Golden Pupil

Chapter 1239 Gifts

Chapter 1239 Gifts for Monthly Pass Support

It is no exaggeration to say that "Female History Map" is the earliest Chinese silk painting in existence today, and it is one of the works of the earliest professional painters in China that can still be seen.

Just like the status of the Dingguang sword in ancient cold weapons, "Women's History Map" is also a milestone in the history of Chinese art.

So Zhuang Rui put his first goal on the copy of Women's History Map, and the other two items he mentioned are also the pinnacle of ancient Chinese art.

When Zhuang Rui visited the British Museum a few years ago, he noticed that the bronze statue of the Shang Dynasty was two con one sheep, with a round tube in the middle. The shape was very beautiful and exquisite, and there was no bronze of the same type in China.

As for the porcelain wine pot of the Song Dynasty, the base is surrounded by a lotus flower, and a lion sits on the lid of the pot. Whether it is the shape or the firing process, it is a treasure among the boutique, so it was also included in the communication list by Zhuang Rui.

After Zhuang Rui finished talking about these three objects, he thought for a moment and then said, "Well, Brother Huangfu, the blue and white porcelain plate with mandarin fish pattern in the Yuan Dynasty is also listed. The British keep these things in the secret room all day long, and it is time for the Chinese to see these objects that were robbed more than

Although the area of the British Museum is far larger than that of the Dingguang Museum, their collection is also unfathomable. Many precious items have not been placed at all, but have been sealed for decades or even a hundred years.

Now that there is this opportunity to exchange exhibitions, of course, Zhuang Rui wants those artistic masterpieces that represent the peak of Chinese art to reappear in front of the Chinese people. Although the Chinese people are much richer now, how many people can go to the UK to see these national treasures?

Huangfuyun's face also became serious and said seriously, "Zhuang Rui, your idea and starting point are good, but... Will the British Museum agree to our request?"

You should know that before the British Museum, they didn't even sell the accounts of the Palace Museum, and it was even more difficult for domestic scholars to enter the secret room of the British Museum to study some orphan works of art that do not exist in China.

Regarding the conditions offered by Zhuang Rui, Huang Fuyun felt that his boss took it for granted. He was not very optimistic about this communication.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree. It's not what we proposed, Brother Huangfu, pay back the money on the spot at a sky-high price, but the items I mentioned above must be in the exchange items, otherwise it's okay if you don't do it..."

Zhuang Rui doesn't care. It's good to facilitate this exchange. If he can't do it, he won't lose anything. What's more, if William makes every effort to do this, I think the British Museum will also give face to the future king, right?

In addition, the pirate treasures in the pirate museum are just a little novel for the Chinese. At best, it is to increase some understanding of the history of foreign medieval pirates.

But for the British, these pirate treasures are of great significance, because the Klaus pirates were wiped out by them, representing the powerful force and deterrence of Britain in that era. In the eyes of the people concerned, their importance may not be less important than the Chinese cultural relics issued by Zhuang Rui.

"Oced, just do as you said..."

Huang Fuyun thought the same. At present, he made a list in Chinese and English and gave it to Zhuang Rui. According to the principle of exchanging one by one, a total of 18 Chinese collections in the British Museum were listed.

In fact, Zhuang Rui did not have much hope for this matter, but when he handed over the list to William at noon, the next progress was unusually smooth.

I don't know if Prince William's identity as the future king played a role. The British Museum initially agreed to this cultural exchange activity. As for the details of the exchange of goods, the two museums need to send special personnel to discuss.

Of course, Zhuang Rui and William will not take care of these matters. When the poor deputy curator Huangfu is busy with the first exhibition of the "Chun Guo Yuxi" tomorrow, he has begun to book tickets to fly to the United Kingdom in a few days, and Zhuang Rui took Prince William and Bill to visit Pan's home.


Zhuang Rui and others wore casual clothes. The glasses on Bill's face also turned into sunglasses with degrees, and Pan's home was a place where foreigners gathered. They mixed into the crowd, but they were not recognized.

However, the bodyguards behind them have worked much harder. While protecting the target character, they also have to prevent some emergencies. They are slandering Zhuang Rui, who brought Bill and William here.

Bill. Gates has come to Pan's home several times, and Prince William is the first time. The dazzling range of Chinese "art works" has overwhelmed the royal children who have received aristocratic education since childhood.

"Zhuang, that's great, I think... I'm in love with Chinese culture..."

William held a piece of Ruyi used by the ancients scratching in his right hand, and in his left hand held a Cloisonne vase, his face was full of excitement, and there were many people squeezing everywhere.

