Golden Pupil

Chapter 1243 Islander

Prepare for war? What's going on?

Hearing Song Jun's words, Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment. Since that trip to Africa, Zhuang Rui has always been in his heart. After all, there is no impermeable wall in the world. When he clashed with Muta before, many people still saw it.

This matter is like a big stone, which has always been pressed in Zhuang Rui's heart. He doesn't know what kind of revenge dictator would use if he knew that his son had been killed by himself.

So in the past few years, Zhuang Rui has been trying his best to avoid going abroad, but he is afraid that something will happen. He knows in his heart that he has a lot of spiritual skills in his eyes. But in times of crisis, it is useless at all. A bullet worth only three and 50 cents can reimburse himself.

"Recently, the madman's relationship with NATO is very deadlocked. Maybe there will be a war, and he can't care about anything else at all..." As we all know, the leader of Lebiya has a strong anti-American intention. Although he was very close to the United States before and after the coup, he has been in power He has never been to the United States and has criticized the United States on different occasions.

So the United States has also been looking for opportunities to solve this thorn in the eye. Recently, the relationship between the two sides has intensified again, and there is a possibility of war.

"War? Then don't you want to die if I go there?"

Zhuang Rui didn't want to be inexplicably involved in a war. In that gunfight in Myanmar, Zhuang Rui really felt that human life was more fragile and weaker than huā grass in that situation.

"Cough, you have so many things to do. I've never seen you so afraid of death..."

Song Jun became a little impatient, and then said, "The war in North Africa is a matter of nothing. Besides, our mining area is protected by mercenaries, and no one dares to attack it. "Those Americans dare not..." The United States wants to fight in Lebiya. Although it is in the name of NATO, it still needs to "The checks and balances" so in other places, some concessions must be made." The domestic interests in China and Africa will inevitably be guaranteed.

"However, the archaeological work in Inner Mongolia still needs me..." Zhuang Rui said hesitantly.

"Bullshit, archaeology is a national act" The business in China and Africa is your own business. Which one do you choose?" Zhuang Rui was interrupted by Song Jun before he finished his words. I don't know if Mr. Song at home heard his grandson's words, would he hit him with a crutch?

"Okay" I'll go..."

After paying again and again, Zhuang Ruisi agreed, because the archaeological work in Inner Mongolia is no longer attractive to Zhuang Rui at all. Going there is just to develop the remaining tombs step by step.

And as Song Jun said, those objects are all excavated, and they are not his own. Compared with his billions of investment in Africa, Zhuang Rui certainly prefers the latter.

"That's right. Time is not in a hurry. You can get to the Gulf of Guinea in half a month, where there is a fleet of military visits in our country." Then you can receive those chiefs or something every day. Two months later, Fatty Ma and I will replace you..."

In this world, strong force is the most effective way to protect the rights and interests in hand. Although the parties have reached an agreement, a military force has been sent in China to maintain China's interests in that region.

"Zhuang Rui, those African women rarely wear clothes. Don't be fascinated when you go..."

Seeing that Zhuang Rui agreed, Song Jun was in a good mood. He joked with Zhuang Rui. In many places in Africa, "Women never wear coats, but Song Jun doesn't have such a heavy taste.

"Fuck you" I don't have that hobby,"" Zhuang Rui replied angrily, "Maybe King Kong will be interested in those people of the same kind."

After deciding to go to Central Africa, Zhuang Rui immediately communicated with Professor Meng. Fortunately, the main tomb of Genghis Khan has been excavated, and the archaeological task is not so heavy. Professor Meng also agreed to Zhuang Rui's request. However, this archaeological project is estimated to take at least more than half a year, so the title of Zhuang Rui It is still retained.

Now Zhuang Rui is leaving Beijing, which is not his own business. Yu "Quanshan must go. Before leaving, he has to help the old man take good care of his health, and also visit the ancient places." In the next few days, Zhuang Rui became extremely busy.

However, after dealing with domestic affairs, Zhuang Rui began to scratch his head again. This trip to China and Africa should be brought back is a problem in front of Zhuang Rui. Although Zhuang Rui's popularity in China has decreased, there are still some reporters squatting outside the manor from time to time to "annoy Qin Xuanbing", so I heard When Rui wanted to go to Central Africa, she asked to go together.

It's just this request, but Zhuang Rui dares not agree, because his impression of Africa is too bad, and he is worried that his wife and children will go into danger together.

