Golden Pupil

Chapter 1252 Forest Overlord

Although there are countless dollars in Swiss banks that belong to them, the money is now just some data, and they can't enjoy those huge wealth at ease without getting rid of the current predicament.

You know, Swiss banks do not cooperate with the U.S. government to freeze the money, but they are not opposed to providing them with some clues. They leaked information in Siberia before, and these factors exist.

So after coming to Central Africa, David never withdrew a penny from the bank. Fortunately, they withdrew nearly 100 million US dollars when they were in Siberia, which was enough to be happy for a long time.

But no one in the world would think there was a lot of money. The picture drawn by David made Mark Ram and Ralph's eyes stare. "A mountain of gold and silver, countless diamonds and jewelry?" It makes people drool when I think about it.

"David, are you serious? Is there really so much treasure there?

As the saying goes, people die for wealth and birds die for food. These guys who tie their heads to their belts are probably the most favorite in their life is money. Compared with those banknotes, real gold and silver can stimulate their greedy desire.

"Well, of course it's true. Didn't you find that when they occupied this tribe, they had a lot of gold and silverware. I guess it was obtained from this map..." In fact, David was just open-minded at first, but as he spoke, he himself believed it from his own mouth. When you say something, it's really a little reliable.

In order to strengthen the confidence of himself and the two simple-minded guys, David continued, "Do you know Solomon's treasure?"

"I know, it seems to be some kind of king, right?" Ralph scratched his head, and he was just a little familiar with the name.

"Well, yes, it's a very old story. I've heard people say it..." "Mark Ram is obviously not a person who loves to learn." However, the adventure novel published in the past year is so widespread that he heard this story when he wore crotch pants. Of course, he has almost forgotten it now.

In order to show the profound knowledge of being the boss, David lowered his voice and said, "Do you know that Solomon's treasure is in Africa, and I suspect that this map is the map of Solomon's treasure!"

"Really?", "It's done!"

The two voices sounded at the same time, and they ignored David's doubts at all, and directly regarded the marker point on the map as Solomon's treasure.

In fact, David is also a second-hand man. He doesn't know at all that the long-standing Solomon's treasure should be in South Africa, not in the virgin forest of Central Africa.

However, as the saying goes, they are uneducated and don't know how to be afraid. After muttering for a while, the three guys finally decided to temporarily transform their identity as terrorists into explorers to see what kind of secrets are hidden at the end of this map.

After making the decision, Mark Ram announced the operation like his men. Hearing that they were going to look for the treasure, the bandits immediately shouted excitedly and scrambled to go one by one.

Of course, the nest still needs to be guarded. After all, there are still a lot of trophies in it, such as the Xuande furnace with a faint light snatched in the United States, and some things snatched in Africa that need to be taken care of.

Therefore, after eliminating three "unlucky bastards" with chromatic ratio, 18 people, including David, began to prepare for the primitive forest.

In Africa's primeval forests, the road is easier than that of the Savage Mountain in Myanmar. There is no mountain here. Just clean up the branches that block the road.

However, the trees here should be thicker, and the tropical rainforest climate makes the trees taller. It covers the sky tightly, and even in the morning in the forest, the light seems a little dark.

Since entering the forest, King Kong has become very excited. After beating his chest and roaring, King Kong used his hands and feet and ran directly to the depths of the forest, as if there was a sound calling him.

" King Kong, slow down, don't run so fast..." Compared with ordinary gorillas that look clumsy, King Kong in the jungle is extremely sensitive, and his huge body travels through the forest quickly.

Although King Kong is also a good hand at climbing trees, King Kong gave up such a move at the beginning of entering the forest. You know, King Kong weighs nearly a ton, and when it moves on the tree, there are no branches that can bear its weight.

After breaking two not very strong broad-leaved trees in a row, they never jumped from the tree again, but even in the forest, Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei could not keep up with its speed.

Those weeds and branches that blocked the way had no impact on King Kong. The reinforced and iron-like body ran over, which was an unobstructed road, so Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei did not worry about it being lost, and after entering the forest, King Kong did not listen to Zhuang Rui so much.

"Brother Zhuang, let's call King Kong back. It's too noisy..."

