Golden Pupil

Chapter 1249 Reason

Gorillas generally live in the depths of the jungle. Although they look fierce, they are very docile and timid, and rarely attack human beings. Zhuang Rui really doesn't understand why the people here are so hostile to King Kong.

Even at this time, the people outside the company's wall still did not disperse, and it seemed that they were still noisy. Zhuang Rui couldn't help frowning. Is it a mistake to bring King Kong to the birthplace of the gorilla?

"Mr. Wei, can you make it clear? How can human beings hate gorillas because of themselves?" Zhuang Rui knew that if he wanted to solve this headache, he still wanted to ask Mr. Wei, who had been in the local area for several years.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Mr. Wei looked at King Kong squatting beside Zhuang Rui with a little fear and said, "Mr. Zhuang, the close relative I'm talking about is not us human beings, but another primate moving place in Africa... chimpanzee." "Chimpanzee? Aren't they all orangutans?" Zhuang Rui was a little confused when he heard the words. He didn't know the difference between chimpanzees and gorillas. Isn't it just a word difference?

"Cough, Mr. Zhuang, this is different..." When Mr. Wei saw that Zhuang Rui really didn't understand the difference between the two, he coughed and explained to Zhuang Rui: "Although chimpanzees and gorillas are both animals of the orangutans, chimpanzees are the smallest species in the gorilla family. Primate baboons are slightly larger.

The reason why the indigenous people here hate the gorilla you brought is mainly because of the relationship between chimpanzees and baboons..." It turns out that in the dense forests of Central Africa, not only gorillas live, but also various primates, among which chimpanzees and baboons are the most powerful.

In the groups of these two creatures, there is an obvious order of hierarchy and strict discipline, and the cruelty of punishment is frightening. Especially the baboon group, after a period of several years and a cycle, there will be a war, or grouping or changing kings. It is the law of the kingdom of baboons to exchange the old for

And these animals are not all vegetarian as people think. They are actually omnivorous creatures, not only eating green leafy stems on trees, but also insects and some small animals.

Surprisingly, chimpanzees will even eat their close relatives... Other primates, such as warts, baboons, etc., even attack different groups of chimpanzees of the same kind to get territory and food, similar to human wars.

After the analysis of scientists, this is because chimpanzees and baboons need the protein and nutrients provided in meat in their survival, which allows them to plan to hunt some creatures within their ability.

However, due to the great development of China and Africa in recent years, the forests have been cut down indistinently, and the deforestation has become the arable land of the local people.

This makes the living space of chimpanzees and baboons smaller step by step, reducing their sources of food. This survival crisis will inevitably lead to conflicts between chimpanzees and baboons and humans.

As mentioned above, farming in Africa is the work of women, and those black women have to take care of their children while farming. In general, they put their children in the field and are busy in the field.

This way of working makes those chimpanzees and baboons take advantage of the loopholes. They will quietly slip into the field and take the children away when adults are not paying attention. The result is to eat those children...!

Even some bold chimpanzees and baboons will enter the villages where human beings live to "steal human babies, and the result is the same as above" that those babies will become their food.

Although this looks a little appalling, it is a fact that happens every day in the land of Central Africa near the forest.

Scientists once calculated that in areas where humans live near the forest, the infant mortality rate stolen and eaten by chimpanzees is much higher than the normal number of deaths.

This caused war between humans and chimpanzees, baboons and other ethnic groups, and chimpanzees and baboons were hunted by the local indigenous people.

But they are also retaliating against human beings. If they can't beat the big ones, they will take the small ones. This strategy forces many villages to move away from their original residences.

Perhaps chimpanzees and baboons steal human infants and young children just because of the need to survive, but in this way, human beings have a deadly feud with them.

Especially in the village where Zhuang Rui is now, it is on the edge of the forest. I don't know how many times such a thing has happened.

So after seeing the gorilla King Kong, those soldiers with guns and people in the local village will behave like this. Isn't the gorilla a little bigger than the chimpanzee? Who knows whether they eat children or not?

"Is there such a thing?" After listening to Mr. Wei's story, Zhuang Rui couldn't help but feel a little creepy, and he was even more grateful. Fortunately, he didn't let his wife and children follow him. Otherwise, if something happened, he would regret it.

After knowing the reason for the hatred between the locals and the orangutans, Zhuang Rui was also afraid that King Kong would be hurt. He thought for a moment and said, "Why don't I just go back to the ship?" In fact, he brought King Kong to Africa this time to let King Kong choose whether to continue to follow him or stay in this In this case, Zhuang Rui will not kill King Kong even if he is beaten to death.

