Golden Pupil

Chapter 1247 Poverty and Luxury

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Clyde shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "Well, boss, I believe that with you, I can become the greatest captain in history..." "Ha ha, you will. There are countless treasures waiting for us in the ocean, but Clyde, you have to wait for me to finish first. The matter is not enough..." Zhuang Rui casually drew a free cake for Clyde, but this time it was relatively reliable. After the matter between China and Africa was solved, Zhuang Rui was ready to salvage the shipwreck.

After the bearded captain, Zhuang Rui invited Li Shaohua to have dinner on the Xuanrui. The big chef from [Zhongzhong] country and the abundant food on the ship. Li Shaohua was very happy to eat. On their warship, he couldn't eat such delicious food.

As the chief officer of this military visit fleet, Li Shaohua still has a lot of things to deal with. After dinner, he declined Zhuang Rui's suggestion to let him rest on the Xuanrui and returned to his warship.

"Mr. Zhuang, the convoy to escort you to the mining area is ready. Are you leaving now?" The next morning, a naval officer came to the Xuanrui. This man Zhuang Rui saw yesterday, named Zhou Liang, who was with Li Shaohua, but he was dressed in casual clothes at that time. Now after changing into military uniform, he was stunned. Hanging the rank of colonel.

"Brother Zhou, you can call me Xiaozhuang or Zhuang Rui. Don't call me Mr. This name is too clumsty..."

Zhuang Rui took a bag of pandas with a long filter and threw it over. He knew that he would work as a guard in the mining area in the future, which would be the responsibility of the naval colonel officer and the company's mercenaries. Of course, he had to have a good relationship with the people.

After taking over the smoke thrown by Zhuang Rui, Colonel Zhou's eyes couldn't help but light up. Although he also smoked white-skinned military cigarettes for Chinese cigarettes at his level, he was usually not blessed to enjoy this kind of smoke exclusively for leaders above the ministerial level.

"Okay" Brother Zhuang, I bribed you my pack of cigarettes, and I also made you as a friend..." Zhou Liang is a cheerful person. Of course, he will not make friends with Zhuang Rui because of a pack of cigarettes, but yesterday I saw the attitude of his immediate boss towards Zhuang Rui. In addition, Zhuang Rui did not have the habits of those domestic Zhou Liang naturally knows how to get along with Zhuang Rui.

After chatting with Zhuang Rui for a while, Zhou Liang looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, get on the boat, brother. In order to send you there, I drove the largest troop transport speedboat..." The Gulf of Guinea can be called the largest bay in the world. It is also the trade center of Central Africa. There are countless ships every day When docking or leaving here, the Chinese warships can only stay in the waters of countries related to the Gulf of Guinea.

After seeing the following speedboat that can transport dozens of soldiers at a time, Zhuang Rui patted King Kong's big head with a smile and said, " King Kong, you are enjoying special treatment..."

"Teaching..." Although King Kong likes life on the sea very much, he hasn't seen the land for a long time." This guy has been a little **. After jumping into the speedboat from the elevator, the whole speedboat was crushed by its huge body. After taking the speedboat to the port from the "Xianrui", Zhuang Rui was shocked by the convoy in front of him. At a landing point in the busy port, there were two SUVs in China that he saw yesterday, as well as four armored personnel carriers and a truck surrounded by canvas.

"Brother Zhou" uses... Do you need such a big battle?" Forget the truck, because King Kong follows, ordinary cars can't install it, but this armored personnel carrier is a little too dazzling.

The thick bulletproof tire is half a person tall, which makes the chassis of the body extremely high and can travel in more complex road conditions, and there are two shooting holes at the head and tail of the troop carrier. In other words, this whole is a simplified tank.

This kind of battle really makes Zhuang Rui feel a little nervous. He is just going to the company to take office. It's like going to fight a war. Is there any danger on the way?

Such a motorcade is parked on the dock, which makes everyone around you look sideways, but this is in Africa, especially in the Gulf of Guinea, where seven or eight small countries are sandwiched in it. No one will poke their nose into other things.

The King Kong who came down from the speedboat also surprised the workers on the dock. Although several surrounding countries were the last shelter of the gorillas on the planet, these people had never seen such a large orangutan.