Peng Fei looked at a natural passage in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head. They originally planned to quietly enter the village and shoot guns, but when King Kong came like this, even a few kilometers away, they could hear the movement.

After hearing Peng Fei's words, Zhuang Rui shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay. I'm back to my hometown. King Kong is also a little excited. Just let it toss around for a while. Let's go faster "..."

After entering the forest, Zhuang Rui has kept the aura in the maximum survey range, and the humanoid objects within a radius of ten kilometers could not escape his eyes.

The reason why Zhuang Rui did not stop King Kong's move is that there are no anti-government forces and terrorists who can threaten them in this area.

As for animals? King Kong is definitely at the top of the food chain in this forest. Even those lions and tigers can only retreat when they see King Kong.

"What a pervert. He carries such a thing and runs faster than me..."

After seeing Zhuang Rui accelerate, Peng Fei couldn't help muttering. You know, they carried hundreds of pounds of materials when they entered the jungle this time, and these materials were all on Zhuang Rui's shoulders at this moment.

"Woo...woo, woo!"

Suddenly, from the jungle in the distance, there was a low roar of King Kong with a threat and warning.

"Peng Fei, a little faster..." King Kong's roar made Zhuang Rui's speed a little faster. The weight of more than 100 catties had no impact on him at all.

"Squeak, quack, ow!"

The roar in front of him became louder and louder, mixed with the calls of some other animals. The birds flew up from the branches one after another, and many small animals on the ground rushed directly past Zhuang Rui. For a moment, the originally quiet forest became boiling, as lively as opening a [luck] meeting.

"This..., this poison? Damn, is it a world war?

After running along the road opened up by King Kong for five minutes, Zhuang Rui was shocked by the scene in front of him.

In front of Zhuang Rui, there was a 30 to 40 square meters of open space, and the ground and the surrounding tree trunks were all covered with blood and dead bodies, and the strong smell of blood filled Zhuang Rui's nose.

Zhuang Rui was a little confused by the bloody scene in front of him. When he found that all this was caused by the huge figure in the middle of the forest, he shouted, "Kang, what's the matter? Stop it first..."

But King Kong couldn't stop at all, because a figure kept jumping from the tree and pounced on King Kong's body and biting. The buddy was not really as good-tempered as a gorilla.

At this time, King Kong waved his arms like a killer god, and the thin figures, along with the swing of King Kong's arms, hit the trees next to him like cannonballs, and his muscles and bones broke and wailed.

"Damn, it's a baboon. Why does King Kong respect them?"

Peng Fei, who arrived breathlessly behind him, was also shocked by the violent King Kong. However, Peng Fei, who was familiar with the Central African forest, quickly identified the identity of King Kong's enemy. It was another primate in this forest, "The baboon.

After Peng flew to the surrounding trees and looked at the trees, his expression became much more solemn. He quickly pulled Zhuang Rui and said in a low voice, "Brother Zhuang, step back... Back a little...

"What's the matter? Go and help King Kong, um, you... um... um..." Zhuang Rui was also anxious to see those baboons attacking King Kong desperately. Although he didn't want to kill these animals, he didn't want King Kong to be hurt, but before Zhuang Rui's words fell, Peng Fei covered his mouth and pulled into a jungle.

"What are you doing?" After pressing Zhuang Rui's body, Peng Fei let go of his hand.

"Brother Zhuang, keep your voice low. If we are found by these baboons, we will be torn to pieces... Peng Fei, who has always been bold, is a little pale at this time.

Zhuang Rui doesn't know, but he knows very well that baboons are the only animals in nature that dare to fight against lions. Generally, 35 baboons can fight one lion.

Although Peng Fei had enough ammunition, he just observed that there were hundreds of baboons on the tree in front of him. If he rushed over together, he was afraid that he could only play a jigsaw puzzle after others found his and Zhuang Rui's bodies.

"So..." What about King Kong?" After hearing the horror of the baboons, Zhuang Rui's face changed greatly.

"It's okay, don't you see that those baboons can't help King Kong. They are not King Kong's opponents at all. It is estimated that if they die a little more, the leader of the baboon will start to order a retreat..."

Peng Fei observed very carefully. Those baboons' powerful long arms hit King Kong, which was not much different from tickling King Kong.