"Wow...oh..." Before Zhuang Rui's words fell, King Kong, who had been squatting on the ground, suddenly jumped up and beat his chest dissatisfiedly, indicating that he was unwilling to leave.

You should know that not only are human settlements difficult to leave, but also have feelings for the places where their ancestors lived.

Since he came here, King Kong has felt that the lush forest in the distance has a great attraction to it, as if he was calling it to go. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, King Kong showed anxiety.

King Kong's action made several bodyguards put their hands on the handle of the gun again. They had seen the leftover baby bones with their own eyes, so they had no good impression on animals such as orangutans.

"Kang, no, it's too dangerous for you here. You can still live on Xuanrui Island in the future. There are also primitive forests there..." "Woo-hoo..."

After King Kong heard Zhuang Rui's words, he actually rolled on the ground, and then half knelt down and couldn't help holding his fists to bow to Zhuang Rui. That funny look made everyone in the house less afraid of King Kong.

"Mr. Wei, why don't we tell the people in this village that King Kong is harmless? I'll give them some more material compensation. Do you think... Can they accept the existence of King Kong?

Looking at King Kong's appearance, Zhuang Rui couldn't bear it. He had a tacit understanding with his partners. Although King Kong couldn't speak, Zhuang Rui also knew its yearning for this jungle.

Mr. Wei was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but seeing Zhuang Rui's firm look, he finally nodded and said, "Well... I'll try, but before that, it's better not let King Kong go out..." After explaining Zhuang Rui, Mr. Wei called a black bodyguard and walked out of the room together.

In fact, this matter is not very difficult. The Central African company has been stationed here for almost 2 years and got along very well with the locals. After looking for the chief of the tribe, the matter was solved.

Of course, it's not so simple. After the chief gathered all the fallen people, Zhuang Rui took King Kong around the tribe.

In this process, Zhuang Rui asked King Kong to express enough kindness to those children, put the children on the back of their shoulders, and successfully made these black brothers with the same skin color as King Kong accept the view that King Kong is a kind gorilla.

In the following days, Zhuang Rui was afraid that the people of the tribe would be unfavorable to King Kong, and he had always been inseparable from King Kong.

However, the situation is developing in a good direction. Those children who turned their heads and ran away after a few days of familiarity actually dared to play with King Kong. Those adults also recognized the existence of King Kong.

After solving the trouble brought by King Kong, Zhuang Rui was in the mood to deal with the company's affairs. However, as long as King Kong went out, he still let Peng Fei follow him to protect King Kong from being hurt. Although this guy is big, he is still vulnerable in front of gunpowder weapons.

In fact, the Central African mining company does not have much to deal with. It is nothing more than receiving some chiefs of the surrounding tribes, abandoning the labor issue, and other matters are handled by professionals.

More than a week after arriving in Central Africa, Zhuang Rui went to the mining area. After the rare mine was mined, he became doless again. At noon one day, Zhuang Rui asked someone to call Mr. Wei to his office.

"What? Do you want to enter the primitive forest of Congo?" Compared with Zhuang Rui's leisure, Mr. Wei was busy and anxious. After hearing the reason why Zhuang Rui was looking for him, he couldn't help jumping.

"Yes, this should be the hometown of King Kong's ancestors. I want to take it to find the territory of the gorilla..." Zhuang Rui said that he was a little embarrassed here. "Well, as you know, King Kong is male, and it's the age to find a spouse..." As the boss of King Kong, although Zhuang Rui can't In groups, at least solve the basic physiological problems of King Kong, right? Otherwise, I'm afraid that gorillas like King Kong will really be extinct in the world.

"No, absolutely not, Mr. Zhuang, although the Congolese virgin forest is not far from here, it is the most chaotic area. I can't guarantee your safety when I go there..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Mr. Wei also couldn't laugh or cry. He hasn't returned to China for two years. He didn't expect that the dy in China had developed to such an extent. Not to mention raising such a daunting pet, he still wanted to find a wife for him?

PS: It's double that makes people speechless. The situation has suddenly changed in a day, and the monthly ticket has been exposed in a row. The annual selection has been surpassed by z four votes. Is there nothing this year?

Well, the African plot has just unfolded recently, and there is still some confusion in my mind. It really can't break out. Friends, please watch it and support it. This plot needs to be filled in the pit, not written randomly.