Golden Pupil

Chapter 1236 Invitation

Chapter 1236 Invitation

Although this "Xianrui" is not small, and the front and rear bows are also hundreds of meters away, but at the speed of chasing the wind, I'm afraid it can run around in the blink of an eye. If you are not careful, it will really fall into the sea.

"Oh, no, I heard from Bill that you will have an event in Beijing. I want to participate in it. Isn't there a chance? You don't welcome me to attend, do you?

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Prince William laughed. It is undeniable that the words of this young prince are very attractive to Zhuang Rui. You know, the successor of the British royal family is still very popular in the hearts of the Chinese people.

If Bill can appear at the same time in the first exhibition of Chuanguo Yuxi. According to Gates and Prince William, this first exhibition can definitely become world news. For the Dingguang Museum, the benefits are self-evident.

"Your Highness William, I'm glad that you can participate in this event, but..."

When Zhuang Rui said this, his face became a little embarrassed, "But is it appropriate for Your Highness William to participate in such an activity?"

You should know that although the British royal family is only the nominal leader of the British, the royal family's every move and every word still represents the country, so as one of the heirs of the throne, William can be said to be a politician from birth.

From the perspective of country-to-country diplomacy, William's arrival in China is called a visit. It is a diplomatic act that must be received by the government.

As we all know, the diplomacy between China and Western countries is extremely **. Zhuang Rui rushed to invite William to Beijing. I don't know if it will touch the nerves of some departments?

Invite Bill. Gates, that's a pure business event, but inviting Prince William is easy to be guessed by some people who study these things all day long, so Zhuang Rui seems embarrassed. He doesn't want to be caught for these things.

"Zhuang, don't worry, William will go to Beijing without any problems..."

Bill by the side. After Gates saw Zhuang Rui say this, William and Zhuang Rui looked embarrassed at the same time. They couldn't help smiling and said, "William also often attends some commercial events. He can visit your museum with his personal identity, which has nothing to do with the official..."

After Bill's explanation, Zhuang Rui finally understood that these politicians' visits were also divided into public and private sides.

At the invitation of the state or the application for a visit to a country, this is a diplomatic visit, and accepting a private invitation is a personal act and has nothing to do with the country.

Just like U.S. President Clinton, after stepping down as President of the United States, he made business speeches all over the world. He went to Shenzhen several times alone. These... have nothing to do with politics.

The British royal family is now just a national symbol and will not directly participate in national governance. Most of the free time of these princes and princesses is spent by participating in various informal activities.

Participating in these activities can also be paid. As the heir of the younger generation of the British royal family, William has earned a lot of private money with his own title over the years.

"Your Highness William, on behalf of the Dingguang Museum, I officially invite you to participate in the opening ceremony of the special exhibition of the jade seal of the Dingguang Museum. The invitation will be sent to the relevant departments of your country..." After understanding it clearly, Zhuang Rui solemnly sent an invitation to William.

and Bill. Like Gates, when he wanted to invite William to participate in commercial activities, he probably didn't know how long it would take to wait just by queuing. It was rare for William to propose it himself, and of course Zhuang Rui readily agreed.

You know, although the little prince is far less influential than Bill in the world. Gates, but as the heir of the British royal family, his every move will still attract the attention of many European countries.

After Zhuang Rui issued the invitation, Ai Ai said, "However, Prince William, your appearance fee..."

Listen to Bill before. Gates said that in the past, when William participated in some activities, he had to charge a fee, so Zhuang Rui wanted to be a villain before a gentleman, and it would be better to explain this matter clearly.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, William couldn't help laughing. After thinking about it seriously, he said, "Zhuang, I went to this activity as a friend. As for the cost, you can let me ride and chase the wind..."

"Zhuang, you can't favor one over the other. Although I don't want money, I also want to ride around the wind..." Prince William's words were not settled, Bill beside him. Gates shouted. "It's going to be a shout."

"No problem, I promise that I can let His Royal Highness and Mr. Bill appreciate the style of the fastest horse in the world..."

Zhuang Rui agreed with a smile. As his partner, he would not sell chasing the wind, but to exploit the usable value of chasing the wind, Zhuang Rui said that there was no psychological pressure.

After negotiating two invitations, out of courtesy, Zhuang Rui took Prince William and Bill. Gates met his family. Because it was late, both of them chose to stay on the boat for one night.

