper to play lottery tickets and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhuang, I have bought it. I also bought a few bets from you. At that time, I will take advantage of your luck..."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, don't blame me if you lose..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly. This is another superstition of himself. It seems that it is right to give Timur the limelight of being a horse master today.

Looking at Mr. Chen's excited face, I guess he was also infected by the atmosphere of the horse farm outside. Thinking about the good hospitality he had been treated by him in the past two days, Zhuang Rui smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, if you are interested, you might as well buy some to chase the wind to win. This is much more reliable than

"Oh? Then I will definitely buy a few bets later..."

Mr. Chen took a look at Chasing the wind without a horse mask and earplugs, and nodded thoughtfully. He knew the odds of Chasing the wind. Maybe he could bring him a little surprise?

"Let's go, the first game is about to start, let's go and have a look..."

At this time, the audience has basically entered the field, and the loud noise has faintly spread to the stable, and the first batch of horses to participate in the competition have come to the fence under the leadership of jockeys and trainers.

The starting point of the horse race is composed of small spaces separated one by one. Each horse monopolizes a space, and the partition in front of the space is electronically controlled. When the starting gun is fired, the partition will automatically open and give up the horse the track.

At this time, in the racecourse, officials of the Macao government are introducing the guests who participated in the horse racing conference. Of course, the publicity of several new gambling companies is the main thing, because they provided all the expenses of the horse racing.

At the starting point, all the participating horses and jockeys are in the final process of weighing.

This is the same as people of the same weight in boxing competitions. Speed racing also pays attention to the same weight. Otherwise, people who are as light as swallows will take advantage of it.

Weighing mainly depends on whether the sum of the rider and the saddle is less than 50 kg. If it is lower, you have to carry a chunk that is equivalent to the missing weight in the competition.

Of course, in this item, Zhuang Rui's horse racing must have suffered a loss. The weight of Timur alone, even without adding the saddle, is twice as much as 50 kilograms, which is also the main reason why Guo Tycoon and others were not optimistic about Timur as a jockey.

Like human competitive sports, horse racing also has strict regulations, especially short-distance speed horse racing. Not only do you need to weigh before starting, but after rushing the line, you still have to weigh your weight before you can announce the results.

More than that, in some international competitions, horses also have to accept the "urine test" speed race ratio mainly to the speed and endurance of the horse. The role of the horse accounts for more than 70%. In order to achieve good results, it happens from time to time to inject or feed the horse.

In Hong Kong and some countries where horse racing is popular, there are special testing institutions, and the investment of such institutions is as high as 50 to 60 million RMB. There is no such institution in China. For example, during the Olympic Games last year, the top three "urine tests" in equestrian competitions were carried out in Hong Kong.

Weighed a total of less than 20 minutes. After all the horses and jockeys completed this examination, they entered their respective starting points according to the number.

At this time, the horse's blindfold and earplugs have been removed, and the horse owner and trainer are surrounded by the horse. It is the Eight Immortals who cross the sea to show their magical powers. At the last moment, they are improving the [Xing] point of the horse race, hoping to burst out all the strength in the

When the last-minute countdown was made, the jockey rode on the horse, which was also trying to maintain the horse's physical strength as much as possible and use every point of the horse's strength in the subsequent race.

"Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one, bang!"

When the countdown sound was counted to one, a crisp starting gun sounded in the racetrack, the partition in front of the horse opened at the same time, and more than a dozen horses rushed out like the wind.

While the starting gun sounded, it not only marked the beginning of the horse race, but also ignited the ** of the whole racecourse, cheering like a tsunami, setting off a huge sound wave over the racetrack.