Although they are all fakes, the modern production technology makes these "cottage" antiques more ornamental. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Rui's help to kill the price, I'm afraid Prince William would have become the highest-ranked foreign guest since the establishment of Panjiayuan.

"William, I still have a gift for you..."

Zhuang Rui can't stand William any more. He bought things and killed the price, and the people who set up a stall in Panjiayuan looked at him with the eyes of traitors, which was also very uncomfortable. At the moment, he led William into the "Xuanrui Zhai".

"Hey, Brother Zhuang, why are you free today..."

The monkey, the third shopkeeper of Xuan Ruizhai, hurriedly greeted Zhuang Rui after seeing Zhuang Rui. Compared with a few years ago, the monkey's demeanor is much calmer, and his words are also full of Beijing accent.

"I'll bring two foreign friends to have a look. What about Daxiong and Lao Zhao?"

Zhuang Rui took a look around. There were not many people in the store at this time, so he didn't let William and Bill in and asked them to sit down at the tea table.

The monkey boiled water at the tea table, secretly looked at William and Bill's two bodyguards, and whispered, "Brother Daxiong, they go out, Brother Zhuang, what do these two foreign friends do? Why are you still following the bodyguard?

"Don't you know them?"

Zhuang Rui looked at the monkey in surprise. Bill and William's sunglasses had been taken off. He didn't expect that the monkey didn't recognize them.

The monkey said with a confused face, "I don't know, Brother Zhuang, are they foreign stars? But this old man is not very handsome..."

Although he has been in Beijing for several years, the monkey doesn't read newspapers or watch TV. He just gave birth to a daughter last year, and he became a father after work.

The divorced young woman he hooked up with in the gym also has the same taste, so although I have heard that the richest man in the world is Bill. Gates, but the monkey really doesn't know him.

"De, you really haven't grown at all. If you have nothing to do, you can read more magazines about world finance. You don't have any knowledge at all..."

When Zhuang Rui heard the monkey's words, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry, just like Bill. I'm afraid that people like Gates may make personal biographies in the future, but no film and television company in the world can afford to hire him to make movies.

"Why do I watch those when I have nothing to do? I can't invest in stocks..." The monkey muttered, a typical petty citizen mentality.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to stop the monkey from pouring tea and said, "Okay, I'll pour the tea. Go and help my two friends engrave a private seal. Well, use the good chicken blood stone in the store. The craftsmanship is better, otherwise I can't afford to lose this person..."

Although monkeys look like thieves and rat eyes, they didn't do their job all day long, but they can really be called ingenuity. In the past few years, they have learned Master Ge's seal carving skills eight points. After Master Ge suffered a stroke and went home to recuperate, he officially took over the process of "

After more than a year, the monkey is also a little famous. Many people in the capital began to collect his seals. Zhuang Rui wanted to give Bill and William a gift to him.

After writing the names of William and Bill on paper and giving them to the monkey, Zhuang Rui got busy at the tea table.

"Bill, William, try Chinese tea. This is a good Pu'er tea with a history of more than 30 years..."

Zhuang Rui often went to the ancient man's place in recent years, but he practiced the skill of pouring tea. Bill and William raised their thumbs when they saw the flowing movements.

"Bun! Dangdang!" "

Just as Zhuang Rui and William were tasting tea, a few loud noises suddenly came from the place where the monkey had just sat, and the bodyguard at the door stood in front of Bill and William with an arrow.

"Huh? Where are the monkeys? Monkey!"

Zhuang Rui found that the monkey sitting in front of the seal carving platform just now had disappeared at this moment, and quickly shouted.

"Zhuang...Brother Zhuang, I...I'm fine..."

The voice of the monkey came from the back of the table. After a long time, he covered his head and stood up. He pulled Zhuang Rui aside, whispered to the note and asked, "Brother Zhuang, this name, he... is the richest man in the world?"

Haven't you ever seen a pig run? Have you ever eaten pork? After seeing the name, the monkey reacted even if his brain was dull.

Only then did Zhuang Rui know the reason why the monkey fell down. He couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Look at your little promising, it's him. After engraving the seal, I'll ask you to take a picture with him holding the seal and hang it in the store. You will be a celebrity in the future..."

"Oh, that's good, Brother Zhuang, just wait..."

As soon as the monkey heard Zhuang Rui's words, his eyes were full of little stars. He could take a photo with the richest man in the world. This celebrity effect was not bragging. The monkey seemed to have seen that he had become a famous seal engraver, and countless people cried and asked him for a seal.

(: On Christmas Eve today, I wish my friends good health and happiness. There is another chapter in the evening. Let's go and eat something. Can you give some gifts? Thank you in advance)

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