Golden Pupil

Chapter 1264 Crocodile War

"God, is that a castle?!"

"Yes, Solomon's treasure!"

"Praise the boss, there is really a treasure!"

"I'm rich, I'm rich, haha, brothers, go and grab it..."

The jungle is only one or two hundred meters away from the castle. Not only did Markram see the castle from the telescope, but also the people scattered in the forest clearly see the light reflected by the afternoon sun shining on the castle.

Compared with Zhuang Rui and others who arrived here at dusk yesterday, now is the time when the sun is high. No matter how tightly the vines wrap the castle, they can't completely cover up the color on the wall.

The gorgeous golden spots were reflected in the eyes of everyone in the jungle like a small mirror. At this moment, Markram's team was boiling, and many bandits raised the submachine guns in their hands and cheered loudly.

Although the last trip to the United States also gave them a lot of gains, due to the international blow, they now dare not rush to use the funds of the Swiss Bank, but the objects in the castle in front of them are ownerless and completely belong to them.

Of course, even if these things have owners, it's just a lot of effort. After killing their owners, won't they become ownerless? The logic of the robbers is so simple and straightforward.

Seeing the expression of his men one by one, Mark Ram couldn't help shouting, "Damn it, shut up. Although the other party has few people, I guess it's not a good stubble. Cheer up for me. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter..."

"Haha, boss, don't worry, there are only two little kids, what can they do?"

"It is estimated that the two people don't know which country's scientists put up this sign after seeing the castle..."

A group of bandits were quite disapproving of Markram's words. Along the way, they found many traces of the two people in front of them, and various evidences showed that there were only two people on the other side.

And the beast they are talking about is probably the gorilla. Although the scene caused by the gorilla is bloody enough, it can't suppress the bandits. Several of them are ready to collect the skull of the gorilla.

Mark Ram saw the excitement of the crowd and did not stop them. He waved to the castle and said, "Go ahead and be careful not to be attacked by the gorilla..."

"Oh, Solomon's treasure, we're here..." A famous bandit slamped out of the forest and ran towards the castle.

Basically, Mark Ram and David will not restrict their behavior. Whoever likes something can get it in his pocket, so they are afraid of running slowly and being robbed of good things by others.

However, although these experienced guys don't care, they are very cunning. They all bow their backs and carry their guns as close to the lake as possible, because they can avoid orangutans from attacking them from the forest.

Zang Rui, who was a kilometer away, was lying leisurely on a big tree and calling him. He was bored to watch his peers chewing on the young leaves.

King Kong also tried to eat something just now, but then he was spit out by it. King Kong, who has long been used to human meat, has no interest in these vegetarian food.

The reason why Peng Fei is not here is that he asked to return to the vicinity of the castle to see if the people behind him would catch up. To be honest, Peng Fei came back to see a crocodile war and save a lot of bad water.

"You boy, I was scolded by the old man for running to the primitive forest without saying a word. You are going to preside over the work, not to travel!"

Hearing Zhuang Rui's phone call, Song Jun jumped up directly from the sofa. The boy has been missing in Central Africa for two days. He is almost bored to death by the brothers of the Ouyang family. He calls several times a day to ask.

Song Jun should know that Zhuang Rui is so bold that he won't force Zhuang Rui to go to China and Africa. Where is this to preside over the work? It's just to make a mess.

Zhuang Rui knew that he was wrong, so he could only laugh and say, "Hey hey, Brother Song, I'm fine." I've called home, and now it's very safe, but... I have something personal to ask for your help..."

If you want to smuggle these gorillas to their own "Xianrui Island" that is intact and hidden from the Congolese government, you must have the help of General Li Shaohua.

You know, the Congolese government has also been committed to protecting the ecological environment such as wild gorillas in recent years, and has received some sponsorship and scientific research funds from many countries and organizations around the world.

If so many gorillas are transported on board in front of people, the Congolese government that gets the news will definitely... No, sue the [China] country to the United Nations to marry, so Zhuang Rui must unknowingly transport these gorillas to his own "Xian Rui" first.

"Damn it, I know how to call your home, but I don't know how to tell my brother that I'm safe?"

Hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Song Jun was so angry that after taking Zhuang Rui a bad meal... He felt a little more comfortable, and then continued to say:... What's the matter with you boy? You don't want to smuggle some ivory tiger skins, do you? By the way, let me tell you, there are a lot of tiger bones there. Last time I made one back..."

Since drinking the tiger bone wine soaked by Zhuang Rui once, Song Jun has also been thinking about this thing. In Africa, there may be a shortage of supplies, but these wild animals are absolutely endless.

Song Jun bought a lot of tiger whips and tiger bones at a high price in the local area, but this thing is not too much for a man, so he fooled Zhuang Rui to do more on the phone.

"Brother Song, it's not these things. I want to get some gorillas out, how many? Not much. I guess it will add up to more than 40..."

"What? More than 40? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Song Jun simply fell directly from the sofa this time, and once he wanted to transport a gorilla out of the Congo forest, and it was all alive. I'm afraid that the most rampant poaching organization in the world is not so big, right?

"Zhuang Rui, this matter is not easy to do. Even if you anesthetic those gorillas, if some gorillas wake up too early, it will be a big deal..."

In Africa, perhaps the local government does not pay attention to these rare wild animals, but the scientific research institutions of various countries are very close to it. If they know about this matter, it will have a very bad impact on the reputation of the country.

"Brother Song, what kind of anesthetic do you take? I promise that they can all get on the ship honestly, and there will be no trouble at all, but... you have to coordinate and transfer a few helicopters..."

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. The bosses of the two ethnic groups, King Kong and Silverback, looked at him. Those orangutans did not dare to make trouble. By the way, his aura could also play a soothing role, and there would never be such a gorilla riot.

"Is that so? Well, I'll ask Shaohua to remove the helicopter logo for transportation. If something happens, you can find a way to solve it. In that place, as long as you are willing to pay, everything can be done..."

However, Song Jun and Zhuang Rui have known each other for so many years, but they know a little about Zhuang Rui's ability to communicate with animals. He will never force those animals to leave with him, so after mediting for a while, he still agreed.

"Haha, Brother Song, I understand that this will never involve General Li. Please relax..."

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. As long as the Han army agreed, it would be almost half of the matter. Zhuang Rui didn't believe that Li Shaohua dared not listen to Song's brother-in-law?

"Well, I said tiger bone tiger whip, you can find some more, damn it, I came back by civil aviation, and some things are not easy to bring..."

Just as Song Jun was talking about the tiger whip with Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui suddenly exclaimed in the microphone: "Hey, Brother Song, I'll call you later. I have something to do here. Shit, it's urgent. Let's not talk about it. I'll hang up first..."

"Hey, what's the emergency? Hello? What? Damn, the stinky boy who crossed the river and demolished the bridge..."

When Song Jun asked again, the other party had already hung up the phone. After angrily, Song Jun hummed a few times before calling Ji Shaohua, who was far away in the sea of Central Africa.

The reason why Zhuang Rui hung up Song Jun's phone was that when he was talking nonsense with Song Jun, he accidentally found that the armed team of 18 people had come to the front of the castle.

These guys didn't seem to pay attention to their warnings at all. Although they were not swaggering, they also rushed to the castle with guns without fear, and did not notice the upcoming crisis at all.

The reason why Zhuang Rui exclaimed was that he found that the prehistoric crocodile, which was originally like a rotten tree, had quietly swam to the shore.

On the shore more than three meters away from this prehistoric giant crocodile, there are two thieves standing with their backs on the lake and gilling at the jungle guys not far away. They don't know that the water behind them is the real murder.

"Damn it!"

When the giant crocodile quietly came to the shore, his whole body suddenly poked out of the lake, and the water brought by his huge body made the lake foggy.

The prehistoric giant crocodile moved extremely fast. The sharp teeth in the big mouth of the blood basin looked extremely dazzling in the sun, and this was the last scene that the two bandits saw in the world.

The sound of water behind him made the two habitually turn around, and a row of conical sharp objects came into sight, followed by a sharp pain, and a bandit was directly swallowed by a giant crocodile.

It was lucky to say that the bandit who was swallowed into his stomach was lucky, because the one next to him was bitten obliquely into two sections, and he still retained his conscious upper body and made a fierce cry.

(PS: It has been three updates today, and there are 50 monthly tickets before the opening point, and then update another chapter