Zhou Liang, who was dressed in military uniform, was a little impatient by the people around him. He waved to Zhuang Rui and said, "Brother Zhuang, what is this? You don't know that some chiefs from several surrounding countries went out, and we are much bigger. Let's go, get in the car..." After Zhuang Rui and others got After leaving the port, I drove on a flat asphalt road for about half an hour and turned into a gravel road. Most of the roads were arable land, and many black people worked in the fields.

"Damn it, you really don't wear a coat, huh, are all women working?" Zhuang Rui found that these people working in the field are basically women. Some friends will ask, black people are so dark, can you see clearly in the car?

This [answer] case is very simple, because those women don't wear coats, and the whole upper body is ** outside. Unless the man's chest muscles are like Arnold or Stallone, Zhuang Rui will not admit his mistake.

It's not Zhuang Rui's hooligan staring at that place, but it's too conspicuous. Whoever looks at that place at first glance.

"Brother Zhou, why don't men work?" Zhuang Rui asked like Zhou Liang around him. Is it possible that this place is like Myanmar, where men take care of children at home and women work?

"Here, farming is a light job. Men work in the forest or mining area, which is much more tiring than these work..."

Zhou Liang's [Zhong] National Fleet has been in this area for more than two years. He knows the local customs and living habits like the back of his hand, and now he introduces it to Zhuang Rui.

Many countries in Africa are surrounded by primitive forests. In the early centuries, the people here were not much different from the primitives, and the Americas and Western countries came here in groups to catch black slaves.

Although their rights and interests have been recognized and greatly improved after the liberation of black people, the situation of poverty and backwardness in Africa has not changed much.

Even within these countries, there is still slavery. Slaves mainly come from prisoners of war, some debt slaves and criminals, and the slave trade is also very popular.

The imperfection of the system will lead to the decline of social development. Although the land of Africa can be said to be full of gold, this gold does not belong to the African people.

Especially in Central Africa, the forest area of many countries has even reached more than 55%. Although there are rich deposits of gold, copper, iron and other minerals underground, they do not have enough technology to mine.

So most of the people here live on arable land. Men are engaged in heavy labor such as deforestation, hunting and fishing, while agricultural farming is mainly done by women.

Just like the scene Zhuang Rui saw, it was all women working. They put the children who could not climb on the ground, and they were busy in it.

And even if these people work so hard, the reward is just to solve the problem of food and clothing, so in such a region, disputes are also the most likely to occur. Wars between tribes often break out. What they do is each other's women and wealth.

"Alas, this is really guarding Jinshan to beg food..." After hearing Zhou Liang's introduction, Zhuang Rui couldn't help sighing that there are extremely rich mineral resources underground, but these people can only do the most primitive work to make a living. If they fall behind, they will be beaten, which is the most applicable on the land of Africa.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Zhou Liang curled his lips and said disapprovingly, "Jinshan, Jinshan has it, but they are all personal, and have nothing to do with these ordinary people..."

No matter which country or region, even in primitive society, there are privileged classes, even more so in Africa.

The kings or chiefs of these countries hold important trade materials such as gold, salt, fur, ivory and metal minerals. Basically, a country's wealth is in their hands.

According to Zhou Liang, he once saw a chief guarding the gold mine tribe who built a large lake in his manor, but its role was unimaginable.

The lake, which occupies a lot of arable land for black farmers, is only used to park the chief's seaplane to land and take off, and the chief rarely uses it twice a year.

Although it is poor here, high-end consumption is amazing. There are all kinds of the world's top sports cars and private jets. Of course, consumers are still those kings or chiefs.

"Grandma, no wonder wars often break out here. Where there is oppression, there is resistance..."

When Zhuang Rui heard about the life of the African people, he was also very uncomfortable. Of course, he just sighed a few words. After all, the mineral companies he invested in by himself are equivalent to making wealth from the African people.

"Yes, people are poor and short-sighted, and they are more vulnerable to provocation. Sometimes a tribe can subvert a country..." Zhou Liang's tone seemed to be deeply touched. Zhuang Rui doubted whether they had done these things?

After the motorcade drove forward for more than an hour, the arable land on both sides became less and less, and the roads became narrower and narrower. Both sides were full of tall tropical rainforest trees. Except for the song of birds and the sound of animals, the surroundings became very quiet.