However, what makes Zhuang Rui a little depressed is that foreigners don't have the habit of giving gifts, otherwise their children will definitely receive a big red envelope. By the way, the richest man in the world can't be too shabby, right?

The next morning, William and Bill returned to Macao to deal with some things, and Zhuang Rui also finalized the specific matters of William's visit with the relevant British departments. In the afternoon of the same day, the group returned to Beijing on the Xuanrui.

In this, an interesting thing happened, that is, the appearance of King Kong, which scared the two world celebrities to death. Bill was fine, but he just hid behind Zhuang Rui, and the young William hugged King Kong warmly and was so scared that he almost jumped off the boat to escape.

However, when King Kong made an aggrieved look, and even the two children dared to climb on it, William and Bill eliminated their fear and really believed Zhuang Rui's words. He did regard these creatures as partners, otherwise the grumpy gorilla would definitely not be like This is to get along with human beings.


Returning to Beijing, Zhuang Ruixian contacted Professor Meng and postponed the schedule of going to Inner Mongolia to preside over archaeological work, because the day after tomorrow, the Dingguang Museum will hold the first exhibition of the national jade seal.

And William and Bill. Gates lived in Zhuang Rui's manor in a low-key way. Although he was a little reluctant to chase the wind, under the coercion and inducement of Zhuang Rui, the two also had a good time and played in the manor all day.

The next morning, a Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car and Zhuang Rui's Hummer drove out of the manor one after another. It was Zhuang Rui and several people in the car. Today, he will lead the guests to visit his museum.

As for that car, it was the way that Zhuang Rui asked Ouyang Jun to think about. The two guests were too big, and Zhuang Rui wanted to ensure their absolute safety.

When the two cars drove into the parking lot inside the museum, Zhuang Rui took Prince William and Bill. Gates walked to the office area, but Zhuang Rui didn't expect that this was not a long way, but it caused a lot of **.

"Oh, my God, with... the man behind the old... boss, is... it's Bill. Gates???"

"Okay... It seems so. The young man with freckles on his face is also very familiar. It seems that it seems to be Prince William of England, right?"

"That's right, it's just... just the two of them. Oh, my God, how did the boss invite them here?"

Those who can work in the Dingguang Museum are all highly educated elites, that is, the legendary urban white-collar petty bourgeoisie, for Bill. Of course, Gates and Prince William, who often go on newspapers and television, are no strangers. They almost recognized Bill and William at a glance.

The appearance of the world's richest man and the British prince made the staff in these museums feel like they were in a dream, because these two people were too far away from their lives and suddenly appeared in front of them, which made people feel extremely unreal.

"Oh, why did I forget to sign it just now?" By the time the staff returned to China, Zhuang Rui and others had gone far away.

"Yes, I should have taken a picture with them..." This buddy is also regretful. It is enough for him to take a picture with the richest man in the world for a lifetime.

"William is so handsome. The freckles on his face are so sexy..."

The words of a nymphomaniac clerk attracted a group of contemptuous eyes, saying that the group of men in the museum, except that the clothes are not as valuable as William, which one is not more handsome than him?

"Bah, I think our boss is handsome. Don't you also talk and laugh in front of those two people?" Unfortunately, Zhuang Rui didn't hear the girl's words, otherwise he would have given him a raise.

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect the boss to invite these two people. It's really great..." The words of a clerk brought everyone's attention back to Zhuang Rui.

"Who is the boss? Who is the boss? The man in casual clothes walking in front of him?"

Most of them don't know much about this legendary boss, because Zhuang Rui's appearances are too few, and even many new employees don't know that the person in front of him is the owner of this museum.

If Zhuang Rui knew about this situation, he would probably have to shake his head and smile bitterly. As the owner of the museum, he is not as famous as two strangers.


"Cough, you two, I'm really sorry, I didn't inform the employee that you two will come today..."

Although I know William and Bill. Gates couldn't understand Mandarin, and Zhuang Rui still apologized to the two of his employees, which was extremely impolite to point out to them.

William and Bill both smiled and said they didn't mind. There were too many such scenes they had seen.

It is no exaggeration to say that if they appear in the public eye, it is absolutely no different from the sensation that King Kong can cause.

: I'm too tired these days. I want to take a nap in the afternoon. Who knows that I slept in the dark. This chapter is a little late. No wonder.

Well, the weekly promotion list has been exposed again. It doesn't cost money to recommend tickets. I hope my friends can support me more. I'm really diligent this month. RO