In addition, as the last survival base of the gorilla, whether to take King Kong with him is also what Zhuang Rui should consider. If King Kong still can't find a companion there, I'm afraid there is no suitable for it on earth.

"Brother Hu, what can I do for you? I'm so worried...

Just as Zhuang Rui was trying to persuade Qin Xuanbing, Hu Rong, who was far away in Myanmar, suddenly called.

"Haha, what's wrong? You have a lot of fame now." Hu Rong's cheerful voice came from the phone, but it sounded like a good mood.

In the past two years, Hu Rong has listened to Zhuang Rui's words. He has invested nearly one billion US dollars in China and established a large industrial city on the border of Yunnan. The local government is very supportive and has allocated almost half of the county land to him.

Around the industrial city, Hu Rong has built a large number of residential communities, but he is not to develop real estate, but to prepare for large-scale immigrants in the future.

With a foundation in China, Hu Rong has also begun to gradually transfer the industry in Myanmar.

However, out of concern about the domestic political environment, Hu Rong did not put all the eggs in a basket, and also invested a lot in Western countries. China is just the most important base of the Hu family.

After hearing Hu Rong's words, Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly, "Brother Hu, I'm driven crazy by those reporters." He came to harass my family all day long. Isn't he about to go out to hide?" "Go out to hide? That's just right. "Your island in the Caribbean has been completed. Why don't you take your sister-in-law to live there for a while?" Hu Rong knew that Zhuang Rui didn't like to be lively, so he gave him an idea.

"Can people live?" Zhuang Rui's heart moved when he heard the words.

Hu Rong laughed when he heard the words, "Of course, the airport and port have been built. Except for the primitive forest in the west of the island, which has been renovated, everything else has been rebuilt." It will definitely satisfy you..."

Zhuang Rui's private island was bought by the Qianmen boss in the early days. Whether it is the land area or the surrounding environment, it is better than the island sold now, and almost no money can buy it.

Of course, the larger the island, the more investment. More than half of the money Zhuang Rui earned in the Myanmar gold mine has been invested in the infrastructure of the island. After nearly two years of construction, it is finally completed.

"Can safety be guaranteed? There are no pirates, right?" After hearing Hu Rong's words, Zhuang Rui had an idea. He wanted to send Qin Xuanbing and his children to live in his private territory for a period of time. "Then he went to China and Africa by himself, so that his wife and children would not have to take risks with him.

"What era do you think it is now? Pirates of the Caribbean have long been gone, and your island belongs to the Bahamas, which is very safe. I also want to buy a small island near there recently, and I will live there when I get old..."

Hu Rong is very concerned about Zhuang Rui's affairs. He has been to that island three times. For that kind of paradise-like place, Hu Rong is also moved.

After paying again and again, Zhuang Ruisi finally made up his mind and said, "Okay, Brother Hu, I'll go the day after tomorrow." If you have time, you can also go there." I'll give you the living material reserve on the island..."

"No problem, the current reserve materials on the island are enough for your family to eat for several years. I'll go there tomorrow and prepare them for you first..." Hu Rong agreed on the phone.

After finalizing the itinerary, Zhuang Rui first sent King Kong to Xuanrui. He decided to send Qin Xuanbing and his children to the Caribbean first, and then fly to Central Africa.

The Xuanrui took King Kong and Xiao Jin directly to the Gulf of Guinea in Africa. It's not Zhuang Rui who doesn't want to go by boat. The main reason is that these two places are simply at both ends of the earth, and they are too far apart.

For the life of Qin Xuanbing and others on the island, Zhuang Rui also fooled Zhang's mother and sister-in-law Li to agree to live for a period of time.

In addition, for the sake of safety, Zhuang Rui also brought Hao Long and five good security personnel in the manor. If it hadn't been for a private plane, Zhuang Rui would not have been able to bring so many people.

Originally, Zhuang Rui wanted to take Ouyang Wan with him, but Zhuang's mother was worried about her parents and decided to move to Yuquan Mountain for a period of time. Zhuang Rui had to give up.

After crossing the entire Pacific Ocean, Zhuang Rui's private plane finally arrived north of the Caribbean, near an island of dozens of kilometers in size near the Bahamas.

"It's so beautiful!"

Looking down from the plane, Qin Xuanbing couldn't help exclaiming. The snow-white beach surrounded the whole island like a jade belt.

The lush virgin forest in the west of the island, the long airport runway, a complex of buildings in the Chinese classical architectural style, and the path paved with white stone can be seen from the plane.